The Incredible Edible…

**EDIT Friends, Cowboy Dan died. My heart is broken. Thank you for your words of hope and thoughts and prayers.

Did you just sing that jingle in your head when you read the title? I sure did when I typed it.

“The incredible, edible egg!”

My chickens have come out of their winter non-laying phase and have started to gift me with eggs again. I’m always looking for new ways to cook them. What’s your favorite? Any go-to, easy recipes you can share?



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  1. Mary Rauch says:

    I love almost every kind of fritatta I ever ate.

  2. Mary Rauch says:

    I love egg/spinach/cheese whatever the base recipe. If you can add a “whisper” of oregano to a recipe with any of these combined ingredients, it adds something wonderful.
    Sorry about spelling Frittata wrong in a previous post, but I don’t know how to go in and edit it.

  3. Cindy says:

    Prayers for your horse and chickens ! I too have a farm and have had to bury chickens and goats ! Their beautiful little souls shall remain etched in my heart forever ! My horses and other farm animals are doing fine for now ! It’s a hard thing to experience ! It is the cruel side of country life ! Hard to deal with but trying to enjoy this beautiful farm life ! This lifestyle has opened our eyes to many sides of farm living ! Although I wouldn’t trade it for the world ! Take care !

  4. Ruth Merritt says:

    So sorry to hear about Cowboy Dan. Best wishes and thoughts for his speedy recovery.

    Loved the Shirred Eggs Florentine recipe and JT/Yo-Yo Ma duet. Thank you.

    Google any recipe for crustless quiche and you can find endless variations. All are easy and make use of leftovers or almost any ingredient if follow the basic proportions.
    Sample below:
    12 slices bacon
    1 cup cheddar cheese
    1/2 cup diced onions
    1 cup milk
    3/4 cup bisquick
    4 eggs

    Take care of yourself and hang in there. Good times are coming.

    Love, Ruthie

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      Ruthie, Cowboy Dan died. You know how deeply I love my furry children…

      • Ruth Merritt says:

        How horrible. Yes, I know how both you and Daughter love animals…you are lucky to have each other. Hold close to the love…hope it helps to get you through. Take care of yourselves.

        Love, Ruthie

  5. jinx taylor says:

    Sending healthy, happy, hopeful vibes for your horse.

  6. Pamela deMarrais says:

    Rebekah! I loved the recipe and your post, and you topped it off with that piece by James Taylor and YoYo Ma! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Sylvia Jacobus says:

    Sorry to hear of a tumor. I know cancer. So you have my prayers.
    James Taylor is doing a wonderful job of this tune. I also love the rendition done by the Trail Band, haunting tune.

  8. Sandi says:

    Rebekah, I am so happy that you have chickens. I had some but gave them up as they were pretty old and on the way to not laying eggs. Since my friend Vicki has chickens and gives me all the eggs I want I decided not to replace my hens. I do know that when purchasing chickens it is not wise to buy them at swap meets like I did as you don’t get young ones but older ones who quit laying after a short time or within a year. I never ate eggs that way, shirred eggs Florentine. I boil a lot of eggs but never knew about the pin hole in the tip of the egg. I will try it next time I boil eggs. Thanks for that tip. Praying for Cowboy Dan and hope he comes through okay and healed completely. My sister-in-law has a horse in upstate New York. She used to have three, but two died. Riding is one of her passions. I gave her a subscription to MaryJane’s Farm Magazine and she loves it. Petunia is a pretty chicken. Love that picture of her. Glad they both are doing better in their own place in the MASH unit.

  9. Rebecca M. says:

    I’m so sorry for the hard times you’re going through. I pray that you’ll have the strength to deal with whatever comes. And I hope the prognosis for your horse is good…it’s touch when life hurts something or someone you love. The song is perfect.
    I can’t wait to try the egg recipe. I’m not sure how I missed that one, but it sounds delicious.

  10. Dianne says:

    Rebekah: I send good thoughts and prayers for Cowboy Dan’s surgery and recovery. I wanted to thank you for JT and Yo Yo Ma’s beautiful song. I am sure I have it somewhere but you can probably get it from Martha still. It is called a ” Dutch Baby Pancake” It is kind of custardy and puffy and so good. It is put in a cast iron skillet and bakes up fluffy and golden. I will try to find it for you.

  11. Sending healing thoughts to Cowboy Dan. The eggs sound great, although I would probably use more spinach, because I like spinach. Do eggs go well with basil?

  12. Meredith Williams says:

    Please update us on how your horse is doing?? I hope he came through his surgery with no problems ❤️

  13. Donna Kozak says:

    Like you, when I saw Martha’s blue eggs and sweet chickens, I thought “that’s for me!” and 20 years later and many chickens later, I’m still glad we bought our little farm and gave a home to various lovely chickens – I still name them and have favourites which makes it sadder when you have to say ‘good-bye’, but it’s all worth it ! My thoughts are with you and hope your sweet Cowboy Dan comes through his operation and is back home with you soon to enjoy another spring !

  14. Krista says:

    I have been wanting to get chickens so we can have our own eggs! Currently we don’t have room for any, plus my husband fears one of our dogs would harass them. We are hoping by the time we move and have room for chickens my boys will be old enough to be responsible for them. You are very lucky to have your own chickens. My favorite eggs are deviled eggs. I personally haven’t ever made any, but my family does and I love them! I’m thinking maybe this Easter I’ll try and make some of my own. I’m so sorry to hear about your Cowboy Dan. You will all be in my thoughts. I hope all goes well. Your a strong woman!

  15. Marlene Capelle says:

    Love and best wishes to Cowboy Dan. Thanks for the song.

  16. MB says:

    Great article! Up until about four or five years ago I couldn’t stand eggs but they are slowly growing on me. I can’t wait to have a flock of hens.

  17. Judy from Maine says:

    I am so sorry for your loss of Cowboy Dan. Losing another being, whether human or animal so always hard, but from my own experience our fur and feather babies are hardest. My heart is with you.

  18. I was so sorry to read your edit this week…it’s heartbreaking when we lose an animal who has shared our lives. They are part of the family…they have tender hearts that don’t judge, they simply love and want to be loved.

  19. Hi Rebekah, Just saw your edit. I am so sorry. Losing a beloved family member is tough. I know your heart is broken over your sweet horse. I feel for you with your chickens, as you know I have been there, too. Whether horse, dog or chicken, loss is never easy. Big hugs. ~Nicole, Suburban Farmgirl

  20. Cindi says:

    Gonna try that pinhole trick right now! I love boiled eggs but peeling them is always a battle. James Taylor and Yo Yo Ma ~ what a great combination. My cat was always calmed on the way to the vet when I played Yo Yo Ma in the car. I am so sorry to hear about Cowboy Dan. They take a chunk of our hearts with them when they go, but they also leave a piece of theirs with us. Prayers for you in your loss and for Cowboy Dan in his journey.

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