Who's My Pretty Baby?

Hello Farmgirls!

As promised, the newest addition to the Wilder clan has arrived…and it’s another new Farmgirl!  We couldn’t be happier to introduce little miss Fern Ruth Wilder, born at home at 6:37 a.m. on Tuesday, April 3.  She was very content in my belly and apparently didn’t want to come earthside until the “last minute” (I was 18 hours away from timing out of midwifery care because of some arbitrary rules in Alaska regarding out-of-hospital births).  While I believe babies almost always come when they are ready and we should generally wait for them–I was so ready to meet the newest member of our family (and so were so many other people, of course!).


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  1. Marlene Capelle says:

    congrats. very beautiful.

  2. Oh Alex!!!! I’ve been thinking about you so much. I LOVE your birth story. So happy that sweet little Fern arrived (finally) and that you didn’t have to go to the hospital! That is such an amazing accomplishment after such a hard labor and delivery. And oh she’s precious. And Ava and Opal are growing up so beautifully! I love these pictures of them adoring their sweet baby sissy! Loads of love to you, farmgirl friend!



  3. Ramona Puckett says:

    Congratulations! What a beautiful baby girl and your other girls!

  4. Laura R. says:

    Hi Alex, Congratulations on your safe and successful birth !! What a great story. We all treasure our birth stories, yet yours seems to hold extra warmth and depth. What a great loving, strong, and brave way to enter the world! And to welcome the newest member of your wonderful family. Best wishes for continued happiness !!

  5. Lisa Strange says:

    She is so beautiful! Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations! What a sweet story. (Probably not so sweet as you were going through labor, but the reward is worth it.) Happiness to you all.

  7. Bonnie Ellis says:

    Wow! A lot of pain and waiting but sure worth it! The picture of the three girls is priceless! Congratulations.

  8. Linda says:

    Congratulations! And good work!

  9. Joy says:

    Loved it all! So happy for you and your fam! Just beautiful ! I love all girls! Congratulations !!!!

  10. Lynn Blagden says:

    Congratulations on your newest addition to your wonderful family!
    Almost 40 years ago I had a home birth experience with my second son, who, unlike Fern, came very fast. My husband and I had been at a midwife birth class session (on C sections, no less.) We drove home and I started with strong contractions (think I was in transition.) My water broke and we had to call the midwives to come from 20-30 miles away. I delivered my second son standing up with my husband catching the baby. When the midwives came, my husband cut the cord and I was shocked to hear he weighed 10 lbs, 10 oz., about 3 lbs. more than my first.
    Wishing you all the best and thank you for sharing your birth experience.

  11. Denise says:

    Congratulations Alex and Evan. So excited to meet Fern. Was a tough labouring time fir you all. So glad you’re all well and taking time out to really rest and enjoy your family.
    Big hugs from Australia

  12. Sandi King says:

    Oh, wow! Both my boys were born within 8 hours of first labor pains. I feel for you! What a wonderful gorgeous trio of girls you have, and such an amazing husband, too. Congratulations and best of everything for all of you. An adventure for sure.

  13. Marilyn says:

    Congratulations to all. Welcome to the world Fern Ruth. God Bless.

  14. maureen bruner says:

    Beautiful. Blessings to all of you!

  15. Joan says:

    Congratulations!! Another beautiful girl, she is blessed to have 2 fantastic ‘big’ sisters. God bless you all.

  16. Pamela deMarrais says:

    You are an amazingly strong woman. I’m so glad that you got to have Fern at home! Congratulations!

  17. Judy from Maine says:

    God bless you and your beautiful family.

  18. Linda Clayton says:

    So happy for you all, God bless.

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