Commit… and Follow Through




Hello Friends!
Do you remember my blog post (here) that I wrote back in November about how hard the winter months are for me?   And even though I had so many good intentions and so many helpful ideas from all you wonderful readers, by the end of November I felt myself slipping into that awful state of wintertime blues.  My husband and I have joined the local gym for three months every winter with the hope that we’ll drop some inches and make the long evenings a little more profitable.  And every winter is a big fail.  I hate working out in the gym.  Could there possibly be anything more boring?  But the last day of November found me at the gym, signing up for another 3 month contract.  However, here is where it all changes.

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  1. Joan Hendrix says:

    I’m so very happy for you, Dori! You look fantastic-fit and healthy- but also happy and proud, as you should! The head game is often the biggest hurdle, speaking from experience. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Oh thank you Joan. The best part is feeling better.

      And yes! That head game. It can really do a number on us can’t it?

      Farmgirl hugs,

      – Dori –

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your words and stories have kindled a can do attitude in this girl today!! Commit and follow through. WOOT!!
    I’m in!!❤️❤️

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Dear Diane,

      Oh I’m so glad I had the words… I was struggling to get them out, let me you!

      Farmgirl hugs…

      – Dori –

  3. Cyndie Gray says:

    Your words & feelings about your fitness coach…I know EXACTLY how you feel. Years ago when I started my boot camp journey my coach was just like that. I never felt like she thought this dumpy, frumpy, out of shape gramma wouldn’t be able to do this!! You go girl!! Commit & follow through!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      I think it truly is a gift don’t you Cyndie? Not everyone has it and wow… you sure appreciate it when you find it.

      Hugs to you dear friend!

      – Dori –

  4. Ramona Puckett says:

    Congratulations! All of you did great! And you are setting an example for your grandchildren!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Thank you Ramona! And they are so supportive! Helping me learn to do all sorts of things! 🙂

      – Dori –

  5. deb says:

    Great job!

  6. Marlene Capelle says:

    How very inspiring. I signed up at the gym but haven’t made it yet. I have started walking tho and it feels great. What you said – gyms are so boring but my next step is yoga and I think you just gave me the kick I needed. Thank you.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Marlene,

      Walking is great isn’t it? My husband and I have been speed walkers most of our marriage and it has always been such a help to us. And YES… do Yoga!!!

      Keep me posted!

      – Dori –

  7. Deb Bosworth says:

    Commit and follow through! Love it! I’m energized after reading your post…My daughter and I are starting a new program at her new gym Monday night! YIKES… I feel all the same trepidation you did! But i’m going for it! For her and for me!
    Great job, Dori!
    Keep at it… you are an inspiration!
    xoxox Deb

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Deb,

      Oh I’m so excited to hear how it goes for you at the your gym. I hope your experience is like mine. One thing that helped me so much is that Marcie taught me that it’s okay to modify any of the exercises to your level of ability, just DON’T STOP MOVING! Keep me posted, I’ll be so anxious to hear!

      Tight hugs,

      – Dori –

  8. Sandi King says:

    I love that you went through all the rain and mud and laughing at yourselves and enjoyed every minute of the run with family and friends. That is the making of precious memories and good times. It’s great to feel good about doing something for your self and benefiting the family too. Loved the pictures.

  9. Bonnie Ellis says:

    I am so proud of you! You go girl! That’ll keep you young. My dil runs too, whole marathons!. She didn’t start until she was 50. So great of you to have the whole family with you. Keep it up farmgirl!

  10. Irene Shelton says:

    Dori you are such an inspiration. You could say I am running in a marathon now to beat cancer. And I will. I don’t listen to no cure. I believe in new research every day and doing all the treatments offered. In a year I will be reading about your marathon.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Dear Irene,

      I went through the Breast Cancer “marathon” too. All the surgeries, chemo, more surgeries… but the great news is that was 13 years ago. So I’ll be thinking of you as you fight the fight and sending warm hugs and wishes your way. Email any time you need some extra moral support.

      Tight hugs,

      – Dori –

  11. Joan says:

    What a bunch of super people! I remember, when as a kid on the farm and we had to bring the cows in from the wet mire of the fields, not easy. So running had to be very difficult. Thanks for a fine report. God bless.

  12. Karen Byrd says:

    Awesome post, Dori. I can relate to the trail run part but not the rain part. Good for you for pushing through. Your smile says it all!

  13. Lynn Blagden says:

    Congratulations, Dori, and thanks as you have inspired me to get on my exercise routine. I always love your posts, and this one really touched me. You have a great support network as well…so important! Best Wishes!

  14. Mary Ann Read says:

    Well done! I laughed and I cried and I cheered for you. Keep up the good work,and keep us posted

  15. Denise says:

    Well done Dori!!! Loved loved this post. So inspiring. I just ran my first 1/2 marathon this past Sunday. I did it in 2hrs 19 mins. My husband ran it with me at my pace since it was my first time and he’d run some already and I loved the feeling of finishing. Committing to the training back in November and training all the way through, getting an injury three weeks out, but a few physio sessions abs strapping it helped so much. At 46 I can finally say I’ve run one, been a goal for many many years. We’re planning on running more this year and getting back into the gym to build strength, less injuries hopefully.
    Wow I don’t want to come across as condescending in anyway at all but I’m so super proud of you. Woohoo you go girl. Can’t wsut to hear about your barrel run. Happy running

  16. Tara Bledsoe says:

    Love this! You are doing GREAT and I have enjoyed doing class with you so much! I love that your fitness journey is a family affair and I’m stealing your mantra!! See you soon Dori!

  17. Pat Mitchell says:

    Dori just wondering do you every sale any of your product’s you make. They are so cute. Would love to purchase some if they are available. Don’t find much like this any more. I try to sew but have no patience in doing. Thanks PAT

  18. Jutta Maraun says:

    Thanks for this wonderful post it makes me feel that maybe there is hope to get strong again.

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