Mary Murray
describes herself as a goat charmer, chicken whisperer, bee maven, and farmers’ market baker renovating an 1864 farmhouse on an Ohio farm. With a degree in Design, Mary says small-town auctions and country road barn sales "always make my heart skip a beat thinking about what I could create or design out of what I’ve seen.”
Rooted in the countryside, she likes simple things and old ways … gardening, preserving the harvest, cooking, baking, and all things home. While you might find her selling baked goods from the farm’s milkhouse, teaching herself to play the fiddle, or sprucing up a vintage camper named Maizy, you will always find her in an apron!
Mary says, “I’m happiest with the simple country pleasures … an old farmhouse, too many animals, a crackling fire, books to read, and the sound of laughter … these make life just perfect.”
Column contents © Mary Murray. All rights reserved.
is a condition
of the heart.
Alexandra Wilson
is a budding rural farmgirl living in Palmer, the agricultural seat of Alaska. Alex is a graduate student at Alaska Pacific University pursuing an M.S. in Outdoor and Environmental Education. She lives and works on the university’s 700 acre environmental education center, Spring Creek Farm. When Alex has time outside of school, she loves to rock climb, repurpose found objects, cross-country ski on the hay fields, travel, practice yoga, and cook with new-fangled ingredients.
Alex grew up near the Twin Cities and went to college in Madison, Wisconsin—both places where perfectly painted barns and rolling green farmland are just a short drive away. After college, she taught at a rural middle school in South Korea where she biked past verdant rice paddies and old women selling home-grown produce from sidewalk stoops. She was introduced to MaryJanesFarm after returning, and found in it what she’d been searching for—a group of incredible women living their lives in ways that benefit their families, their communities, and the greater environment. What an amazing group of farmgirls to be a part of!
Column contents © Alexandra Wilson. All rights reserved.
Libbie Zenger
Previous Rural Farmgirl,
June 2010 – Jan 2012
Libbie’s a small town farmgirl who lives in the high-desert Sevier Valley of Central Utah on a 140-year-old farm with her husband and two darling little farmboys—as well as 30 ewes; 60 new little lambs; a handful of rams; a lovely milk cow, Evelynn; an old horse, Doc; two dogs; a bunch o’ chickens; and two kitties.
René Groom
Previous Rural Farmgirl,
April 2009 – May 2010
René lives in Washington state’s wine country. She grew up in the dry-land wheat fields of E. Washington, where learning to drive the family truck and tractors, and “snipe hunting,” were rites of passage. She has dirt under her nails and in her veins. In true farmgirl fashion, there is no place on Earth she would rather be than on the farm.
Where can I find a tractor sewing machine prefer red.
Hi there, Jeanne. I don’t have one myself in my collection, but I did check Ebay and Etsy for you. Both sites have repurposed vintage sewing machines made into cute tractors for sale. Happy Hunting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Looks like such fun. Am heading home from a long weekend at our cabin (our brick and mortar camper). It was wonderful but fall is definitely in the air in the Rockies.
Hi Marlene! It sounds like you had a great weekend, too! The kids have gone back to school, but today was an early dismissal because of the severe heat and humidity. Doesn’t feel like Fall here yet, but soon, I hope! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Sounds like a great time! Always enjoy your posts!
Hi LaRoyce, thank you so very much! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I loved your weekend wrap-up! Made me reminiscent of my family’s trips to Tonganoxie State Park in Kansas back in the late 70’s. Daddy would fish and I did a lot of summer reading and hiking. Nothing tasted better than food prepared outdoors!
Hi Laura, thank you…I am so happy you enjoyed the blog post and that I made you think of such happy memories. I am hoping that years from now, my daughter will remember the fun we’ve had camping. And I agree, nothing tastes better than food prepared outdoors! Thanks so much for reading and sharing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Your hard work has really paid off.
Gidget truly is a time capsule! And I love that it’s a family thing, too! What could be better than making new friends and lasting memories?
We survived another hot and humid, New England Summer and still had fun!
Here’s to cooler weather!
Farmgirl hugs,
Hi Deb! Thanks so much! I hope Audrey remembers the fun times we have gone camping when she is older. We really enjoyed the weekend together. We were lucky we got that break…we’ve had the same hot and humid weather here. Hopefully it breaks again soon! Right now I can’t get into Gidget without melting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I love reading about your vintage camper. Hope the dog is feeling better. He is so cute.
Hi Marilyn, thank you. Pip has had us very worried the last couple of weeks. Thankfully, we have a wonderful vet office who has been monitoring him closely with us. Fingers crossed he continues on the road to improvement. Thanks so much for the well wishes for my little guy! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
Great blog and love picture of Kim and Pip!
Love, Mother
Thank you! Love you, Mama! XOXO Nicole
Hello Nicole, Sure enjoyed reading about your adventure. Love the pictures too. They add so much to the story. New Friend Dorothy
Hi Dorothy, Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed the post. Welcome… so happy to have you join me here at the Suburban Farmgirl blog! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I LOVED all the pics…cant wait until me and my sweetie can go again in ours…Hopefully soon…I would love to go to a vintage camper rally..I loved the puzzle…and your furbaby is ADORABLE….we have two little furbabys that travel with us as well.. 🙂 Your camper is awesome…keep camping and having fun…And sharing with us too…Neta.
Hi Vivian, I can’t wait to go camping again…so sad that I will have to wait until next year! In the meantime, I “play” in mine until we wrap her up for the long, cold winter! Give your furbabies a pat from me. Thanks for reading and always leaving me a comment. Means a lot. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I love your camper!! My house is a petite 1950 box, and while it has been challenging to comfortably downsize into it, I love getting decorating inspiration and space -saving ideas from vintage camper refurbished such as yourself. Thanks! Also, I’d love to hear of humidity-beating ideas from others facing oppressive heat and humidity without central air or good ventilation. I am not super outdoorsy, but when it’s cool and dry out, I enjoy taking walks and light gardening and hanging with my daughter and our 3 chickens… however our rural Maryland 1/4 acre has been an oppressive swamp since the winter snow left us. How can I enjoy being at home, let alone outside, or exercising, when constantly cocoons in a layer of sweat? Thanks!
Hi Amy, thanks for reading and commenting! I am so glad you enjoyed the blog. I tell ya, I grew up in heat and humidity and it is harder for me than it used to be. Even with the A/C in the house, I was uncomfortable this summer. However, as long as the air is moving, it’s better. Fans! I always have a fan going, and when it gets humid and hot, I like cool, wrung out wet washcloths on my neck, even when I sleep. Hope that helps! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole
I am 73 and want a camper like yours. I have been wanting to camp out since I married 12 years ago. Finally I saw my hubby discreetly looking at the ads in our town for campers. I hope that there is more to it than looking lol. Loved reading your adventure.
Priscilla, I hope you get your camper! I have a friend who is about your age and she just got one this year. It is being all glamped up. It’s so much fun! Let me know if you get one! Fingers crossed for you! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole