It's All Part Of The Club




Did I tell you that I joined the garden club in our little town?  (My grand-girls think they are members too since they get to go with me each month!)  Someday I’ll share some of our duties but today I’d like to tell you about the very first meeting of the year back in January when a notebook went around the room for the members to fill in what month they would like to host the meeting and meal in their home.  It’s not a requirement and the really great thing is that we have access to a nice room in the Museum where we can have our meetings and potluck, but there is something about going to someone’s home that is really special.

. Continue reading

  1. Laura says:

    What a wonderful event you had! Thank you for sharing your photos and menu.

  2. Candace Segar says:

    Hi Dori,

    That was just a beautiful story with great pictures of your event. I have to say those pies looked quite alluring. It looked like so much fun! Thank you for sharing this with us. Candy

  3. Jennifer Chappell says:

    What a lovely time! It’s all so beautiful.

  4. Donna Kozak says:

    It certainly looked like a perfect day to dine outside and enjoy your great view and check out your Farm Fresh Garden with all the beautiful flowers and butterflies – your lunch looked delicious !

  5. Marilyn says:

    Thank You for this interesting post. It looks like every one has a good time. Your granddaughters are beautiful young ladies.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  6. Judy from Maine says:

    Wow, that looks like fun. I’m not so much of a gardener, but I am a quilter…did I spy quilts that you made used as table coverings? Beautiful and a perfect use, I love seeing quilts used. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Judy allen says:

    Such a heart warming story. Nothing like a great porch with good friends.

  8. Patricia Hamilton Mitchell says:

    Dori, you made some pot holders and a dish cloth for me earlier 4 sets. Would you be willing to make 3 more sets for me. Please let me know. I am using for Christmas presents.

  9. Gigi says:

    What a wonderful gathering! Good food, good friends, good weather and beautiful garden bounty, what a perfect combination!
    You are truly blessed to have all this and grandgirlies so close to share your life with. Looked like so much fun and all were enjoying themselves.
    I noticed the swallowtails on your tithonia. Have you ever tried raising swallowtails with your grandgirlies? If you have dill or fennel growing nearby it is a piece of cake and soooo satisfying watching the process and knowing you saved them from being eaten by hungry predators.

  10. I’d love to join a garden club, your garden club, to be specific. That lunch sure looks delicious!

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