Could YOU Live in a Tiny House?


My handsome Yankee and Max at the Tiny House Festival

Dear Sisters,

My hubby has been on a Tiny House kick lately and I’m not so sure how I feel about it!

Could YOU live in a Tiny House? Would you live in a Tiny House? Could you, would you?

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  1. MS Barb says:

    I thought I could, until I met my family in Branson & stayed a week in a studio unit…it felt claustrophobic after a couple of days…I live in the country & enjoy lots of windows…plus I have a hobby that I enjoy having space to use–quilting, card making, & scrap booking!

  2. Barbara Schatzley says:

    Have watched “Tiny House” shows on TV and although their designs are amazingly inventive I honestly could not see myself living in such a small space. I have waaaaaay too many crafts, supplies and books. I’d have to have two more pull behinds just for my “stuff”….lol… and a second tiny home for hubby. To me the biggest pros are that of reduced cost and low maintenance (both dollars and time). The biggest cons are the necessity for a completely different mindset and not near enough storage. As a getaway or vacation spot or guest accommodations I think tiny homes are great. As a year round, stumble over each other, space I simply don’t find myself leaving my 2100 sq old money pit any time soon. My congrats and best wishes to those who are adventurous enough to give it a whirl. Love to hear how it works out!


    • Deb Bosworth says:

      I agree… I think what my hubby likes about them is all the clever storage solutions, because he’s somewhat of a pack rat himself! He just loves any kind of hidden storage idea. I married a funny man! As a getaway or vacation spot I think a tiny house would be a fun and charming experience, as long as the toilet is working properly. lol!
      Thanks for the note, Barbara!

  3. Carol says:

    Adorable houses but I am not sure I could live in one.

  4. Cathy R says:

    They are interesting and if it was just me, maybe. But like you I would want it in a permanent scenic spot. After living in a tiny camper for a year while building our house, I love the space in our 2,000 sq. ft. log home with big windows and high ceilings! Having a tiny house for quests, etc. would be ideal!

  5. Marlene Capelle says:


  6. Mary Murray says:

    We were lucky enough to find a vintage camper in March…and for the rest of the year it was such fun for my daughter and I to “camp out” … even if we didn’t leave the backyard! I kept thinking she (we named her Maizy) is so small, at 13 feet, but so cozy and easy to keep tidy. Fun for playing in, but I don’t think I could do a tiny home permanently. While she’d be perfect for extra guests, I just think even in a tiny house I’d need a little more room to roam (and what would happen with my “packrat” tendencies?!)

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      I think part of what makes glamping so fun is that it’s not a full time thing. It’s something whimsical and as you say, more for play not full time living. Although, more and more people are jumping on the tiny house bandwagon so there’s something to be said for that, too.

  7. Great post, Deb! When we first got Gidget, I wasn’t sure I could SLEEP in our little vintage camper, and then when we went camping, it was perfect! I love it. I spend a lot of time in it, and love how cozy it is. However, I am not sure I could live full time in it. I love to entertain, having friends and kids and parties to liven the house, I like things tidy (and kids need their own space). I love crafting and decorating for holidays. I love having my pets and being able to exercise indoors when the weather is not nice outside. So, my answer is…it would depend on a lot of factors. This post certainly makes you think. Fun to see what one can do with a tiny space! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole (Suburban Farmgirl)

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Nicole!

      I’m so glad you are enjoying Gidget so much! She’s adorable and your personal touches make her feel just like home, but in a different way. Sometimes I think back to how simple our lives were in the beginning when we were renting our first apartment. We were never home on the weekends and it was so easy to just lock the door and leave the few belongings we had behind. Our lives were smaller then and it was perfect. But we’ve grown in people and belongings over 30 plus years! Not sure how we could shrink our life down to tiny house proportions. But, I do love them just not as a forever home…I better be careful… Never say never, right?
      Happy Fall, Nicole!

  8. Julia says:

    Only if I was alone. I love tiny homes. I’m leaning toward a renovated Airstream in my retirement.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Julia!
      I love them too. In many ways they are like little play houses that you can design any way you please! I think that’s my favorite part about them. An Airstream would be a dream to renovate as well!

  9. Dori Troutman says:

    Hi Deb! Not sure how I missed your blog this month. But I sure loved reading it today! What a fun way to view some tiny houses!

    So… my thoughts! We lived in a travel trailer for 2 years while building our house. And yes… it was a travel trailer without all the fun charm of a tiny house. I did, however, redo a whole lot of it trying to bring in some charm since I knew we’d be living in awhile. My thoughts are that I could NEVER live in a tiny house unless I was alone. When my husband was on a consulting job out West and I have the travel trailer to myself for a month it was perfectly lovely. I actually really enjoyed it. But for two of us it was so confining.

    But with that said, I’m with you. IF I had to go that route, I’d need it to be on land where I had a studio for my space. A “She-Shed” maybe! 🙂

    I will say that I love the idea of a Tiny House… just not for me at this stage in my life!

    Loved your post!


    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Dori!
      That’s right.. You have lived “tiny” already while building your beautiful farmhouse on the hilltop. I love the ” idea” of it as well, but the reality is another story!
      I’ll keep you posted!

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