The Colors of Summer


I love color, don’t you? Whether it’s clothes, decor, cookware, or paint, I adore all things colorful. One of the reasons I specifically love this time of year is because it’s when New England is at its most colorful! It’s also when we see the most “visitors” – some good, some bad, and some paws-tively adorable! Come on over and take a walk around my yard with me!

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  1. Charlene Littlewood says:

    Your garden is gorgeous and I just love the way you let Mother Nature lead the way
    Most gardeners think of deer and rabbits as pests

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Charlene, thank you. I don’t mind the animals at all. I love to see them. Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Love this! thank you for sharing

  3. Nancy Bonner says:

    Enjoyed the lovely walk around your yard!! The deer have eaten my Hosta as well – two fawns, two mamas and two bucks (one four and one six point)…since we have woods all around us the Hostas do really well. I have found putting blood meal around them helps sometimes. Right now we have four raccoon babies and two parents that are digging in my pots on the deck so have to figure out how to deter them from doing that…may have to live-trap and relocate. We have a few butterflies that visit and enjoy my Buddlia. Thanks for the wonderful tour!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Nancy, thank you! The deer this past year have been reminding of the game “Hungry Hungry Hippos”, munching everything in site. I thought maybe it was just me, that I did not use my deer spray enough, or that I got a bad batch. Then, the other day, I was in Tractor Supply to buy a new bottle of spray. This couple and their two children were in the aisle, and when I picked up the spray, they started a conversation. They were so friendly. Anyway, they are from another town and said the same thing, that the deer had eaten even things they normally don’t. (Hostas, however, are a deer delicacy). They reminded me of something I forgot this year…hair to deter the deer. I will be spreading hair around my remaining hostas from our haircuts, and when I vacuum up dog hair, out it will go instead of the trash can. It won’t keep them completely away, but I can try. I don’t mind the deer otherwise. I enjoy seeing them. Your raccoon family sounds cute, but that sounds a bit close for comfort. Have you tried the deer spray? It might deter them from your pots, or maybe some hot cayenne pepper? I use that in my pots at times, especially when the squirrels start trying to dig. I also love to use blood meal. I put it in the cutting garden, but will also try it on the hostas. Thanks for the tip! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Sandi King says:

    Hi Nicole
    I love your post, your visitors, your gardens, and the walk around to the porch. I could almost imagine walking beside you as we strolled along. The pictures are wonderful. I congratulate you on being a Master Gardener also; I think everyone should be a master of something they are good at. You have done a beautiful job with yours. I haven’t seen as many butterflies, dragonflies, lightning bugs/fireflies, as there used to be around here in years past and I miss all of them. We have a few bees but even they are not as numerous as they used to be. I worry that there is too much spraying of poisons on our earth and too many species are being harmed. We do have hummingbirds and I do make food for them and watch them. Our feeders are hanging on our porch and the little birds chase each other all around from feeder to feeder. I notice they like the wild flower area also that I planted earlier this year. Our veggie garden was a big flop with all the rain we had. I did get a few zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes, but the corn didn’t make it, the cabbage and lettuce didn’t either. Not sure whether the potatoes will be there when we dig for them. Waiting to see if the sunflowers will make seed heads. Until next time, God Bless.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sandi, thank you so much! I agree with you…there is just so much spraying going on! The funny thing is, most bugs and insects in a person’s yard are just “flying through” and many are not going to lead to an infestation. I am sorry to hear about your garden. Ours has been a struggle this year with the weird weather, too. Everything is later than normal. I planted potatoes this year, too, as well as sweet potatoes. I hope mine are there, as well! Good luck! Thank you for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Jacqueline says:

    WOW! Can I just say amazing. You have created such an amazing, meditative, earth friendly space! Kudos to you! I would love to sit and chat in a garden like this. It is so magical and beautiful 🙂

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Thank you, Jacqueline! When I started out, I honestly didn’t know what I was doing, as I had never gardened in a four-season area. I would go to a local garden place, see what was in bloom in the perennial section, and pick something each year. Over the years, I have learned what works and what doesn’t, and am still learning. That’s one thing I really love about gardening – there is always something new to learn! Thanks so much for visiting the blog today! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Just a BEAUTIFUL composite of Summer by you Nicole! This blog really uplifts the spirit and teaches us when we need it the most…

  7. Beverly Battaglia says:

    I love the pictures in this blog! The dragonfly is beautiful and I have not seen one in years. The bunny and deer are so cute! The eggplant is beautiful. You see so much beauty of nature where you live!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Thanks, Mama. We have seen more dragonflies this year than we have in a long time, and I noticed one species I had never seen before, but he was so fast it was hard to get a photo. I can’t wait to eat that eggplant! Wish you lived closer so I could bring you fresh veggies from my garden! Miss you! Love, Nicole

  8. Donna Kozak says:

    Loved your walk around your yard…now out to mine to water my garden and free the chickens. It’s been very hot and dry up here in British Columbia but we’re hoping for a little rain this week-end to end this dry spell and bring back the green grass !

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Donna, thank you! This summer has been a strange one for us. Today it was so much cooler in the morning – almost like fall. Just a few hours later, it is warmer with rain on the way, but next week supposedly will be hot and dry. Crazy weather! When it gets super-hot and dry here, my chickie girls love cool treats like frozen peas and fresh mint. Thank you for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  9. Sherry says:

    I just loved reading your blog. I am a Maine girl who relates to your descriptions of your home.
    Thank you,Sherry Stine

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sherry, thank you! I have been to Maine a few times and just LOVE it there! Such a beautiful part of New England, as well, especially right now! Enjoy the rest of your summer! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  10. what a comforting trip. thank you.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marlene, thank you. My yard is never going to be a “perfect” weed-free one, but I have tried to make sure something is blooming all of the time during the three seasons. Life sure does get stressful sometimes, especially nowadays, but the flowers and nature around us are just like you said – comforting. I am glad you enjoyed the walk with me! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  11. Deanna Taylor says:

    What a wonderful, beautiful reminder for us to always be aware of the world around us and it’s oftentimes overlooked beauty. The little creatures, flowers and growing things that are sharing our world with us are gifts that we should take time to notice and appreciate. I embroidered a pillow with the following saying that is a good daily reminder.. “God blesses us every day and it is up to us to notice”. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Deanna, thank you for the comment! I love the saying you embroidered on the pillow! I have not heard that before, but what a great reminder! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  12. Beth says:

    Hey, Nicole — beautiful gardens! I live in a small semi-rural town in Western Oregon and we’re “blessed” with deer here as well (not counting “my” skunks, opossums, raccoons, etc.). In past years, the deer have only eaten the Hosta flowers, not the flower stalks or leaves. This year, not even the flowers for some reason. What it makes me think of is the Addams Family TV series where Morticia cuts the blooms off the rose stems. In their world, the flower detracts I guess LOL. It’ll be interesting to see if I get any potatoes as the deer have been enjoying feeding on the foliage. As for the raccoons…. Cute, yes. But just into everything! And so many babies this year. With the horrendous heat we’ve experienced this year, I’m always careful to keep buckets of water out for all of the faunas. Enjoy your beautiful place!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Beth, thank you…sounds like you have a lot of “visitors”, too. I agree the raccoons are cute, but such rascals! Once, we had the grill going and were sitting inside the camper for dinner. I heard something outside by the bird feeder, so I poked my head out, only to catch a racoon on top of the grill, “helping” himself to dinner! He grabbed a hot dog and scampered off into the woods to enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by and sharing with me! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  13. CJ says:

    Thanks Nicole! Lovely walk and photos of beauty! We are having another severe drought year and so things are struggling to survive. I haven’t tried to plant a garden for years because of drought, pests and my health.

    You are blessed and I thank you for sharing those blessings!
    Hugs to you!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi CJ, I am so sorry you haven’t been well, and also to hear that your beautiful area has been going through such a drought! That is tough and worrisome. It’s good to hear from you, my friend. Thank you for “stopping by”! I hope things improve there and fall brings some relief from the dry conditions. Big Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  14. Marilyn says:

    So lovely and colorful. Thank You for sharing.

  15. Marilyn says:

    So lovely and colorful.

  16. HemetGardener says:

    Love your garden. I am missing the Monarch butterflies since there are only a handful that visit my Lantana plants in the last two years. Thank you for telling me the dragonflies won’t hurt you. One landed on me that other day and I jerked my arm to make him fly away. Next time I will be more patient.
    P.S. I think I have the same yellow strainer as you. I use it for washing blueberries too.
    Thank you for sharing.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hello! Thank you! I used to be fearful of dragonflies, especially the really large ones. They LOOK like they could bite, but they do not. I wish I could show you the photo I just took this weekend. I “rescued” a dragonfly that was drowning. It sat on my hand for several minutes, flapping its wings to dry them. It was so amazing! The dragonflies little wings felt like a fan blowing! When its wings were dry, off it went, but hovered for a few seconds as if to say “thank you”. They are pretty amazing creatures and a great beneficial to have in a garden.

      The Tupperware strainer is my favorite. I use it all the time, and I think I only paid $1.00 for it at a thrift shop. It is exactly like my mom’s, which she has used since I was a child! I love the shape and the sunny color. Another great and useful vintage piece!

      Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  17. Barbara Deming says:

    This is one of the most wonderful blogs you have sent us! I am a country girl at heart, still have a small garden, fruit trees, and flowers on a small city lot. I am showing my age and not keeping as much going as in the past, so I so appreciate your sharing. My heart is there with you, Nicole.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Barbara,thank you so much! Your garden sounds wonderful! I would love to put some fruit trees in. I did have a pear tree at one time that I had put in (never got around to adding a second) but lost it in a snowstorm. I have now put a small Japanese maple in its place as a focal point. I would love to plant some apple or pear trees, but I think I have waited because I know in my climate they are a lot of work! We will see. Thank for visiting the blog, and for your lovely comment! Enjoy the rest of summer! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

      • Barbara Deming says:

        No apples trees here. Avocado’s; we lost our nectarine to the cold winter last year–can you believe it was cold enough to kill a tree in San Diego County? I grew up with pear and apple trees plus fogs in South Texas.


        • Nicole Christensen says:

          Hi Barbara, yum! I love avocadoes! Sorry to hear you lost your nectarine tree this year. Wacky weather…my brother in Texas had beautiful fruit trees. He was babying orange and grapefruit and has such a beautiful yard. This year, the freak freeze they had ruined so much. He lost all his fruit trees, too. Just makes one feel sick. I still miss the pear tree we lost in an October snow storm years ago. I planted a beautiful Japanese maple there instead last summer and am happy that this year it is thriving. Next year, I think I will try again and add some fruit trees. Enjoy the rest of summer! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  18. Linda Pavey says:

    Thank you for sharing your gardens.

  19. Tammy L Thomson says:

    Hello Nicole, Thank you so much for taking the time to share your beautiful gardens and yard! I enjoyed the stroll very much–felt almost like I was there 🙂
    Very therapeutic….Speaking of the deer, oh deer! It must be the deer who have eaten all of the leaves of a potato vine and also they seem to like the leaves of my morning glories. I use a concoction of vinegar, water and a heavy amount of peppermint and rosemary essential oils. This seems to work pretty well but; has to be applied nightly or nearly. At least it smells nice, if nothing else.
    Thank you again for the garden stroll!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Tammy, thanks for the tip! The deer have been eating things this year that we never had them eat before, too… plants that are “deer resistant”. I guess “resistant” is the key word…notdeer “proof”. That’s okay, I have enjoyed seeing the fawns that have been joining their parents lately. The one that ate my hostas brought her baby the other day. So precious! Thanks again, Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  20. Denise says:

    Once again, I enjoyed reading your post. You are so lucky to have so many different visitors to your yard, even if a certain one did destroy your hostas. I am just now seeing butterflies at my house & thankfully my milkweed it blooming away too. And I now have two hummingbirds too. Happy end of August!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Denise! I think my deer friend who ate my hostas was eating for two…she was here again, but this time with a little deer in tow! So precious! I cut the hostas down to the ground and put some mulch on top and guess what – they bloomed again, though not near as big. And just yesterday, I saw my first bear! Thankfully, he was not in my yard, but he crossed my path as I was in my car down the street from my house. He was big, fuzzy, with shiny black fur, and FAST! It was truly a beautiful creature. (Just hope he stays down the street, lol). Thanks for reading and commenting. Enjoy your beautiful flying friends! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  21. Pamela says:

    Nicole, Have not checked your post for a while since I am recovering from open heart
    surgery. It was a birth defect which they JUST discovered, and I am not a young chick.
    Bless all my doctors and also those who have given all to COVID patients. We live in a
    wonderful country!!! What an unexpected joy to catch up and walk the paths with you in your yard. Wish you were my neighbor. Gorgeous flowers, delightful animals, herbs,
    retro pieces…………not only have you shared JOY with us, but also the blog has great
    hints & ideas. You have inspired me to start again next year. This year with much help, I have just managed to keep the weeds at bay and maintain some potted plants on my front porch. I have enjoyed it more this summer even in rain storms just like you. Friends have shared some great picks. When I started cooking again, I enjoyed delicious pesto, cold cantaloupe soup, best corn ever and even made tzatkiki!
    THANK YOU for brightening my day and sending HOPE and wonderful ideas for next
    year. Pamela – former New Englander and current rural KANSAN farmgirl

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Pamela! Thank you for this wonderful comment! Your comment means so very much to me. I hope you are recovering well from your surgery. Oh my! You dear farmgirl, sounds like you have been through a lot lately but are on your way to feeling better! If you still lived in New England, I would be bringing you some yummy dinner, a loaf of homemade sourdough bread, and flowers from my garden. I have never been to Kansas, but I have always thought it must be beautiful. Sounds like you have been cooking up some tasty treats lately! Tzatkiki is one of my most favorite things to make when the cucumbers are so available. Mine just started producing this week. Take care of yourself and I am so happy to hear your surgery went well and you are feeling better. Much love your way! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  22. Pamela says:

    Awww………..Nichole, your message warmed my heart and made my Day! It is little things & kind thoughts that make our world a better place. They may not always get
    noticed but they sure make a difference! Thanks for your lovely response. Much love back to you. Pamela

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