Finding End-of-Summer Happiness


Though it hasn’t felt like it with the wicked hot and humid weather, summer in New England is winding down. Like squeezing a wedge of lemon in a glass of iced tea, we’ve been squeezing in a bit of our favorite things about the season. Come visit with me – I’ve got some tips, tricks, and some good conversation to share!

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  1. Tammy L Thomson says:

    That was fun! Thank you for taking us along on your adventures and day to day. I feel a little bit rejuvenated, some how. 🙂 And Love the nosy tomato!!

  2. Laurel Pries says:

    Great visit Nicole!!

  3. Judy says:

    Thanks Nicole for sharing all that fun stuff.
    As usual, I felt as if I was there too.
    I could hear the loon calls from here.
    (P.S. You are such a handsome family)
    Hugs&Squeezles…and continue to stay safe!

  4. Linda Weston says:

    Great blog Nicole, will we ever get back to normal? It just seems like when you see a small light at the end of the tunnel somthing else happens. But glad you folks made the best of things and carried on. Great pictures.♥️

  5. Donna says:

    Yummy yummy. Sounds !like some good times. We also had a fair. And loved every minute of it

  6. Judy From Maine says:

    Great up beat post. Thanks so much for the morning smiles.

  7. Donna Kozak says:

    This post did make me smile…and I loved to see the baby bunnies – I only see one at a time in our yard. Now on to making tomato sauce from all the ripened tomatoes that showed up overnite!

  8. Bonnie McKee says:

    Thank you for the lovely post! Viewing your pictures was like a mini vacation for me
    So glad you were spared major damage from the passing storm!
    Take heart, cooler autumn days and hot apple cider are just around the corner. ❤️
    Happy September!
    Bonnie, in Oregon

  9. Sandi King says:

    A wonderful post Nicole. I was born in New York and I loved upstate NY and the beautiful woods and mountainous areas. Your post brought back memories of my time there. I know the last two years have been strange to say the least, and I hope everyone can get back to normalcy of some sort soon if not sooner or maybe many have already. We do the best we can and trust in God for answers. God bless you and your family. SO glad the hurricane didn’t reach you except for the rain; we had rain from it too and we had another system just before that one where I stayed on our porch and watched the rain and listened to the thunder all day. It was one of my favorite days – seeing God’s magnificent power working.

  10. Juie says:

    Loved your blog as always…
    Enjoy the heartwarming pictures…Thank you for your fried chicken recipe…I unbelievably
    HAVE all the ingredients here to make it..
    Tonight, Sounds SO good..
    Where’d the summer go? Thanks for your uplifting “banter” that helps those of us, who have felt especially “isolated ” feel Happier…
    Thank you for sharing your experiences and mini vacation ❤

  11. Linda Pavey says:

    Thank you for sharing your perspective and fun!

  12. Sandy says:

    Fun post, Nicole! The last few days here in Minnesota the high temps have been in the 70s after so much heat. So refreshing! Our garden has been producing so many tomatoes this year. We have donated about 100 pounds to food shelf so far! We are spending our last summer week at our lake place with our three grandsons, they are water skiing today despite the chilliness. We are in a super drought here, the lake is down at least a foot. Fall will come soon. Until next time…………..

  13. Marilyn says:

    Glad you had a good time with your friend. Thank You for sharing your reunion.

  14. It sounds like your family has had a summer of memory-making…yay! That’s the best part of summer. Glad to hear the storm missed you…we know that frenzy of checking food storage, generators, water storage, etc. It’s very stressful. And Gidget, oh my! A narrow escape! I’m always worried about Maizy…to be honest, she spends most of her time on the farm as a little camp-out for my daughter and me, or sometimes, just me! Two little wheels and top-heavy, I’m always expecting her to topple over…I can’t imagine taking her on a freeway. So one vintage camper owner to another…a question I just can’t find the answer to. I keep Maizy covered with a tarp if there’s even the slightest chance of rain…why weren’t vintage campers designed with a better roof? Maybe there’s no answer…it just seems like the main problem so many of us have. Why couldn’t they have been designed like cars…no worries about my car roof leaking! Thanks for sharing your latest adventures…always fun to read.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mary! Thank you. I understand what you mean about Maizy (did you name her after Maizy Mouse, by chance?)! We only have taken Gidget on the freeway a few times. I think once when we first brought her home, and maybe one other time. Otherwise, we stick to back roads. To be honest, I avoid the freeway as much as I can. It has gotten so much worse since the pandemic started. But I digress…as for the rooftop, when we first got Gidget, hubs “painted” the roof with a marine grade sealant, just in case. We have not had any leaks. We did cover her with an RV cover in the winter and have gone without. Honestly, for that, I do not know which was best. Thanks for reading and commenting! Have a Happy Fall! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

      • Hi Nicole, thanks for your reply…I know, crazy question! Designs change over time and get better.

        Oh, and Maizy was what my grandmother called me when I was little…just a nod to her memory. Hope you’re having a lovely fall…time for bonfires and s’mores! Mary

  15. Jackie Walker says:

    Hi Nicole.
    I really enjoy your posts. You find such fun things to do. I love that you fry things in coconut oil. We use it all the time! So healthy! I watched as that crazy storm came up your way. We are used to those storms coming in the Gulf of Mexico. In fact, today, Hurricane Nicholas came on shore in Texas. It was headed right towards us in Spring, but veered away. We had such nice fall weather here today. Cool and breezy!!!
    Thanks again for sharing with all of us.

  16. Jackie Walker says:

    Hi Nicole.
    Always love your posts. You find so many fun things to do. Also, I love that you fry things in coconut oil. We use it all the time. So healthy.
    I watched as that crazy storm came your way. Living 75 miles from Galveston in Spring, Texas, we see a lot of those storms in the Gulf. In fact, today, Hurricane Nicholas came ashore a little further down the coast. It was headed right towards us, but changed directions a couple of times. We actually got to enjoy a fall-like day with cooler temps and lots of breezes. A taste of my favorite season! Thanks for you posts. I look so forward to them.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Jackie, thank you! I am glad that you did not have Hurricane Nicholas hit head-on! I was so worried there at first, watching it head for Texas. Also, I have family in Spring, and downtown Spring was always a favorite destination of mine! I haven’t been in so long, sadly. This week, in late September, it has been weird – Houston, Texas was actually cooler and more fall-like than we were! It was hot and humid for a few days, but today, I pulled out a sweatshirt, so fall is in the air! Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  17. Susan says:

    My sunmer wasnt all that bad, but mowing the grass took its toll on me. I also did more weeding than usual with all the rain we got here in Niagara Falls. If anyone knows how to get rid if wild onion, thistles, wild morning glories and ragweed please tell me. Its hard to stay ahead of
    it all. . As the vinegar and baking soda doesn’t seem to solve the problem. But i been busy despite not getting much tomatoes or zuchini squash this year. The rain killed the plants thats how much rain we got. Hopefully nexts years garden will be better.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Susan, I hear ya! The weeds were especially hard this year, and I am still pulling, pulling, pulling. Let me research and I will see if I can get you an answer on your question on the specific weeds. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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