Monthly Archives: September 2015

I Drive A 757 {John Deere That Is}



One of the things I love the most about living in the South is the green grass.  But what I didn’t take into consideration until we moved here is that the rain that brings the gorgeous green grass also means that it grows… and grows… and grows.  And when you have miles of highway frontage and a mile of roadside through the pasture up to the house and fence lines to maintain, a really good mower is a must.

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Great Garden Gear


School’s started, summer’s winding down, and New England’s prettiest season, fall, will be here soon. However, there’s still work to be done outside no matter where you live! With so many gadgets out there, sometimes it’s hard to know what works and what doesn’t! We gardeners can easily end up with a shed full of tools we don’t use. I’ve compiled a list of my most favorite garden gear I found this season.

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