Monthly Archives: May 2015

Season Extenders

{{{First off, a big HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY!!! to MaryJane!  I hope your day was fabulous and full of all of the love you deserve (which is heaps and mounds plus some).}}}

Ahhh, yes!  It is finally here–long days in the sun, wind and rain.  My days of watching and teaching kids outside has given way to mornings of planting seedlings, afternoons of weeding and mad dashes to harvest enough goodies for hungry customers.  It’s the outdoor growing season!  It’s here!

Look who's ready to farm!

Look who’s ready to farm!

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It's Baaaaack: The YOU Challenge!

The month of May means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.

To me, it means gardening and warmth and flowers and grass and watching the workers trim the Christmas trees on the hillside and strawberries and my birthday and the return of that lonesome whipporal call in the evening.

What does it mean to you?

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It’s Baaaaack: The YOU Challenge!

The month of May means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.

To me, it means gardening and warmth and flowers and grass and watching the workers trim the Christmas trees on the hillside and strawberries and my birthday and the return of that lonesome whipporal call in the evening.

What does it mean to you?

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For The Love Of Pyrex!




Did you know that Pyrex Glassware is 100 years old this year?  I don’t know about you, but I love my vintage Pyrex.  I’ve been enjoying doing a little reading about the history of Pyrex and this comes directly from their website:


“The idea for Pyrex Glassware came from the industrious wife of a Corning Glass Works scientist who was frustrated with her unreliable casserole dish. Knowing the strength of the railroad signal lantern glass her husband worked with, she begged him to bring home something she could use in the kitchen. Voilà, the Pyrex baking dish was born. Two years later, Boston department store Jordan Marsh placed the first order for Pyrex Glassware. The rest, as they say, is history.”

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