Monthly Archives: March 2012

Seeds, Bees, Bulbs, and Birds

Despite living in a “cold” climate, I’m a warm-weather gal. I love sunshine and can handle heat,  raised in one of the hottest, most humid places in America. Don’t get me wrong, I love Connecticut ‘s four seasons; there’s nothin’ like a fall day pickin’ punkins and havin’ cider on a crisp afternoon.  But spring here can be fickle – warm or cold.  We’ve spent many Easters in snow boots instead of sandals.  When Mother Nature recently gifted us with an early, warm Spring, I “sprung” into action.  There’s lots to do!  Come see what’s on my  “Outdoor To Do” list, and pick up some tips!

One of my favorite tin wall-hangings

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After my last post about feeling wanderlusty and yearning for a change of scenery, it appears that my wishes have been granted. The last few weeks have been full of growth, new faces at Farm School, almost an hour and a half increase in sunlight (!!), and new adventures in chicken egg incubation.

Our homemade candler. This egg is infertile.

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Spring Fling


Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s party!” ~Robin Williams


I’m feeling especially rejuvenated with the arrival of spring this year. Maybe it was the record breaking warming trend (before the actual first day of spring) that put me in such an excited state! I’m sure that has a lot to do with it! Even more so, I think it’s the promise of new beginnings that spring brings each year. Come on in and find out “what’s new” in our little corner of the world and check out some inspiring farmgirl sister “UP-DO’S “inside and out!


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Unfarmgirl-Like Conduct

In my mind, Farmgirls lead a highly organized life of pure simplicity. They are left sided thinkers. They are practical. And they are brave and strong.
My confession is this. That’s not me. No, wait. I am brave and strong. But otherwise? Nah.

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The Feast Of Trumpets

Curse not the month of bluster and tumbling bonnets, for it takes a blast of many trumpets to loosen winter’s claws of ice. Ancient Jews held a festival in March in which trumpets owned the air. A jubilant chorus of brass marked the end of a season and the beginning of a new one. Indeed, there is something victorious sounding in the blowing of a horn!

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Lordy, Lordy…I'm Turning Forty!

I love birthdays!  I think life’s meant to celebrate the special days, and birthdays are one of those days.  I’m not into giant celebrations – I don’t have a big party or go out until the wee hours.  I do like to have lunch with a friend, or bake a birthday cake and have a nice dinner with my husband and daughter.  But some birthdays are milestones, and the one I’m hitting this month is a big one, so to speak.  Have a piece of cake with me as I share what I’ve learned so far…

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Springtime is the Land Awakening!

Every once in a while, I get extremely wanderlusty. Wanderlusty is not a real word, but it is so fitting for what I feel as winter comes to an end … it’s different than cabin fever. I don’t want to leave this amazing farm at all; yet I still dream about venturing to far-away places.

The Greenhouse longs for spring and wind-less days, too!

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Beach Farmgirl Blogiversary

Welcome to my little celebration sisters! I’m so glad you could join me today! Spread out your beach blanket and raise a glass with me in honor of farmgirls everywhere! We would not be here today if it weren’t for Sister # 1 bringing us all together! Three cheers to MaryJane for creating a place where farmgirls can gather up to gab and gush! Hip- Hip Hurray! Hip -Hip Hurray! Hip- Hip Hurray!

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Swimming Upstream

I’ve been feeling like we are swimming upstream with this farm deal, so I made Southern Salmon Patties to “embrace it.” My husband is not a southern boy, he is Italian. So, well, he passed on that particular “embrace it feast.” I remember at least  20 years ago when I told him that I had “a hankering for Salmon Patties.”
He gave me a blank stare. He had never heard of Salmon Patties before. However, he had already learned the word “hankering.”

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Pitter-Patter Potpourri

Greetings farmgirls! Spring hasn’t sprung in our part of the country yet and I have a raging case of spring fever (an annual occurrence). I have pansies on the brain … among other things. This time of year, I always wonder if perhaps the greenhouses have any in stock yet. I should know better by now, but that doesn’t stop feverish visions. I’m afflicted with both spring fever and cabin fever, so, I’ve been trying to maintain a good mindset by doing a variety of indoor things. If you’re a feverish farmgirl too, c’mon in, have a spot of tea & sit a spell.

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