Monthly Archives: September 2010

Wherefore Art Thou, O Autumn?

That sneaky Autumn. Playing hide-and-seek with me.
Autumn knows how much I crave it, how I long for it each year.
I long for its cozy, crisp evenings.
I long for its breezy, colorful days.
I long for its smell of simmering soup and wood smoke.
“O Autumn, O Autumn, Wherefore art thou, O Autumn?”

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Farmgirl Nightlife

By the light of the silvery moon, around a crackling campfire, our Ranch Farmgirl’s Farmgirl Chapter enjoyed their monthly “hen party”. Come and sit a spell with them. They would love to share the “show & tell” details with you.

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Dog Gone

[Previous Suburban Farmgirl, October 2009 – October 2010]

When a dog is incontinent, blind, deaf, and a bit demented – but still wags its tail and cuddles, is there still dog left in the dog?

How do you decide?

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Why I Like My Life, or…

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, June 2010 – January 2012]

…Counting my blessings and implementing the “Attitude of Gratitude.” After not being able to wait until October to read the October/November issue of MaryJanesFarm, I am, right away, going to begin acknowledging (in a bigger way) the blessings and sheer miracles that already abound in my life. I would like to share them with you, and hopefully help to inspire farmgirls everywhere, in every situation, to find one — just ONE — thing that you are thankful for (from that last stick of Doublemint gum to our very lives) and just take a moment to say a quiet (or loud, if it’s your style!), “thank you,” to the Universe for all that we DO have.
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What Does Simple Mean?

What does it mean? The “simple” life?

I’ve been using that term for years. If you know me, or have sat beside me at a dinner party, or made conversation with me in the grocery store line, or if you’ve been reading this blog, well, you know that’s what I say. “I’m after the simple life.” 
Yes, yes, but truth be told, I have no idea what I’m talking about. I don’t even know what that means.
Can you enlighten me? I’m asking you, dear readers, the experts, the ones who know this stuff so well. Y’all have done it, or are doing it, or are dreaming about it. Tell me.
What is the “simple” life to you?
I thought about all of this as I worked with the grapes.

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Every Picture Tells A Story

Some photos really make you wonder what the story is behind the image. Black & white photography, in my opinion, enhances the subject matter, making it more interesting by removing the distraction of “color noise”. Come on in … take a look at some black and white “stories” from my little corner of the world.
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A Letter Is Better

[Previous Suburban Farmgirl, October 2009 – October 2010]

At the risk of sounding very retro (and not in a cool, cheeky pinafores and rolling pins kind of way but a jeez-she’s-an-old-fogey kind of way), I’m just going to point out that for all the bemoaning of the loss of newspapers thwacking on the front porch for Fido to fetch, and for all the grousing over the rapid disappearance of corner bookstore and of, well, books whose pages don’t glow in the dark, one other one sort of paper experience has already practically vanished without a trace in the digital age.

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[Previous Rural Farmgirl, June 2010 – January 2012]

Have you ever gotten to a point in life where all you want to do is to clean out the house with a firehose, spray the whole farm with weed killer, go on a lemon-water diet for a month and then start over??? Well, I think I’ve hit one of those times where I need to do a little cleaning out. Not in quite such a radical way, but it really feels like there is too much “stuff” in my life — not too many people, or too many things to do, but just plain too much STUFF that is taking time, energy and attention from things that I really, truly WANT and love to do.
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