A Trip to the Woods

FullSizeRender (5)It took me awhile to jump on the bandwagon, but I finally did. Glamping.

I pulled out my Glamping with MaryJane book and studied every page. Again.

MaryJane’s Glamping book is THE book. A classic! It is full of great advice and lots of inspiration.

I started thinking about a camper because the ground has gotten harder as I’ve gotten older. And my little tent has gotten smaller as my daughter has grown. I would also like to go camping more often. So, this year we graduated to a tiny camper!

Vintage 1964!

We took her out on her maiden voyage this past weekend. I made reservations ages ago, just knowing I’d have a camper by the time I needed it. After school on Friday, we headed up the Blue Ridge Parkway to our camp site. It was a fantastic site. Now, one reason I picked this particular site is that it is a “pull through.” I doubted I could “back-in” (the other type of camp site available).


Look at this great site. It was the best one in the campground!



The steps lead down to the firepit and the picnic table.

These steps are on the other side of that big rock.


I just think this spot was IDEAL.

Here is the path to the bath house. Lovely!



We didn’t even get unloaded before…



We had fish tacos for dinner. Thank goodness for this camping stove! I picked it up on the clearance aisle just the other day. A bargain at $35!

So here’s what you do for Camping Fish Tacos. Bring frozen tilapia fillets in your cooler, a soft taco kit, shredded cabbage, and a Mexican layer dip from the deli (you know, with beans, sour cream, guacamole, tomatoes and black olives.) Head the iron skillet with a generous amount of olive oil. Flip when brown on one side. Then chop up in large chunks. Add taco seasonings. And you’re done! Thank goodness it was so fast. I got the stove fired up before the big storm came. It was ONLY raining at this point. But I still got soaking wet!


IMG_0512My clothes, my hair. Everything. Dripping wet.

Now this camper is only 10 feet long, so there’s not much space for anything. Including wet clothes and muddy shoes. I’m not sure what folks do about that when they’re camping. We just waded our wet things up and put them in a trash bag and put on our pjs. And then a bit later I looked for my other pair of shoes. Whoops. Didn’t bring them. And then I looked for my other pair of jeans. Again, whoops. So I wore my pajamas and soaking wet shoes the rest of the trip. And of course, the trips to the bath house were less than pleasant.

Then we cuddled up in our beds and talked and finally tried to go to sleep.

My side:


My daughter’s side; she gets the cool, battery-operated lights.


You would think the sound of rain on the top of a camper would lull you to sleep, but no. The rain would be pounding one minute and then lighter and then pounding and then lighter and every now and again thunder. So, no. No sleep for the Mama. Now, my daughter, who can sleep through anything, said she slept better than she had in ages.

The next day we had periods of sun mixed with periods of rain. Made it hard to get a campfire going well. So we went for the food we brought that didn’t need cooking.

Oh, I should have mentioned that we were in a non-electric campground. Tiny Colette has a tiny microwave that we could have used during a rainstorm if there was power. But, alas, no power.

Thank goodness we brought these!


And I never leave home on a trip without pimento cheese, thanks to proper southern training by my Mom. The pimento cheese sandwiches were greatly appreciated!

I had also brought a big basket of fruit, apples, tangerines, bananas and fresh strawberries. That was all yummy.


At about 5 we decided to leave and head home. Before we left, we built a fire and had s’mores. We used these awesome sticks for the first time. They are telescopic. Great!


A couple of hours later, we were home and made our planned dinner–Girl Scout Hobo Pockets–in the oven.


Now, we’re working on planning our next trip. We’ve got a list of all the things we forgot and a list of all the things we need. It was a great first trip! And maybe we’ll start turning our “camper” into a “glamper.” We are currently a little like a “Clampett-er” but we’re fine with that!

Check out this. If only I was closer! First Weekend in June, International Glamping Weekend.

Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!

Lots of love, Rebekah, The City Farmgirl

  1. Krista says:

    Oh how much fun! I have been camping in the rain and have forgotten many things too (including my pants). It wouldn’t be a legit camping experience without either of those happening at least once! Your camping spot looks so beautiful. I would love to take a camping trip there. Hopefully on your next trip you will have everything you need and it will be sunny and clear. Enjoy your wonderful glamping experience with your daughter and make many memories! I’m ready for a glamping trip myself!

  2. Denise Ross says:

    Lovely camping spot Rebekah. Shame about all the rain, but it sure does add to the experience and I’m sure you and your daughter will have a good chuckle over it., I love your camper, very cute. I’m trying to talk my husband into moving up to a camper. Getting older we do need some things that allow us to enjoy camping more, no achy backs or hips on rising for the day :).
    I will have to check out Mary Janes glam ping book for some inspiration and maybe a little arm twisting lol.
    Look forward to your next glampimg tale. Have a sweet week.

  3. Ten big smiley faces, no, a hundred.

  4. Rebecca says:

    It sounds to me like you had fun IN SPITE OF the rain. And that’s the important thing. I remember getting caught in a rain storm during one of our family camping trips. We used tents and air mattresses (roughing it, but not too much). My husband and I were in one tent and our kids were in a tent beside of us. It rained so hard the tents leaked during the night and the air mattresses floated. So all six of us ended up huddled in the back of our station wagon. It wasn’t fun then, but it’s a story my kids often laugh about now.

  5. Diane Van Horn says:

    The first trip is always the learning one! Looks like you still had a good time. That site was devine, even without power. After awhile you will have everything you need in the camper and only need to pack your food and clothes, blue jeans and shoes included! Your little camper is just darling. Here’s to many more Glamping adventures!

  6. Margaret Rohn says:

    Sounds like you had a lot of new adventures with the rain and all. I have camped for years and the newest trick I use is “solar” decoration lights so you don’t run the battery down in case you need it later. Since the solar lights hold their charge for a few hours they work great in the later evening. Playing cards, getting ready for bed etc.

    Also always have a can of lighter fluid to help get the wet wood started and fire starters are fun to have also for camp fires. You can even make your own. We made them for “cub scouts” years ago and still have a couple left but they do sell them now.

  7. Joan says:

    Oh how well I now remember my 1st camping trip – minus the camper – tents only – the rain floated one tent so everyone piled into the other – oh what a grand wet time we had, never did that again, prepared better after each trip. So glad you get to have this fun.
    God bless.

  8. April says:

    I think maybe a canopy pitched next to your camper would’ve made this a bit easier? Someplace to put the wood out of the rain, give you somewhere to stand and cook and even hang up wet clothes (though in that damp air and for the short stay, clothes probably wouldn’t have dried anyway lol!) It provides a lot more living area, and shelter from rain or shade from the sun. 🙂

    Love the camper, and your site looks beautiful! Love those old stone stairs. Hopefully you have better weather next time!

  9. Sandi says:

    Loved reading your Virgin trip blog! We’ve all been there and you will find the perfect fit for everything and the best way to do things. I will state here, veteran camper that we are, find print out lists from blogs for things to bring, menus you’ve planned and ingredients you need. Or make your own. It will someday become second nature. Every trip is different because of destination, power, and weather. Bon Voyage!

  10. Kathy Hansen says:

    I just had my little camper out for her maiden voyage, about 2 hours from home in a rustic campground. The day was perfect and enjoyed sitting around a fire with friends. When we said our good nights and headed to bed, we found our door locked, with the keys inside! Our only option was to drive home since all supplies and meds were inside. Got to bed at 1:00 in the morning. Good news, a very nice camper repair business let us borrow their master key! The rest of the trip was wonderful, and you can believe that I had a set of spare keys made to keep in a safe spot!

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