My Daily Life In Pictures {and a winner!}



As a writer, there are times when the words just aren’t there.  And sometimes when life has painful experiences and struggles, it is especially hard to find the words.  Because I am a “talker”, usually I’m never at a loss for words (and often regret the ones I do say) but today, with this blog post due, I feel like I have nothing to share.  No stories to tell. No funny experiences.  No project tutorials.  No recipes.  No words.




But I do have pictures of the little things in my daily life that make my husband and I so very happy.  This blog post will treat you to pictures from around our farm, our home, my projects, my family, and my life.  And very few words!  (Smile!)



Belle, our faithful Farm Dog!



One Momma cow babysitting seven calf babies!



Fresh picked flowers from our flower garden.



Beautiful fabric, matching thread and a new project… my favorite!



Strawberry season… the best season!



A perfect nest with five perfect bluebird eggs in my husbands boot. 


Alabama 196-002

A tea party for darling little Princesses. 



Freshly tilled soil in our garden this spring.



Fresh veggies from my garden last summer, ready for canning.



My “gallery” wall in our farmhouse with my photography from around the farm.



Our little grand-girls painting on our porch!



Biking on the Bay.  Our favorite vacation spot.



Our freshly mowed farm.  We never get tired of it.  



Antique button on a finished project for a friend.  Happy Mail is the best mail!



The bed on the porch of our hilltop farmhouse…. sigh.  



My husband and I with our darling grand-girls that live just down the country road.



The reminder… there is so much to be thankful for.  


Thank you, Farmgirl Friends, for your comments, your emails and the little package that I received in the mail this week from one of you readers.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


Oh!  I almost forgot… our winner for my home-made quilted potholder set goes to:  


(Check your email Judy!)


Until our gravel roads cross again…. so long.





  1. Cyndie Gray says:

    Aw, Dori, love seeing these snapshots of your life on your farm…they tell a perfect story without words 🙂

  2. Debbie says:

    How lovely! I was swooning at the bed on your front porch. My dream is to have a swinging bed on our back porch to nap on and cuddle up and read stories to my grandboys. Maybe when my hubby rebuild the back screened in porch he can build in the supports needed to make that dream come true. 🙂

    Be blessed!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Debbie,

      The porch bed is awesome. It is not a swinging bed (I’ve dreamed of that too) but it is an old iron bed that has character of it’s own. We live on the tip top of a hill where we always have a little breeze on the porches we decided a swinging bed would always be knocking into the house probably. So this is certainly second to that… but awesome just the same! Yes…. get your swinging bed!

      – Dori –

  3. Krista says:

    Your pictures are fascinating and definitely tell a story without words! I would love to relax on the bed on the porch. It sounds so peaceful and calming. It’s calling my name! I would have to say my favorite picture is the one of the bird nest with eggs inside your husband’s boot. That is a crazy place for a nest but I would enjoy being able to look in and see how they are doing. Hopefully your husband was okay with sharing and had another pair to wear! Also, the picture of your puppy just melts my heart and your granddaughters are just simply adorable.

    Congratulations to Judy on winning the potholder!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Krista,

      Well guess what? One of the babies has hatched and the others are in the process and to be able to watch it happen is so much fun! The Momma Bluebird is very calm with us – she seems to be so used to us coming and going for the last two weeks that she’s been setting on her eggs that she is quite calm with us peeking over the boot into her house! 🙂 I hope all five babies make it!

      Yes… that porch bed is pretty amazing. It is kind of my favorite spot.

      Thank you for reading and writing!

      – Dori –

  4. Judy says:

    Hi Dori, I sent you my home address. I’m so excited that (I) won the potholders!
    Yipeeee! As you can see by my excitement, I rarely win things! *giggle*
    Thank you Krista for acknowledging me! What a joy to win something homemade
    From ‘Farmgirl Dori!’ I’m just over the moon! *giggle*

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Judy,

      I got your email. Your potholders (and an added surprise!) are packaged up and will be in the mail tomorrow!

      I’m so thrilled that YOU are thrilled!

      – Dori –

  5. Beverly says:

    Oh Dori….Sometimes words are not needed to share the joy and happiness of a life well lived. To be thankful for the abundance in our lives are cherished with a grateful heart and passed along to those who need encouragement during times of struggle when there seems to be no hope. You are a blessing, to not only me, but many others who find the simply things in life the most rewarding. Your beautiful photos have said it all 🙂

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Beverly,

      Thank you so very much for your kind words and encouragement. They mean a lot to me today.

      – Dori –

  6. Wendy says:

    Perfect post❤️

  7. Patricia Maas says:

    Thank you for sharing so much of your life. The reminder about giving Thanks really struck home this morning! )

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Thank you Patricia,

      Sometimes (for myself) I wonder why I need the reminder to be thankful. But lately I’ve been so very, very thankful for that reminder – Give Thanks.

      – Dori –

  8. Anne Wampler says:

    Love the pics!!! They certainly speak a thousand words!!

  9. Joan says:

    Oh yeah!!! a wonderful posting!!! I so miss seeing these times on the farm so you sharing is a real joy. I must remember to do the Give Thanks banner for my front porch and you have given me another idea to use some of my MANY antique buttons – Grandma’s button box, I will try to make up a bunch for my cousins – a memory and a fun item too. Thanks again for you. God bless.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Joan,

      Thank you! I do love my Give Thanks banner… I always have it up in my house around the Thanksgiving season, but sometimes I hang it other places too! In the woods where I drive by and see it has been my favorite.

      My daughter’s mother-in-law gave me some antique buttons and I have loved using them for projects. They give such a sweet finish.

      Thank you again for the sweet gift you sent me last week. If you only knew how much it means.

      – Dori –

  10. Margaret says:

    Dori, I love your pictures. Especially the wall with the cows. However, I have a question, why are your horseshoes hung so the luck is falling out? I was always taught to hang them in a U direction so your luck stayed with you. Perhaps some one knows the tale to that.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Margaret,

      Oh my word. You are RIGHT!!!! I remember hearing that same thing. You can be sure I’m changing those horseshoes as soon as I can figure out how to hang them! 🙂 Obviously, I hung them upside down because it was the easiest!!! I do wonder what the tale is to that. Maybe I need to do some research for a future blog post?!

      – Dori –

      • Sandi King says:

        There are many a superstition about horseshoes, the nails used in them- how many etc; whether up or down is the best way and what it may mean to you. I think just having a horseshoe to hang, whether up or down, is a wonderful thing to have. I wonder what the horses think?

        • Dori Troutman says:

          Hi Sandi,

          So I did some looking and thinking and I’m pretty sure my horse-shoes are going to have to stay the way they are – with the good luck falling out. Maybe that means the good luck is being spread around?! 🙂

          Yes… I’ve often wondered what the horses think too? We save their shoes and hang them on our walls and on fenceposts around the farm???!!! Ha Ha!

          – Dori –

  11. Ann says:

    Pictures are worth a thousand words! What a beautiful life you portray in your photos and captions. Thank you for sharing.

  12. April G. says:

    That porch bed and that view is too beautiful! And your flowers! I love it all!!

    • Dori Troutman says:


      The porch bed is pretty nice! We kind of love it!

      The flowers are the product of a small of land that my daughter and I “farm” for flowers which we sell from a honor system road-side stand. Kind of our favorite thing to do in the summertime!

      – Dori –

  13. Janet says:

    The photos are wonderful. My favorite is Belle, she reminds me of the best dog I ever had. Her name was Patches and she was always at my side. I am so glad you and your family have this opportunity to enjoy the country life. I now live in a city (Memphis) and miss the country so much. Have a wonderful summer.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Thank you Janet. Yes, Belle is pretty special! Her only “habit” that drives us crazy is that if she doesn’t see the grand-girls about every day, she gets a hair-brained idea to sneak to their house a couple miles away, which requires crossing a highway. It is so worrisome and so frustrating. She never seems to run off anywhere but there, so that is good at least!

      – Dori –

  14. Vivian Monroe says:

    What great pics of life. A Blessed life indeed. I have to get me one of those swinging porch beds. 🙂

  15. Sally says:

    Pictures say a thousand words, and yours are beautiful! Your farm and family give you joy and that is expressed in your pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Marcy says:

    Thank you for posting the lovely pics! There will always be a piece of my heart that yearns for your type of lifestyle! My life has taken a different path, so I will just live vicariously through you!! 🙂

  17. Denise Ross says:

    A truly beautiful post, Dori. I loved it. Sometimes words are not necessary. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words. I love your home and your family. Very special. Thank so much for sharing.

  18. bonita says:

    Dori, I absolutely loved your post, the pictures lead me into a beautiful ranch dream, always wanted to live on one. Thanks! bonita

  19. Peggy T says:

    What part of Tennessee ?

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