An EGGstraspecial Spring Giveaway


Enter to win this full apron with ten mini egg-sized pockets!

Dear Sisters,

Happy Spring! And, Happy Easter! Isn’t it great to see the greening of the earth again? While that might just be my favorite thing about spring, the next best thing is gathering fresh eggs straight from our backyard coop. I still get a rush at the sight of the first FRESH eggs of the season. And what better way to collect them in than a fashionable Egg Collecting Apron from Fluffy Layers! Tara J.Grier, founder of Fluffy Layers is giving away one or her darling aprons to a lucky farmgirl! Come on in for a chance to win!

You know the old saying, “birds of a feather, flock together?” Well, I think the same goes for chicken peeps too. Ever since we started keeping hens ( nearly 9 years ago, now) it’s become somewhat of a side hobby to keep a look out for new products that make chicken keeping even more fun and fashionable. I became familiar with Fluffy Layers when a dear chicken keeping friend brought me one of Tara’s aprons as a gift. I knew you would be as delighted as I am with her creations and I’m thankful to Tara for sponsoring this giveaway for you!


The half apron holds ten eggs.

Fluffy Layers LLC is inspired by fun, fashionable prints and practical urban agriculture products. Founded by Tara J. Grier in 2015, Fluffy Layers combines Grier’s career in the fashion industry with her expertise running a mini farm in Ashton, MD. As graduate of West Virginia University, Grier received a degree in Textiles, Apparel and Merchandising in 2006 before moving to New York to work for several luxury accessory retailers. With more than a decade of fashion and farming experience Fluffy Layers offers exciting new designs and ideas for farmers everywhere. Tara offers a variety of sizes and patterns to suit every taste.


This simple half-apron boasting ten mini-egg pockets is utilitarian and stylish.

1528322_orig Full apron with a contemporary take on chicken designs and a sassy ruffled bottom to boot!

6412069Full apron with ten egg pockets.


Me and my girl, Penny.

To enter the giveaway, leave me a comment and tell me what you think of these ingenious egg collecting aprons from Fluffy Layers.

More Fluffy Layers products here. Get The Fluff on the blog too!

Until out next shoreline visit~ Happy Spring and Happy Easter!

Beach Blessings and Much Love,

The Beach Farmgirl,

Deb # 1199

PS. I’ll announce the winner on my next blog at the end of April! *See* you then!

Thank you all so much for entering this fun giveaway!

CONGRATULATIONS TO Vivian Monroe ( Neta) for winning the Fluffy Layers Egg Collecting Apron!



  1. Sandy says:

    I just love the egg gathering apron idea. I have a habit of sticking them in my pocket. We all know that doesn’t always work so well. Wearing the apron would be a nice hands free way to collect eggs

  2. Tammy says:

    Love these cute aprons. Going to visit her blog. Happy Easter.

  3. Judy says:

    love the “egg”stra special design! It would work for lots of farm-girls….not just those with chickens.

  4. Debbie says:

    What an ingenious idea in a darling package!

  5. Ginny Mapes says:

    Very cute aprons, love them. These are perfect for collecting eggs! Thanks so much for sharing.

  6. Joanne Nicholson says:

    I will be 50 this July and I have always wanted chickens and to collect our own eggs. I live in a condo presently, but this year I am making it happen. I think all of the aprons are lovely but but your simple half apron is me and I’d hang it in my kitchen as a reminder (to make it happen). Happy Spring!

  7. Joanie Hendricks says:

    What a great idea! I love the one with the ruffle!

  8. Paula says:

    These aprons are the bomb! What else would you need for gathering eggs quickly on a cool spring day? I would love to win one!

  9. Katy Lamb says:

    Absolutely love these aprons. My niece is such a chicken decor person and she works on a chicken farm collecting eggs. These remind me of her so much.

  10. Jacque Sweany says:

    Sassy, fashionable and useful! Love them all.

  11. Dalyn says:

    I love aprons- but an apron with little eggs pockets? Genius! And practical! I’m always rooting around for pockets in my jackets and pants to carry the eggs back up the hill from the coop after I milk the goats in the barn. I love this idea and you might as well be cute while you work so I love the ruffles best!

  12. Mary Chapman says:

    A very big Happy Easter too you! I love your stories about your hens. I grew up with chickens and miss having them. I love the aprons. They are so cute and cleaver. Great idea. Sincerely Mary

  13. Geri Letki says:

    Love, Love, Love the aprons!!! My daughter is getting chickens and she would these aprons too.


  14. Deborah Meyer says:

    I live the aprons. Such a neat idea.

  15. Cheryl says:

    There is nothing I like better than chickens and beautiful fabric!! And putting both together , making something practical with it is all I need to be content all day. I probably would wear that apron all day!!!

  16. Jenny says:

    Oh my word, how sweet! The egg pockets are perfect 🙂 we just started keeping chickens this year, and the kids are LOVING it! Thanks for the opportunity to enter, and thanks for your fun blog!

  17. rebecca N says:

    These are absolutely adorable and practical!

  18. Pat S says:

    Tres Cool. I can see using in the house while cooking. Instead of bringing out the whole carton, just put the eggs you need in your apron.

  19. Linda Estes says:

    Tara, each one of these aprons are great ideas! They are so cute and would help in carrying eggs, which I have caught myself without a basket and had to stop and go get one to carry my eggs in. Such a great idea!
    Happy Easter!

  20. Terri says:

    Super cute and handy. We are getting six baby chicks next week. I am looking forward to having fresh eggs and raising my “girls” once again .

  21. Dorothy Sparks says:

    These aprons are so so cute. And would be used at my house but not for eggs. There are a lot of things I could put in those pockets.

  22. Pamela R. says:

    I love these aprons! Great design idea and such cute prints!

  23. Joan says:

    What a super idea and done up so pretty!!! Thanks for the great giveaway and congrats to the winner!!! gather in joy. Happy Easter to all of you too.

  24. Vickie Farris says:

    I am a loving and affectionate “Mother Hen” of a daughter who raises a small flock of chickens. She’s so cute with them and I wanted to share some of her feelings regarding her little hen family:

    “Each morning as the ladies are milling and pecking, I love the feeling I get when I open the back door and they come dashing in my direction cackling and clucking in unison.
    I’m flattered that they’re happy to see me even though I know they’re really just anxious to dig in to their feed.
    They’re happy – I’m happy — and it’s a great start to each day.
    I love the feeling I get when I find the pretty pastel treasures that my little ladies leave me, expecting nothing in return.
    I love letting them out of the run, free to roam, while I do my gardening or simply sit and enjoy the sunshine.
    I love that each and every one of our chickens have their own unique personalities; sweet and spunky, feisty and friendly and a little bit goofy at times.
    They’re amazingly intelligent, social and even cuddly little beings; God’s beautiful creatures. They’ve taught me and my family so much. They make me smile and I LOVE THEM DEARLY.”

  25. Michelle says:

    My daughter and I collect cute aprons. Since she collects eggs for me every morning, this one would go into her collection. What fun!

  26. Sunnie says:

    They are so cute, I like the patterns and the functionality of them!

  27. Suzanne Francke says:

    Love the idea. Don’t have chickens now but i have a friend who raises angora rabbits for her fiber farm in NY. she has ducks and chickens in the barn. She would love this.

  28. Connie Howard says:

    What a brilliant design ! Very clever ! If my name were picked, the apron would be loved and used daily on my little ( 6 Australorps ) hobby farm .

  29. love the idea….I have had many “scrambled” pockets….

  30. love the idea…have had many scrambled pockets

  31. Donna Kozak, Langley BC Canada says:

    Just love the beautiful and useful aprons – my older girls have been laying all winter (their coop has a nice timed heat lamp!!)..and my new ‘fluffy layers’ – lavender orpingtons will be laying soon so I have to get one of those lovely aprons – putting 4 or 5 eggs in my pockets is NOT a good idea !

  32. Krista says:

    These aprons are a great idea. You can collect your eggs and bring them in without a chance of dropping them or breaking them against each other. Her fabrics are absolutely perfect for egg collecting. My favorite one is the very first one with black and bright colors! Happy Spring and Happy Easter!

  33. Nancy M says:

    What a cute apron! I don’t have chickens yet but it’s on our goal list. We live in town and can only have 4 chickens but I’m hoping to have them one day.

  34. gretchen goodwin says:

    Oh Debbie , these aprons are wonderful, such a great design. They can be used for all sorts of things as well as egg gathering. Thank you for telling us about them. I always looks forward to your Beach Farmgirl blog. You are fun and add sunshine to my day! Thank you!

  35. Carmen says:

    What cute aprons!! These would make a great gift for my girlfriend who has her own little flock of fun. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  36. Stacey Mitchell says:

    What a way to carry those precious little eggs and keep them safe. Great idea.

  37. Shirley says:

    I love them. I can see them being very helpful

  38. Carol says:

    What a great idea! I would love to win this for my 18 year old daughter who is the keeper of the chickens at our home. She has used all manner of basket, bucket, and bag but she would love those handy pockets. She even has the boots to match.

  39. Deb says:

    Love these aprons, not only adorable but practical and so cheery!

  40. Marilyn says:

    These aprons are adorable. Thanks for the giveaway. Easter Blessings to you and yours.

  41. Joan says:

    All of these aprons are so cute. Thank you for the chance to win one. Happy Easter.

  42. Marion says:

    I think each and everyone of these aprons are so lovely and colorful. Thank you for this generous giveaway. Have a Blessed Easter.

  43. Peggy Mills says:

    I love the half apron with 10 egg pockets. That would be perfect since my sweet flock of 15 fluffie-butts usually leave me an average of 10 eggs each day. The fabrics are so cute, too. Thanks, also, for sending us to Fluffy Layers’ blog. Two new favorites now!

  44. Cindi says:

    Too too cute!!

  45. Brenda Towsley says:

    Happy Easter Deb! I have been seeing these aprons recently popping up on here and there on the internet. I have thought they are cute, I have such a habit of breaking eggs I stick in my pockets I wonder if this would be a help. I would like to win one!

  46. Janeen says:

    Such a cute and practical idea. It reminds me of aprons used in the maternity ward of a hospital in case they have to evacuate the babies.

  47. Kathy k says:

    Love your aprons! It would make collecting eggs from our 8 chickens much easier!!!

  48. Randi Cook says:

    I love these aprons. I’m always putting the eggs in my jacket pockets. I got 7 girls that are finally getting back to laying after the winter and spring molt.

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