My Farmgirl Farewell

As most of you know (those of us that have a few decades behind us), we spend our lives periodically reinventing ourselves. Life kind of requires it and, in my opinion, you’re better off if you go with the flow of stretching yourself to fit into the new you whatever that might be. That said, here I am again … percolating on some new ideas.

At age 57, this isn’t my first dance with deciding what to do next. Thank you all for reading my blog and for your many thoughtful comments. It has been a great 5 years and I’ve enjoyed every minute here with you. You made me dig a little deeper and learn things I probably wouldn’t have paid as much attention to.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the memories. Godspeed to you all and Happy Trails until we meet again!

Shery Jespersen

Ranch Farmgirl
I felt I had to write you back after submitting all of your wonderfully kind comments! {{{{{I’m overwhelmed}}}}} and teary eyed. Thank you is such a tiny thing in response to your outpouring of lovely words. I am at Facebook. I may post more social things. Of late, I use it mostly for the newsfeed. So, look me up there…hope to see you, really! I’m still stunned that so many of you took the time to say goodbye. So lets just NOT. Love be yours and all the treasures therein.

  1. Suse says:

    Thank you for sharing your adventures these past few years. I have enjoyed escaping to the plains of Wyoming through your camera lens and wonderful prose. There are many acts in life and our role is to embrace each one. Best to you!

  2. Millicent says:

    I’m sad to see you go. I loved reading your posts. Good luck in the next chapter/season.

  3. Valerie kunz says:

    Can’t believe you’re stopping. I never wrote, I’m the shy type. But my grandmother homesteaded in Wyoming and I spent many hours in Sheridan and Newcastle. Couple of years ago just spent a week or so tripping around Wyoming. I inherited my grandma’s cowboy spirit and in my 20s was a paid caretaker in the wilds of siskiyou county, California. 7 miles from any rode horse or walk. Wish I had the opportunity to know you

  4. Victoria says:

    My mouth is hangin’ open. Noooo, Shery. Tell me it ain’t so. I’ve so enjoyed your blogs and could relate to so many, having spent time in Wyoming and rural Idaho, hangin’ out with farmers and ranchers. Many times you brought a smile to my face and brought me to tears. I was so looking forward to seeing that little Corgi baby grow up. Let me be counted with the other gals, in that you are my favorite. I’m so sad. Thank you for all that you have shared. What a blessing you are!

  5. Grace Brown says:

    Happy Trail(er)s to you, until we meet again…
    hugz and Thank you for such a wonderful blog of musing…

  6. Mary Ellen says:

    God Bless You! Good luck with what ever you choose. I have really enjoyed you’re blog. You will be missed.

  7. carleen says:

    I will miss your post so much….I loved the pictures and decorating ideas…please take care…..

  8. Kim Manning says:

    Shery, Thank you so much for sharing your life’s adventures over the years. You brought me back to the beautiful memories when I grew up living in your part of Wyoming. Blessings to you as you venture down new trails….you have enriched mine over these last years. Thank You and the Lord guide you.

  9. Ann says:

    Dearest Shery
    How you will be missed. I am losing a friend today.
    As so many have stated yours is/was the best on MJF.
    God go with you in the future.
    Merry CHRISTmas and I miss you terribly already.
    Matthew 6:33

  10. Bonnie says:

    Dear Sherry,
    I will miss your lovely posts! I send my love and blessings to you. You will be missed. Until we meet again and thank you.

  11. Terri says:

    Shery: Over the past years I have looked forward to your postings as one would anticipate a letter from a treasured friend. Thank you for your inspirational writings and beautiful photography. I have been continually moved by your clarity and eloquent prose.

    Best wishes,
    Terri W in NC

  12. Rebecca says:

    I don’t normally comment on blogs but wanted to wish you the best. I enjoy your blogs so much….the one from last month (Savory and Sweet) really touched my heart. I’ve re-read it several times, because that’s exactly how I feel. I just don’t have the gift of words to express it the way you did. Best wishes in all you new endeavors.

  13. Mary Jane Walsh says:

    Best Wishes to you………….I understand completely!
    Enjoy exploring!

  14. Jody says:

    I’m so sad to read this and while I have only been reading your blog for a short time, I am very teary and heavy in my heart that your blogs will be no more. Your words and pictures have been a wonderful inspiration to me. I know how you feel and we all have new chapters in life that we have to follow as we continue to grow in the many ways we do. I wish you the best and I will miss you. Thank you for sharing with us and for enriching my life with yours.

  15. cindy says:

    Bummer!! I really enjoy your articles and will miss receiving them. Good luch in your future projects.

  16. Maria Reyes says:

    Over the years, I have sat at my desk typing and typing and typing at my work. My hours are long and so are my days! You were my escapes, my transportation to a different world that I could dream, my inspiration that someday I maybe could experience a different life. I looked forward to your posts and would await them with excitement, We the readers of your posts are going to miss you. May God englighten you on your new adventure keep you and your family safe. Best wishes for a healthy, wealthy life full of love. Maria

  17. Jodie says:

    Oh shery! You have been such an inspiration. I’ve kept up with you since joining MJF 3 years ago. Sorry I didn’t express my gratitude towards you until now. Thank you for inviting us into your home and taking the time to share life with us. I will miss you dearly!!!!! I wish you all the best! Happy trails!

  18. Linda Petersen says:

    Dear Shery~~~I can’t tell you how sad I am that you are moving on into another journey. I understand~~~but I’m nevertheless SAD! Your Farm Girl blog was my very favorite as well~~~the creativity & fun & wonderful stories & insight~~~not to mention your love & faith in the Lord. You are very special to me. God Bless you & your family abundantly! Merry Christmas & a very Happy New Year.
    Much LOVE,

  19. Margaret says:

    Sheri, I will truely miss your wonderful insights from my beloved Wyoming. After living in Wyo for sometime in the l980’s and vacationing for a minimun of 2 weeks every year for the last 46 years out there I will miss getting the little glimps monthly from you. Been to many of the places you mentioned. Done some of the things you have done and look forward to doing more of them. Good luck in your next set of adventures and enjoy your Glamping.


  20. Carmen says:

    To a good friend, Shery, though we have never met I feel as though we have known each other forever. Your stories, memories,loves, tears, laughter, heartaches and life have been an inspiration to me, to all of us, thank you for sharing a brief moment in time. May the angels watch over you and God Bless. Merry Christmas my friend, Merry Christmas. Until we meet again….

  21. I have always visited your blog but never really left a comment too often. I will certainly miss reading your blog and enjoying all of the beautiful photos, and styling as well. Your decor was always a treat. Blessings sent your way on your new adventure. Sandy :O)

  22. Marcie says:

    Shery, I will miss your blogs (my fav too). I would see your blog in my email and open and park it until I had time to sit and enjoy all your pictures and ranch adventures. It was like a friend visit over a cup of coffee.

    I wish you the best wherever life takes you. Marcie

  23. Oh Shery, I’m sorry to see you go. I pray that God will have some new and exciting things ahead for you 🙂 🙂 🙂 Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂

  24. Jennifer says:

    Oh Shery say it ain’t so!!!! I love your post and the pictures…I just can’t get enough of your pictures of the farm and your adventures. You will be MISSED!!!! 🙁

  25. Kim says:

    I have never commented on a blog, but want to let you know that you will truly be missed. I loved reading your posts and enjoyed seeing your photos. You write and express yourself beautifully. May God continue to bless you! Happy Trails!

  26. andrea says:

    I will so miss your blog. I will miss you and Ribbon. Your wonderful posts and the encouragment you always bring. I hope all goes well with what ever way your life turns. May you be blessed as you have blessed me over the years. Take special care and know that you will be missed. I hope the past posts will be up for a while so we can browse and remember for a while yet. Blessings on you and yours for the future. You will be missed very much.

  27. Christiane Berry says:

    Shery so very sad to hear that YOU, one of my favorite MJF bloggers will no longer be available for me to enjoy. You’ve been GRAND,beautiful pics & a heartful joy to read.
    Wish you the very "BERRY" best in health, love & life & new adventures.
    Merry Christmas & take care
    Christiane Berry

  28. Wendy Li says:

    You are a very talented writer and photographer. I will miss your posts. Best wishes in your new endeavors!

  29. Rene Foust says:

    I am so sorry that you will be moving on, your entries were always so beautiful and I looked forward to reading everything you wrote and savoring your pictures. Good luck inn what ever it is that you decide to do next. You will be missed.

  30. Kathy Barnett says:

    I was so sad to discover that you will not be writing monthly posts any more. I loved your postings, which were like comfort food for my soul. You painted such a lovely picture of life on the ranch, and your photos were always beautiful. You were such a gifted writer, and your blogs were the best that Farmgirl had to offer. Thank you for inviting me into your home and your life every month. I understand your need to move on to another adventure, but I selfishly hope that you will publish a book in the future. I wish you many happy trails and all the best. Kathy

  31. katherine says:

    Thanks…and God Bless. I will miss the cow parts of your blog the most. It reminded me of my growing up years in Nebraska as my Dad had a cow/calf operation. I was not the cowgirl he wanted but I did have a good cutting horse Sundance that I remember riding while working the cattle. Take Care and enjoy all God has blessed you with!!


    I also am sorry to see you want to saddle up and ride into a new adventure . Shery were given a gift which I hope you continue using in whatever you do. I like many of your fans enjoyed your adventures wherever you rode. Heck I see a pile of horse turds and I see horse turds. But you, You could arrange them on a doily, paint them red and make people see them as pretty horse apples. Anyway girl you can’t say it hasn’t been one hell of a ride.
    Love you

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