My Farmgirl Farewell

As most of you know (those of us that have a few decades behind us), we spend our lives periodically reinventing ourselves. Life kind of requires it and, in my opinion, you’re better off if you go with the flow of stretching yourself to fit into the new you whatever that might be. That said, here I am again … percolating on some new ideas.

At age 57, this isn’t my first dance with deciding what to do next. Thank you all for reading my blog and for your many thoughtful comments. It has been a great 5 years and I’ve enjoyed every minute here with you. You made me dig a little deeper and learn things I probably wouldn’t have paid as much attention to.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the memories. Godspeed to you all and Happy Trails until we meet again!

Shery Jespersen

Ranch Farmgirl
I felt I had to write you back after submitting all of your wonderfully kind comments! {{{{{I’m overwhelmed}}}}} and teary eyed. Thank you is such a tiny thing in response to your outpouring of lovely words. I am at Facebook. I may post more social things. Of late, I use it mostly for the newsfeed. So, look me up there…hope to see you, really! I’m still stunned that so many of you took the time to say goodbye. So lets just NOT. Love be yours and all the treasures therein.

  1. Rebecca says:

    I am so sorry to hear this. Yours is one of the best blogs that FarmGirl has. Good luck with whatever is next in reinventing yourself. I am 55 so I know exactly what you are talking about.

  2. Maureen says:

    Best wishes on your new grand adventures, whatever they may be. I will so miss your blog, you’ve made WY one of the most beautiful places in the country. God Bless!

  3. Adrienne says:

    I’ve enjoyed your posts over the years and I wish you health, happiness and much love in the years to come!

  4. brickhorse says:

    Shery, I will miss your posts. It made such a positive difference in my life to be able to read about your life, because some of the aspects are similar to mine. I wish you Godspeed as well, and hope that your new percolating ideas will lead you to fresh growth and new paths of enrichment on this great planet. I have never met you, but you have indeed left hoof prints in my heart. Thank you for sharing so much with us.

  5. At 64 I’m working on some reinvention of my own. Best wishes to you, Shery, as you head out on this latest adventure! – Fawn

  6. Linda says:

    Disappointed at best. You were my favorite blogger on MaryJane’s site or any site for that matter. You have a way with words most other writers don’t. Please let us know why this sudden change of heart and if there is any possibility of reconsideration.

  7. Pat Hicks says:

    Yours was my favorite blog! I’ve never even posted a comment before, but now to tell you how much I will miss your stories from the ranch. Happy trails and best wishes to you.

  8. bobbie Calgaro says:

    Dear Sherry,I will truly miss your blog, partly because we are so close in age and attitude (i’m 60) but mostly because you have always given me a sense of home and the importance of the small but lovely things in life. Your style has touched me and made me work hard to make my home lovely with the things around me. Go well with God’s blessing on whatever road HE leads you down next. Thank you for such a fulfilling read. Hopefully one day our paths will cross again. Fondly, bobbie

  9. Connie says:

    I undersstand it, but I can’t believe it. Where will I go to take a break from work. So So Sad.

  10. Taffra says:

    I am very sorry and sad to see that this is the last time I will hear from you. I looked forward to your posts. Ranch Farmgirl Blog is the only thing on MaryJane’s Farm that I enjoy any more.
    Your posts were always beautifully written and the photos stunning.
    Best wishes to you.

  11. Gracie says:

    I just discovered you blog and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to be able to read it. Thank you for sharing your heart and soul with us. Enjoy your next endeavor and maybe just check in once in a while to update on how you new adventure is going. God speed and blessing to you.

  12. jana says:

    Are you quitting the blog? I just joined Mary Janes Farm and I’m just curious. I can so identify with your statement about reinventing ourselves. I’m 48 and am coming up on completing year one of beginning gardening and livestock(urban, but country-wanna-be). I farmed some with my dad but didn’t know enough to strike out on my own. I was looking forward to the wisdom from the other farm ladies here. Cheers!

  13. Denise says:

    Good Luck to you Shery, I’ve enjoyed your adventures. I especially loved the Getting Your Glamping On. Never been a big fan of camping, but I love those campers and you girls have such fun. I have a group of ladies, we are scrap bookers. We have that much fun too. Not sure if they would consider glamping. It’s a thinker. Hope you continue to live your very special life to it’s fullest.

  14. Carol Norwood says:

    Shery … Godspeed to you too. I am really going to miss your blog but I totally understand that you need to do other things. God Bless. It has been fun! Carol

  15. Martha says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your life and wisdom in the wonderful writing and photos. It has been such a privilege to read about your blog. I will certainly miss it! May God bless your next endeavor.

  16. Diana Henretty says:

    NOOOOOO!! The thought of saying good bye is hard.
    I loved your post these past few years, they are uplifting and inspiring with all of your pictures of the life that you love so much.
    As the Ozarks faces a Arctic blast just around the corner, lots of ice rain and snow coming, so we all face many storms and changes in our lives, sometimes they are good and sometimes not so good, but change is so needed in all of our lives.
    You will be greatly missed, when I look out off my front porch into the western sunsets, I will think of you on your ranch and be grateful for all the times we have spent together so far away, but close in heart.
    Sending warm Ozarks hugs today, Diana, Noel Mo.

  17. Meredith says:

    Oh no! I will miss your blogs, they have been my favorite. Blessings and good luck with whatever is on the horizon for you Shery!

  18. Nina Cole says:

    Best of Everything to you. I like your spirit.


  19. Mary Rauch says:

    I don’t know what to say! Now I am mad at myself for just reading and "soaking in" all the treasures you have shared and never telling you so! Isn’t that just like selfish old me?
    You are (and have been) APPRECIATED and ENJOYED so much all this time! Now I’m gonna cry!
    Ranch Farmgirl love coming your way in your future endeavors!

  20. Joy says:

    What!!! I for one will miss your wonderful stories of your ranch life and thoughts and photos of life in general. I quite often thought you should be publishing a book with your way of describing your goings on and great photography. Best of luck in whatever your next adventure will be. You will be missed here.
    Joy in Oregon

  21. Mary says:


    Best of luck on your new adventures and thank you for sharing yourself and your beautiful part of country with us. You will be missed. Fondly, Mary from Montana.

  22. Cyndy says:

    From the reader’s standpoint this is very sad news, but from the standpoint of someone who would want only the best for you, Happy Trails indeed! I hope that you might let us know how you are doing from time to time, perhaps through MaryJane. Hugs and all the best!


  23. nameNancy says:

    Shery, I am sorry that you are going to stop writing your blog. As a visitor to Wyoming in the 90’s I fell in love with the whole state. Your writings have take me back there, joyfully. I am 70, so I know a little bit about reinventing yourself. Sometimes you just have to. I know that your younger readers will miss your knowledge about life and your older readers will miss your musings and we will all miss your beautifully written blog. Happy trails to you also.

  24. Susan Margetts says:

    I will miss you words of wisdom and beautiful pictures….I wish you well on this next part of your journey…Godspeed

  25. Jan says:

    Oh, I am so sad that you will no longer be sharing your blogs with us. I have always looked forward to reading your wise and kind words, and looking at the beautiful pictures.
    I send to you blessing from above and will miss you terribly.
    Happy Trails to you too and I do hope we meet again.

  26. marilyn says:

    Shery, we will miss you. I have always enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you for your input these past years. Good Luck in your next endeavors.

  27. Vivian says:

    Oh what are you going to do? Please contact me sometime I love your writing and would love to meet you in person. You inspire me with your blog an I will sorely miss your musings on life. Have alot of fun in your next adventure!


  28. Cori says:

    I am going to miss your posts. I loved hearing about ranch life and shed a few tears with you over your wonderful horses. Bless you with whatever you endeaver to do. Many Happy Trails to you!

  29. Oh Shery, going to miss your Farmgirl posts! Just turned 56 myself today and I know what you mean by reinventing ourselves over the years. Will you be letting us know what you are up to somehow? FAcebook? I follow you there so maybe that is where I can keep an eyeout for you…Sorry I do not always comment but I have always read. Thanks again for all you wonderful views into your ranch life.

  30. Bonnie says:

    I have so enjoyed your musings, photography and all the wonderful things you have shared over these few years.
    Blessings to you as you set out towards new adventures!
    Sending big hugs!

  31. Linda Smith says:

    Hello Shery,

    I have looked forward to reading your blogs and will miss you. Best of luck in the next chapter.

    Happy Trails,

  32. Margie says:

    Sherry, sorry to hear this, you will be missed…When one door closes, another one always opens, Sending you Blessings in where ever your heart leads you,
    Best Wishes Always

  33. Claudia says:

    Loved reading your blog!. I will miss you. You inspired us all to move to the next level, be it glamping, kindness, gratiude or just full of all out love! Thank you!

  34. Janice says:

    I am in shock! I so look forward to your blog…the incredible photos, thought-provoking ideas, and a glimpse into the ranch life. Thank YOU for all of that and more. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you in my life. Happy trails to you as well and I hope your trail and mine cross somewhere again in the future. Blessings on your re-invention.


  35. Mandy Maddocks says:

    Sorry to see you go! 🙁

  36. Stacy says:

    Have enjoyed your words, wisdom, & photos! Sad to see you choose another trail. Wish you all the best in your future endeavors! From one ranch girl to another! ;0)

  37. Ann says:

    Good luck with your next set of adventures. I am bereft that you are no longer blogging as I enjoy your writing and photographs very much and looked forward to your monthly blog as my favorite MaryJane’s farm girl. I’m a few years older than you but your stories always resonated with me and I feel like you are a kindred spirit. I wish you joy and wonderful time with your family and friends. Ann

  38. Stormy Snow says:

    First, you will be missed, loved all you have had to say and share. Second, good for you! I hope your new adventures bring you great fulfillment! and lastly, I hope to find my path as you have found your’s. Check in with us every once in awhile! Not good bye, just see ya around the ranch! – Stormy

  39. Joan says:

    For you I wish you all the best in whatever you have reinvented yourself into!!! BUT for me, will there be another super great read, enjoy another farmgirls day out, glamping in the little Cabin? My oh my I am sure going to miss you in my life. God speed and Merry Christmas to y’all. LvU j

  40. Bonnie says:

    Oh,Shery, so gonna miss your blog. As others have said, yours was my very favorite of the Farm Girl blogs. Always looked forward to sharing in your life with your wonderful way with words and the stunning photos. I have not been west of Chicago, so your blog gave me a very realistic look at ranch life. I certainly wish you well in whatever you choose to do. I have to admit I selfishly wanted a much longer farewell blog.

  41. Rosemary says:

    Sorry to hear ! Love your blog

  42. Teri Personeni says:

    Hi Shery,
    sorry to hear you are not going to be blogging anymore. I have always enjoyed your writing and the adventures you have shared. I can sure understand the need to pull back and review life from a different perspective. I will greatly miss your stories and philosophy.

  43. TeriGrace says:

    Oh Poo……. I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed your posts! For all this time you’ve felt like one of my best friends. I wish you well but know that you will be terribly missed…..

  44. Jan says:

    I can only wish you the best of luck and say that I understand! I will miss you terribly. Of course you are my favorite, too. I am wishing that I will find you somewhere out there in some form or another, since it will be a true loss to think of not hearing from you again…
    Is there any way that you could share your new path with us?

  45. HeatherLynn Martin says:

    Dear Shery,
    Wishing you much happiness on your new endeavors. Your love for life and respect for all things great and small shows in your posts. Your kind words and amazing photos have touched us and all of our senses. Thank you.
    I am glad we could be sisters.

  46. Donna Collins says:

    Shery, So sorry to see you go, I’ve enjoyed every one of your posts (you are my favorite!) This is the first time I’ve actually commented, & since this is your last post, I really wanted to thank you for sharing a peek at your life with us! I’m so glad I can check in on you on Facebook. Good luck! All the best, Donna

  47. Sharon says:

    Hi Shery, I love your blog….it is the only Farmgirl blog that I read. I have a sad feeling to let you go. I understand your need to move onto other things. I wish you the best, remember to be kind to yourself, be gentle to yourself, and to love yourself. A loyal reader…always…

  48. Connie Sadowinski says:

    So sorry to see you go!! I have enjoyed your blogs! Best of luck to your new adventures, wherever they lead you! Take Care, and may you continue to be blessed!
    Connie from Alberta Canada

  49. Dorothy says:

    Shery – I will miss your blog and the wonderful photos you have posted for us. Enjoy your new endeavors.

  50. Judy says:

    I have enjoyed every post…… looked forward to them. Such amazing photos and writing. Very best wishes to the lovely lady I believe you to be.

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