Difficult Chickens with Sarah Rosedahl and a Coloring Book Giveaway!


Dear Sisters,
Have you noticed how many adult coloring books have appeared in the marketplace lately? Just about every subject possible is available, but, it takes a very special artist to understand the beauty of chickens. More precisely, Difficult Chickens. Sarah Rosedahl is the artist and self-published author of the Difficult Chickens Coloring Book and she’s giving away a copy to one of you! Come on in and meet Sarah, and enter the giveaway!

Do you remember whiling away hours and hours coloring when you were young? I sure do. As I think back to that time in my life I can recall sitting for what seemed like an eternity coloring in my favorite cartoon characters and other themed coloring books. I colored countless pictures of Barbie, horses, Disney stars and flower-power pictures. I can still remember the waxy smell that filled the air just after flipping the top of the crayons box open. Did you have the big box of 100 Crayola crayons? I thought I was all that when I got my first big box. I think what I remember most about coloring is how relaxing it was. I liken the feeling to doing a puzzle, drawing, painting, or playing music. I colored for many years until I discovered Donny Osmond and puppy love. That was # %^*( &^% years ago.


The coloring book craze is back and it’s not just for kids anymore. In fact, it has been known in the health profession for decades that coloring is GOOD for us at any age.For youngsters, it helps develop fine motor skills and teaches children to stay focused on one activity. Not to mention the artistic benefits from playing with color crayons. Turns out, adults can benefit from coloring as a way to reduce stress. I recently read that businesses are scheduling ” worry-free color time” into employees work days as a way to take a mental break and get re-centered. What a brilliant idea. I think it could be a nice break from technology too. Could you be away from your phone for 30 – 60 minutes at a time for a coloring break?

I met Sarah last year at the Northeastern Poultry Congress. If you’ve never been to one I highly recommend it. You’ll get to see chickens from all over the world and you’ll meet creative and industrious folks, like Sarah who are inspired by the fun antics and beauty of chickens. I took a liking to her playful yet detailed painting style immediately.

Sarah captures the the essence of chickens in her first book, Chickens! Illustrated Chicken Breeds, featuring her beautiful water-color painted chickens doing what chickens do best.

Cover Only-Final

It was only natural that a coloring book would follow. Click here to see the inside of all 26 pages of Difficult Chickens. They are so cute!


You may also recognize Sarah’s artwork on your Sloggers garden boots and clogs. They discovered Sarah’s whimsical designs on Facebook and reached out to her for a licensing agreement.


This year she’s branching out from chickens to cows. They’re calling this design ” Cowabella”.







I don’t know about you, but I’m heading out for a pack of crayons and ordering my copy of Difficult Chickens today! I want to feel like a kid again too!

Wouldn’t Sarah’s books and sloggers make the perfect Valentines gift for a farmgirl friend?

Feeling lucky? Leave a comment to enter the giveaway and I’ll announce the winner in my next blog!

Until our next shoreline visit ~ Schedule in some worry-free color time! You’ll just feel better, I promise!

Beach Blessings and Much Love,


The Beach Farmgirl and sister # 1199

Sarah Rosedahl is an artist and recovering software engineer. After working in the high-tech industry for 30 years in California and New Orleans, Sarah now lives on a small farm in Vermont where she is inspired by the wildlife and agriculture of the Lake Champlain Islands. Sarah works in watercolor, acrylic and mixed media and especially enjoys painting birds, both wild and domestic.

Sarah is the author and illustrator of “Difficult Chickens” adult coloring book, “Chickens! Illustrated Chicken Breeds A to Z” and “Chickens! Illustrated Chicken Breeds A to Z Coloring Book” and illustrator for Sloggers Chicken Collection and Cowabella rain boots and garden shoes.

Sarah Rosedahl
Artist, Author and Illustrator


 This giveaway has ended. Thank you all so much for your participation and encouraging Sarah to keep creating her adorable chickens!  I want to thank Sarah Rosedahl for her generous coloring book giveaway and all of you who took the time to enter and comment! Congratulations, Kristy Peterson!






  1. Pingback: Another Coloring Book Giveaway Roundup! - Adult Coloring 101

  2. Donna Shultz says:

    I bought a pair of sloggers after I found out Sarah’s artwork was used. I get so many compliments. I love the coloring book!

  3. Darlene Granberg says:

    Have my chicken sloggers, my chicken book, now I need a coloring book! May have to get Cow boots too….love Sarah’s stuff! Would love win the book.

  4. Linda Boyd says:

    I love your Chicken coloring book….Very Cute! Thank you for this offer. Linda Mogadore, Ohio

  5. Linda Boyd says:

    Thank you for this offer.

  6. Rene Creasy says:

    Nice blog … LOVE the coloring book!

  7. Maureen sollman says:

    I absolutely LOVE your designer sloggers 🙂 I purchased a couple of chicken themed coloring books for my daughter at Christmas, which she loved! She’s an Ag teacher and needed a good stress reliever! I would love one also 🙂 Keep up that amazing artistic gift you possess!!

  8. Pingback: There’s a Garden in There Somewhere (A Garden of Love ) | Farmgirl Bloggers

  9. Thanks everyone who entered to win my new book and thank you for all of the nice comments. I’ve enjoyed reading them and am still going through them all.

  10. Stacey Mitchell says:

    Gotta get me some of those sloggers, they are the bomb. Loving me some of those chickens to. Can’t wait to get coloring.

  11. Donna says:

    Chickens are so entertaining enjoying my sloggers and Sarahs artistic talent

  12. Marlene Capelle says:

    I’ve been giving coloring books and crayons (or colored pencils) to people battling cancer for years. They say it’s relaxing and helps them forget their troubles for awhile. Of course the coloring books weren’t nearly as intricate as the ones out now and chickens are a great idea..

  13. Not sure if this contest is over or not, what a cute idea this is!

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