Savory And Sweet

Is there a season of thankfulness? Shouldn’t they all be? I guess it is good that we emphasize it even more now. This IS the season to put ourselves in heightened gratitude mode, getting good & stuck in the groove of gratitude. The best part of being in the thick of thankfulness is that almost by magic it multiplies. How sweet it is!

I was looking out my backdoor and it struck me how thankful I am for so many little things in life. Little things that are not little to me. Gratitude is often in the details. Something as simple as soft sunshine making a vintage apron glow while it hangs as a make-do valance on my porch door delights me.

I’m thankful for having a freezer full of homegrown beef.

… for being able to find amazing fossils underfoot while I ride at the ranch. Here is a fossilized shark’s tooth that has been here since the great flood…until I found it.

… for calling home a place where access to nature is all around me …

… for the means to purchase a little playhouse on wheels that has given me a new way to get back into camping mode. And, for the friends and family that make the outing what it really is all about.

… for a warm, safe and comfortable home.

… for a garden that gives me much joy in every season.

… for fresh eggs frying in an iron skillet.

… for a steady and sensible horse under my saddle that is just as lovely to look at as she is to ride.

… for a husband that saddles my horse for me if I’m running behind, who takes flowers to my mother, who does a million things for others without expecting a thank you.

… and this year … for my sister moving back here so that we can make up for all the years of being apart.

… for these and so much more … Thank you Lord. You above all things I am most thankful for because "All good and perfect gifts come from above."

May each and every one of you – my farmgirl friends out there – have a Thanksgiving that fills your heart AND your tumtum with all things savory and sweet. ~ Shery

  1. Karen says:

    This was a great picture of what & how you live every day.

  2. Carol says:

    Shery … As always, a great post. Love all the beautiful photos of your world. Your post is a great reminder that we all should be so thankful for the many, many blessings we each have. I enjoyed your perspective. Happy Thanksgiving! Carol

  3. Mercedes says:

    Indeed so much to be Thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours

  4. bobbie calgaro says:

    The pictures are gorgeous. The sentiment spot on and as always you touch my heart. Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Judy says:

    It truly is the smallest things that are the most treasured, offer the most to be grateful for. Thank you for a beautiful post.

  6. sheri, you will be surely missed by this farm girl. I enjoyed your post the most, I looked forward to every post. I cried to hear you were leaving. I feel as though I knew you. so long my friend. I wish we could be Pen pals. A friend forever , Juanita Massey

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