Buffalo Gals

This past weekend, my glampy farmgirl pals and I went on what might be our last glamp-out of the year. The outing included witnessing the annual buffalo roundup at Custer State Park in the nearby Black Hills.

Come along for the ride!

So, we made the hour+ road-trip to a campground near Custer. The plan was to take in the buffalo roundup, an outdoor art fair, antique shopping, and, of course, glamping in the piney woods in coolish autumn weather. I’m happy to report that we successfully checked everything off our list! Below are some photo high-lights …

After what can only be explained as divine intervention, we managed to get to the buffalo roundup area where we could park together [we took two vehicles]. We had gotten separated by many miles! Mind you, this event draws nearly 10,000 other spectators and their cars. The lines into the park went for miles. That we ended up in near proximity to each other and were able to reconnect was a miracle since regulation of traffic was tightly controlled. Yet, we did and we also ended up getting ‘front row’ seats – the media row – on a hill directly overlooking the area where the buffalo would pass through.

(I must also confess here that I have serious ‘crowdaphobia’. By the time we were in the middle of thousands of cars, all I wanted to do was LEAVE which was not going to be an option until the whole spectacle was over. Miracle? We were the 6th car allowed to leave when people were released after the roundup. With open space before me, my anxiety lifted!)

Before that, Jennie let me borrow her camera to take photos…and that gave me something to do while I wrung my hands over being trapped in a crowd. [I forgot my own camera at home.] Witnessing the buffalo topping a hill also made me forget my troubles. It was like a video still from the movie Dances With Wolves. Here are progressive photos of the drive.

There were multiple vehicles and lots of riders to help keep the herd together and on course.

The buffalo flushed out a group of elk – cows & calves – from the timber.

And, bringing up the rear was the flag bearer.

Meanwhile, back at camp, we stoked the built campfires and had our electric heaters going in our glampers to keep them cozy and warm. I stacked two Hudson Bay wool blankets on my bed!

Below, Anita and Michele get a fire started. Michele’s niece, Riley, joined us on this glamp-out.

Jennie and Anita …

My cozy nest, below. One night we fixed ‘hobo supper’ — burgers, potatoes, carrots & onions — wrapped in individual bundles in foil – cooked over the fire for about half an hour. I made a salad.

One on of the shopping stops, I found and bought the WONDERFUL book Trailerama, a must-have for glamper lovers. See above. We spent more time in our trailers this trip because it was so cool. I had morning visitors for coffee.

Donna and Riley, above. Anita and Kelly below. Our new glamping sister, LaDonna, joined us and she brought her bio-sister, Kelly.

While we were out on our shopping safari on Saturday, we stopped for lunch at a Bavarian restaurant in Hill City [The Alpine]. We had Weinerschnitzle, Bratwurst with Spaetzle and a host of other delicious goodies.

Over the weekend, we escaped the ‘news’ … so much of it is bad nowadays. We enjoyed fresh mountain air, the colors of fall, friendship, campfire giggling, and the sanctuary that Nature offers when you veer a little ways’ off the beaten path. The girls and I are talking about one last trip before winter roads put an end to our glamp-outs. I hope we can sneak away one more time. Glamping has been such a delightful addition to our lives. It isn’t always easy to get away, but MyOhMy, it is so worthwhile. Camping has been a lifelong love of mine and I’m so HAPPY that glamping has allowed me to recapture and reinvent my campy-glampy self! There are now nearly 9 of us glampers and BoyHowdy, WE ARE HAVING FUN.

Happy Trails to you all…and enjoy Autumn wherever you are!

  1. Joan says:

    Shery, Shery, Shery, will you never not make my heart jump for joy? yes my heart is happy, my eyes are tearing up with pleasure – oh how wonderful to see the buffalo and you to see/hear/smell them in person – right out in God’s country – THANK YOU for the wonderful visit. God Bless.

  2. Teri Personeni says:

    Oh Shery!! What a wonderful adventure for you and the gals! Thank you so much for including me in it by sharing your great photos. I can almost hear the hoofbeats and buffalo grunts as I scroll through your album.

  3. Karen says:

    This has been fun see you all as you go on this trip.I may to stay late next yr& get to see with you. I see you have snow now, we are going into low 30’s this weekend.

  4. Karen says:

    Was great to see my friend have thier last trip, as now snow has come early for you & were in low 30’s starting this sunday, have wood in stove & wood insde.

  5. Terri Wilburn says:

    Shery, Last week this NC lady was enjoying the intriguing So Dakota Badlands & the beautiful Black Hills of Wyo. Although we missed the Buffalo roundup, we stayed at the Custer State Park Game lodge cabins & enjoyed the arts and crafts fair & all the weekend activities. Early this week the park was quiet and we were able to view the buffalo & other wildlife up close. I snapped lots of photos to keep the memory of this amazing place close at hand.

    Thanks to your blog writings and photographs, I felt an extra kinship with this amazing area of the country.

    Terri in NC

  6. sue m says:

    Thank you so much for sharing a most wonderful adventure. I must admit my jealousy but so happy you shared your pictures for me to live vicariously through. Just so special. Thanks again

  7. Debbie says:

    My oh my Shery! Just amazing to see those buffalo and to get a glimpse of your glamping gals out havin’ fun together!
    Loved this post from top to bottom! Oh, and we share having  "crowdaphobia"! I’d much rather be where I can see my way in and out with plenty of space around me! It creeps up on me when I fly, go to the movies and to concerts and in the mall.
    The leaves are turning so quickly here in New England. The earliest I’ve seen since arriving 12 years ago. As always, your blogs are an inspiration!
    Deb ( beach farmgirl )!

  8. Carol Norwood says:

    Shery … That must have been a wonderful spectacle to witness, despite your fear of crowds (one I share, by the way)! What wonderful pictures and what a wonderful sisterhood of glamping friends. Aren’t you glad you aren’t there this weekend … with 2-3 feet of snow? Good gracious! Carol

  9. Jan says:

    Did you actually have power, or did you use a generator for your heater in your trailer? Looks pretty nippy in that neck of the woods. Fall is definitely upon us…
    I just purchased a lovely vintage red and black vintage vest from an estate sale. I feel honored to own it as it belonged to a wonderful cowboy in it’s previous life. I told his wife that I would wear it around a campfire and when I did I would say, ‘Thank you Ross!’. She thought that was just great…

    Wonderful and interesting post, Shery!


    Yes, Jan, we did have electrical and water hook-ups at this campground. It was NICE to have lights and water when it is cold.

  10. Robin Griffin says:

    O my goodness what wonderful pictures. I would give anything to be able to do that just once. Thanks so much. I really enjoyed it.

  11. Sandi says:

    Wow! What an experience! I’d love to witness that someday, and it did look like a movie script from Dances With Wolves! This coming weekend is our (probably) final campout of the year and it will be bittersweet! So enjoyed your pictures! Glad your friend had her camera!
    Sandi (the Travelin’ Sister)

  12. Denise S says:

    Ok, for someone who doesn’t know and has only been in WY & SD once, explain about the buffalo round up. I’ve been to Custer State Park and am just curious. You make me want to come visit your area so badly again! thanks for the great pictures you always post. Oh, and did your area get lots of snow over this past weekend??


  13. Mercedes says:

    Thank you so much for posting the buffalo round up photos. What an incredible adventure. I live in the city and long for the country life.
    Love your posts

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