Getting Our Glamp On

Sooo … my farmgirl gal-pals & I are getting this glamping thing down to a science … and we’re adding other glampers to the flock. The easy part is wanting to go. The hard part is getting everyone on the same page schedule-wise! We’re all busy with ‘life’ in general. But, one way or another, we manage. C’mon in and see for yourself.

Above: DonnaJo’s glampsite early in the morning. Since our first group glamping trip last August [with MaryJane], we’ve been fine-tuning the art of glamping. We’ve added losts of vintage finds to our glamper collections. A few of us have acquired their first glamper [like Brenda] and LaDonna]. La Donna’s glamper has yet to be unveiled due to her being unable to join us on a trip, BUT, it will happen if “the good Lords willing and the creek don’t rise.” Brenda bought a 1960 Aristocrat a few weeks back and she’s been working on getting her tin inn restored. The restoration being unfinished did not deter her on our glamping trip this past weekend. Fellow glamper, Michele, brought her saw and they worked on putting the floor in Brenda’s glamper in the evenings while in camp!

Brenda’s glamper will have a hunting lodge décor theme. She is nearly done with the interior. The exterior will get new paint and I’m sure when it is done, ‘she’ will be as shiny as a new penny. Glamper themes seem to illustrate and express their owner’s tastes and personality directly or sometimes an alter ego is unleashed. Below: Michele sawing flooring to be installed and Brenda laying it down. Michele’s glamper is featured in the top photo of this blog article.

When I arrived at camp, I had to take a quick pic of Brenda’s campsite. She parked in the part of the campground that has hook-ups so that she’d have electricity for Michele’s saws and power tools. When I spotted Brenda’s camper, I was tickled to see that her neighbor provided a powerful contrast :o) My, how trailer camping has changed!!

Jennie has the *sexy* glamper in our group. Her 1969 Serro Scotty is named ‘The Little Black Dress’. See below and you’ll know why.

Anita and Heather relax behind Donna’s glamper [below]. Donna has collected a handful of vintage black & yellow tartan picnic goodies — they are harder to come by than the red plaid. Brenda gifted each of us with vintage ladels that fit our glamper themes; Donna’s ladel fits her color scheme perfectly. Mine is a fancy antique silver beauty. Heather just joined our flock and she hasn’t decided just how she is going to get her glamp on … maybe a vintage pop-up camper or a teepee. Hmmm, we’ll see.

Morning coffee together …

We were blessed to have gotten the same campsites as we did last time – with just a minor shuffle here & there. I scooched my glamper back & over a little so that I would be right next to the creek and in full shade from dawn to dusk. Heavenly!

Gifting one another is a glampy farmgirl ‘thing’. When we’re out & about shopping, we always seem to see something that we know another glampy farmgirl pal would like. Or, in our closet stashes at home, we come across vintage goodies that would go with So & So’s glamper theme. My bio-sister gave me an embroidered deer picture and the Kilim pillow below. Donna recently gave me two lovely gifts: the little sign that says ‘RELAX, you’re at the cabin’ AND an authentic Navajo rug [from an attic closet]. Anita gave me a red enamel camp lamp and Jennie gave me the vintage ice box you see in the photo above. Michele made and gave me a log cabin birdhouse two Christmases ago. I’ve got the sweetest farmgirl sisters in the known universe.

My Dotty-dog goes with me because she’s too old to be left at home; she needs heart pills and her eyesight isn’t great. But, she so enjoys glamping and is no bother.

Our NEXT glamping trip is scheduled for the end of September … jacket season … pumpkin time … golden aspen leaves … apple cider. We’ll keep you posted and hopefully our new glampy girls will have their glampers road-ready by then.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch … my Mini Welsh Corgi puppy is growing like a weed and now her ears are standing up in foxy fashion. Since I last wrote, I had a follow-up photo session with my young friend, Jaycee, to finish up taking her senior photos. We went to the high rocky foothills of their ranch to take the photos. This location is adjacent to my dear friend Anita’s ranch. Jaycee’s momma took us up a rough two-track trail to the photo shoot spot they’d picked out. While there, I took photos of Jaycee … and my little “Bonnie” and Jaycee’s puppy, too. Her pup is an Aussie/Catahoula cross named “Henry”.

Here are the results …

I renamed my corky little Corgi because Bonnie is a better fit and she’s named after my momma. Below, she and her new friend strike a RinTinTin pose. Anybody old enough to remember that dog?? Henry is all legs and, well, Bonnie … not so much :o)

Both puppies enjoyed meeting another dog that actually LIKES them! Older dogs can find puppy antics rather annoying. They played and played and ran all over the rocks until Bonnie was tuckered out … she dug out a shady little spot under a rocky crag.

What an expressive face. She’s a talker too and my-oh-my does she have opinions.

In the midst of taking puppy pics, I did manage to take some nice photos of Jaycee. She is so photogenic and the scenery was perfect.

After our photo session, we bumped & rattled back down through the hillcountry and found a stock tank to cool the dogs off in. Bonnie got her 1st swimming lesson.

Then, I got to ride home with a lap full of wet puppy. Bonnie didn’t think swimming was the highlight of the excursion.

Here is where I would have shared a few last photos of gardeny things and a bumper crop of tomatoes, however, since I have the uncanny talent of being able to hide my own easter eggs … I also managed to misplace my NEW camera. Yes, the handy little CANON that is so much easier to pack around … pocket size. Turns out it is easier to lose also. Sigh. So, if you happen to see it, would you let me know. I’ve surrendered it to the gremlins that packed it off after I laid it down Lord only know where. It only helps to back-track and do a search if you can remember where you last were! ;o[ I’m a little dith-guth-ted with mythelf!! MAYbe I will have located it by the time we next visit.

Oh, lest I forget … Happy Rosh Hashanah/Feast Of Trumpets. I’m making Honey Cake today for this wonderful and prophetic holiday; it is a moist cake and a traditional dessert. Below is the recipe. One day soon, I’ll hear the last trump … and then what happens? That camping trip will be vertical! ~ Shery J

Classic Honey Cake

3 Eggs

1 1/3 cups honey

1 1/2 cups sugar

1 cup strong black coffee

2 tsps. Baking powder

3 Tbsps. Margarine, softened

1 tsp. Baking soda

4 cups flour

1 tsp cinnamon

Preheat oven to 325. Grease and flour a 9 by 13-inch cake pan.

In a large mixer bowl, beat eggs and honey together. Add sugar and mix again. Mix coffee with baking powder, and then add with margarine to the egg mixture. Add baking soda, flour, and cinnamon and beat together well.

Pour into cake pan. Bake for 55 – 60 minutes. Serve with real whipped cream.

  1. Adrienne says:

    Oh, how I miss glamping and my full-time RVing days! You all seem to be having a wonderful time and I hope you continue to enjoy not only the work but the results of your renovations. The honey cake is delicious and since it’s the second day of Rosh Hashanah, "L’shana tova!" or "Have a happy (and sweet) new year!"

  2. Joan says:

    Y’all are living a dream of mine – friends and camping – oh yes lots of work but my oh my look at the beautiful results!! Thanks for sharing your times and give all the girls a ‘hey’ from one who wishes she could do camping again – but God has blessed me with all the glampers and a wonderful life here reading about your lives.
    God Bless

  3. Sharon says:

    Sure wish I could do something so relaxing, with good friends.

  4. Jan says:

    What a wonderful glamping trip you girls had! My husband and I just got back from a camping stint at a nearby lake. The camp host was the first to peek into our ’65 Ideal and even he commented on the ‘fantastic decorating’! He even loved my bedspread…His rig is a 40 foot motor home that undoubtedly costs more than my HOUSE! Anyway, we were the bell of the ball at that campsite…A flash from the past..

    That little Bonnie is a jewel and your photos of your young friend Jaycee are exceptional! Another great post Shery!

  5. Brenda says:

    Sweet article! I love the photo comparison of the Little Siesta camper and the huge RV 🙂

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