Canning Jar Lid Christmas Ornaments


Dear Sisters,

Howdy and happy holiday season!Can you believe it’s December already? You know what that means. It’s time to get crackin’ on Christmas! Have you started your Christmas crafting yet? I kick started mine this week. Come on in for a quick tutorial on how to make my canning jar lid Christmas ornaments! That’s whats round and silver with a hole in it, but not for long!

Before I show you my how-to for these adorable ornaments, I have to tell you how I was inspired to make some for myself. It was Meg’s darling embroidery hoop ornaments that she made for her wooden Advent Christmas tree from our Dec/Jan issue ” Magic Happens”. Have you gobbled yours up yet?

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I love to create with things I already have in my stash. I had oodles of canning jar lids left over from all the mason jar bouquets I made this past summer. I knew I would find a use for them eventually! I thought it would be fun to make something with a rustic farmhouse/chic vibe so I decided on a printed burlap for the decorative centers.


I found this darling printed burlap stack in the scrap booking section of JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store and had to have it! I love the woods-y, winter-y look and feel of it.


Once I had the fabric picked out I went looking for some holiday sparkle to bling things up a bit.

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These pretty snowflake-y looking stickers are from Martha Stewart’s collection. They’re called Doily and Gemstones. It doesn’t get any more farmgirl than that!

Once you have all of your supplies together these little darlings go together pretty quickly.

Supplies: canning jar lids, glue gun, scissors, twine, fabric or paper.

*This would be a great crafting project to do with your children or grandchildren but they should be old enough to handle a glue gun on their own.

DSC_0200-001 resize editTo begin choose a sheet of fabric, paper (or as in this case, printed burlap ) and trace a circle around the outside of your mason jar lid on the backside of your fabric.


Cut out your circles a little on the inside of the line you drew ( see below ) to allow a snug fit inside the bottom of the lid. If you cut on the line they will be too big and won’t fit.

DSC_0203-002Cut out as many circles as you have mason jars. Before you glue the centers inside, tie the twine around the lids tightly and make a knot leaving enough length on either side to tie another knot at the ends which will form a circle and allow you to hang your ornament.

* Cut twine about 12 inches long for each ornament.


Now that the twine is secured you can glue in the centers. Place 4 dots evenly around the circle on the front side of the fabric. (see below )

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Carefully turn it over ( watch out for the hot glue ) and press it down inside the back of the lid. (see below )



When your centers are all glued in you can add the SPARKLE!

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These were so simple to make and just think how cute they’ll be on the Christmas tree with tiny twinkling lights bouncing off the reflective metal rings.

Are you decorating any mason jars for gift giving this year? That’s always a fun craft too. I had some leftover goodies so I decorated a jar to keep my twine in too!


Here’s the lid with a pretty Doily with Gemstones on top.



My gussied up farmgirl style mason jar.

Until our next shoreline visit~ Here’s wishing you all the crafty fun you can get your hands on and plenty of time with your loved ones this holiday season.


Deb, the Beach Farmgirl

# 1199

PS. Wait a sec! I want to thank all of you who stopped by to enter my note card giveaway! I loved reading your sentiments on snail mail. You are all just so awesome..

Join me in congratulating the winner, Linda Hickman.


My handmade note cards and individual flower photos are available for purchase in my Etsy Shop, Dandelion House Days.


  1. I love this project Deb – so clever. I’ve embraced mason jars lately beyond canning because they’re so simplistic and fun. I might have to visit Johann Fabrics and find some burlap scraps – looks fun to work with.

    Hope you have a Great weekend!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Carole!
      Thanks so much! They were really fun and easy to make… What took the longest was deciding on a fabric theme. Keep me posted if you make some. I wanna see them.
      Happy Friday!

  2. Adrienne says:

    How creative you are! Your tree will look wonderful, I’m sure, and you’re quite the crafty designer. Great work!

  3. Joan says:

    Very inspired by your super creativity! I did some embroidery hoops and now onto this – yea a new fun thing for decorating this year and I have most of the supplies – even better. I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. God bless.

  4. Marilyn Collins says:

    Lovely project. Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas.
    Marilyn and family

  5. Dori Troutman says:


    What a perfectly fun and easy Christmas craft. This will so perfect with my little grand-girls and I just “happen” to have a ton of jar lids too! (Smile!) Thanks for sharing… I’m going to give it a try next week!

    Big hugs,


    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Dori,

      Oh goodie! I can’t wait to see them! I got to thinking later on that lace or doilies would make a pretty center too so the light can shine through on the tree.
      Holiday blessings!

  6. Susan says:

    Very artdy….vlever5 using canning lids. ..would nevervuse mine unkess thry were rusty, because uoh can reuse canning lids again. But i love the idea of a tree made out of trash or scraps. Clever idea….

  7. Meredith Williams says:

    These ornaments are so sweet! I rarely have time to craft this time of year but these look do-able in a small block of time! Thanks so much for the idea Deb! Merry Christmas to you and your family and your corgi boy!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hey Meredith!
      I hear ya on finding extra time for crafting this time of year.But these truly are simple and go together so fast with a fun reward at the end! Merry Christmas to you and yours my dear!
      xo Deb

  8. Nicole Christensen says:

    Merry Christmas, Deb! Love this post. This is the perfect kind of craft to do with a Farmgirl Sisterhood Chapter. I’m keeping this in mind for my chapter next year. Thanks for sharing it! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole (Suburban Farmgirl)

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Merry Christmas, Nicole! Thanks so much! You are right about this being a fun craft to do with a Farmgirl Sisterhood Chapter! Great idea. 🙂
      Best wishes for a lovely holiday season to you and your sweet family!
      Hugs! xo
      Deb ( Beach Farmgirl )

  9. Pingback: A Rootin, Tootin, Rustic Christmas | Farmgirl Bloggers

  10. Catherine says:

    I love this but how do you get the middle of the lid out?

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Thank you, Catherine. The middle of the lids pop out easily when you take them off of the jar. These are canning jars that you can buy for putting up produce or crafting.

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