Deb’s Autumn Note Card Giveaway


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To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.~ Phyllis Theroux

Dear Sisters,

When is the last time you sent or received a hand written note-card by way of snail mail?

Even with the many ways we can connect and share special moments with our loved ones through modern technology nothing beats the excitement of finding a card or letter in the mailbox penned with love. Your heart smiles at the familiar handwriting before you even read the return address. The anticipation builds as you rush inside to open such a rare treasure. In the spirit of “keeping in touch” the old-fashioned way I’m having an Autumn Note Card giveaway! Come on in and enter to win a set of 10 note cards featuring of some of my favorite fall captures.

While it’s hard to imagine what life would be like without the speed in which we are able to communicate and share virtually everything these days, I’m proud to say I’m old enough to remember writing letters to pen pals as a young girl and being taught how to address an envelope correctly in school. Today, some of my best snail mail comes from friends and family and farmgirl friends I’ve made through blogging and writing my Girl Genius Features for MaryJanesFarm.

My mom and I celebrated our birthdays this week and one of our favorite things is exchanging specially chosen birthday cards with each-other. We are fortunate that we come from a long line of writers and greeting card lovers. As the cards poured in I was reminded  how much I enjoy giving and receiving cards in the mail.

For years my handsome Yankee has given me handmade cards adorned with his beautiful seascape photos and on the inside he pens the sweetest notes. He’s got a knack for choosing just the right image to match the occasion. I treasure each one. I keep them all in a vintage suitcase that belonged to his grandmother along with other cards, letters, ticket stubs and paper memorabilia. He’s the one who inspired me to create note cards from my photo library.

I hope you’ll enjoy this gallery of autumnal images I’ve chosen and be inspired to jot down a few, happy, encouraging, or reflective words inside and send it ” slow mail ” when the occasion calls for it.

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Each 4×6 image is adhered to 5×7 premium card stock ( white or brown ) and comes with a set of envelopes. Blank inside for your own personal expressions.

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Enter my Autumnal Note Card Giveaway by telling me what you love most about sending and receiving cards and letters the “old-fashioned way” in the  comments below!

GOOD LUCK sisters! I’ll announce the winner in my next beach blog!

Until our next shoreline visit~ Happy Thanksgiving!

Beach Blessings and Much Love,

Deb, the Beach Farmgirl # 1199


  1. brenda says:

    what a beautiful collection!

  2. mari1017 says:

    Hi, Deb! I just discovered (again!) MJF’s site when my sister gave me a gift subscription. I was perusing the bloggers, and saw “Beach”! That’s me ♥ I grew up near the south shore beaches on Long Island, NY, and then lived on the coast south of Boston for over 25 years. I’m now retired in central Virginia and caregiver to my 88 year old mom. I have many friends all over the world, not just acquaintances but real friends, with whom I correspond on a regular basis. Yes, we use text and email and …, but we also write letters, send cards, mail encouragements and greetings! A letter is forever! Even my college attending nephews love to receive mail and encouragement and love from me and Grandma! I love your notecards and thank you for offering them! This is my favorite season 🙂 Happy and blessed Thanksgiving, Deb, to you and your family – miss your area of the country, but it is true that we are Farmgirls at heart!

  3. Carol Lammi says:

    Love your newsletter! I have learned so much & you always have a positive attitude!
    Thanks, thanks, thanks!

  4. Carleen says:

    I still send cards….I send cards for all the holidays ….I send them because I just think its nice to get something nice amidst the bills….HAPPY THANKSGIVING….

  5. Sue Rhea says:

    Great idea! I love the cards and I know anyone receiving them would certainly appreciate it. Have a blessed holiday!


  6. Nancy C Jones says:

    What really thrills me about getting a handwriitn note is that sweet person took time to write and express her love and compassion for me at a time that was needed in my life. My husband is a pastor and very often all attention is for him when I am in need
    Lonliness overwhelms me and I just need a small note to say, “I am thinking and praying for you.”. Your notecards are beautiful! Just to see the beautiful picture would perk me up.

  7. bobbie Calgaro says:

    Receiving cards and letters was and is always a treat. Be it pen pals many years ago or friends spread across the USA. I still try to keep the tradition alive although I admit that email makes it so easy to just type away. But I still love a hand made card. PS If I don’t win can I buy a set? I’m lovin your pictures!

  8. Carol Peterson says:

    I Love autumn. I Love the colors and textures, the brisk air, the warmth of gatherings. I Love to collect my thoughts, express them in words, and pen them to those I hold dear. My family kindly gave me a computer card program so that I can personalize my cards and share GOD’S Love. I would Love to share your beautiful card selection with the special people in my life.

  9. Dorothy Sparks says:

    I love to send cards of encouragement or just a hello to my family and friends. I have a few Aunts who are not on the internet and while phone calls are nice they tell me it is a joy to get the mail and find a card or letter. I love the selection you have and would like to share them. Thank you.

  10. Rowena says:

    Reading your blog makes me smile because just this morning I made a list of people I wanted to send a special note to in the mail. This time of year does help make me even more grateful for those precious people so far away that I remember but just don’t get to see them anymore. Thank you for such a pleasant affirmation of the beauty around us that we can’t help but share!

  11. I sent a card last Saturday as a matter of fact. I’d rather send birthday greetings to family and close friends by USPS rather than email. A note or letter can be cherished and remind me to be thankful for the one who sent it.

  12. Mary Lou Wilson says:

    I love the quote by Phyllis Theroux and agree wholeheartedly. After my husband and I got married, I kept my parents and his updated on our whereabouts and activities with cards and letters. That was before cell phones. It was a heart connection as well as informing. I always felt that it was a visit, and I could feel their presence while being far away. I still take time to send cards, letters, and “love boxes” to my daughter and grandchildren who live in Hawaii. I feel the love connection while doing so. A text message with “ur loved” is always appreciated, but doesn’t constitute a visit that pen on paper does.

  13. Love, love your cards. I still send card for occasions, but I also send cards for no reason. Just a note to brighten someones day. Even my grand children love getting cards. But, boy oh boy! They don’t teach cursive in school anymore. So good luck, kids these days can’t read it, so you must print. Sad, sad that beautiful hand writing is going away!

  14. Donna says:

    We all have busy lives, so in this day and age, it’s easier and faster to write a quick email rather than personally handwriting something. It really means a lot when someone sends you a card. It gives that extra personal touch that the person that sent the card took that extra time because they genuinely thought of you.

  15. Kathryn Rogers says:

    My sister and I enjoy finding unique cards to send to each other. We send cards for all occasions. And sometimes just because. I just took a class in making embroidery cards. Just sent one out the other day. I think it is sad that people don’t take the time for letter writing. It is a lost art, but not for me. I will continue sending my cards and letters.

  16. june says:

    So much of today’s mail is catalogs, junk mail and bills. It’s such a thrill to receive something actually hand written that is addressed to just you.

  17. Ellen Lehman says:

    I love sending and receiving note cards. Especially ones made by the sender. I love making note cards as well. All my recipients remark how much it means to them. Keep up your lovely photo shoots. I love every picture you have shared on this site.

  18. Hi,

    I look forward to opening my email to find that I have an entry from Mary Jane’s Farm! I love your commentaries on everyday things! Feels like you are sharing with all of us…. and staying grounded!
    Thank You,
    MJ Walsh

  19. Susan Aberenthy says:

    I love the cards that someone has spent time to pick out just for you, and the art of handwriting is so beautiful…It expresses that you are WORTH the time!
    Receiving the card makes me feel like it was a touch of the person, like a hug!!!!

  20. Pam deMarrais says:

    It is such a treasure to receive a handwritten note, especially when it is not a special occasion. It lifts a person’s spirits to show that you will take the time out to share your thoughts.

  21. Kristy says:

    A pretty card can be displayed. I tuck them into the edges of picture frames, under the edges of my kitchen cabinets, peeking out from behind mirrors. When they fall down, I usually replace them with new ones, but sometimes not. Currently I have a Valentine from last winter, a five month old birthday card from my granddaughter and another one from my grandson. But I also display notes, snapshots, leaves and pinecones. They keep me inspired.

  22. Carrine says:

    I love getting cards especially from my grandma and grandpa. I love that it seems so personal, cause it is hand written. At least when I write a card/letter it takes time. I love and appreciate they took the time to send me a note 🙂 so special

  23. cindy hill says:

    While living in Germany, our 4th grade teacher connected each of us to another 4th grader in the US so that we could write to each other. That first start of letter-writing has led to many years of sending letters to family and friends. And now I send over 30 postcards to my great-nieces and nephew, brothers and sister, and many friends whenever my husband and I travel in the United States and especially when we are in other countries. How exciting to get a stamp from Iceland!

  24. Lady Bauer says:

    I love handwritten notes and letters. One of my favorite things is to pull out the storage box and re-read them. It takes me back in time to days gone by. The memories are so vivid when you can read a message from the past.

  25. Nanette Boots says:

    I always look forward to your posts, Deb. I am a Beach Girl at heart. “Snail Mail” is still the best, and I always try to send a few notes out. Anyone who gives me a gift or a gift of they time, gets a handwritten thank you. People say they don’t have time, well I don’t either, but I do make time. I firmly believe in random acts of kindness, and a thoughtful letter or note is tops on my list! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  26. Tess S. says:

    Thank you, Deb, for having this giveaway! Your cards are beautiful! I just feel that sending a card or letter the old-fashioned way gives people something to look forward to. It is an uplifting moment in the day to see something hand-written in the mail. I just had a birthday and getting a few cards in the mail instead of an email was so heart warming. I truly enjoy sending and receiving!!!

  27. Mary Rauch says:

    But how are we to send you nice cards and notes if we don’t know your name and mailing address?

  28. Sandy says:

    I enjoy surprising a friend with a handwritten note because I know how happy I get when I receive one. It’s definitely a dying art.

  29. Sandi says:

    What a lovely idea Deb! Every word is true, I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t be thrilled to receive a special card, just for them, in the mail! Thanks for the offer and Happy Thanksgiving. Sandi on the Cape

  30. CJ Armstrong says:

    I have always been one to send cards and handwritten letters as I just enjoy that “personal” touch. I make cards myself and love to share them with others.
    I am delighted beyond words when I receive a card or letter, actually written and signed by a human person, in the mail. They generally come when I really need encouragements or to have my day brightened. I trust that when I send them out they are carrying the same messages to their recipient!

    Your cards and beautiful and I would love to be sharing them with others!
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  31. Becky Treahy says:

    I love to send and receive, cards. The beauty about them is that , not only has the time been taken to send your thoughts, you can read them over and over. I miss the times before computers when writing was an art. I have boxes full of beautiful sentiments from friends and family. Some of my favorites are from my kids do course… All those mothers’ day cards, & the ones before they could even write their names….

    Your cards are absolutely gorgeous, & I would be honored to be able to send them to friends & family.
    Becky in Orem, UT

  32. Sharon Elaine says:

    Love your Fall cards – I create my own with nature photos I’ve taken. My favorites are flowers, birds, mountains and streams – all seasons. The Smoky mountains and The Outer Banks of NC are some of my favorite places. Never gave up sending cards and I prefer them to emails. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

  33. Rebecca Knocke says:

    Good Morning!

    My mother is 84 years old and still writes cards and letters to family and friends. I often tell her she should write short stories because she has such a way with telling others special things she wants to share. Family and friends tell us how much they look forward to her letters. Birthday cards, etc. are also going out daily from our home. Mom looks forward to our mailman as she loves handing him her little bundle of love to go to those that are fortunate to be on her list. She is an awesome lady.

  34. Cathy R says:

    I don’t scrapbook but really enjoy making the birthday cards I send to my family and friends from my photos and old greeting cards that I can part with. Your photos make awesome cards and I was the lucky winner of the flower cards you gave away! Had to put some of them in my keepsake box! Thanks for your generosity! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

  35. Card Giveaway entrant! I really like that sending a physical card in the mail gives you a record or memory to keep of that person – their handwriting, their note to you, and it’s now such a surprise. I still have hand-written notes from my mom and grandma and they mean the world to me. Thanks!

  36. Susan says:

    I strive to send handwritten cards and letters, but always need reminders like a birthday or special occasion to send them. My favorite to receive is always an impromtu note from a friend, so I want to make a more conscious effort to send them “just because I was thinking of you!”.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win some of your beautiful cards.

  37. Marilyn Collins says:

    I love getting a letter or note in the mail. There is nothing like cuddling up in a comfortable chair and savoring over the letter or note. You cannot do that with an e-mail.

  38. Joan Collins says:

    A letter or note to read is so comforting to receive. it shows you that a person took the time to sit and write down their thoughts and feelings.

  39. Tamera Marti says:

    I love sending out personalized cards and letters to people that I care about because it let’s them know that I care about them, and that they are special to me. I know that the mail will brighten their day, and it makes me smile thinking about that. Receiving happy mail is far and in between but it makes my heart all warm and fuzzy! Thanks for this awesome give away!!

  40. Marion Collins says:

    Receiving a letter or note in the mail is a treat these days. I cherish having a friend or family member send me a message through the mail. I can read it over and over in the comfort of my home and not have everyone read it on Facebook,twitter,etc.

  41. I exchange letters with a woman I worked with almost 15 years ago. To take the time and sit down with pen and paper I feel shows that person that you really care.

  42. Mary Pitman says:

    I have always loved greeting cards, receiving them and sending them. One friend said I was an ‘encourager’, because of sending cards to those who might just need a ‘pick-me-up’…….and as others have said, nothing beats a nice, sweet, REAL paper card, telling you the person took the time to show you how they are thinking of you, by making time to sit down and perhaps write a note or just sign a card that has the right sentiment. In my immediate family, we have sent cards to each other for birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions.

  43. Rebecca Ann says:

    I just turned 58 but I can still see my precious grandmother’s home made cards. A sweet little note with a picture of a bird, flower or a poem written especially for me. I cherish the memories of being loved so very much. I look at my hands now and I see hers. My prayer for my grandchildren is that they too may feel the love that even death cannot take away long after I am gone.Everyone’s hand writing is unique,cards help us realize that and help us know love is like that as well.

  44. Diana says:
    Great post. I agree handwritten notecards are the best. Love your pictures.

  45. Peggy says:

    Your cards are very beautiful. I really miss receiving cards and hand written letters. That is a part of my past that I won’t let go of. I still send cards for any reason and always send special Christmas cards. It is sad when each year the return Christmas cards become fewer because people don’t want to pay the price for a stamp or take time from their busy lives.
    Not long ago, I bought stationary and used a nice pen to write letters to friends and family, no one returned a hand written letter. I love writing letters and cards and will continue sending them because it makes my heart feel good.
    Happy Thanksgiving

  46. Ellen says:

    Deb you did it again! Beautiful Cards. You have a great talent. I love to send cards to my grand children, They love getting mail, and sending it. Its a special feeling, inside when you send or receive snail mail. To know some one was thinking of you always lifts my spirits. Especially these past few months. Thanks for offering this give away. Happy Thanksgiving!

  47. Jodie says:

    Deb! Beautiful! Those cards are just plain fun, warm, and beautiful. Great eye! I love the familiar penmanship. I love that you know you were in someone’s thoughts as you receive snail mail in an instant gratification, texting world. I can barely make it inside my house before I’ve opened and devoured every word of a hand written note. I love looking back at those notes. I have notes/cards from my very special grandmother from years before she passed. I have notes from my baby sister when I went off to college and she was but a fifth grader back at home. And on and on. Mine are in a box, but I think I’m gonna find me a cute vintage suitcase!

  48. Linda Hickman says:

    Such lovely pictures! I agree that we have lost touch with one another in the old-fashioned, look what I found or (better yet) made for you. A personal, hand-written letter or note creates a different sort of memory than a text message containing incorrect verbiage.

  49. Krista says:

    The amazing part about relating to your story is the fact that I actually received a hand written card from one of my fellow farmgirls in the mail today and ran straight in the house to open it before anything else! You really do get excited to receive that old-fashioned snail mail. I enjoy sending old-fashioned cards because it allows me to be creative and keep things personal. It means so much more to eliminate the technology and let others know that you really are there and thinking of them by taking time to write them.

  50. Karen K. says:

    I love cards and letters snail mail style! I’m the card coordinator at my local Community Bible Study group – it’s one of my favorite ways of serving. Love your beautiful cards!

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