Farmgirl Fellowship

Last fall, I jumped into the role as MaryJane’s “Ranch Farmgirl” and shortly thereafter, an unexpected and delightful ripple effect came into play. A part of my life took on new meaning. I looked at my circle of gal pals in a whole new light.

Life can crowd us and we too often tell ourselves that friends are something we usually don’t have much time for at the end of a day, a week, or a month. Then, those days, weeks and months fly by and we’ve spent very little or no time with folks who are so good for us. MaryJane emphasizes the importance of sisterhood fellowship in her writings…and her words hit the bull’s eye in my heart.
I soon found myself twice blessed, first by re-embracing established friendships with vigor and secondly by discovering new friends. A small circle is now a delightfully diverse and well-rounded group (pun intended). We welcome each other into the fold like a mother hen scoops her chicks under her wings. And, we are SO having fun!

What do we do you might ask? Well, some of us are town girls, some are country girls and some are ranch girls. But, we have these things in common: we embrace life fully, we love to learn and explore and we enjoy the unique camaraderie that was born of this recipe. One thing we’re doing is having a monthly sisterhood shindig that we’re calling ‘Farmgirl Night’ and we take turns at hosting the get-together. We may have a group activity or just bring lap-work (knitting, scrap-booking, needlepoint etc). Edibles are included too. Most recently, one of our sisters offered up an artisan bread workshop and afterward, her husband taught us basic gun safety. If you raised your eyebrows at the last item, let me tell you it was great for us gun dummies. There will be a follow-up session this spring. Imagine if you will, apron clad farmgirls packin’ iron and shooting paper plates off of fence posts!
Our group also enjoys trail-riding and field trips that can include lunch, quilt shops and junk hunting at antique shops. Sharing is the big item for us, whether it is seeds and flower starts, household goods or books. We’re “composting” each other and the end result is dark, rich soil. Together, we’re the perfect garden spot for farmgirls to grow and blossom.

  1. Rosemary says:

    Your china is beautiful 🙂 I think you just inspired me to start a new collection!!

  2. Cindy says:

    Oh, can I come to one of your monthly shindigs? I make delicious "edibles"……really, though, (no, really…..can I come?)……your get-togethers sound absolutely wonderful! I’ll bet the laughter is infectious!! Pistol packin’ mamas that can cook and laugh at themselves? Wow…!

  3. RanchFarmgirl says:

    In answer to those who have written and asked if the photos I use are my own…Yes, they are. I’m not a ‘real’ photographer, but I sure do enjoy it as a hobby. I have a Sony Alpha 100 DSLR and I bought a zoom lens and a wide angle lens to play with.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your kind comments. I love hearing from you and about the details in your own ‘farmgirl’ lifestyle whatever it may be! Happy Trails, Shery Jespersen

  4. Oh, it sounds like your chapter knows how to have some real fun, gun toting and all. Is there something wrong with my computer, your background comes in bright blue and it really hard to read? I look forward to your lovely posts and great pictures.

  5. For a brief moment, I wish I lived over in your neck of the woods…but then remembered that cold white stuff followed by winds! Did I mention, I HATE Wind!!! lol!
    I luv your "friendships are like compost in the Garden of life – they help us grow"….

  6. Rural Farmgirl says:

    Brilliant as always. I always love hearing stories of farmgirls getting together and having fun. It is amazing how wonderful life is when we are open to the possibilities.

  7. Bonnie says:

    Gosh, Sherry. I wish I lived in your neck of the woods. That group of gals sounds mighty fun. Farmgirls do have fun wherever they are. I love your positive outlook. Happy Valentine’s day, Bonnie

  8. Marsha says:

    I love the china!

    I invite you to enter my Valentine giveaway. You could win a pink, bead-knitted purse, hand-knit by me, with a chocolate bar charm.


  9. How wonderful this sounds. I moved into the area we live a couple of years ago and left most of my long long time friends an hour south. I would love to know enough women in my new neck of the woods to do something like this. I would love to have all my new blog friends I have made in the last few months all together in one spot. How much more we could learn from each other.

  10. Kimberly D says:

    That get together sounds fun, a group I use to meet with once a month stopped getting together, and I miss it. Makes me want to move to your "neck of the country". I am use to cold and wind…I live in Michigan and lived in Utah not too long ago.

  11. Debbie says:

    Hi Shery!
    What a delightful topic! I know exactly what you mean about looking at your friendships old and new in a different way since Mary Janes Farm came into your life… I have had this same revelation! I have been playing in the Farmyard Connection with my new farmgirl sister’s for the last 2 weeks and it is just such a nice warm place… all the gals are so friendly and supportive of everyone’s "farmgirl dreams" no matter how big or small…
    I vowed to myself that in 2010 I would round up my own " off -line "farmgirl friends" to play with whether it be,gardening, swapping recipe’s,talking chickens, home schooling, art or making new friends at our local horse rescue! I have a few that fit the bill, we just need to make it official. Perhaps with spring just around the corner we’ll have spring fever meeting where everyone brings there favorite seed and garden catalogues and we begin the planning for " new gardens to come "! You and your words on "farmgirl fellowship" have inspired me to not get lazy about this resolution! I have been part of another kind of sisterhood for twenty years that brings me great joy. I have " beach sisters"! Women who are my neighbors and friends in a small beach community of seasonal summer cottages. These tried and true friendships are such blessings.. Now,I just need to find me some gals with "farmgirl fever" to carry me through the rest of the year once my flip flops have been hung out to dry!
    Thanks again for such a great post!

    as always… love love love the photo’s!!!

    Deb~ Pat some horse necks for me o.k.?

  12. Marcia says:

    It has been said that all of us have made numerous "acquaintances" in our life of travels. The true count of the gift of "friends" is usually found on one hand, and should you be able to count more, Ahhh… are truly blessed! I believe you are on the road to a higher count!!

  13. Rebekah says:

    Oh Shery! I just had to say how much I LOVE this post! And girlfriend, yes! You are a REAL photographer! Beautiful!

  14. Janice K. says:

    Yes, Shery, your pictures often occupy the background of my desktop. Todays image of the back of the wagon made me say "AWWWW…" to myself, and think that it would be a wonderful trip to go ‘camping’ with just that kind of set-up.
    Last year I started to research a Farmgirl group in my area and came up with one woman that I simply did not connect with. You have reminded me that this year would be a wonderful time to start my own group. In caring for my dying mother these past few years, I had lost the time and inclination to seek out friends. Now that mom is gone, my life is a new reality and I need to get back to basics!
    Thank you for your contribution,

  15. Terces says:

    Dear Shery,

    Just when I was feeling "lonely" your writing inspired me to reach out to others. Thanks for the nudge. So appreciate you, your sharing, your photos and your amazing contribution to us women out here. Thank you so much. Terces

  16. Jessie says:

    Oh Sherry ~ You make me long for my own horse again! I haven’t had one since about 1 1/2 years after I got married (I’m young and only 3 1/2 years from that, but still!). My horse was my best friend growing up, very hard letting him go. Sometimes I come across a picture of him and sit stare at it, wishing. I now have 2 darling little girls that I want to grow up "Farm" and loving horses as I did. My grandmother still has horses (she’s the guilty one who taught me to be a horse crazy-girl!) but she lives in WI and I, like you, live in Wyo. However I don’t think there is a Farm Girl Chapter in my area. So if any of you Farm Girls who read Sherry’s blog would like to start a chapter in Star Valley, Wyoming, there’s already a member here! 🙂
    And, as Deb said, pat some horse necks for me, will ya? And maybe a kiss or two on a velvety nose wouldn’t hurt either. Or sniff in the mane. Or a hug around a warm neck. Or… ok I’ll stop. 😛

  17. connie k. says:

    Hi Shery,I loved the stories and awesome pictures,like the other girls,and I am so thankful I found you today, because I have been feeling misplaced and I will try to gather up a few of my friend’s to have some fun, absolutley! Thank you, and I will read your blog with anticipation. :c

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