Cowgirl Muse News

Like so many farmgirls, I experienced the feeling of “coming home” when I recently discovered the wonderful world of MaryJanesFarm. So many things I could relate to … then came the adjacent acreage in the area of “common ground.” Inspiration on many fronts quickly followed suit. MaryJane fast became this cowgirl-farmgirl’s muse. As you may know, the Muses were nine spirit sisters of Greek myth, each one presiding over and inspiring the arts and science. Musing is an extension of the word, referring to creative thought that may fuel great ideas or inspire poetic prose. In either case, I felt the word and its many applications fit my mission to a T.

I have 20 years of professional ‘design for hire’ experience and a little more than that in marketing finished works, as well as free-lance writing. I can’t stay away from any creative medium that sparks an interest – hence my choice for the title of this piece…The Cowgirl Muse News. Exploring creativity and encouraging it is my calling. Ranching is how I make a living and the great outdoors is my studio of choice.

What is true of other Farmgirls is equally true of me. Being a Farmgirl is a condition of the heart and a place where your spirit feels especially welcome, like a wonderful childhood memory of when you walked through the door at Grandma’s house.

I live in a part of the world that to most folks would look like a chapter out of Mary Jane’s “Outpost” book. I’m looking forward to sharing Wild & Wonderful Wyoming with you. Photographs that wear the label ‘The View From My Saddle’, musings, earthy & whimsical craft ideas and whatever else tickles my fancy are soon coming. Welcome to the ranch. Saddle up Farmgirl, get ready to ride…daylight’s a’burnin!

  1. Carol Branum says:

    hi and welcome,I am sure I will love this.I also am a farm/ranch girl in missouri,This will be fun.blessed be,carol branum,Lamar mo.

  2. Julie Weaver (ClaireSky) says:

    Shery… I look forward to reading your blog. Ranching has always been in my heart even though I have never experienced it except through books. I can’t wait to read future writings that you send our way. Good Luck!… I will be waiting patiently.

  3. Laila says:

    I look forward to your blogs. I live on a farm in PA and we raise beef cattle but I look forward to hearing about ranch life in Wyoming.

  4. victoria says:

    Shery, I love you already! Really looking forward to reading your musings!

    Blessings to you and your sweet and beautiful horse!

    Love and horses,

  5. Annette Mack-Barnett says:

    Sherry, I’m excited about your blog. I already sense some "common threads". I love the word you used "junktiques" that sounds better than what I call "junking". I am an authenic born and raised farmgirl.

  6. What fun! Glad I received notice about your blog. We live on acreage in the CA High Desert. My longtime love is my old mule, Emmy Lou so I can relate.

  7. Christina Baldwin says:

    Hello from the sandhills of NE. I am orginally from Goshen Co. Wy. My husband and I lived and worked on the family ranch until we decided it was time to be ourselves. Hence NE. My favorite season is calving and branding season. My husband Loren is the only one around that casterates. So we are called upon. He has a knack for no bleeders. I run a vaccine gun or work up the dinner. We no longer wrestle calves but use a calf cradle. Better for our old bones. I have a few favorite things. Milk face calves, the creak of a windmill and the breeze on a sea of grass. We run several hundred head and so it keeps us busy. Besides I teach school in my spare time. Its so nice to hear from someone who actually maybe understand what a ranch wife is and does. Again, it will be fun to read and see the paralelles of ourlives. Christina

  8. Robin says:

    I will enjoy your blog. I have a small sheep farm in Western Washington State. I am excited to hear more about your ranch

  9. Bryden Wilson says:

    Welcome Shery,
    I am also a Wyomingite, it is good to see a Farm girl so close to home. I live in Laramie Wy. My family has been in the sheep ranching business outside of Medecine Bow. I look forward to reading your musings.

  10. Beth says:

    I’m soooo PROUD of you!! Little do all these gals know what kind of wonderful tidbits & sweet treats you have in store for them….but I do!
    Love you,
    Your Little Sis’

  11. dixie ryder says:

    Hi Shery, loved your "view from the saddle." I am a ranch girl from California. It is a wonder that my daughter, friends, and I each have the "The Best Darn Horse in the World." Mine is a Palomino Quarter Horse mare named Dapples. My favorite time of day is feeding the horses before the sun comes up. We finally got some rain and the hills have turned green. I look forward to your blog!

  12. Hi Shery,
    I too look forward to reading your muses of ranch life,junktiquing & crafting.
    farmgirl hugz from the West Plains of Spokane.

  13. Pamela says:

    I am also very much looking forward to reading your musing. I am not a farm nor ranch woman but am most definately a "earth woman" and at 59 just getting my creative burst of energy and in the process of leaving all that I am familiar with here in Colorado to start a new life in North Carolina with my 83 yr old mother. It somehow comforts me to know I have these blogs and Mary Jane Farms that I can take with me -something comfortable and familiar in the newness. Thank you for sharing

  14. Rebekah says:

    Warm Farmgirl Greetings, Shery, from the City Farmgirl! It’s fabulous to have you on board. I can’t wait to read all about your life and adventures as a Ranch Farmgirl!
    Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

  15. Sue says:

    Hi Shery! I sure do look forward to reading your blog! You are such a creative writer, I’m sure you will provide hoots n hollers as well as some hard truths about life. Let the fun begin!
    :)) Sue

  16. Kate Stiefer says:

    I too look forward to reading your blog and keeping up with the treasures your muses help you produce. I KNOW that in a past life I was a strong woman, ranching in Montana. I have had that conviction since I was young……I have always been drawn to Montana. Some of it might be that I don’t mind solitude…..and truth be known, I relish it from time to time.
    Thank you for the wonderful introduction….
    I look forward to reading more about you and life on your Montana ranch….and antics that Miss "Rose" surely pulls.

    Ever, Kate

  17. Welcome, Shery! Love the way you write and that you ride. I don’t live on a ranch, never have but ‘back in the day’ my relatives did and I feel an affinity for that. I can’t wait to read more about your life style and experiences! Looking forward to more muse notes. Thanks, Karen

  18. Julie says:

    Oh, it is splendid to hear from windswept Wyoming! I can hardly wait to read your next posts, and watch for your great photographs. I’ve been a lover of LaReata ranch creations for a long time. Congratulations, best wishes on all your projects. You have much to share.

  19. Blair says:

    I’m looking forward to the view from your saddle. I too am a horse person and FarmGirl and just LOVE this idea of FarmGirls getting together (even virtually) to share and explore the condition of our hearts.
    Cant wait to get to know you and Wyoming.

  20. Suellen says:

    Oh, Shery,

    This is your "city girl" friend who is so proud of you and so excited about your new adventure. Just reading your muses brings you closer to me. Love the title "The Cowgirl Muse News. Your pictures are wonderful. Who is that cute young chick with the short hair and gray too. You look awesome!

    When you have a spare minute, please recommend a good camera that I can purchase for Heather for Christmas. She is taking photography classes as well as Interior Decorating. She loves the photo class and I want to really encourage her.

    Take care, my friend, and keep up the good work.

  21. Jeanne K says:

    Looking forward to more from Wyoming and those beautiful Morgan horses.

  22. timmi pierce says:

    Shery, this is grand, another dimension to your wonderful personhood that I look forward to visiting regularly. One suggestion — please have the comments section typeface bumped up from what must be .4 to at least .9 or .10. These old eyes can’t read them.

  23. connie says:

    Hi Shery, I am looking forward to hearing from you each week! I was born, and raised a rocky mountain ranh/farmgirl, and miss it tremendously. best wishes and God Bless!

  24. Patty says:

    Welcome Shery!
    I am farmgirl in OH. I raise angora,fainting, lamancha, and nubian goats. I love Wyoming and am anxious to hear all about ranching and your other interests :o)

  25. Gail Summerlin says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing life on the range. We live in SC close to the mtns. and we love it. My greatest desire is to visit Wyoming and Montana. You just might inspire us to get there soon.

  26. Reba says:

    A very hearty welcome!! I can’t wait to read (and see pictures) about farmgirling on the ranch. Your state is one of my most favorite places in the USA that I have vacationed! Not just in Yellowstone, but the whole state is awesome! Love, love, love it! I have been afraid of horses (had one to run away with me as a child) but think that they are one of the most magnificent, beautiful animals of God’s creation. I have often thought that I wish I had gone somewhere like a ranch to overcome that fear. Oh well, now I am thankful that I can connect through your blog. I am so looking forward to reading your next posts! Welcome from way down south in Georgia.

  27. Hello, Sherry. I will follow your blog with interest. I am just a week into my new life on a 12 acre farm in the Puget Sound islands, near Gig Harbor. We are a team of women who are going to turn this lovely place into a productive and beautiful source of produce and beauty. I am an avid gardener and an artist. My co-horts are writers, art folks, and above all, master gardeners. This will be a venture on virgin land– lovely pasture and meadow land which has been home to horses, goats, and lots of deer. (electric fence comes first!)
    I will recommend your site to my fellow travelers. And look forward to reading the tid bits and treats your sister promises us! 🙂


  28. Mary Jane says:

    I thought *I* had the Best Darn Horse in the Universe!! 😉 I am following your blog with anticipation of what comes next. There are some of us "ranch" farmgirls here in South Georgia. Looking forward to see how things are done in WY!

  29. Catherine says:

    Shery, It was so good to read your Blog today. I was needing to read some real farm girl news. I have a real love for gardening and being out of doors. The thing I am enjoying in Indiana now is the change of the season. I love all the color.
    The animals that I have been enjoying lately are the deer. They have been cleaning up the apples that have fallen on the ground. So this year I haven’t had to rake them up. Blessings

  30. Margi says:

    Hi Shery,
    I have enjoyed meeting you through your farmgirl post. I found MaryJane quite by accident, a book club. I am a farm girl at heart. But can’t seem to do anything about it, except to read all of the farmgirl posts. Enjoy hearing how you live and enjoying the pictues of your part of the country. Also what muses you follow. Keep up writing

  31. gtyyup says:

    Congratulations on your new blog here! I’m looking forward to what your Wyoming winds will bring my way in the high desert of SE Oregon~~

  32. My husband and I live in the wilderness, off the grid and power our homestead with the sun.
    We make and sell organic wild meadow hay and take in rescue horses.
    I love your blog : )

  33. meredith says:

    I am an east coast farm girl raising registered Hereford cattle and have the dumbest darn horse in the world- a beautiful buckskin QH named PJ who is afraid of cows, deer and all other manner of hooved things. Good grief. Looking forward to your blogs! I would love to see WY one day….

  34. nameBarb says:

    Looking forward to your writings: we are in "ranch country" in Burns/Crane, OR. Your photos look like our country! we are just beginning our "farm", but love to work with and visit the ranchers.

  35. Sometimes being so creative, can be a curse, so many ideas all of the time. We just have to learn to organize and prioritize all of them! lol! Welcome to blogland!!

    Linda & Dixie
    The Funky Junk Sisters

  36. I have been enjoying your blog on ranch life. In my "pretend world" that is where I venture. However, in reality, I just garden and craft! My livestock consists of Emma, our yellow lab and Magnus, my kitty.

  37. Jacquin says:

    Love the Western ranchgirl theme. I raise babydoll sheep, cashmere goats, and have two donkeys and an alpaca.
    Today I made a rice, Himalayan salt and blackberry leaf mix for a lamb with diarrhea. I also gave her a mix of kelp, baking soda, manuka honey in watere to hydrate her because she has scours.
    It seems to be working as well or better than the medicine from the farm store. Anyone else use natural medicines on their livestock?
    McMinnville, Oregon

  38. Kathleen says:

    Hello Shery,
    Having grown up on a cattle ranch in the Baker Valley (Baker, Oregon) ~ I was thrilled to see a blog from a real ranch girl. My grandparents raised sheep in Thief Valley (near Baker). So, I have fond memories of all the tough but wonderful ranch life. Sadly, my parents divorced in 1961 and I had to move to Portland, Oregon ~ leaving the ranch life behind ~ but it will always be in me forever. Now you bring it all back to me through your writings. There will never be anything that smells so good as livestock smells and hay stacked in a barn ~ or a summer thunder and lightening storm, while being in that same barn. Awh … the smells of the wet but warm steaming earth. It, of course, is all over with in a short time ~ and then the storm and life moves on. Keep up the wonderful writings so we all can re-live what we fondly remember and love.

  39. Kristeen says:

    Can a 50 year old woman still hope for a farm?
    I’ve dreamed and dreamed of owning a farm … is it to late – wink!
    You said " What is true of other Farmgirls is equally true of me. Being a Farmgirl is a condition of the heart and a place where your spirit feels especially welcome, like a wonderful childhood memory of when you walked through the door at Grandma’s house." Your words are right from my heart — so is it to late?

  40. Hi, I am back on the farm where I spent most of my life. You have helped me make a decision I have been putting off for about 6 months. I want to get back to the simple life. We have 5 hogs, 8 chickens, 8 goats and a horse. I really hope that your musing is a great success. It is both exciting and comforting to us.

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