
2015-03-08 001 2015-03-033

Dear Sisters,

With the arrival of spring just days away I have to ask, did you get your fair share of snow this year? Well, just in case you had a mild winter and you missed being snowbound once or twice, I thought I’d share some of our New England snow with you! Bundle up it’s a might chilly! FYI. Sprinkled throughout this post are images from our most recent snow storm. I feared it would be our last major snow fall and just had to get out and breathe it in. I hope you enjoy these peaceful images as much as I did taking them. Hear the quiet, breathe the fresh air, feel the magic and see beauty of snow. Let’s talk snow!  After 12 New England winters ( with only one winter escape to Aruba in 2005) I know my snow lingo! There are flurries, snowstorms, and blizzards and then there’s Boston this year ( but we’ll get to that in a minute).

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Flurries are delicate, pretty snowflakes that swirl and twirl as they fall from the sky so slowly you can make out the individual patterns of each one before they land. We welcome the first flurries of winter! The make you feel all magical and mystical inside. They don’t usually amount too much accumulation of snow. Just enough to get you in the mood for homemade soups, stews, chili’s and hot cocoa with mountains of whipped cream on top. Flurries only hang around long enough to make us yearn for more!

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Snowstorms are a mix of wind and snow resulting in measurable snowfall amounts, can last several hours or days (depending on what direction the storm is tracking from) making travel tricky if not down right dangerous. Snow plows are out keeping the roads clear followed by salt and sand trucks to help with DE-icing and snow melt. Snow shovels, snow plows, snow boots,  hats, gloves, mittens, and warm coats are kept at the ready and so are hot water bottles and ibuprofen. Keeping driveways and walkways cleared every couple of hours is hard work! Not magical and mystical at ALL! The upside of snowstorms are building snowmen, snowball fights and sledding and of course there’s always skiing, snow boarding and snow shoeing for the true winter sports enthusiast.

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Back in the day when we lived in Nevada, my hubby and I used to love cross-country skiing in the meadows of the Humbolt-Toiyabe National Forest. On a warm winters day you could wear short-sleeved t-shirts with snow pants and be very comfortable!  These days, my snow adventures aren’t so adventuress unless you count shoveling out the chicken run so the girls can get out and getting to the mail box without sliding down our driveway on my behind ( which I did this year)! Wee!

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Blizzards on the other hand are a whole nuther kind of storm and not to be taken lightly. The National Weather Service defines a blizzard as a storm which contains large amounts of snow OR blowing snow, with winds in excess of 35 mph and visibilities of less than 1/4 mile for an extended period of time (at least 3 hours). Add wind gusts into the 70’s, record high tides with heavy snow accumulation and below freezing temperatures and you’ve got yourself the makings of a fine New England Blizzard. These storms are fraught with travel bans, snow emergencies, snow days, and dreaded power outages. Boston got walloped this year topping 100 inches in one season! Only the second time in recorded history.


We know our cottage survived the winter based on reports we’ve heard from neighbors, but for most of the winter beach access has been completely blocked by heavy snow on the roads and icebergs on the shore. We are anxious to get to the beach and open up for the season! When we do I promise to bring you along for the day!

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What else comes with Blizzards? Long periods of being snowbound force you to slow down and enjoy family time, reading, WRITING, resting, thinking, loving, hugging, cooking, dreaming, movies, appreciating, crafting, and just BEing! If I could add one more thing to this winter it would be a fireplace. Our home doesn’t have one but it sure would be nice on those long, dark, bitter cold days. Instead, I light battery operated candles ( they are safest with two bouncing dogs in the house) to get my inner glow on!

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I think the writer in me loves winter the best. With no garden chores to distract me I find comfort in the tap, tap, tap of my keyboard. And I appreciate having time to observe the little things too.

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Like the patterns of these snow-covered branches against a stormy white sky.

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Do you see a horse face ( minus the ears ) in this tree trunk or have I gone completely snow blind?

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How was your winter this year? Did you love it, hate it, or just plain put up with it?

How would you say goodbye to Old Man Winter?

As for this farmgirl, I’d like to say thank you for the time to refresh, rejuvenate and ruminate! Now get on outta here and don’t let the barn door hit you in the you know what on your way out!

Until our next shoreline visit~ Think Spring!

BEACH BLESSINGS and much love,

Deb, the Beach Farmgirl

# 1199



  1. Barbara Purvine says:

    Having seen at least twenty years of Minnesota and Montana winters, and having lived through Oregon winters for close to fifty years, I find myself mesmerized by reports, stories, and pictures of this past winter in the eastern and southern parts of the US. Your post brings back so many memories of how it feels to be warm, safe, and cozy during a blizzard, and of looking out the windows in the morning after a storm to see how high the snow drifted overnight.

    My beautiful Oregon is experiencing one of the warmest winters recorded, and a record lack of snow in the mountains, so we will experience another summer fraught with worries about forest fires. I do believe I would love to have snow to shovel!!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Barbara,
      I’m glad I could bring back some of your happy winter memories. The West is really dry this year. Maybe Old Man Winter will take pity on us next year and visit you! Let’s hope! xo Deb

  2. Judy says:

    I live in N.E. Ohio and although we have had some serious snow this year, it’s nothing compared to yours. I, like yourself, like the slower pace of the ‘recoup and regroup’ season we call winter.
    It’s a time of healing, I’ve heard some say. It’s said, ‘That’s what winter is for.’
    After three busy seasons of do-do-do, we finally slow down and enjoy the slower pleasures of life. after all, animals hibernate, why shouldn’t we?
    (and I do see your horsey face in that tree…plain as day) *giggle*
    Enjoy the rest of your hibernation Deb! And when it gets here…”SPRING into Spring!”

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Judy,
      Well just when I thought I could begin my slow awakening, it snowed again today! I did go to the Boston Flower Show yesterday and NOW I’m really ready to SPRING into Spring! Thanks for the note! xo Deb

  3. Doris Hall says:

    I loved your beautiful pictures! Yes, I could definitely see the horse 🙂 I live in VA and we have had some COLD days and “enough” snow. I loved it all and we do have a fire place that we kept burning thru it all. In July when my husband was in the hospital getting a pace-maker/defibrilator we had a damaging wind storm at home where a large oak (over 80 years old) was blown down in our yard. We didn’t know then it was for our winter fuel supply. God is good and provides for our every need even when don’t see it at the time. He provided you with time to be still and enjoy your blessings and you have blessed us by sharing the beauty of your winter.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Doris! Thank you! It was a blessed winter for sure. Don’t you just love it when blessings fall in your lap, or, your yard! Happy almost spring! xo Deb

  4. Bonnie ellis says:

    Deb: you had our usual winter this year. We had lots of cold but not a lot of snow It’s been in the 60ies. We will have more cold weather but spring will come. Spring will come.

  5. CJ Armstrong says:

    Our winter was mild, as have been the last few and that is why we have been dealing with severe drought and hot, dry summers. We did, just a couple weeks ago, get LOTS of heavy wet snow which was a blessing. No wind and not terribly cold, for which I’m grateful. That kind of snow does, however, create problems with power lines/electricity and trees, etc. Overall we came through it pretty well.

    One really big cottonwood tree in the corner of the cow pasture did crash in the night about 2 weeks ago, after over two feet of the wet snow and lots of melt off. It exploded and tore up the fence. Fortunately no power lines or structures were in the way.

    Ever heard of “corn snow”? That’s what we call the teeny, tiny little “snowballs” that come usually in our crazy spring weather. They are painful when the hit your skin and worse if there is wind. Ouch!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Cj! I’ve never heard of ‘ corn snow ‘! Is that the same thing as hail? I’ve got to google it! Hope your spring is lovely and you can get to all your wonderful creative crafts and glamping adventures!
      xo Deb

  6. glenda woodward says:

    Thank you for sharing ! I LOVE winter. But I must confess spring is wonderful also. It is 80 here today a bit breezy. The sidewalks are covered with yellow pollen from the pine trees. I can hardley stay awake with my allergies.
    The feed store has chicks and ducklings and all sorts of plant starts. I’v had tomato plants in the ground for 3 weeks.
    It is funny how fast the pace changes because of a slight tilt in the earth. I dread saying good bye to winter. Summer will be here before you can blink. The temps are absolutly unbearable much like your winter blizzard’s. But that is a whole nuther story. (one of my favorite words )
    Get you garden gloves ready !

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Glenda… Thank you for your note. I warmed up just reading it! 80 sounds like heaven! It is funny how fast things begin to come to life when spring finally comes. I always want to freeze everything about mid-June because summer just goes by so darned fast. I’ve got my garden gloves ready! 😉 xo Deb

  7. Linda says:

    Not only is there a horse head on the tree, but it is giving you a big “horse laugh”! Loved your post. No snow in eastern Washington state this year, and fear a dry, hot summer, as it is just about record heat for February and near 70’s for a few days now! Send some of that extra snow west!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Linda,
      You heard horse laughter too? Tee He…I know its been so dry out West this year… I remember water rationing when we lived out West. It IS scary. Praying for more rain for you this spring!
      hugs, Deb

  8. susana says:

    The last fifty years for me, this was the worst winter, and two days in a row, we heard our roof ….Pop! Our neighbors house exploded at their bathroom wall, near the window as ice built up so bad that it pulled on the seams of their wall. Because the ice build up so much on roofs and runners that it push and pulled wooden beams apart. I’m still scared to go up in my attic to see if there was any damage. And shingles got blown off the roof, damaged by the 75 miles per hour winds! I don’t know wats
    worst the snow or ice damage. The wind whipped up the snow so high we hit some mountains f snow that were over my head. I wish I had taken photos of it, but winter this year/depressed me do much that I only ventured out for food supplies and I only drove if the roads were plowed and dry to drive on. Just was one harsh winter for us. It was so bad that even an emergency wouldnt allow us to go to the hospital for two days. That was fearful as my husband refused to go out in that bad weather. I was glad when we got heat wave! Then the snow almost prevented me to visit him in the hospital. Very threatening weather. The worst in 50 years for us!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Susana,
      Winter can be a very touch season on humans and our shelters! Sorry to hear about your roof and your husband… Hope he and your roof get fixed up in a hurry! Thanks for reading! Deb

  9. Alexandra Wilson says:

    Thanks for sharing your snow with us, Deb! We finally have the cold temps up here but still not much snow. I hope the spring melt isn’t too messy and you can get into your gardens and beach cabin easily! Best, Alex the Rural Farmgirl

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Howdy Alex! Loved your Spring Break with Ava…Your posts with her take me back to some of our firsts too! Stay warm up there! We are about to enter the season of mud but I’ll take it over snow at this point.
      Hugs, Deb

  10. Sharlotte says:

    Thank you. In Washington we had no winter at all. I love the snow and to snow shoe, so I really missed it. I love to watch the snow swirl in the glow of our barn light and to take long chatty snow walks with my neighbor Betty. Your article helped me get through the no snow blues. On to Spring which has already sprung here unusually early and incredibly lovely. Sharlotte

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Sharlotte, I’ve never seen your name spelled with an S. Very original! Glad I could help you with your snow blues! Enjoy Spring! xo Deb

  11. Deb, I saw that horse face immediately! That is awesome. And the snow? Oh my goodness. I think I’d go crazy. That is a LOT of snow. But it sure is beautiful and I love your pictures. I bet you are going crazy with excitement to get to your beach house! I can’t wait to “go along with you”! Hugs – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hey Dori! The amount of snow this year has been quite a lot to deal with… It’s snowing again right now! YIKES! I think when my seed order arrives I just might lay down and roll in it!
      I bet you are feeling that way too! Hugs, Deb

  12. Jennifer says:

    I did see the horse head! Isn’t that clever, as my grandma would have said!

    We didn’t get any snow at all here in west central Georgia – not a bit. That’s unusual for us. Usually we get about an inch and the state shuts down. Everyone rushes to the supermarket to stock up on bread and milk – now, what we’re going to do with all this bread and milk, who knows? Your pictures are beautiful and magickal, especially for this Southern girl!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Howdy Jennifer! That’s so true about people rushing to the store to stock up on bread and milk before a storm. We are guilty of that for sure! So glad you enjoyed a little bit of our winter too! xo Deb

  13. bonnie simons says:

    oh how i enjoyed reading about your wonderful snowfilled winter. here in Louisiana we actually had a couple of snow days, that lasted about a day. i love the serene feeling when the snow is fallling. it takes me back to being thankful for the peace i feel from God’s creation even though it makes me sad when i think of someone being out in it and not having a warm coat to wear or food or shelter. that’s when i pray for them to to receive from someone , if i can’t get it to them. thank you again for sharing about your life and i too love the beach, especially sanibel island,florida. i’m a shell lover and sisterhood girl # 6374 I have recently joined and so proud i did!!!

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