Winter In Black and White… And A Colorful Give-Away!

I don’t know what it is about winter that makes me think in black and white.  Do you?  I have to just be honest and say that I’m a summer-time girl.  I like green grass, green trees, bright colored flowers, red tomatoes and yellow squash in my garden.  I even like the hot, humid sweat rolling off my face!



But I positively LOVE the sweet little black calves that are born in the winter.  And how do they even tolerate the cold?  We do have fairly mild winters here in Tennessee.  I mean, they don’t seem mild to me, but for those folks buried in snow, we’re pretty lucky.




This little calf was our first one of the year.  Born in an open field (his Momma’s choice, not ours!) in freezing cold blowing ice.  I always wonder how they survive that cold weather when they are just tiny little wet creatures?




But what I notice when I see a new born calf is that their Momma licks and licks them. For hours.   I know that this is for multiple purposes but when I watched her licking this little calf I saw the steam rising off of its little body and I knew she was warming it up. And then of course they nurse right away and you’ve got to know that warm milk just makes them toasty inside!




But back to the business of the wintertime blues… or blacks actually.  There are a lot of positives.  Our farm is gorgeous in the winter.  You can see in the woods, where you can’t in the summertime.  Everything just gives you the feeling that it is taking a deep breather before the busyness of spring arrives.




Even our view from the hilltop is lovely in the winter time because we can see houses and things we don’t see in the summertime because of the thick covering of trees.


But because of the gray days, I spend my winters surrounding myself with color in other areas.  My Craft Room (which also doubles as library, office, and play room for the grand-girls) is a bright and colorful room where I spend a lot of my time.

I love to embroider with bright colors and sew with beautiful fabric.  Color cheers me up and makes me so very happy.  Which is one of the reasons why, when I opened the Milk Cow Kitchen book, written by our very own Farmgirl MaryJane, I started grinning from ear to ear.  I mean, seriously.  All you have to do is look at the colorful Table Of Contents pages to know it’s going to be a great book!

This is a HAPPY book.  Every page is amazing.  Whether it is a cookbook or a coffee table book, I love books that have a cover that says, “open me” and text that is readable and formatted in an engaging way.  This is definitely that.

The photography is out of this world.

I’ve recently started noticing food photography and how important styling is.  This book is full of beautiful styling.

I also love books that have step by step instructions with pictures.  They are more interesting and tell a story, don’t you think?  I don’t know that I will ever use the information below, but I read every word anyway.  The text font, colors, and formatting just keeps you captive.

I think this book was made for my kitchen.  It just belongs there amidst all my color.

So…..  I’ve got a treat for you!  MaryJane has given me an autographed book to share with one lucky Farmgirl.   All you have to do to enter this giveaway is leave me a comment!  It doesn’t even matter what the comment is about!

Even if you already own this book, please enter the giveaway anyway because if you win you can gift this book to another Farmgirl… and put some color in her black and white wintery days!

I’ll announce the winner in two weeks, February 6.

Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.


P.S.  Can I just say thank you to all of our wonderful Farmgirls that comment on this blog, email and add color to my winter?  It is amazing how much it brightens my day!


  1. Beverly says:

    Hi Dori….Thank you so much for sharing the birth of your new little one. I’m always amazed at how nature continues to astound me, wether it be a new birth or the changing of the seasons. While I’ve lived in the midwest most of my life(can you say 2013-14’s winter) I can still find beauty even when my teeth are a chatterin’). I LOVE your blog. I find your neck of the woods so peaceful and comforting…like being curled up in a warm quilt. Thank you again!!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Beverly, nature is amazing. Thank you so much for your sweet comment and for reading and following along. – Dori –

  2. lucy says:

    There is something clean and fresh about wintertime.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Lucy, I do love that about wintertime – and the smell of spring when it comes is so clean because of it. – Dori –

  3. bernie kemp says:

    thanks for all the great articles! Although we are having a white winter (but relatively mild compared to last year!), any color is appreciated-Christmas eve was a green day for us followed by a light snowfall on Christmas day! Was very pretty and appropriate for the day! I love the new calves-the neighbor across the street has a new one every year-very fun to watch them grow up! Bernie Kemp Dayton, MN

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Bernie, I do have to say that although winter isn’t my favorite time of year I wish we did have more snow. It is so gorgeous. Yes those calves are a delight to watch! – Dori –

  4. Looks like a great book. Love to read it. I to like color, especially in the winter, I do like the seasons though, and a snow or two. I can just sit in and sew or catch up on over due projects. I’d like to be a winner, But incase I’m not good luck to the lucky one. Farm sister #1020 Juanita

  5. Jill says:


    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful animals with all of us. My daughter wants a cow in the worst way! When I saw this book advertised in the magazine, I knew it would be the perfect thing to dream on- can’t wait to have our very own copy!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Jill, that is funny. My daughter wants a milk cow in the worst way too! She keeps saying, “Mom we could share it”! Thanks for commenting. – Dori –

  6. Becky West says:

    Thanks for the offer of the book. It looks like a great read and/or picture book. I also enjoy reading your blog and hearing about your farm and cows.

  7. Linda W says:

    I have been a country girl and farmette-girl for most of my life (the happiest parts) until finding myself in a small town and now in an apartment. I am a young 66 and although the people are all very nice and it is a nice area, I hope to be back in the country again one day, with my farm animals I love…horse, goats, chickens, outdoor cats and dogs… I think Jersey cows are the prettiest and would even love having one of them for some “real” milk for a change…and the baby animals are always a delight. Thanks for keeping my heart in touch with its dreams of the country.

    • susana says:

      Linda, hope you can get back to country living…even in an apartment I have had a small section to grow tomatoes. I have an aunt whose 88 and she still has a garden, she plants and her husband harvest it. ( and she has bad knees and bad hips, but won’t give up gardening…she as a method… an insures me to not give up.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Linda, Oh there is just nothing like living in the country is there? And I so agree with you on the Jersey cows. I think their calves are also the prettiest! Thanks for reading and commenting! – Dori –

  8. Kathleen Lussier says:

    I loved your black and white winter photos. I love winter especially the snow and wind.Also the calf photos. They bring back good memories My childhood girlfriends dad raised black angus.
    We have just moved to Mesa, Az from a beautiful acre in Wyoming due to my husbands health. I am missing the country setting but trying to adapt to city living. I have planted my rhubarb I brought. Not sure if it will stand the heat.
    We now live in a 55+ community so I cherish my Maryjanesfarm magazines and books. I love your writing it puts a person right alongside you. Take care. Kathy

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Kathleen, I love those black and white pictures too… thinking about framing them! I’m familiar with Mesa. We lived north of Page, AZ forever and my dearest girlfriend lives in Gilbert. So I’m usually back there once a year or so. I’m sure you do miss the country; but city living has its benefits too! I hope your Rhubarb makes it in the heat. Let me know! – Dori –

  9. Melissa Robbins says:

    In reading your blog and the wonderful stories from the other farm girl postings I get to replenish a happy heart. I love the spirit and creativity that you so warmly share. When life seems to put the grey on I know I can find some color in your stories and pictures. What woman s’ heart wouldn’t melt upon seeing the calf born or some new chicks? We all would do the heart good to have some time in the country.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Melissa, I also love the wonderful stories from the Farmgirl bloggers! I look forward every few days for a new post! We also love and appreciate our readers! Thank you commenting and for your sweet words! – Dori –

  10. Marcia Aurand says:

    The mere mention of cows had me. I had intentions of making a comment, so the giveaway was icing. Living in Florida I miss winter, we lived in Michigan and the north country in New York so I have experienced many. One of my favorite recollections is visiting my cousin on her farm in Illinois. She had the most beautiful white cows and I took many pictures that I cherish. Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures of your wonderful black cows, how lucky you are!(and I enjoy your posts also 🙂

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Marcia, Cows get me too! 🙂 Thank you for reading and commenting! – Dori –

      P.S. As a family, we always do the week at the beach touristy thing in Destin, Florida and we so love it. I know Florida isn’t all about the ocean but of course that is all I can think of! 🙂

  11. Susan Margetts says:

    Those black and white photos of your cattle are stunning.They say so much without the color to distract you.Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Susan, I love the black and white too. My husband was standing over my shoulder as I converted them from color and he kept saying, “Why do you like that?”! I’m happy to tell him how many of my readers like it too! Ha Ha! – Dori –

  12. I live in Californa but grew up in Montana. Every day is sunny and bright here but I sure miss those frigid days. Every day was a challenge and by the time spring arrived I felt like a hero.

    I love cows. I did not realize that they are born in the dead of winter under such conditions.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Dorothy, It’s funny the things we miss isn’t it? I do love cows also. All of us cattle farmers are in calving season here now. It is probably actually easier on the calves than the hot humid summer. I don’t know… but they seem to do fine. It’s amazing really. – Dori –

  13. Robin Reichardt says:

    I too have the blessing of a cute black healthy angus calf; found down in a gully out of todays wind. Momma has hopefully led it out of there to join the herd. There’s safety in numbers from the coyotes in the area.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Robin, Oh what a sweet little blessing they are! Yes, I’m always happy when the herd is all together. Here on our farm where we have nice thick woods I notice that the Momma’s tend to hang out in deepest part of the woods the first couple days. Not all of them, but mostly. We don’t have coyotes much here though. – Dori –

  14. Deborah McClure says:

    well the book would be over the moon great! Feb. 6 is MY birthday!! I love Maryjane and all she stands for, all she does!!! Cows, well my BEST friend is my jersey cow REBA! Got her at only a couple days old. Almost lost her a couple times, love and a good vet saved her. For all of you ladies who dream of or are a farm girl , this is the place to be!!! Deb

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Deborah, Well, the book would sure make a great birthday present! Oh those Jersey cows are a dream. I really want one! Reba is a great name! – Dori –

  15. Belinda Lockwood says:

    Color me happy if I win this awesome book!
    I LOVE Mary Janes Farm magazines!!!

  16. Cindy says:

    Love your posts!it warms my soul! To one farmgal to another I think animals are such beautiful creatures! I love to cook and bake on my farm here in Wilder,Idaho and cookbooks are one of my favorites in my kitchen! I would love this book! God bless,Cindy oh and I get a real kick out of The city farm girl !

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Cindy, Thank you for your sweet words about my posts. Aren’t cookbooks the most fun to collect and read? I love them! – Dori –

  17. Nancy Garabrandt says:

    I love cows and I miss a farm 🙁 I grew up on a farm and have never been able to get money to buy a small farm. Seeing the mommy cow lick the calves when they are born makes me wonder too how those newborn babies survive the cold but they do.

    This cookbook is one that makes my mouth water and my tummy growl just looking at it! I would love to have it and use it 🙂

    I love the cheery colors in your kitchen. My kitchen is antiques and a lot of wood and lacks the vibrancy of color. Will be redoing it in the future to brighten it up.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Nancy, my kitchen is one of my favorite rooms in my house because it is very light and bright! I spend a lot of time in there! Thanks for commenting. – Dori –

  18. Sherri Myronenko says:

    I love your black and white cow/calf pictures. Ive always wondered why they have their babies in such cold, harsh weather. The pictures in the book just draws your eyes to them and the food looks yummy. Thank you for taking your time to share your insights with all of us.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Sherri, I think ideally spring would be a great time for the calves to be born, but they do amazingly well being born in the winter. So, I try not to worry about it too much – but I do kind of mother them! Thanks for reading and commenting. – Dori –

  19. Terrie Coleman says:

    I would love this beautiful book. I love everything Farmgirl, and everything MaryJane’s. The cows are lovely, too. Blessings.

  20. Amy Kehoe says:

    Love it! I wonder if some of this would be helpful for goat dairying.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Amy, I’m sure there would be a lot of information in the book that could be carried over to goat dairying. It is just such a lovely book. – Dori –

  21. Debbi K. says:

    Thank you for your blog! Love the pictures and your stories! Love the black and white, also the color! There is something peaceful about the winter in your pictures! Thank you for the opportunity to own this beautiful book! What a happy addition to any kitchen!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Debbi, thank you for your sweet words and for reading my posts and commenting! I love the black and white pictures too! I think I’ll be framing them. – Dori –

  22. Carol Marshall says:

    Here in North Idaho the snow is 2 feet deep but with the early warming it promises to be an early spring! A little winter blue for me as I recover from Knee Surgery, been slowed way down for a couple months. Cooking and love of beautiful Books go hand and hand on my shelves as well. Thank you for sharing a part of your winter and your heart!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Carol, oh brrrr. Two feet of snow sounds lovely, but cold! Recovering from knee surgery is hard I’m sure. Winter-time was probably a good time to have to have it huh? My mother had a hip replacement in November and she chose to have it done in the winter since it is her down time. Hope you’re recovering well. – Dori –

  23. kim says:

    Dori – I too am a warm weather bright colors loving kinda gal. I have been on a mission to remind myself to find the beauty and appreciate the winter months. Black and white photography does seem to be the perfect way to do so. Your photos are brilliant and capture the moment with those cows in such a heart warming way. I have that book on my list of must haves, winning it would be an awesome winter warmer. Thanks for sharing. Best, Kim

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Kim, When I made my New Years resolution to slow down and enjoy the day to day things, I remind myself of that when I’m waiting and watching for spring. There is so much beauty in the wintertime. Thanks for reading and commenting! – Dori –

  24. I really want this book. I enjoy bright colors, beautiful photos, and inspirational narratives. I am eagerly waiting for my first calves. Just as soon as the barn is done my hubby says. Thanks for this small window into your beautiful world. I sure enjoyed it.


    • Dori Troutman says:

      Heidi, you would love this book! Can’t wait to hear about your first calves! They are always soooo exciting! Thanks for reading! – Dori –

  25. Barn chick says:

    Hi! I think this is the first time I have commented on your blog. I just love reading all of them. I am a dreaming Farm Girl wanna be! I currently live in Arizona and my home is all farm girl chic. Barn wood and old barn doors are my friends. I do a lot of decorating with them. Love your kitchen! Just couldn’t pass up an opportunity to win the book. Thank you for your writings, they inspire me every time!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Barn Chick! 🙂 Thanks so much for commenting. Where in AZ do you live? We lived right over the border into Utah (north of Page) for a whole lot of years. Arizona has it’s beauty… but I sure love the South! Oh, yes. I love barn wood and barn doors too. I’d like to have them all over my house! Thank you so much for reading and for your sweet words! – Dori –

  26. Jo Gill says:

    I’d love to win MJ’s newest book. Thanks. I love all the pictures you share with us, too.

    Jo in Oregon

  27. Jennifer says:

    I love your farm….I want the book…;-)

  28. Debbie Killeen says:

    Love all the color! Feel pretty much the same way.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Debbie, We had such a beautiful sunny day here today and I noticed the grass had a tinge of green and I was SO happy! 😉 – Dori –

  29. Gina says:

    What a great giveaway. I’m adding this book to my wish list right now.

  30. Shelley Hatfield says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE….your kitchen and your house and your pictures and your acreage…lol….yours is one of the first blogs that I open when I’m reading blogs, hoping that you have posted another one for us to read. lol….thanks for sharing your life with us!!!! And this book looks sssoooo interesting!!!…can’t wait to get a copy for myself (either thru here or buying one for myself)

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Shelley, your comment really made my day!!! Thank you so much for your sweet words. You would love the book! It is pure Farmgirl! – Dori –

  31. donna says:

    Love your blog and stories. They are always enjoyable.

  32. I love the winter and black and white photos. And black calves. Now that the last crop has been sold and before the strawberries (6 acres) start in April we have a little time to attend farm meetings, repair equipment and infrastructure, order seeds, and dream. The last old tenant house from a by-gone era is about to give up the ghost. I would like to use some of the tin roofing to make a wall in my house (which is named Down Yonder) where I could use magnets to hang photos or notes. What do you think?

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Wayve, we are SO anxious for your strawberries! It is the highlight of our spring… “Are Dennison’s strawberries ready yet”? is a common question in our house! 🙂 We LOVE your strawberries. One spring we went to a UPick an hour away in TN and my husband said, “As much as the UPick is a fun experience for the grand-kids, I only want Dennison’s strawberries, they are sweeter”! Anyway… YES, you should use the tin roofing!!!! I think it would be beautiful! And so much fun. I’m on the look-out for a falling down barn to get just a couple pieces of barn wood – I’m hoping to find some that has a little bit of red paint still on it. Any ideas? I’ve got a fun project in my mind… however things in my mind don’t always turn out to be too great! Ha Ha! Let me know about the tin roof wall… it’ll be awesome. – Dori-

  33. vonda clink says:

    thank you for bringing us the opportunity to win this book.

  34. Dori, I love reading your blogs and seeing your pictures. Before we moved to NC, I lived in between a man and his son who owned all the land surrounding me as far as the eye could see, and one raised dairy cows, one beef cattle, and horses, so there were always new babies frolicking up and down the road and pastures on both sides of me. I loved sitting out on the porch and watching the activity. While I never raised any farm animals myself (besides chickens) and (once very shortly pigs) I always loved being around them. I have to say that is what I miss the most about home is enjoying that scenery to wake up with each morning. Thank you also for answering the posts. I can only imagine how much time this takes to comment to so many readers. Be Blessed. Neta

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Vivian, that sounds like a positively LOVELY place to live!!! But I’m sure NC has it’s wonderful things too. Well… replying to the comments is something that seems really important to me. I’m so thankful for the readers here and the ones that take time to comment. By not responding it would feel like a one-way conversation and that’s just not who I am! 🙂 I do like to talk! Ha Ha! Thanks for reading and commenting. – Dori –

  35. Carol in NC says:

    I told my husband yesterday that I want a cow for my birthday. Not the first time he’s heard that, lol. He’s such a city slicker!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Carol, well maybe instead of a cow (this year anyway) you could let him off the hook and get you the book if you don’t win it! 🙂 It’s got some awesome cow photography! – Dori –

  36. Sylvia Jayne says:

    What a beautiful blog. eautiful farm too!

  37. Lisa Livingston says:

    I feel the same way about winter , when you said you can see things you can’t in the summer ! I also live in Tn. & love the different seasons we have here ( the plateau) allowing different views on the property ! Would love that book to add to my collection of Mary Jane’s books that I have now !

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Lisa, I was raised our West where there were no trees to block our view and have only been in TN for 4 years so it really came as a shock to me during our first winter when I got up one morning, looked out our window and said to my husband, “Where did that barn way over there come from?”! 🙂 I love driving the backroads in the wintertime and seeing all the gorgeous homes that you don’t see in the summer. – Dori –

  38. Cathy R says:

    THANKS DORI for your wonderful blog. It puts ‘color’ in my life! We have lots of gray in winter but I love it for the same reasons you do and it makes me really appreciate the first signs of spring! All your pictures are beautiful and what a delightful giveaway!
    Blessings to you!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Cathy, I was out helping haul hay this afternoon and when I got out of the Ranger to open a gate, I saw the tip of green from a buttercup!!! 🙂 Although one year they came up early like this, then it got bitterly cold again and they didn’t bloom. So…. after my first breath of excitement I felt dread that they wouldn’t bloom. But maybe it will stay moderately cold instead of bitterly cold! 🙂 Thanks for reading and following along! – Dori –

  39. Beth Getz says:

    some random thoughts today…love your b/w cow photos – I’ve always had a thing for cows and remember drawing them over and over again as a child…winter is black and white – the white of the snow that’s swirling outside today and piling up drifts in the drive and the black of most everything against the it, very pretty…that’s why spring is so exciting- all those colors blooming everywhere…and today, I’m waiting for updates from my daughter ready to deliver my second granddaughter…no matter how black and white the winter gets, the world is still full of color…

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Beth, Oh HOW EXCITING! A new baby – can there possibly be anything happier??? And a second grand-daughter even more so! (I have two so I know!) Hope all goes well for your daughter. Thanks for writing. – Dori –

  40. Megan says:

    I would love to win the book. It would be a wonderful book to have in my home.

  41. Noreen Pelchat says:

    Dear Dori,

    Thank you for your wonderful words and photos. It has been a cold January here in Vermont! My girls (chickens) have been staying pretty fluffed up! So it was a treat to read your blog. Stay warm!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Noreen, I love how chickens fluff themselves all up in the cold! I was trying to explain to my grand-daughters the other day why their chickens were perfectly fine in the cold, wet weather! Thanks for reading and following along! – Dori –

  42. Amy Taulbee says:

    I read your blog often and am truly impressed at all you get accomplished on your farm. We have a family farm that is at the present time empty as we are still in town but are desperately trying to get out on the farm. I was raised in town so I am a little apprehensive but am encouraged by all the Mary Jane girls. Thank you.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Amy, thank you so much for your encouraging words! I don’t know that we accomplish a lot… it does seem like the days just roll on by with not a lot to show for it. I hope you get to move out to your farm soon – there is something about farm life that is incredible. Don’t be apprehensive; you’ll love it. It is a bit of an adjustment but I think the quiet, calm, serenity that farm life brings will just amaze you. Keep me posted! – Dori –

  43. Ruth says:

    Hi Dori, I absolutely love your black and white photos of your cows, both grown and baby :)! Where are you in Tennessee? I live in Blue Ridge, Georgia, just a few miles from TN! I really enjoyed reading your blog on this gray day as you brought some “sunshine” to my life! Thanks for that

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Ruth, we live in Middle Tennessee… a couple hours from Georgia! It is a rather gray day here today… cloudy, windy and cold. But I’m in my craft room sewing bathrobes for my little grand girls so I’m perfectly happy! Thanks for reading. – Dori-

  44. Janet says:

    I live in the city but love the farmgirl blog and magazine. Would truly enjoy reading this book and then would pass it on to a “true” farmgirl, my daughter-in-law.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Janet, it would make a lovely gift for your Farmgirl daughter in law! If you don’t win it, you can buy it for her birthday! 🙂 – Dori –

  45. When I first moved to my farm in 2010 I received a copy of MaryJane’sFarm magazine. I was smitten. I still am. We moved out of state from that farm and are on the hunt for another– we can’t wait to homestead again.
    I am feeding my “farm hunger” by reading copies of MJF and her big Idea book and quilting and knitting and doing all the farmstead stuff I can while living in an apartment in town and dreaming of the country.

    from Gretchen in Nebraska

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Gretchen, I hope you find a farm soon. But until then… you are doing everything right! 🙂 Don’t you love how we can be Farmgirls from anywhere? Do you plan to stay in Nebraska? I’ve been to Nebraska twice; one of my dearest girlfriends had an old farmhouse out in the country near Kearney. It was so lovely. She lives closer to town now, but still has a country place! It’s a beautiful area. Thanks for writing! – Dori –

  46. Bev Trittin says:

    I grew up on a farm. We had cattle and I just loved the little calves– teaching them to drink milk from a pail — was one of the most fun things! They are so beautiful.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Bev, bottle feeding or bucket feeding calves is the greatest fun. They are strong little things aren’t they?? I took my little grand-daughter down to look at the three little calves we have right now. Their mommas had parked them in the sunshine and were grazing distance away so we had fun just sitting on the ground watching them nap! – Dori –

  47. marilyn gorden says:

    I’ve lived the farm girl experience and now cherish the memories. I so enjoy the experiences that you share. I think you need to get an ornery billy goat on the farm too! Please count me in for the book drawing,

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Marilyn, yeah an ornery billy goat would fit right in! 🙂 Farm living does provide the very best of memories, doesn’t it? – Dori –

  48. Denise Collins says:

    I love living in an area that has 4 distinct seasons. Many grumble about the cold, but I love that it forces me to spend more time working on the inside of our buildings. In the spring we are almost maniacal in our work getting all of the gardens awakened and making room for new animals. On summer nights I will piddle around outside until well after dark. The autumn always seems to pass so quickly while we are preserving all of the bounty of summer. In the winter, I’m cozied up with knitting needles and a good movie.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Denise, Since writing my post and reading all of the wonderful comments (yours included!) it has really helped remind me of why winter can be so wonderful! One of the things I’ve been thinking about is exactly what you said… cozied up with knitting needles and a good movie (except for me it would be a good book!). So, I’ve sure been thankful for all the great reminders of the benefits we have in each season! 🙂 Thanks for writing. – Dori –

  49. Donna says:

    How sweet to see the pictures of these darling cattle and there sweet babies.This is how I feel when my baby goats are born.They so hold my heart.I love the pictures of the black and white.
    love them.

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Donna, Yes, regardless of the baby they are precious!!! And, even though I’ve not been around baby goats much I was raised with lambs and oh my goodness…. they are so precious!!! 🙂 Thanks for your sweet comment. – Dori –

  50. pamm says:

    Couldn’t agree more about the color thing and winter. I do love a good ‘ol black and white flooring and absolutely adore the black calves and cows among the white snow…but give me a cheery red and bright yellow kitchen and I am in heaven! I really loved this post Dori , keep warm and thanks for the sunshine in your post!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Pamm, I am the same! Love a lot of things in black… but REALLY love my bright and cheerful kitchen! 🙂 Thanks for reading and following along and for your sweet comment. – Dori –

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