Five Years of Farmgirl Romance!


Dear Sisters,

There are certain days, events, moments and memories that we all hold dear. Small glimpses of time that stand still in our hearts and our minds when life as we knew it changed forever. That’s how it is for me when I remember the day my farmgirl romance ( insert pretty,curly,swirly font ) began with MaryJanesFarm. In celebration of THE BEST OF 15 years issue of MJF I’m feeling inspired to celebrate too!

How long have YOU been IN LOVE with MaryJanesFarm? My farmgirl romance began with the 2010 issue of MaryJanesFarm. Our family was in a Barnes and Noble book store waiting for our daughters turn at playing the piano for a fund-raiser she was participating in with her music school. I was perusing the magazine stand when I saw the title MaryJanesFarm. My heart skipped a beat just reading those three words. I was immediately captivated and I hadn’t even opened it up yet. I remember feeling so pleasantly surprised and charmed all at the same time. But then I got to the Sisters on the Fly article and knew I had hit the mother-lode of magazines! This romance was gonna be adventure filled and F.U.N.!

Of course, I had to write to MaryJane ( just as thousands of other readers do ) and tell her how much I LOVED her magazine and how it made me feel.

June, 2010

Dear MaryJane …

I love how MaryJanesFarm is filled with rich content from the real lives of all sorts of people and has very little advertising. I love how the magazine is laid out in sections, sort of like a binder, so that you always know where to go to find that something special. I love the recycled paper feel and touch and how pretty the magazine is with its scrapbook paper backgrounds, quotes, and curlicue font styles here and there. Mostly, I love how inspired I have become since finding MaryJanesFarm and how much of myself I have uncovered since reading it. Plain and simple, I think the magazine will have a huge effect on the healing of our country—with all of us farmgirls scattered about but “together in spirit,” passing out goodwill and good ideas and sharing our creative talents. MaryJanesFarm even brings out the patriot in me! It reminds me of the America I grew up in and pine for all at the same time. One issue at a time, MaryJanesFarm brings us all a little closer to home. The blogs are great too! They offer a wonderful way to keep the farmgirl spirit alive between issues! I try not to read my entire magazine in one sitting, but it is hard!!!


* The idea for a Beach Farmgirl Blogger wasn’t even a sparkle in our eyes yet!

It. made. me. FEEL. HAPPY! How the heck had I missed the first ten years of MJF? It was a mystery to me. I chalked it up to my belief that destiny works its magic when the time is right. And it was right in every sense of the word. I was 47 when I turned my first page of MJF magazine. Little did I know that a whole new world of fun, fellowship and new friendships ( and two new budding careers as a backyard flower farmer and writer for MJF ) was about to open up before me and welcome me in with open arms.

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Or that I could have sisters! I’m the oldest of three children. I have two wonderful brothers but the idea of having sisters ( sisters I didn’t have to share clothes or a bathroom with )  who enjoyed the same things I do was exciting!

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I learned the meaning of ” farmgirl ” right away! I hosted a Farmgirl Spirit Gathering and started a Farmgirl Chapter ( which never really took off due to all of us moms being so darned busy raising kids ) but we are all still good friends!

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I inhaled each and every magazine issue, ( more than once ) and carried them with me everywhere! Like a love-sick teenaged girl, I told everyone I knew ( and people I didn’t) all about MaryJane, her farm, her magazine and her BOOKS and what an inspiration she is! I was on a farmgirl high to say the least. I still feel that familiar flush of excitement when I open my mailbox and see the latest issue inside. My family knows it’s going to be an early to bed night for momma B on that day! Same goes for when MJ publishes a new book. I have them all! Even if I never, ever get a backyard milk cow I have the encouragement and know-how I’ll need in MILK COW KITCHEN should the winds of destiny change and blow up on my doorstep wearing a coat of soft golden hair and big brown eyes.


My mother in law is the little girl in this adorable photo posing with her big sister and a calf.

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Some of my best farmgirl moments have been meeting new farmgirl friends IN PERSON! Above, Merrilyn and her daughter Michelle came to visit me in Plymouth one day! We had a lovely time getting to know each other and still keep in touch via email from time to time.


Can you guess who I’m with in this photo? She has the same beaming smile as another farmgirl we all know and love! It’s Megan Rae, MaryJane’s daughter. She visited Cape Cod for a family reunion in June of 2012 and stole away to meet me for tea! It was divine. I miss you Meg!!!



This is a photo of my mother in laws mother, Francis in the field. Love her garden get up!

Finding my Farmgirl roots and being part of this amazing ” farmgirl community” has enriched my life and made my soul ( and my gardens ) blossom beyond belief. I’m still learning new things everyday, and I couldn’t be more in love with MaryJanesFarm!

I know I will keep falling deeper and deeper as long as MaryJane keeps the farmgirl romance flames fanned!

I’ll close this not so little love-fest with a letter to Sister # 1.

Dear MaryJane,

I’ve told you this before and I’ll say it again. You ( your talented family and farm crew ) are a blessing on this earth and an inspiration with explosive powers. I know your first job as a farmer ( and milk maid ) are what get you out of bed in the wee hours of the morning but I’ll make you a deal. I’ll keep reading ( and writing ) if you do. I ( we farmgirls ) want you to feel of use, after all!

Until our next shoreline visit~

Much love and BEACH BLESSINGS from sister # 1199

Deb xo The Beach Farmgirl


  1. Reading your post this morning was just what I needed today because yesterday, I lost one of my beloved milk cows. I also received a lovely letter from Sister Sherrilyn #1350. The concept of Farmgirl and Sisterhood is very powerful and I am so fortunate to have been given the challenge of providing the conduit for so many amazing women to find each other and share their common ground … and old family photos. Yours are fantastic!!! Farmgirl roots indeed! Any chance I can ship a milk cow to your front door?:)

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Oh no, MJ! I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of one of your most loved milk cows. A sad day indeed. I love those old photos too. I’m itching to get some of my granny and grandpa ( on my Dad’s side ) and their cattle ranch in Texas as well. Need to do some digging to find out who of my many cousins have some they might like to share. 🙂 They were share croppers before their cattle ranching days so ” farmgirl ” is in my DNA…Now, don’t go tempting me with one of your lovely milk cow’s!!! I have limited ground and I’ve given most of it up to flowers and chickens at this point! So many farmgirl passions, too little ground to grow all of them. Perhaps, one day though! I don’t give up that easy! Farmgirl hugs!

  2. Dori Troutman says:

    Oh Deb. This was such a beautiful, lovely post. I was smiling all the way through. I love that you still have the letter you wrote to MaryJane in 2010. That’s awesome. I can’t remember when I read the first MJF magazine…. I do remember thinking, “This lady is amazing”! 🙂 What a privilege we have of being a part of the “family”!

    I just read Mary Jane’s comment above and literally started crying when I read about her milk cow. Oh, it is so hard to lose an animal – and there is something about those cows that just get in our heart and soul.

    Hugs to you, Deb. I genuinely loved this post. – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      We most certainly are lucky to be part of the MJF ‘ family ‘.And one big family it is if you include all of our sisters! I got teary when I read MJ’s comment too. Cows melt my heart almost as much as horses do.
      I may need to write MJ back and see if she can give me specific housing measurements for one of her milk cows! I might be able to cut down some trees at the back of our lot and make room! Hugs to you my dear!
      Deb xo

  3. Love the letters. I know Mary Jane was very up set over the loss of her friend. Animals have a way to our hearts and I’m sure she will miss Her Milk Cow. I’d live to have a mini Jersey but I live in a small town that doesn’t allow them, not even Chickens. Your Blogs a really great and I enjoy reading all of them and I love having all those sisters. Makes my life a better place. Hugs Juanita sister #1020

  4. Kristy says:

    I read an article in the July 24, 2005 Chicago Tribune and bought her Ideabook, Cookbook, Lifebook on my next day off from work. I’m not sure why I found her life so interesting, but I’ve been a fan ever since. I didn’t see the magazine until I found it on a newsstand about five years ago. I’ve been reading the blogs for about four years.

    The thing is that every Farmgirl has real values. We all see the importance of life itself. Despite our living in different parts of the country, things are much the same.

    Furthermore, they really haven’t changed much since our grandmothers were farmgirls. Alexandra’s concerns about her daughter are just as real as my concerns about my daughter forty years ago. I get a kick out of your handsome Yankee because I was a Yankee who fell for a Chicagoan. Dori’s grandchildren are about the same age as my youngest grandchild. Rebekah is not the only person who is nervous about snakes. The thing is that in MaryJane’s world everyone’s a bit like me.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Kristy!
      You wrote~ ” in Maryjane’s world everyone’s a bit like me”
      I LOVE that!
      The thing about writing is you never know who’s going to connect with what you write. Farmgirl is just one word yet it connects thousands of us just like that! Pretty amazing isn’t it? Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts. xo Deb

  5. CJ Armstrong says:

    Thank you Deb! I will be celebrating 6 years with the Farmgirl Connection and Sisterhood this year. It has been amazing in every sense of the word! I’ve made many new friends and I’ve met many of the farmgirls along the way . . . what a privilege that has been and it’s like I’ve know them forever!

    I’ve had the honor of meeting Mary Jane and Meg and spending time with them, they are the bestest, mostest and just real fun! My daughter and I had the privilege of staying the Outpost B&B in 2011 . . . WOW! I hope we can stay there again sometime in the future. We’ve also met Nick, Brian, Carol, Ashley and other staff at the farm (not sure if they’re still there) and the staff at the Coeur d’Alene store!
    What a blessing it has ALL been!

    Dearest Mary Jane, I also thank you for all you have done for us farmgirls.
    And, I’m also soooo sorry for the loss of your milk cow. It is hard to lose our animals! We’ve experienced that ourselves! But we keep on keeping on!
    Love to you Mary Jane!
    Love to you Deb!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      You’re welcome, CJ! Lucky girls we are indeed! I hope to meet MJ and the farm team one day as well! Everyone’s farmgirl journey is something to celebrate, that’s for sure!
      Thank you so much for your note! Keep having fun! xo Deb

  6. bonnie ellis says:

    Oh Deb, You are right on. Let’s all cheer for Mary Jane’s farm! Another Cheer for Mary Jane, Meg, Carol, Brian and all the staff. THANK YOU!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray for MaryJanesFarm! Thanks so much for the note, Bonnie… 🙂 xo Deb

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