Country Living Update

I remember when we went to see a farm (a farm we didn’t buy, not this one), the real estate agent took us there and told us that there were “big molecules” on the farm.

My husband and I looked at each other with a look that we’ve used for more than 20 years. You know the one, right? As soon as she was out of ear shot, we cracked up about that comment.

That was before we knew anything at all about “big molecules.”

Now we know. Now that we’ve moved to a farm we GET the big molecule comment.

We live IN and AROUND and WITH big molecules. Oh how we love the big molecules. Here’s what I mean.

I drive by this baby every day. He/she is a miniature horse that lives down the road. I just want to get out of the car and walk into that pasture and cradle it in my arms and hug him/her. The Mom is usually close by, so I don’t.

During our last visit, you gave me the idea of raised beds to solve my garden problem. When the sweet potato slips I had ordered came in the mail I knew I should try to build a raised bed since my garden spot is no where close to being ready.

I got some boards and some dirt. And with no skills or plan, I built a box. Because when you live in big molecules you become EMPOWERED.

And look what I grew. A child!

They’ve been doing standardized testing at school (yes! we are still in school because of all the snow days!). And all the kids around here are exhausted and stressed out. When I went to the house to grab something, I  came back to this. Cute thing. I just wanted to go out there and cradle her and hug her. And I did.

Once she got up, I dumped in the dirt and planted the sweet potato slips.

 Oh, and the horses live in big molecules with us. However, a horse who bucks the person who adores and cares for him gets treated like a regular ole horse. And that means silly fly masks.

 Just kidding. I only made him wear that for the photo. He actually has a regal fly mask befitting his majesty and dignity.

Are you wondering if the chicken house is finished? Here’s the answer: no.

We are getting close though.

I have high hopes that those not-so-little any more 16 chickens will be out of our bathroom soon. I smell them big time now. We are still thinking this chicken is a Roo. We don’t know how to tell, so we’ll have to wait and see if it tries to crow.

Around here, in the Big Molecules, it is time to do the first cutting of hay. The first cut is the sweetest hay, with all the sugars bursting forth in spring after winter. The next cuts are less sweet.

There was a break between all the rain and everyone in the community started cutting.


Soon there were rolls in front of everyone’s house.

One thing I love about our first year at this old farm in the big molecules is the surprise flowers. We had no idea what was planted or where. You see, by the time we purchased the place and moved here, it was covered in weeds. This spring has been full of surprises in the yard. Just this week a bunch of peonies bloomed.

I admire the people who can go out to their gardens with a pair of scissors and bring the flowers in the house. I had a friend in Georgia who would have her garden flowers gracing every room in her house, even her powder room. That’s hard for me to do. I have a tendency to leave them outside.

Peony photobombed by the purple flower whose name I don’t know.

And here’s a pink one.

I don’t know if the pink one was a mistake since all the other peonies are white?

It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I’ve always loved peonies. And now I have a garden full that some one else planted.


I have always had a Bleeding Heart flower in my garden. Yes, in every single house we’ve ever lived, we planted Bleeding Hearts. Here, they came with the molecules. I didn’t have to plant any; some caretaker before me had already thought of that.

And just look at this bush. It’s huge.

We are very tired. I can tell you that. Spring time  in the big molecules is exhausting. John Denver was wrong. Life on the farm is not kinda laid back. It’s exhausting. We are already veru much behind with everything that needs to be done.

I told someone the other day: if we live to be 100, we’ll never finish the project list for this old farm.

What to do, what to do?

Enjoy the ride. Breathe in the big molecules. Cherish every minute. Smell and appreciate every flower. Go on a picnic under the maple tree for lunch. Take a siesta. Have a fiesta. Take care of all the animals.


That brings me to a bit of news.

I’ve been spreading the word around here that we want two barn cats. I’ve seen some mice in our barn and we need to scare them off.

News flash: I don’t need a barn cat. We have a barn snake.

A long, black barn snake with a white tummy.

This was taken with my hub’s phone, so it is low quality, but I like this photo A LOT. Do you see my Great White Horse in front of all that White Light? He is wearing his dignified black fly mask. He looks like an angel.

And there’s the snake.

And, Farmgirl Friends, I’m okay with that.

Me. Snake phobic. Hater.

Somehow, someway, something happened to me.

I can’t explain it.

I go into that barn and do what needs to be done.

Now, I can tell you this. I don’t spend any time looking around for him. I don’t gaze up at the rafters or check out the corners. I just stomp in and do my thing.

And as long as he doesn’t SURPRISE me, I’m okay with our barn snake.

I think.

Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!

Lots of love, The City Farmgirl, Rebekah

  1. JoEllen says:

    I feel so good when I read your everyday happenings and I always find wisdom that I can use in my life in suburbia. Even though there is a lot of work on your farm, it looks idyllic! I love the random surprise flowers, your freshly mowed fields and your farm critters. What lovely pictures. Even though a lot of us wish we were where you are, we can all learn to be joyful and to "bloom where we are planted". Am looking forward to your next adventure.

  2. Joy says:

    When you plant flowers, you plant hope. Not just for yourself, but for generations! We began our little farm (in a new state) from scratch with snippets and starts of flowers from new friends. The stories we’ve heard and the memories we’ve shared, helped with our adjustment to a new town. What a great way to make new friends!

  3. Jan says:

    A few years back, I shared to an online friend that I was having a LARGE mouse problem and that they were eating my tomatoes. He told me to JUST get a couple of snakes (I can’t remember the type) and problem solved…He even said that he could get me a couple! I have no doubt that the snakes would work, however I would be levitating over my garden and not be able to weed. Good job with accepting the value of the black snake!
    I am so happy that you have some beautiful flowering surprises! With more space comes more possibilities…

  4. Joan says:

    I too feel good when I read your happenings. They so remind me of my younger life and the joys of the farm – one never needs to be bored on a farm – if there aren’t projects waiting to be done there are projects being thought of to do AND then just the all around wonderfulness of the hay fields, wild flowers, cultivated flowers – GOD’S love. Thank you for sharing – oh I’d still get barn cats – BIG BARN CATS – I learned how to make big noise, carry a stick, never reached into anything dark and ALWAYS looked up, also got to wearing a big hat, at least it would fall on my hat not my hair – YES cats are much more to my liking but I admire you for letting it stay. Thanks again – GOD BLESS

  5. Sandy says:

    Purple flower…maybe wild flox, at least that’s what I call them. Spring is an insane time, I think where ever there is "real" winter, not tropics winter! We have a cabin on a lake and a city home, we are completely insane with all the work! Too cold yet for gardens, so that is not done. Love it all though!

  6. Kristy says:

    My husband told me a story about a corn farmer, who paid big bucks to have an exterminator get rid of the mice in the barn. His wife found a mouse in the house and took it to the barn, so it could live happily ever after. The farmer was livid. I don’t know if the mouse was in the house because of the exterminator or if all farm buildings are subject to them. You might still want a cat for the house, because I suspect your snake phobia would reoccur if you considered a house snake.

    Besides, what is a farm without a cat?

  7. Rebekah, I’m glad you are able to deal with your snake. I too hate snakes, there was one in my chicken yard the other day and my husband assured me it was a garter snake, harmless, except for the fact snakes like to eat your eggs and baby chicks, (just saying) my husband use to take the big black snakes and kings snakes and relocate them since they are considered good snakes, the king snakes anyway because they eat all of the bad snakes and mice I suppose. I agree with the other lady I believe the purple flowers are some type of wild phlox. I would still get a couple of barn cats if you could, they usually dont bother the chicks. oh and now for the whole point I was writing, and this may sound a little goofy, but the way you can tell if your chick is a roo or not is pick it up blow on the feathers on his/her backend and you will see a slit, if it is horizontal it is a hen, vertical it is a rooster. (I know it sounds a little gross but that is how the guy at the farm store told me how to sex your chickens.) and it has always proven to be right for me. just saying. oh well we shall see….Be Blessed and keep having fun on your farm. Neta

  8. Brenda says:

    Everything is looking wonderful! The hen house is certainly big enough to house all your hens and more. The snake….no thank you mam. I move away from little Garter snakes we have around here until they move on. Your flowers are beautiful, I think the purple may be Phlox. Enjoy your farm life and the wonderful summer months!

  9. Rebecca says:

    I am so glad you decided to try raised beds. I love ours and it is so much easier and we don’t have to have a big ole tiller, I can do the garden myself and not wait for my husband to get home from work to till the garden.

    My chickens are laying eggs like crazy, can’t wait to see what happens when yours start laying, it will be so much fun to gather the eggs.

  10. donnaa says:

    I think your purple flower is Dame’s Rocket or Rocket. It blooms the same time as the Peoney-here in Indiana-the Flox bloom later in the summer. Peoney’s are my favorites but the spring rains usually keep them from lasting long-so I do cut them and bring them in to the house. I have bouquet that is has purfumed my living room for the last couple of days but is sadly fading now.

  11. Carol in NC says:

    Congrats on the snake tolerance. I hate mice with the same passion that you hate snakes and was happy to have a snake around, even though I would still jump ten feet back at the sight on one. Our old farmer neighbor told us once that those big black rat snakes would drive away the venomous ones. Not sure if that’s true but possibly, because we never saw any poisonous snakes. And you know NC’s reputation for rattlesnakes. Or do you? Maybe you didn’t want to know that! Sorry. Yep, I know you’re exhausted but it’s a good kind of tired! And such a sweet pic of your sleeping daughter.

  12. Shery says:

    I’m still tittering out loud about the child you grew in your raised bed :o) Oh, and your little Roo-maybe. If ‘his’ comb is significantly larger and perhaps pinker in hue, he is probably a he.

    Keeping up with the demands of a farmy/ranchy life is as you said, exhausting. But, oh what a splendid kind of tired. Rather than going to bed with anxiety or a too busy mind, you don’t want to think about ONE more thing. Sometimes I feel like a log crashing into my bed … T – I – M – B – E – RRRRRR :o) Love the photos and the update. If there is any fresher and more invigorating fragrance than than fresh cut hay, I dunno what it is!

  13. Sarah says:

    Your large bush is some kind of Rhododendron (say that 5 times fast!), not sure what kind. Beautiful though!

  14. Marion Armstrong says:

    Your pink flower is Dames’ Rocket. We have a lot of it on our property. I think your bush is an azalea. It is beautiful, and so are the peonies. They do come in pink and a type of red, as well as white. Enjoy! Before they open completely, you can pick one and dry it;and it will look like a rose. Cool!

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