Deb’s Recipe For 365 Days of Gratitude


Dear Sisters,

Happy ( almost ) Thanksgiving! Just thinking about the true meaning of Thanksgiving makes me feel happy and grateful! Loved ones gathering from far and wide (and sometimes just down the road or next door ) to feast on food made by many busy hands and the blessings of being together. Imagine what would happen if we kept that feeling alive every day of the year? I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I believe I’ve got the beginnings of a GREAT (and SIMPLE ) recipe for a delicious and life-changing ” gratitude stew ”  and I need your help to finish it! Are you game?

Each and every one of us faces challenges and negativity at one time or another. That’s just life sometimes, but if you wallow in the mud for too long it can leave you feeling stuck- in- the- muck and nothin’ GOOD can come of it! I’m all for MORE GOOD for everyone so let’s get started on our recipe shall we?

Ya see, I believe when we practice being grateful on a daily basis we open a door to more ABUNDANCE in our lives and the world in general. Does that sound like crazy-talk to you? If you error on the side of caution or are just plain skeptical I purpose making a ritual out of being grateful every single day as an experiment to see if you notice more positivity and prosperity flowing in to your life. It can be literally anything at all that you are thankful for and would enjoy MORE OF in your life or the lives of your loved ones, or the world, or what ever!

365 Days of Gratitude or ” Gratitude Stew ”

For starters, you’ll need a few supplies.

  1. Small notepads for each member of your family. I’m going to use colored post it notes for my crew.
  2. Pens, pencils, crayons, or markers.
  3. One basket, bin, bowl or bucket, large enough to hold a gazillion pieces of paper and a proper place ( an altar if you will ) where it will be easy to just walk by, write a note of gratitude, fold it up and drop it in! This could be in the center of your dining room table, an entry table, coffee table, the barn, or anyplace with high visibility.
Vivian Moore sent me this photo of her homegrown gourd with the inscription Duet. 28 v 5,...Blessed shall you be in your basket and in your kneading bowl.

Vivian Monroe sent me this photo of her homegrown gourd ( bowl ) with the inscription Duet. 28 v 5,…Blessed shall you be in your basket and in your kneading bowl. Her husband and her son created this beautiful bowl from a gourd she grew!  She’s going to use her gourd to count her 356 days of Thanksgiving!

Cooking time is of the utmost importance! Your pot of “gratitude stew” needs time to steam, steep and simmer until it gets so hot it begins to froth and abundance spills over into every nook and cranny of your life!

4. NO PEEKING at your ” ingredients ”  for ONE YEAR!  I know that seems like a long time but the whole idea is to make a habit out of believing in bringing about more good in your life. It’s an exercise in positive thinking and learning to expect that abundance and prosperity are on their way even in times of doubt and scarcity. Here’s the part where I want you to BE BOLD. Write down things you are grateful for that haven’t happened yet! Just BELIEVE and keep being grateful!

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What do you say, sisters? I’m up for cookin’ up a big batch of ABUNDANCE this year! Wanna join me? We can keep each-other in check as the year goes on and just think of the fun we’ll have when we pop the lid on our ” Gratitude Stew ” next Thanksgiving. I bet we’ll all be surprised at how “stuffed ” we’ll be with life’s blessings and goodness.

Now, what do I have in the basement that will hold all those notes of gratitude?

Until our next shoreline visit~ Blessed shall you be in your basket and in your kneading bowl!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

I for one am so very grateful for MaryJanesFarm and each and every one of you!

Much love and BLESSINGS from the BEACH Farmgirl,

Deb xoxo # 1199



  1. ann says:

    I lover this idea and plan to implement! Thanks, Deb!

  2. Adrienne says:

    This blessing for thankfulness is part of my daily prayers. When I awaken, I thank G-d for the ability to open my eyes, rise from bed, stand and walk. For several years, those simple acts were not easy. Sure, I still need glasses to focus, a little coffee or tea to clear my head from drowsiness, and nimble fingers to type, but all are available to me. And smiling! How grateful I am to smile and read your posts! I am also thankful for you and the sharing of your life with us. Have a lovely Thanksgiving.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Dearest Adrienne, I like your daily ritual. It’s perfect! Every day is a blessing and a gift! Happy Thanksgiving, xo Deb

  3. diana henretty says:

    Thank you for sharing your bright reminders this morning.
    I started the “Blessings Jar” myself at the start of this year, my jar is full to the top and I have to keep pushing down the little papers filled with blessings.
    Every morning when I pass by to make our coffee, I see that jar and how many blessings there are inside of it, it is so encouraging, especially on the “not so good days”.
    At the end of every day, there is always something very special that has happened that day to drop into the jar.
    Happy, Happy Thanksgiving, may your blessings be bountiful!!
    Hugs from Noel, Mo, Diana

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      I bet your jar is full of many wondrous things! Many blessings to you too, Diana! You all stay warm and have a Happy Thanksgiving! xo Deb

  4. Kristy says:

    Don’t put any restrictions on this project, except that it be things that can’t spoil. You’ll be able to throw in flowers, pinecones, feathers, refrigerator art, Christmas cards, invitations, photos, and seashells. Things are like seasoning, and can reveal love, peace, and the glory of God. A woven basket would be nice. If you don’t have one, you can use the plastic kind and weave strips of used gift wrap through it. ( It should be wrap that was on gifts from special people or which was on favourite gifts.) The weaving doesn’t have to be done before you start. Plastic baskets usually have a solid base and at least a full inch or more before the holes start. Start now, or on Thanksgiving, the first Sunday of Advent, Christmas, or New Year’s.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Kristy, GENIUS! Love the idea of adding bits of ” things” to season the pot with… We have little bits of our heart scattered about the house as well. It really makes home, feel like HOME. They are great daily reminders of the many blessings we have as well. YES! START! XO Deb

  5. Reba says:

    I have a wood and burlap plaque hanging by my chair that says, “What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?” It is a great reminder to be thankful every day, while thinking of the special people in our lives.

  6. I really, really love this idea!

    I’ve kept a gratitude journal in the past, writing down a list of what I’m thankful for each day; but this idea takes it up a notch to include family, friends, guests in my home. I have a crockery piece that will be perfect for this.
    Thank You for a great project!

    Catherine Ann

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Catherine Ann! Yes, I love the idea of family, friends and guests adding their own personal seasonings to your stew! Have fun and Happy Thanksgiving! xo Deb

  7. Vivian Monroe says:

    Great Idea Deb, I have the perfect basket/bowl/gourd for this, that my husband and son made from one of my gourds I grew. I will send pic to your email as I still am not sure how to send here. Happy Thanksgiving, and a very Blessed rest of the year. Neta

  8. Shelley Hatfield says:

    that is an AWESOME idea!!!….I’m going to go to my basement and find that pot to start my grateful stew!!…thanks for sharing this idea

  9. Pingback: Gratitude Stew | edible South Shore & South Coast Blog

  10. Dori Troutman says:

    Deb, I just loved this post. I’ve read and re-read it many times! I so totally love the idea that I’m excited to get started. I think I’m going to make it part of my New Year and the changes I really want to implement in my life. One of the things I heard recently that is sort of along these same lines was to write down, at the end of the day, something that gave you encouragement. So I already had that on my mind and now this! So, I’m feeling very inspired to practice it. Thank you so much for the inspiration, as always! Hugs! – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl – 🙂

  11. Sandi O'Connor says:

    Hi Deb! Wonderful post! Thank you for reminding us that in gratitude for the wonderful things we receive, and ask from the Universe, we are blessed with what we need and ask for! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Someday we will meet! Sandi

  12. Shelley says:

    Wow! What a profound idea, to wake up and only have around me the things I thanked God for yesterday. That made me stop in my tracks. I will begin the gratitude project right away! I’ve been in an ankle boot and on crutches for the past 10 weeks (2 more weeks to go), and sometimes I get discouraged with how long the healing is taking. But I remind myself that this pain and inconvenience is only temporary. I’m grateful to have strong arms to move me about until I can walk again.

  13. Karen says:

    Thanks Deb! Love this idea. I just joined the Mary Janes Farm family and wrote a post recently on the topic of gratitude @

    Will implement your suggestion in my home! I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Welcome, Welcome to the MaryJanesFarm family!Isn’t it just the best? So nice of you to stop by and introduce yourself! I look forward to hearing from you again and thanks so much for reading and joining this wonderful fellowship of farmgirls that just keeps growing and growing!!! xo Deb

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