“Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.” —Jim Bishop
Dear Sisters,
What’s more fun that grabbing your best junkin’ gal pal and heading for prime hunting grounds on a perfect fall day? My friend, Melissa ( Tilly’s Nest Blog ) and I have made it our fall ritual to hit the road every time The Vintage Bazaar comes to town. You didn’t think we’d leave you out did you? Come on in! It’s pickin’ at its prime!
The Vintage Bazaar ( now its 4th year) showcases over 130 fabulous boutiques featuring antiques, vintage finds, architectural salvage, arts and crafts and some of the finest re-purposed goodness on the planet!
We’ve grown accustomed to being greeted by the farms huge flock of pasture raised chickens on our way in to the ticket booth. They travel in CHIC’ luxury all over the farm in the EGGMOBILE.
From the front you can make out the nesting boxes inside and the rain barrels on the side for convenient water access. The hinged doors close up tight at night keeping the flock safe from predators.
We arrived at 10:00 am and made a quick run though in hopes of making some good early bird deals before heading over to the VIP VINTAGE FASHION SHOW event at 11:00. Are you ready? Here we go!!!
The level of creative genius is astounding. It’s living proof that this is the age of ideas! Soak it in sisters!
Right off the bat we spotted these lovely feed sack satchels. Don’t ya love the name, Funk Farms?
There is some serious, stellar styling going on here! These vendors mean business!
Does anyone need some horns or rusty stars for their Glamper? Speaking of Glampers! There’s Melissa over by the Sea Pearl.
Here’s a peak inside! Perfect for a quick escape
and a glass of wine with friends.
Oh, look! It’s Cari Cucksey from the popular HGTV show Cash and Cari! Melissa and I went right in and said howdy, cause that’s what farmgirls do! She was the sweetest, most down to earth person. Creative, kind and clever!
My favorite part of the bazaar ( besides that it’s on a flower farm) is seeing all of the re-purposed goods and hunting for things to make over myself. For whatever reason I’m drawn to larger projects. The ‘thing’ on my ‘ hot list’ right now is to create a backyard green house out of salvaged windows and doors. Many of the vendors are hip to this cool re-purposing idea so I had plenty to choose from. I found seven vintage windows ( all the same size ) in beautiful condition and got myself an early bird special!
They were marked $27.00 each; I offered the dealer $100.00 for all seven and it was a done deal! And, if that wasn’t sweet enough, at the end of the day he helped Melissa and I carry them to the car!
Does anyone know what these vintage parts are that have been up-cycled into farm chic lamps? I can see them hanging over a farm table, kitchen island or over an apron sink in a farmhouse kitchen. And, wouldn’t they be lovely outside on a rustic porch?
This vintage flower cart reminded me of Mary Jane’s signature Farmgirl Romance style don’t ya think?
If you’re a fan of vintage sewing notions, hold on to your knitting needles! There’s more where these came from!
Just imagine what you could add to your vintage sewing collection if you went pickin’ here!
Sew delicious!
There was an abundance of old packing crates, mason jars, wooden and metal trunks this year. The collection of crates above with the vintage labels is quite impressive. The labels are in such wonderful condition. Any collectors out there who might be able to tell us more about them?
The Dish Sisters always do a bang up job in their Lil’ shop and their displays are sooo cute!
So, ya wanna see what else I got?
I finally got my cow! Well, it’s really a cow pillow to hold me over until I have room one day for my real cow. I love the expression her face. She looks like a wise cow. I think I shall call her, Bea. This pillow is a Made in America original, created by a couple of creative guy’s from PA. Their business is called Eric and Christopher! Ya gotta check them out!
Whew! I don’t know about you, but I could use a cold lemonade and a sit down right about now. Tell me what you liked best about The Vintage Bazaar and thanks for coming along!
Join me next time for The VIP Vintage Fashion Show! You won’t want to miss the Vintage Cowgirl Eleganza!
Until our next shoreline visit~
Much love and BEACH BLESSINGS!
Sister Deb # 1199
To answer your question:
Does anyone know what these vintage parts are that have been up-cycled into farm chic lamps? I can see them hanging over a farm table, or over an apron sink in a farmhouse kitchen. And, wouldn’t they be lovely outside on a porch?
They are the inserts out of old bait buckets, there is usually another metal enclosure that goes around them that has a metal lid and a handle. The insert is taken out so the water can drain out through the holes.
Thanks so much, Heather…:) Glad you could help us out with this mystery! xo Deb
What a great source of ideas & inspiration! Thanks for sharing
Catherine Ann
So true, Catherine Ann…It’s one of those events that gets the creative juices going! xo Deb
Deb, I can’t choose a favorite spot, it all looks way to wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing yours and Tilly’s fun day. God bless.
Hello Miss Joan! I’m with you, I couldn’t choose a favorite either. Glad you enjoyed the day with us!
xo Deb
I want one of those bags in your first photos. I wished I lived closer. What an awesome event. I would have gone crazy! Thanks for sharing. What great eye candy!
Sylvia, I’ll get you the link to the maker of those fabulous bags… They really are special and VINTAGE! XO Deb
Looks like fun! I have a lot of stuff that would have fit right in! However, I don’t need to collect anything else . . . trying to pare down, pass on and purge!
Thanks for sharing the adventure!
I’ll be you do, Cj! I know you appreciate! xo Deb
Such fun! Thanks for taking us with you. Can’t wait for the next blog.
Glad you could come along, Bonnie! xo Deb
The basket lights just before the bait bucket inserts are bean picking baskets. All are really neat.
Thank you, Pauleta! Love those lamps. So clever… xo Deb
Deb, I WANT TO GO WITH YOU!!! Oh my word, that looked like a ton of fun. Funny about your greenhouse dreams – we are on the same wave length here. Those windows you picked up look spectacular for that project! I can’t tell you what my favorite thing was – everything looked like so much fun!!!
Can’t wait to read about the fashion show! – Dori –
Hey, Dori!
Well, how fun is that?Keep me posted on your progress with your greenhouse too! I wish you could have come along too! You’ll LOVE the fashion show!
Deb! These pictures are making me drool…literally (or maybe it’s the lasagna baking in the oven?). So much potential in all of these beautiful finds. I cannot wait to see your vintage window greenhouse–it is one of my dreams to build one of these, too! I think those light fixtures are some kind of bushel baskets (the top ones) and minnow catching buckets (the bottom lights). I remember using the minnow buckets as a kid and watching all of the little baby fish swim around inside. Happy fall! Love, Alex
Happy fall to your little trio! xo Deb
Minnow buckets? How fun! I’ve got to continue gathering windows and hopefully by next spring we can begin constructing the frame for it. Fingers crossed!
Keep us posted on your progress too!
Looks like soooo much fun! I feel like I was there thanks to you beautiful pics!
Hi Pam, Glad you enjoyed… Wish I could have streamed the fun country music that was playing in the background all day! Thanks for joining in! xo Deb
I wanted to attend this also but had booked our vacation at the same time! Won’t do that again. Thanks for sharing your pictures, can’t wait for next year! Sandi
xo Deb
Plan for June and keep me posted!
Deb, you always go to the BEST markets. I loved all of it. and yes I did recognize the cricket/bait buckets made into lamps, now you got me wondering do I have a few hanging around somewhere. ha. have fun for me. Neta
Neta, I’ll bet you have some in your stash! Thanks for coming along! Love, Deb
Loved it all, Deb ! Thanks for sharing !
The Sea Pearl glamper was my favorite, especially because we did not get to the beach from Kansas this summer. But got the next best thing- my own glamper.
I am looking forward to your future posts during the holiday season!
Awe, congratulations on your new Glamper, Linda! How exciting for you! Thanks so much for reading! xo Deb
Pingback: VIP Vintage ” COWGIRL” Fashion Show | Farmgirl Bloggers
So enjoyed your blog! You are a kick in the farm girl ass ! I have a farm in Wilder Idaho ! 26 Glorious acres of alfalfa and a beautiful farmhouse we built last year! A lifelong dream came true! We just got three baby Nubian goats! They are a hoot! My hole life I’ve anted a horse and a big red wood barn! Still workin on that one! Yeeehaaaaw! I want a spotted cow too!we put in our first garden and a pumpkin patch and a apple and fruit orchard! It is fabulous! We are so blessed and grateful to God for all we have! You are a very talented writer! You and I could be kindred spirits! I so miss the ocean! I grew up in the Bay Area and went to the ocean often! We moved to Idaho from Nevada Reno area! Love it up here! We owned the land for 10 years and finally after raising the kids AND a grandson we moved to our dream life! I LOVE the country life and bein a farm girl now! Let’s keep in touch! Oh! I LOVE SEA HORSE! The name for your cottage! Take care, Cindy
Cindy! Howdy! Well, thanks so much for your kind words…Sounds like you’re livin’ the farmgirl life and having a blast doing it…So happy for you!Your place sounds like farmgirl heaven with more to grow on! You are blessed for sure! Would you believe in all of my 40 years out west I’ve never been to Idaho? That’s just nutty.. .I’ve been west, north and south of it many times but never to ” it “. Gotta fix that one of these days! Take good care and keep in touch! Hugs,
I sure wish we had those kind of shows out here in Cali, the ones we do have are more “market oriented”, I prefer the real down home style shows like this one you shared.
I would love to know the maker resource of the bags as well, so cute! A real farm girl accessories, who needs Gucci? Thanks for the great story!
Howdy, Rebekah! Who needs Gucci or Coach? Not us!!! Here is the link for the vintage feed-sack satchels. From there you can link to her Etsy… She’s from Woodland Hills, California!
http://www.selinavaughan.com/ …Thanks so much for reading, and your note! xo Deb