Dear Sisters,
Isn’t it amazing how quickly summer begins to fade into fall? One minute we’re knee-deep in summer fun and before you know it that old familiar change in the air blows in with the cool sands of September welcoming us home again. Here on the shorelines, all it takes is one glance at the golden tipped dune grass and the wild rose bushes, now laden with orange rose hips instead of pretty pink and white blossoms to know that glorious fall is on our heels. But, before we dive headlong into apple picking, pumpkin pies, and savory soups. ( all fall favorites at our house) let me tell you why September is my most favorite and cherished month of all…
I’m not good at guessing games or keeping secrets so let’s get to it! The reason I absolutely love, luv, LOVE September is because I married my handsome Yankee 23 years ago, on Saturday, September 7th, 1991. I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. The weather was in the low 80’s and the skies were colored a brilliant high desert blue. Sunshine streamers poured down over the mountains and made everything sparkle.
We said our I dos in a small country church with many of our closest friends and family present while a horse and buggy waited outside to carry us away ( just down the gravel road a stretch ) to our reception luncheon which took place in an old Victorian house that had been turned into a restaurant called The Pink House.

Here we are in the doorway of the church last Spring during our trip West.
My hubby to be waited at the church ( after he got dressed in the groom room) for me to arrive for our early morning photo shoot. He didn’t cry when he saw me in my dress for the first time. He’s not a crier… He’s an eye smile’r and cautious grin’r. Reserved on the outside, yet, warm and spicy as pumpkin pie on the inside. I didn’t cry when I saw him lookin all handsome in his gray tux with tails either. I’m a hug-er and a laugh-er, not a crier. I got my eye smile of approval and he got his hug and a giggle then we carried on with the days festivities. Our celebration went well into the early evening hours followed by an intimate dinner out with family and friends at a favorite Mexican restaurant.The following day we flew to Boston for a two-week honeymoon at our beloved beach ( with a side trip to the island of Nantucket where we stayed in an antique B n B with slanted floors that made us both feel a little seasick when we walked on them. We rode the bike trails from one end of the island to the other until our bums hurt so bad it was painful to sit comfortably in a wooden dining chair for a couple of days. We visited the local Whaling museum where we learned of Nantucket’s historic role in the whaling industry. We walked the charming cobblestone streets, shopped in the quaint little stores and ate delicious lobster rolls with deep-fried onion rings and crisp coleslaw. Mm mm. The funniest memory we have of our stay on the island was the day we went swimming in the ocean after biking all day. We were standing in the surf about waste high ( I was trying to work up the courage to go in all the way ) when I felt something skim past my ankle. I panicked and jumped into my new husbands arms while screaming like a school girl. ( I was 29 ) Uh huh. Apparently I talked in my sleep that night, and in my slumber muttered the phrase, ” It was probably just a shark “.
Not every anniversary has been as entertaining ( or as scary ) as our weekend honeymoon on Nantucket but, they are all filled with love, laughter, and good food. Every year is different but we ALWAYS celebrate! This year we didn’t have anything big planned, but when I mentioned to my beloved that I was in the mood for a change of scenery and some good seafood he had just the place in mind. So last Saturday, we got ourselves gussied up and headed south to Providence, Rhode Island ( just an hours drive ) for the afternoon. He didn’t tell me where we were going, just that he’d heard there was a river-walk in Providence and it was a nice day to enjoy being outside. I agreed and off we went! What he didn’t tell me about was the fancy-schmancy seafood restaurant situated on the river known for its top-notch seafood dishes and locally farmed oyster appetizers and entree’s. As if the view wasn’t enough, our waiter brought out two glasses of complimentary champagne, sprinkled red rose petals on the table and left us with the menus and each-other.

Hemenway’s Restaurant Providence, Rhode Island
We skipped the locally farmed raw oysters and opted for two delicious seafood dishes.
He had, grilled swordfish with a mango pepper chutney, and I had pan roasted ma-hi ma-hi atop fregola pasta that had been washed in beet juice which caused it to turn slightly purple. My dish was garnished with fried spinach which was actually, much to my surprise, crispy! It was all so light and satisfying and we weren’t the least bit full so we decided we’d better have dessert.

Look at the poor fella in the background of this shot. Been there!!!
I chose key lime pie smothered with blueberry compote and a dollop of whipped cream and he picked three kinds of creme brulee. Chocolate, passion-fruit and vanilla. He’s a custard, bread pudding, pie and flan guy. I’m a cake, cookie and chocolate girl so we always get something different and share. 🙂 This time he had to fight me off with his spoon and I won! I still haven’t made up my mind if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
After our leisurely lunch we made our way down to the river-walk and found a place to take an anniversary selfie. See? I told ya he’s an eye smile’r and cautious grin’r!
In our 23 ( plus dating ) years together we’ve sailed all sorts of seas. Some smooth, some rough, and others that dumped us into ports unknown. Hey, it happens! That’s when we just coast, count our blessings and wait for guidance on what to do next. It’s also when we say things like, ” Well, at least we have each-other “. We learned early on that married life sails along at a nice clip when we take turns wearing the captains hat. Sometimes I’m the first mate, and sometimes he is. It just depends on what the navigation map says.
I’m not big on giving marital advice. But, I will say this. Life gets so darned ‘filled up’ with things that are necessary but all consuming. Be sure to make room for time alone together ( even if you have to rob it from some other duty or activity ). I believe all happy unions are predestined for reasons often unknown to us. It’s up to us to pay attention and do the detective work along the way. Life is an amazing, miraculous mystery and sharing life with someone who sees it that way too, makes the journey all the more adventurous, exciting and FUN!
Until our next shoreline visit~ Love each-other and believe in each-other… Some days, that’s all you’ve got and more than you’ll ever need.
Much love,
Sister Deb ( and my handsome Yankee )
# 1199
Dear Deb,
I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this post! The advice is the best ever. I think what I loved the most was your comment, “Sometimes I’m the first mate and sometimes he is…”. I do believe that is such a key to a good marriage. Give and Take. Thanks for sharing your story. Hugs – Dori –
Awe, thanks,Dori! I’m glad you enjoyed it! Hugs! Deb
Deb, what a sweet post, I love it. Beautiful selfie of you guys. May the Lord bless you with many many more years together, filled with joy and happiness. Happy Anniversary. Neta
Thank you Neta! xo Hugs! Deb
Congratulations and many more happy years together!
Thanks so much, Adrienne! Hugs, Deb
What a wonderful couple you are. I’ve been married to my sweetheart for 52 years. Farmgirl hugs to you both. Bonnie
Thank you, Bonnie! Great to hear from you and congratulations on your 52 years too! Farmgirl hugs and blessing for many more happy years for the two of you!Farmgirl Hugs, Deb
Aye matey’s for sure, no matter who is 1st mate at what time, the two of you have made a beautiful life, 2 wonderful children and many many friends, be it in person or on your blog, facebook or whatever manner. You are special, thanks for sharing the great story. God bless.
My dear Joan… Thank you for your kind words! 🙂 We are blessed with many wonderful friends, and we’re happy to count you among them! xo Deb
I loved reading your post. There are signs of fall where I live, too. And my husband and I were married in the fall, also, on October 9th. We have been married for 43 years. Congratulations on your fall anniversary and I hope you have many more.
Congratulations on your 43 years, Peggy! Thanks so much for reading. xo Deb
That was a lovely post. Happy anniversary! Donna
Thanks so much, Donna. 🙂 xo Deb
A beautiful love story – we just celebrated our 50th in June – we’re still having fun and he’s still the one.
Congratulations, Sharon! 50 years is a blessing… Glad he’s still the one! 😉 xo Deb
Loved your post! Thanks for sharing!
Sounds like a lovely celebration and wonderful dinner!
Thank you, Cj! Happy to share with you! xo Deb
Deb, what a wonderful picture you took of the two of you! Happy Anniversary and many more…..someday I’ll catch up with you and we’ll meet. Sandi from the Cape!
Thank you, Sandi! Yes! We must set a date soon! Would love to meet you 🙂 xo Deb
ditto ditto ditto. love love loved every word. such complimentary words for each other. it very much read as a short story. luv luv luv
Hi there, Kay! Thanks so much, happy happy happy you enjoyed 😉 xo Deb
I loved this post. You and hubby may not have cried, but I sure did! Such a sweet marriage and life you have carved out. To top it off you celebrated in Providence which is dear to me as my hubby flew me to Providence for my surprise proposal weekend back in 2004. Near and dear to my heart. I love your marital advice that you shared! Wise and filled with love. Many more years to both of you just “having each other!”
Hi Debbie! Hey, when you come east in October the four of us should go have dinner at Hemenway’s in Providence! Thanks so much for the anniversary wishes! Hugs, Deb
aww, so sweet !! Congratulations to the happy couple !
Happy anniversary :-). We’re up for 21 years come November 13th. Love your advice. We try to do a date night each month, it’s so nice to spend one on one time together, no matter where we are or what we choose to do, it’s always time well spent.