Bad Coffee

“Life is too short for bad coffee.”

My coffee maker “bit the dust.” It served me well for many years, but now it’s gone. And I’m on a quest for a coffee maker that makes a perfect cup of coffee every single time. Help!

So here are some Java, Joe, Mud, Café questions for you.

You like coffee? Or maybe love it? What kind of coffee maker do you have? What’s your secret for making the perfect pot of coffee?

I love coffee, good coffee, that is. My first cup of coffee is part of my morning ritual, and it comes sometime after 5 a.m.

I wake the dogs, Strudel, Blue and Oreo, who then spend the first few moments of the new day stretching and cuddling. Not a bad example for us all.

Then we head downstairs together. I flip on the coffee maker on my way outside. I always, always, always set up the coffee maker the night before.

I like the time before sunrise. Though I have been feeling bad about something lately. My husband installed a flood light for me because our yard area was so dark when I head outside in the mornings. I’ve mentioned the snake(s) that live out there. So it’s dark and 5 a.m. and I turn on the very large, very bright flood light in order to see where and upon whom or what I step. And then there was light indeed!

Without fail, as soon as the light goes on, a bird starts singing. Loud and clear and enthusiastically. The first few times I heard it, I didn’t get the connection between me turning on the light and the bird’s song.  Now I do. As soon as I turn on the flood light, the singing begins. The light must be shining right into the nest. I’m guessing that when I turn on the flood light, that ambitious bird awakes suddenly. What?! Again today?! The sun is up?! And me still in my nest! I leave it on for no more than 10 minutes. Then darkness comes over the yard again. What?! Night again?! Am I losing my mind?! Poor birdy.

You can imagine my dilemma: Do I continue to freak out that poor bird? Or do I not turn on the light and possibly step on Jake or Cake?

The bird lost.

Anyway, after some time outside, I come inside and pour my first cup of coffee.

Ah. How I love that first cup. It is my favorite. I savor the flavor and the hotness and as my Daddy says, I just sits and thinks. I sits and I thinks clearly. For a few, precious moments my world is completely peaceful. I hold my warm cup, sip, and sit in coveted peace. Yes, I savor the experience of that first cup of delicious coffee. I look forward to it.

Until my coffee maker died on January 1st.

I had that Krups for years and years. Faithful and true. Consistently good coffee. I like my coffee strong, with a generous portion of both sugar and cream. When I went to purchase another Krups, I couldn’t find one with the features I like, especially on New Years Day when not many stores were open and I was in a hurry to get home and cook black-eyed peas and collards. So I found a cheapey coffee maker with the features I like, and I bought that.

Bleh. Bleh.

And I tried to like the new, cheap coffee maker. But I didn’t. The coffee was completely unacceptable. And yet, I hated to think of myself as a coffee snob, so I just kept trying to make a better pot. To no avail. And I hated to go out and buy yet another coffee maker, so I just kept drinking bad coffee. Morning after morning.

Until last week. I finally couldn’t take it anymore. I decided that life was indeed too short to drink bad coffee, so I checked reviews and bought a Bunn.

Wow, the first pot of coffee was amazing. It was so wonderful, I posted on my facebook page, which I rarely do:

Finally drinking a decent cup of coffee….

Bought a new coffee maker yesterday.

“Suffered” for months!

What took me so long?

Followed by:

I’m in love!!! Can’t wait ’til 5:30 Monday morn when I get another cup—-

Two days later I posted this on facebook:

Okay, never mind. I’ve got to take the Bunn back. I have figured out now that you have actually have to keep it on (!) in order to get a hot cup of coffee in less than 30 minutes. It works on a system where it keeps water hot ALWAYS. Too much of an energy sucker for me.

So that was the problem with this coffee maker. You actually leave it on 24/7 so the water is hot and ready to make coffee. I called Bunn because I thought surely I misunderstood, surely you didn’t have to leave it on. Yes, you do. It “only” uses 34 watts to keep the water hot, the customer service representative told me. Only? No thank you. I’m trying to use less, not more. 34 is 34.

And so now I am on the hunt, once again. For the perfect coffee maker, but definitely not a Bunn.

I am the master coffee maker in my house. When I met my husband, I didn’t even drink coffee. I drank Coca-Cola morning, noon and night. (I was in Atlanta, after all, home to Coke.)

I remember making coffee for him one day. He saw me put ground black pepper in the coffee grounds and said, “What in the world are you doing?” I swear, I thought that’s how you make coffee. Coffee ground and pepper. Don’t ask me. I have no idea where that came from. None whatsoever.

After that, he taught me how to make coffee. And I decided that I liked coffee, loved it even. And you know what happened next? The student became the master. Ultimately I became a better coffee maker than him. I rule when it comes to making coffee. Which obviously means I make the coffee every day. (It’s funny how that works. Be careful what you become good at or the job could become yours for the rest of your life. Which is why I absolutely stink at cleaning the bathroom…)

Here are some other things about me and coffee. I use 1 tablespoon of coffee for each 1 cup of water. I like the little local coffee shops. I don’t like the chain coffee shops and rarely stop there. I also prefer locally roasted, organic coffees.  I never drink decaf. I like flavored or regular. My favorite flavored coffee is peppermint, available only during the holidays. My next favorite is hazelnut. I also like coffee ice cream. A lot. And Jamocha milk shakes, which were “my thing” when I was pregnant.  (Oh my goodness, I just found a recipe for Jamocha milkshakes. Say amen sister; life is good.

Now won’t you take a minute and tell us about your coffee drinking and making!

Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!

Lots of Love, The City Farmgirl, Rebekah

“Way too much coffee.

But if it weren’t for the coffee,

I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever.”

David Letterman

  1. Oh, this is a tough one. We had a Brun for a while – the kind that you set up the night before, and in the morning it turns on, grinds the beans, and makes the coffee. It was wonderful.

    Until the night I poured the water into it and all the water promptly came out the bottom all over the counter. Mind you, the coffeemaker was less than one year old. And not cheap.

    No more Bruns.

    So? We’re using a Mr. Coffee. Now, I’m with you – I buy top-of-the-line, fair-trade, organic coffee. No supermarket stuff. No Starbucks. GOOD coffee, only, thank you. But I’m content to make it my Mr. Coffee coffeemaker. It seems to be okay.

    If you find out about a better one, that doesn’t cost a fortune, I’d love to know.

  2. Cindy says:

    I also do not like the chain coffee clubs – I think the coffee tastes like kerosine smells – and it gives me heartburn! I buy Eight O’Clock coffee – I get the whole beans and grind it in a antique coffee grinder that is attached to my kitchen cupboard. It gives out a nice coarse grind and is just like the one my Mom has attached to her kitchen cupboard! 32 grinds for a pot. I boil-(to a rolling boil)- filtered well water, put a coffee basket on top of my thermos carafe, line it with a unbleached filter, put in the fresh ground coffee, and slowly pour the water over until the thermos carafe is full. Takes a bit of time, but isn’t that the best thing about coffee? Savoring the experience!

  3. donna says:

    I am on my second Cuisinart. It is a great quality and the first one lasted 5 years, so I replaced with the same one. Basic, simple coffee maker, $79.00. I am fortunate to live in St. Louis where we have a local coffee company, Thomas! Divine coffee. My husband travels around the world and continues to bring me coffee from many places, but nothing compares to the perfect cup of Thomas.

  4. Jackie says:

    I will certainly take a minute to talk about coffee. Now, I use a French Press. It’s a wonderfull morning ritual that adds to my whole coffee experience.
    All you need is a grinder, the press, and a way to [almost] boil water. It takes about 15 seconds to grind the coffee, about 2-3 minutes to heat the water (to just boiling…). Boiling water scorches coffee. Pour the grinds and then the water into the press and put on the "lid". After 4-8 minutes, slowly press down the … press… then pour into your favorite mug, add your fixins, close your eyes and enjoy… and enjoy.
    The only flaw is that the press cannot keep your coffee warm for very long. But then, in a matter of minutes, you can make another FRESH POT.
    I have worked in coffee shops for about a decade and have become somewhat of a coffee snob. Of all the ways of brewing coffee out there, the French Press is by far my favorite. It’s the only way to have complete control over how it is made… how hot the water is… how long it "steeps"… how much coffee you use…
    Mmmmm… Coffee.

  5. Vicky Peters says:

    Tea was my choice of drink until I married my husband and was introduced to a family of coffee drinkers who looked cross eyed at tea. I converted over. Now I am a coffaholic and love a great cup of coffee almost before I open my eyes in the morning.
    We have had almost every coffee maker on the market and now have a gevalia coffee maker…….. eh, its ok but not great. But to tell the truth, when my husband makes the coffee. it is pretty close to great.

  6. Adrienne says:

    I have a reasonably-priced red Cuisinart Filter Brew with an auto timer I can set that starts brewing the coffee while I shower. My coffee tastes range from Peet’s Major Dickason to their Anniversary Blend to free trade Ethiopian. Sometimes I mix Vanilla Nut with Caramel to create a dessert coffee. Always, always, always start with cold filtered water and clean the coffeemaker weekly. I brew a pot by adding a half cup of white vinegar to the water and run the water through a filter. A clean coffeemaker will make the best coffee. Oh–and if you buy the beans at the store and tell the barista you use a Melitta filter, they will grind the beans according to the basket you use in the coffeemaker.

  7. Sherry says:

    We have gone through many coffee makers….we had a Krups…but the one we had didn’t automatically turn off, and so if we weren’t drinking as much we ended up with burnt coffee because no one actually remembers to turn things off at my house. We have used Mr. Coffee, Gevalia and my new personal favorite a Cuisenart. Makes really good coffee, can set it to brew the night before and turns off after an hour. Did I mention it makes really good coffee. My daughter actually makes the best coffee in the house….don’t know why, she doesn’t even really drink it, but her cup of coffee is always smooth and perfect…must be a gift. I actually like Folgers columbian pretty well…we make it strong…no sense in having a cup of coffee if you can’t taste the coffee. I like the fresh ground also, but I broke my grinder… sad day!

  8. CC says:

    We have a wonderful (old) Krups that has the thermal carafe … and I worry when it dies, what to replace it with, so will be reading the comments for tips as it’s 15 years old and am sure it’s days are truly numbered!

  9. Isabelle Frisco says:

    This is an easy one for me. I love the Cuisinart Brew Central DCC-1200. The coffee is delicious and HOT. My only negative is that you must be careful pouring in the water. it’s very narrow.

    I also, if you can believe this , love to put an old fashion top of the stove pot on for coffee. I don’t know why more people don’t take the time to do once in awhile. It is just soooo good. The smell of the coffee throughout the house is so nice.

    I just love coffee too!!

  10. Dawn says:

    Hi Rebekah,

    Sometimes when we travel we bring along our own fresh ground coffee, and we’ve even been known to travel with our own real Vermont maple syrup too. My husband thought I was crazy and ‘rude’ at first, then he just came to the conclusion I was a friendly sort-of Coffee snob and a Maple Syrup purist at heart. Needless to say, we too enjoy the ratio of 1 Tablespoon of coffee grounds to 1 cup water. "Mud" to some, a simple morning pleasure to us. Depending on the season, the level of amibition, and tasks for the remainder of the day, we’ll use one of three methods: Our Burr Grind & Brew Thermal™ 12-Cup Automatic CoffeemakerDGB-900BC by Cuisinart, the Bodum – Young Press, or on rare occasions a stovetop Bialetti. While the Cuisinart may require some cleaning and after a few years may sound like an airplane from time to time it has been, for us, the most consistent all-in-one coffeemaker; As for the Bodum press, this is a common weekend choice. Often on Sunday mornings while we (hopefully soon will) watch Hummingbird TV from our backyard patio deck, the 34 ounce press works well for 2 of us; and last but not least the stovetop Bialetti is just plain country coffee and never disappoints. Whichever you choose Rebekah, Good Luck in your quest, can’t wait to hear more of your adventures !
    With Love, and Hugs,

  11. Dianne Beach says:

    Like Darlene we have a Mr Coffee. My husband and I have a growing contest about who makes the BEST coffee. Of course, I know it’s me. I like it STRONG. I bought a coffee press years ago and recently started using it. I put the tea kettle on while I feed the girls(cats) then put in the amount of coffee for my cup (4) scoops coffee. Pour the boiling water in the bottom over the grounds, stir gently, steep 4 minutes and push down the press, which pushes down the grounds and up the beautiful strong coffee. Perfect every time. Since I know how much coffee my favorite cup holds (8 oz.) I use 8 oz. H20 to 4 scoops coffee. It really is easy. As for Hubby, he likes the Mr Coffee. I just am not fit to be around before my coffee, which I savor. Good luck in your search. Thanks for sharing, bad coffee is just BBBaaaaaaadddddddd!

  12. Emily McNally says:

    If you are looking to elevate the coffee-enjoyment experience to another level, I suggest that you try an electric french press. We abandoned our automatic brew/drip model as primary coffee-maker years ago when my husband sought to find an excellent quality cup of coffee for reasonable price per cup/ short time to setup/brew. We tried an old-fashioned, manual glass french press coffee maker over a decade ago and fell in love with it. It’s possibly a greener option, too because there are no filters to buy or use. You’ll feel better and the coffee tastes better when the water/coffee doesn’t get filtered through plastic parts.
    We had our third child a year ago and so time is more limited. The manual french press was retired recently . My husband swapped the manual press for an inexpensive(less than $50) electric (heats the water in the unit vs. water is heated on the stove) french press that is more convenient. The brand is "Chef Choice Int’l". Maker was made in Germany and purchased at Bed Bath and Beyond. My husband actually takes this to work presently. Maker is inconspicuous enough and the coffee takes less time to make then to walk to the cafeteria to get a coffee.

    Grinding- We grind our own in a hand-held German Coffee bean grinder that is similar to what early Americans used in their homes decades ago…These are not cheap, but probably over time, you offset the price of the grinder with the electricity you save. or maybe not. For us, grinding our own coffee manually reminds us of a simpler time. We imagine the days when people purchased their coffee from local coffee roaster. You can sometimes find a nice, used older coffee grinder at flea market, garage sale, estate sale if you want to find something you can reuse.

    If you are looking to heighten your coffee-enjoyment experience further still, I suggest that you try a home-roasting your own coffee. The great thing about roasting your own coffee is that you can control how light or dark the beans get, which greatly affects taste.
    I bought my husband a inexpensive (?$80 or so) small-batch coffee roaster 10 years ago (about the size of a hot-air popcorn maker and about as noisy) and some green coffee beans to try coffee-roasting for himself (1/2 lb beans at a time).
    It took a few batches to get the hang of it before he found the right roast time for his taste and the time to let the coffee "sit" (2-3 days) before grinding. Then, he got serious. He researched and had found a coffee importer that sold him 3, 25 lb bags of green coffee beans for roasting for fair price. NOTE: I would not suggest buying in large quantity unless you REALLY plan to roast regularly (once a week). Green Coffee beans can be purchased in small quantities for reasonable price.
    You can also roast your own coffee in a weber grill, anywhere where temp. can remain at 500 degrees for 12-15 minutes. We tried indoors in our oven once, but just found that we liked roasting in our small roaster (in the garage). It produced the best beans and kept the roast smells (which doesn’t resemble at all what you’d expect it would) out of the house. Roasting indoors also set off our smoke alarm, which was a nuisance.

    Hope this helps! Good luck! 🙂
    Emily – Mt. Prospect, IL

  13. Since I like to do whatever my grandmother did, I brew my coffee in a stainless steel, stove-top perculator that I have had since 1979. I grind the beans and use 1/2 cup for every 10 cups of water. Once the perking starts, I perk it for 1 minute per cup. After it’s done and has settled a few minutes, I pour it into a pump thermos to stay warm for most of the morning. We relish our morning coffee, so it’s usually gone before the coffee starts to cool in the thermos.

  14. Celeste says:

    GREAT topic. I’m with the French Press contingent. I cannot tell you how many people I’ve converted after having coffee at my house. Smoothest, most delicious brew ever. I like my coffee pretty strong, but you are the master with your french press. I have an insulated version, so it stays warmer longer than the traditional glass versions. Also, a friend of mine gifted me with an electric water pot a few years ago and I can boil water in a few minutes with it, so I can grind boil and steep my coffee in about 5 minutes.

  15. Genevieve says:

    We’re snobs over here, and we only use The Almighty French Press. Pour in the (coarse) grounds, boiling water, steep 4-5 minutes, push the strainer down, and pour. You can get large ones that make multiple cups. I know it’s a far cry from automatic, but it’s easy, saps zero electricity, is completely portable and very long-lasting, and OH BOY does it make good coffee. Just my two cents!

  16. Debbi says:

    You need a Krup. It makes one cup at a time and is the best ever. We’ve had ours for 4 years and love it. Bought one for our daughter for Christmas.

  17. Teresa says:

    I got rid of ALL my coffee makers, from the antique percolator to every modern one I had and bought a French Press. I’ve been making single cup expresso drips for me. I had hot water if it is too strong. A little cream and sugar and I’ve got One Good Cup of Coffee… I buy off brand expresso. There is one that makes great Vietnamese coffee in an orange can from New Orleans… (buy at Asian markets) …"cafe du monde" they are online too. Then there is a mexican one in a yellow can… We’ve been having fun experimenting… Every now and again I’ll throw the expresso over ice after mixing it with condensed milk… yum! Good luck!

  18. Mmy says:

    I had a similar coffee experience, but with my stepfather… my mother was not a coffee drinker, so I’d only had it a few times before my stepfather taught me how to make coffee. It began a love affair! I worked my way through several colleges working in coffee shops. I can make coffee in every method so far known to man.

    I get mixed feelings when people all chat about how good "little local" coffee shops are. In my life, they’ve proven to be like the girl with the golden curl — when they’re good, they’re very, very good, but when they’re bad, they’re HORRID. In terms of both labor and good coffee: the best and worst cups. Chain shops are just consistently mediocre brew, so you known what to expect, but they do tend to treat their workers well.

    I liked my coffee the same way you did: hot, with sugar and rich milk. Unfortunately, I learned this year caffeine might be contributing to my medical problems… now I’m trying to learn to be content with decaf with a splash of 2% and some Stevia. (It’s still a comfort, but a pale one, comparatively! I think I need to make counter space and break out my espresso machine again… decaf espresso might not get you wired, but it’s just as sweet!)

    Of course, my dear stepfather is NOW experimenting with old-fashioned wild-harvested dandelion root "coffee," so we’ll see how THAT goes. 🙂

  19. Nan Roberts says:

    When I made coffee, I made it with a Melitta drip thing. I have a couple of the individual sized filter holders, and I think one bigger one. I’ve had to cut back on caffeine, so it’s green tea for me now. Yeah, there’s decaf. sigh. BUt it was so simple. Put quite a lot of ground coffee in the filter, add hot water the correct way,and there you are. Coffee. It’s so simple. And you can adjust how strong you want it and add things like cinnamon. Or pepper. Or whatever. I go for Melitta every time. And I don’t know how to use coffee makers. They are a mystery.

  20. Nan Roberts says:

    When I made coffee, I made it with a Melitta drip thing. I have a couple of the individual sized filter holders, and I think one bigger one. I’ve had to cut back on caffeine, so it’s green tea for me now. Yeah, there’s decaf. sigh. BUt it was so simple. Put quite a lot of ground coffee in the filter, add hot water the correct way,and there you are. Coffee. It’s so simple. And you can adjust how strong you want it and add things like cinnamon. Or pepper. Or whatever. I go for Melitta every time. And I don’t know how to use coffee makers. They are a mystery.

  21. meredith says:

    WHAT!!!!!?????? So far I’ve read that no one uses a Keurig? I am on my second machine (the first died due to owner neglect and large amounts of limestone in our water). I buy Green Mountain Coffee from VT and will drink a hot fresh cup morning, noon and night. And any other chance I get. Yes, the coffee is more expensive this way, and yes, there doesnt seem to be a way to recycle the little K cups. But this is darn near my only indulgence. I take it with me everywhere- camping, cattle shows, etc. I would be in a sorry state without it….:)

  22. Marilyn says:

    Dunkin Donut coffee is surprisingly good and can be purchased at their stores as well as as Wal-mart. We have a Bunn maker and yes the water is always hot — we are coffee drinkers and like the fact we can have coffee so quickly any time of day. When friends stop by it is really nice to make coffee quickly. This is our first Bunn maker and we like it — down side – no auomatic shut off on the heating plate after a couple of hours — this thing stays on.

  23. MotherLodeBeth says:

    I am a coffee snob. Water is #1. Has to be clean water that is filtered if it is not from our own well.

    Then fair trade whole beans, freshly ground. And I only use two types of coffee makers. French press or a Chemex.

  24. CJStevens says:

    Hello fellow coffee lovers!
    I am also a fan of the Cuisinart and have had two–the one that brews into a glass or thermal pot and our current one which brews into a tank and then you dispense it a cup at a time. The coffeemaker goes off automatically after two hours. The tank fits into the dishwasher top rack along with the filter. We drink mostly Green Mountain Coffee Roasters roasted here in Vermont but I also like to pick up local coffee when I’m traveling. And a shout out to my fellow Vermonter who uses maple syrup in coffee–yum!

  25. Candace says:

    I am currently a French Press coffee drinker. We began using a French Press when I got disgusted with yet another burner that died on our drip coffee maker. That was about 10 years ago. We’ve never turned back. The only drip coffee maker I would use if I didn’t use my French Press would be a Gevalia Automatic Drip Coffeemaker. It’s in my firm opion that the Swedes excel when it comes to making coffee. Heaven in a cup!

  26. Tara says:

    I think starting with good coffee is pretty important. A good bean that came from a farm that grows in the shade in good soil, picked only when red and ready. I picked coffee in Costa Rica on a tiny farm for two months. We had no electricity so we had to get fruit to coffee drinking stage by hand with water, mats in the sun and hand grinder to get several layers of skin off the bean. We roasted it over an open fire. No wiz bang machinery for making a good cup of coffee just good coffee. Drink your coffee black and taste what each variety of bean has to offer. Depending on where they are grown makes a difference.

  27. Mary Rauch says:

    Keurig only for me thank you.

  28. Brenda says:

    We used Mr Coffee for years. And they were replaced often. We stepped up a step last time and bought the lesser of the Cuisinart that was on sale for around 80.00. Hubs thought I was crazy that was too much. But soon as we made the first pot he was A-Ok with it. We have had it for 4-5 years and it just recently started shutting off during the brewing 1/2 through. Not a bad life. I did visit a friend that had one of the pots that you put your one serving pod in and that was a good cup of coffee. We do use Starbucks. We like the breakfast blend first thing in the morning. I guess we like to start a little lighter. But we have a coffee shop 40 minutes or so away that grind and sell wonderful coffees. My favorite is white chocolate raspberry. LOVE it.

  29. Janeen says:

    I am currently using a non-electric stovetop percolater to brew my coffee. The house smells wonderful and the coffee is hot! No fancy bells and whistles, just good coffee.

  30. Catherine says:

    My new sis-in-law introduced me to the French Press and I fell in love with it (and her)! I do keep my Gevalia Coffee Maker handy for when company drops by or I need to make a really big amount (it’ll make 12 cups) but for just me (about 3 cups worth) my french press is perfect. I like mine very strong with lots of milk and I heat my milk a few seconds in the microwave to keep my coffee hot. I also like to add an eggshell to my coffee grounds (washed and dried so it’s not nasty). I don’t know but for some reason it helps keep the "sludge" down. I’d read about it in a book, researched it and found out that yeah, it is a real thing to do and I like it. It does really seem to make my coffee "smoother"

    My fave coffee is Gevalia (Mocca Java), very smooth non-bitter coffee. If I run out of that I like Dunkin Donuts brand.

  31. Gwen Quon says:

    Coffee that is a deep subject for me. I grew up with a swedish father who as far as I can remember never was with out a cup of coffee in his hand. The smell of coffee brewing is
    heavenly to me and it makes me feel all is right with the world! I have gone thru so many
    coffee makers and have yet found the perfect one. Currently I am using a Black And Decker.
    My coffee must be strong to the point where I cannot see thru it, like mud and cream and sugar to top it off. Coffee is at the top of the list for comfort food or drink for me!!

  32. Roma Horton says:

    Without question a Technivorm is the best coffee maker because the water gets hot! That is if you like hot coffee…

  33. Cathy Harvey says:

    Glad to read so many posts on makers. Our Black and Decker recently died after 4 years so glad to get a lot of feedback. Right now I’ve pulled out the cheap one we kept in the camper and the coffee tastes about the same as the B & D. It’s easier to fill, too. The B & D had a narrow reserve well that was hard to fill (have plenty of towels ready!) and it was hard to keep the moisture from giving a ‘musty’ flavor to the coffee after awhile, even after cleaning it repeatedly with a vinegar solution. I’m going to look into the favorites listed in your blog comments. We do grind our own beans and use cold, filtered water, of course. One thing I like to do, especially in the fall, is to sprinkle some cinnamon into the coffee grounds. Gives a nice cozy flavor.
    Thanks again!!

  34. carol Branum says:

    Hi,I use an antique perculator vintage 1951 I bought for 25 cents at a yard sale.After throwing away hundreds of cheap pots over the years,I stumbled apon this kinda by accident,and I was so thankful I did!Make sure the cord is not frayed and is in good condition,or get a stovetop model,grind your own beans or use egg shells for a filter,or cut a whole in a regular filer.I like real heavy cream the best even if its fattening.blessed be carol

  35. Kathy says:

    A French Press is really the only way to go. I always buy an organic, dark Sumatra or French Roast. Grind right before pouring near boiling water over the grounds. Stir gently with chopsticks and let it settle for 4 minutes. Push down plunger and enjoy. I won’t go back to auto-makers. The leftover coffee is great for iced beverages or make ice cubes for iced coffee.

  36. Cindy says:

    Seems we feel the same about our ‘Joe’. I love it, sometimes getting a hankering for it even during the day. For the most part, I’m a morning girl, so yearning during the day is a fun thing. Again, I love Hazelnut too! That’s my fav. But I also like Punkin Spice. Tho never trying Peppermint, as a dear friend and yourself, I’ll HAVE to try it, I say! Currently I’m ‘on’ Eight O’clock as Donna above, but I buy the whole bean and grind it ‘instore’ on the espresso grind because I get more for the bang. I live alone, so it goes a long way in my house. the first moments of the day ARE the best, I agree. That’s the time to get with God and thank Him for all I get to share with Him. He likes coffee too 😉

  37. Cheryl says:

    For everyday use I have a Keurig and love it. I have several other machines and love using them. We have a Cappuccino/Espresso machine,a Mr. Coffee, a french press and a variety of stove top and electric percolators. I drink coffee and tea like others drink soda. I enjoy all flavors and at all times of the day. Each process has its pros and cons. With the Keurig and a "My K Cup" I can have my own fresh ground coffee which is nice also. My advice is to try different ones and see which is the right one for you.

  38. Vicki says:

    We have a Bunn coffeemaker. It makes coffee in a matter of minutes. No waiting forever for your cup of joe. Always makes a perfect cup. I have had one for over 10 years. I would never go back to the "take forever coffee pots". They do not get limed up like the other ones. I highly recommend the Bunn.

  39. I’ve seen a few people post about the Keurig and that is the one that I’m going to rave about. I love it, even though if you buy the prepackaged Kcups it seems to be a lot of wasted plastic :-/ which is why I use the little refillable k-cup (can’t remember what it’s called) and just buy the bagged coffee. I have the smaller Keurig so it takes about 3 minutes longer than the larger sizes (which like your bunn keep the water hot from what I can tell) But it works for me and I don’t think I’ll have another coffee maker again.

  40. Lindsay says:

    I agree with Marilyn, I can’t believe no one uses a Keurig!! It has great options from all different types of pre-packaged coffees and teas and even hot chocolate and cappuccino, but you can also buy filters to go in it so you can grind your own beans or buy the trusty Folgers and use that. It is great for quick, is delicious and there are no grinds. I love my little red machine, best begged-for Christmas present this college girl could have 🙂

  41. Aileen says:

    My favorite way to brew up a cup of joe is with a good old fashion percolator. I like to use a dark roast from Green Mountain or Seattle’s Best. For years this was the only way I made coffee. I loved the flavor plus I could hide it away in the cabinet when it wasn’t in use. I have since acquired a Keurig because of my husbands early before 5am departures to work. It’s a great convenience when you’re in a hurry. So when I’m in a hurry or feeling extra extra lazy I use my Keurig. Each cup is perfect no doubt! One of my favorites for the K-cup is Tully’s Kona or the Caribou.

    This machine is especially great for single coffee drinkers. No waisting a pot. I bought one for my mom as a gift when I found out she was going instant. My dad had quit drinking coffee and she didn’t want to make a pot just for her. I couldn’t stand the thought of her missing out on a good cup of coffee. She loves hers and uses it every day.

  42. Mary Perry says:

    I have never been a huge coffee drinker, so every time I would make a pot, most of it got tossed out. A few years ago I spent way too much money on a Keurig. Figured that one cup at a time would save me money. Yes, it did!! Well worth the money, even though I now have two cups every morning, instead of one. I have found that the very best is the Donut Shop. I drink my two cups in an insulated mug, with two sweeteners and two tsp. of nonfat creamer. Just plain perfect.

  43. Mary Rauch says:

    So, Rebekah, after renewing the "coffee rebellion" of 2011, will you be making a NEW choice for yourself? Please let us know.

  44. Janet says:

    Only a French press will do for me! You can get a 4 cup size at Ikea for less than $15. The taste is wonderful and only takes a few minutes to brew.

  45. Valinda says:

    About making coffee…each ingredient, the water AND the coffee make the completed victory drink. I am serious about coffee. I use a plain coffee drip and have used several, $15 to $25 in price, but no certain one do I like better.

    I seem to make the same tasting coffee by using the same water system Starbucks uses, and it is one of Starbucks’ successes to maintaing the same taste in their coffees anywhere in the USA. I have a water system that softens and then an osmosis. My coffee is always the same as each flavor matches the Starbucks coffee I buy. I do use other brands, but not many, as we like Starbucks. Every new person to visit me thinks I have brought brewed coffee home.
    As long as the pot is clean and has only been used for coffee, the only thing I think that is better, is to use a coffee maker with stainless steel internal parts, keeping the coffee from any chance of flavor change.

    I hope this helps. If I am away from home, I like to take a few gallons with me or buy good water elsewhere. As you can understand, I am serious about a good cup of coffee and the water system was not cheap.

  46. French press all the way baby, it’s the best thing to happen to coffee since hot caramel!

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