Skip to The Loo

Yep, every farm has to have one.

And my own farm didn’t come with one.

I’ve looked around, to see if I could find one to move to my farm.

But no.

So I finally built one.

I’ve been dying to show it to you.

A loo! (Outhouse)


We first dug a deep, deep hole and then started the building. We used new pine boards, milled from those large White Pines we took down last year. This is the original color of the wood.


But we wanted it to look old.

So my husband mixed water, vinegar, and a steel wool pad in a bucket. Then he brushed it on the wood with a brush. It aged the wood beautifully; don’t you think?



I painted the inside with all the little sample cans of paint I’ve purchased in the last few months. I’d been trying to find just the right color for a cabinet in my kitchen. As a result, the inside is painted with crazy colors. Love it!


That’s a salvaged window I picked up for $5. I knew I wanted light and air circulation–so I wouldn’t be creeped-out when I make a visit.

I couldn’t find a brightly colored toilet seat locally, so I ordered one online.


Now, Y’all, I really can’t sew. But I have my Mom’s sewing machine. So I bought some fabric and did my best. Don’t judge it.


And, because people are always coming and going on our Farm, I thought I needed a way to let folks know whether The Loo is occupied or not. Here’s what I came up with. It’s a piece of a maple tree that had fallen. I’m a saver, you know. When I see something interesting, I pick it up and save it. You just never know what you might use it for in the future. And same with the rope I used to tie the sign–it’s hay bale twine.


“STOP in use”P1150177

“GO available”P1150176

I painted the crescent moon with a glow-in-the-dark paint.

People are always drawn to our little outhouse. They think it is a prop until I open the door and show them that it’s fully functional! And, usually, after they see that they can, they want to “use it” just for fun. There’s two large coffee cans inside, one with a toilet paper roll and one with lime. Those are the necessaries in an Outhouse.

I had a basket of corncobs as well, but the fruit flies came. And then I learned that corn cobs are a tall tale. Really? I totally bought it.

But I should get a Sears catalog or two to put in there, for old times sake. I know that’s not a tall tale because I trust my sources on that one. (Makes me appreciate TP.)

Now I have to tell you a story. A guy was working here who is scared to death of snakes, like me. Well, he used the outhouse and when he opened the door to come out, one of the BIG black snakes was laying there, sunning himself. The worker was stuck. No way around the snake. So he went back inside and sat down for awhile. Made noise. Stomped his feet on the wood floor. Knocked on the door. Sat a little longer. When he opened the door again, the big snake was gone. So glad it wasn’t me. That would be the end of my trips to the Loo.

Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!

Lots of love, The City Farmgirl, Rebekah




  1. Barb says:

    My husband, who is over 6 foot cleaned our outhouse to make it usable. He assured me all was okay. However, when 5 foot me went in, I could see the large mud dauber nest under the toiler paper roll. YIKES!

  2. Linda W says:

    I think originally the crescent moon was cut out for ventilation, but I like your window better. A man wouldn’t bother! Very cute, and artistic, and your sewing is fine!! The fabric is perfect with all your lovely colors. p.s. What color did your cabinets end up?

  3. Cindy Hunter says:

    Love it! You need to buy an Old Framers Almanac. They come with a hole punched in them so they can be hung up inside the loo. Really, that’s what the hole is for.
    Awesome outhouse.

  4. Dirtduchess says:

    Love this story. My grandmother had a two holer as we called it. Only one person was allowed at a time. In her days, the outhouse was usually way in the back behind the house. Hollyhocks were planted along a path so the genteel ladies knew where the ‘privy’ was located without asking. Hated the smell of that sulphur.

  5. Tess S. says:

    Rebecca- That is TOTALLY awesome!!! I think that is just the cutest thing ever!!! Outhouses are becoming almost extinct and you have “preserved” or created a thing of the past, how absolutely wonderful!!! You are great!

  6. Dana sperry says:

    We have one on our property that my 4 and 6 year old girls have called “the scary potty” forever. Funny part is, they love it!

  7. Joan says:

    Oh OH OH – Loo Outhouse!!!!!! what a beauty!!!! Great job woodworking and painting and the window is super – love the curtain. What a great idea to have on such a large property – we had one that we called ‘never fails’ – bet you get why it was called that. About the corn cobs, we had catalogs and cobs, we would rub the pages on the rough cobs to soften the paper, never used the cobs without the paper. And now about the snakes, we always had large, new rope all around inside, up and down and Snake a Way all around the outside – that is a product that is so wonderful, not harmful to animals but the snakes hate the smell. Also we would crush moth balls and lay around out and in – can you tell – ‘it’s me and my phobia’ talking. As I was typing I had to scroll back up just to take another look – another big smile for sure. Thanks for sharing. God bless.

  8. Jan says:

    This brought back the memory of our outhouse at our family lake cabin! Mostly mom putting lime down ‘there’ and her scrubbing it out with bleach water. That was the only potty that we had at our cabin in those days. The boards were rough hewn cedar.. I love your window w/curtain and the cheery colors! Now I am going to Google ‘black snake’ so that I can get more terrified by seeing what one actually looks like-

  9. Barn chick says:

    Have to chuckle because those are the colors of my bathroom in the house. Teal and periwinkle. Beautiful combo.

  10. Oh my word. I love this. My farm does not have one… but I think it needs one! It’s really darling! – Dori –

  11. rene foust says:

    Spot on perfect!!!

  12. Denise Ross says:

    Looks fab and cute. Sewing a great 🙂 enjoy

  13. Nancy J Boyd says:

    Just love the blog about your Outhuse aka Loo!! The colors and window give it a kick up on the Loo meter too!! Speaking of snakes my husband told me today that our resident snake is still in our backyard and he believes it is about two feet long. Gotta go and check out the snake!!

  14. Nanny Jan says:

    Wow-it’s fabulous. I have never thought about building an outhouse. You are brilliant.
    Love the colors and the curtains. Memories of “Latrine Duty” @ Girl Scouts Camp. Those outhouses weren’t even cute like yours!

  15. Jerry Adams says:

    Your old friend, Wesley Walraven also built an out house in the rear of his property.
    But it has a chandelier, marble floor, heater, I’m not sure if the wifi reaches from the house, but it probable does. Ask him for a picture.

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