Daisies On My Doorstep


Dear Sisters,

Whew doggies, it’s HOT!!! Hot, humid and sticky! What am I fussing about the weather for? It’s always like this come 4th of July here on the shorelines. You know what else happens this time of year? The Daisies on my doorstep are in bloom! Would ya look at how happy they look? I guess they love the heat. Me? Not so much. I think I might have to break down and get a string of Hot Girls Pearls for when I’m out communing with the garden this summer! But I digress. I’m always so happy to see the daisies arrive! I didn’t plant them there. The previous owner of our house must have planted them and the last 12 years they’ve never failed to bloom. Not even once. While other perennials in that flower bed have grown root bound and leggy the daisies look as fresh and innocent ( I’m guessing ) as the day they were planted. Why do you suppose that is? I have a theory… Wanna hear it?


Do you believe in flower symbolism? The more I read about the meanings of flowers I surely do. I know from the bottoms of my dirty farmgirl feet that there are lessons to be learned from the garden. And, not just the ones about ideal plant placement, proper soil PH and water requirements. Take the simple Daisy for instance. I recently read that the flower symbolism for the Daisy is purity, innocence, loyal love, beauty, patience, and simplicity.

Daisies are believed to be more than 4000 years old and are a part of the larger family (Asteraceae) known as the aster, ( meaning star ) sunflower and daisy family. They are the largest flowering family of flowering plants with over 1600 genre and 23,000 plants. Daisies were found during the excavation of the Minoan Palace on the Island of Crete. Even further back, Egyptian ceramics were decorated with daisies. Daisies were also one of 30 different flowers known to be used in Mary Gardens.  And, they make adorable flower crowns when shortened stems are tied together. Perfect for a mamma/granny and me garden party!


They say you know if you’re going to buy a house within seconds of stepping onto the grounds of a potential new home. I think it might have been the daisies on my doorstep that were the determining factor in our choosing the home we now live in 13 years ago. But I didn’t know it at the time. All I remember is driving up the driveway on a sunny late June afternoon and seeing a beautiful display of smiling, sunny cottage flowers, daisies in the midst as if to say, welcome home! At the time we were new transplants in New England and had been living in my in-laws antique farmhouse, which I hated to leave, but, it wasn’t ours. And even though they made us feel ” right at home”  it was time for our little family to find a new home where we could put down some roots and bloom! Here are some lessons the daisies have taught us over the years about living a life in full bloom!

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Beauty~ Ah. Beauty. I believe each of us has our unique way of working with the all mighty creator in bringing more beauty to the world. Those daisies were there to encourage me to continue my passion for gardening in new and different ways. It took me a couple of years before I began designing, digging, planting and seeding, but with each new addition to the garden the more ” at home” I felt and the more connected to nature too.

Innocence~ We were innocent to our new surroundings when we first moved in. And even though it felt lonely at times as we settled in and got to know our neighbors and community it was our open hearts and innocence to our new experience that helped us stay open to all the new and wonderful possibilities a new plot can bring.

Loyal Love~ Besides the ability to laugh at life and each-other when needed, it’s loyal love, and trust that bind us together and keep us together.

Purity~ To live life in the purest way, we have to strive to do away with UN necessary clutter and negativity. Lord knows that’s not always easy but it’s something to strive for when the piles get too high and moods get tense. We learned to breathe and carry on!

Simplicity~ My personal favorite. Simplicity. This is such an oxymoron for us creative types and mothers. I don’t do anything simple. I gather, and clutter and ride the creative muse whichever way it wants to take me leaving a trail of fairy dust wherever I go.  And, so do our children. Maybe, that IS our ” simple” and the lesson is to accept it once and for all.  I don’t want things too tidy… Where’s the fun in that?

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THAT’S why the daisies return every year, without fail, upon my doorstep. We all need reminding to be innocent and have faith, that beauty is everywhere, that loyalty and love are the glue that bind and keep us together through thick and thin, that purity will show us our true hearts and direction and simplicity ( what ever your version of it is) will lighten the load along the way! Here’s wishing you many lessons from the garden this summer!


Until our next shoreline visit~

BEACH BLESSINGS and Happy 4th of July!

Aren’t we blessed to live in the USA?

Much love,



Psst. Here are two wonderful books for you to read while you’re sitting under your favorite shade tree this summer:


The Meaning of Flowers and Living Life in Full Bloom



  1. Alexandra Wilson says:

    Nice post, Deb! I had no idea daisies had such a prolific background. What a fun flower. Happy 4th to you, too!
    From your Farmgirl sister across the continent, Alex

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Howdy Alex,
      Me neither! 🙂 Wishing you a happy 4th with your new little family… hugs to Ava! Give her a tickle for me! Love, Deb

  2. Adrienne says:

    Happy Independence Day to you as well. You are blessed with such beautiful daisies. They always make me smile: not quite as impish as pansies with their cute little faces but smile inducing nonetheless.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Happy 4th Adrienne! We are getting rain today after nearly a month without anything worth reporting. Very rare for New England… I’m happy for the flowers today! They were getting parched!
      Have a safe weekend! Deb

  3. ann says:

    Wow! Thanks for reminding me of the beauty of these simple flowers….he loves me, he loves me not! Simple, clean, cheerful and fun! I think I’ll go buy a bunch this afternoon! 😀

  4. Gayle Brown Cahn says:

    I am thankful for the sources of flower meanings, I want to read those books. I have a garden club at school and we often talk about the history of a certain plant or flower. Aside from the beauty, knowing a secret flower language is exciting!

  5. Peggy Smith says:

    Happy 4th Deb, I have the Flower Fairy book, it is such a nice read. I will look into getting the other one.
    While I read your letter just now, as you talked about driving up and knowing that was your new home, it reminded me of almost 23 years ago, when the realtor brought me here to my home. I looked down at the 2 1/2 acre property from the road, saw the house and knew right then I wanted to spend my life here without even looking inside the house. it needed a really good cleaning and work but it was all worth it.
    I have felt so at home since that day. I am surrounded by woods, only have 2 neighbors.
    Life is good and it is the perfect day to celebrate and be thankful for our freedom.

  6. Kathy says:

    Beautiful, the yellow flowers by them really set off the yellow in the middle of the white .

  7. Sherry says:

    Great post! I love Daisy’s. I just love flowers. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pics and info. too!

  8. CJ Armstrong says:

    Thanks Deb! I love my daisies, which are Shasta daisies. I planted then many years ago and I learned, after bringing a fresh bouquet in the house one year, that they are NOT meant for being in the house. I couldn’t figure out that awful smell at first . . . it was they Shasta daisies . . they smelled like stinky feet! 😀
    So, they just stay outside in the flowerbed and grace my yard!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      That’s to funny Cj! hahahah…. Yes, best they stay outside rather than in! Mine must not be Shasta Daisies, cause they don’t have a smell at all… Hmmm Now I need to go look them up to see if I can find what variety they are! 🙂 thanks for the note! Enjoy your daisies! Deb

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