Decision, Decision, Decision

UPDATE: I received a total of 117 votes on roof color. THANKS Y’ALL!

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That’s you, Laura Lea Laws, so email me with your address for your goody! Use the link over on the right!

I’m actually usually a pretty good decision maker. With personal decisions, I mean. I’m usually pretty good; not great, but good. (Now professionally, I’m a very strong decision maker. Split second, never look back. For some reason, that’s easier for me.)

It’s true. It sometimes takes me a while to mull things over. To think about it. Consider all the angles. But usually not this long. I don’t usually be-labor it the way I have be-labored this one. Why am I so stuck on this? I have no idea. You’d think it was a huge decision. It’s really not such a big deal.

Yes, this decision has gotten the best of me. I have spent months obsessing about it. And just now my hubby announced:

(Great coffee flavor, by the way)

Yes, he said to me: Jamaican me crazy!! Make up your mind already! Just get it done!

I have tried to do that. I just can’t. I am stuck.

I have, therefore, decided to decide not to decide. I have decided for you to decide. Yes, you. What do ya say? Okay? Will you do it for me?

Great. Thanks! Here’s where I’m stuck….

My sweet, wonderful, well-loved, vintage 1939 farmhouse needs a new roof. I think I mentioned that to you before; I’ve needed to get one for awhile now.

But, I cannot decide on a color. I have tried. But I can’t make a choice. I’m going mad with it. I mean, what if I chose one and it doesn’t do the house justice? What if it looks blah instead of wow? And then I have to look at it and regret it forever and ever and ever? (Well, for quite a few years anyway…)

So, please, just decide for me. For real.

What color roof should I get?

It’s a small, white farmhouse in the Smoky Mountains.

I know I’ll be getting a 30 year Certainteed Roof. (I picked out my roofer months ago. He’s been wonderful as I’ve bounced around from color to color to color.)

And yes, I would indeed love a metal roof, but that’s not going to happen right now.

Here’s the link to my color choices.

So what do you think? Which would you chose?

Depending on the day, I love the moire black, the evergreen, the pewter, the mint frost, the slate gray…What about you? What do you think would look best with a little white farmhouse in the mountains?

Leave a comment and vote for what color I should pick. Majority rules on this. Whichever color receives the most votes is the color that my new roof will be.  

(You can also email me or leave a comment at to vote. But, please, hurry. I need to let the roofer know in about a week!)

Let me add something that is relevant to this. There is no air-conditioning. And it gets mighty hot in the summertime. Which, by the way, started today—HAPPY SUMMER!!

Oh, I feel the burden lifted already. WooHoo! So you’ll do this for me, right? Taken care of—-checked off my worry list! Yippee!

Thanks y’all!!

Hey, how about a prize drawing from all the votes? Yes, I think so. Drawing will be next Tuesday (6/29) at noon. The prize will be….hmmm…I don’t know….something very summery…what should it be? Oh no, here I go, another decision….

Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!

Lots of love, The City Farmgirl, Rebekah

I can’t find a picture of the front, but here’s the side view….


I heart my farmhouse.

big time.

Ah, found another photo—on a frosty morn


  1. Claire T. says:

    i vote for the Slate Gray i like all the different tones of gray next to each other.

  2. Barbara F. says:

    I like the pewter but if it gets hot there then the mint frost will keep your house cooler! Good luck!

  3. Reba says:

    I vote Evergreen Blend. I also asked my husband and he said "green always looks good on a farmhouse." So that’s two votes. Your house is sooo cute!!

  4. Sharon T says:

    I love the red blend. Your farmhouse is gorgeous. We love visiting the Smoky Mountains and just returned from a two-week vacation there.

  5. Carla says:

    My vote is Cinnamon Frost.
    Best of luck and wishes for the installation to go smoothly.

  6. sue says:

    Red, I liked the evergreen but with all the green surrounding the house it would get lost in the trees. So make a statement go red!

  7. Pamela says:

    Pewter is the way to go. Black is too hot, but looks nice, red is too obviously unchangeable. Good luck with this!

  8. Pamela says:

    How funny – well for us anyway-you have so MANY different colors from us all. My vote is for Maple Red. It just is such a cozy look, with the green backround and I think in the autumn it would fit right in and when winter arrives it would make the house look so inviting. Maybe try not to think quite so hard and just feel which one fits best?? Can’t wait to read the next post from you.

  9. Cheryl says:

    I like the slate blend. It won’t absorb too much heat in the summer and it’s in theme with an old farmhouse.

  10. Lisa says:

    I love the mint frost – very pretty with you mountain setting.

  11. Cynthia says:


    We got the mint frost for our White house with green shutters.


    Now if we could get the HOA to quit bitchin’….

  12. Cori says:

    I think the pewter would be the best. Very understated. But if you want to stand out, the red blend would be my choice.

  13. Vicki says:

    I vote for the Evergreen Blend. Old Fashioned looking. Not too dark, to absorb heat like black. You will have to let us know what color wins and what you finally decided.

  14. Marcie says:

    evergreen. I too, live in the Smoky Mountains and love it every single day. Your little farmhouse will look beautiful with its new roof. You’re a good person for keeping your farmhouse in good shape. I see so many old farmhouses & barns falling down around themselves and that is so sad. A little or even a lot of TLC adds so much life to structures of yesteryear. YOU GO! girl.

  15. Nancy says:

    Wow, do I understand your problem!!! About four years ago we needed to put a new roof on our 1930’s style cottage. Its a major decision you will have to live with for over 30years. Everyone + anyone who visited us that Spring was asked…Finally my Darling Husband said "Just pick a color or I will". I said which one do you like?? And he pointed to a color similar to the timber…I am voting for 1st. Evergreen, 2nd. timber blend…thanks for asking…And have a wonderful Summer!!!

  16. Tammie says:

    Take a developed picture of your house and enlarge it a bit. Catch the scenery in the picture as well. Take an exacto knife and cut out the roof from the picture. (just the roof).
    You can use any see through binder, the kind kids use for reports at school if you need a larger area to look at, and place your color choices behind the picture of the house so you can see what pleases you the most. If you really want to get creative paint your window frames the same color as the roof you get for an added punch to the package. (Just a suggestion… 🙂
    Good luck and enjoy!


  17. Empire Paririe Gal says:

    I would suggest evergreen or pewter gray. Gray will keep the summer heat out. But I love the look of a green roof, as the house I grew up in had dark green shingles.

  18. Melodye says:

    Rebekah, Go with the Nickel Gray. Black is too dark and seems too hot in the summer. This shade of gray is neutral and would look great even if you painted the house any number of colors…yellow, lt. blue…Best wishes for a fast and uneventful installation!

  19. Ellen says:

    I have a dark metal roof, but next time I would definitely go with a light color for practicality – I live in south Texas and it gets hot here! You will be much cooler with a lighter roof. Good luck.

  20. meredith says:

    RED_ either one!

  21. Linda says:

    I vote for the maple red, or if you can get a brighter red, that one. that would look so nice on your white country home.
    I just had a new roof put on, forget the name of the color, but kinda a darkish gray. I really like it against the med gray trimmed in med blue on my house. However, I don’t really notice it that often. When I do, I really like it.
    I like Tammie’s suggestion too, good idea ! also to trim in the roof color, sds great. good luck !

  22. Jacqui says:

    Wow! Not making it easier are we?! I like to see a dark roof on a white house so I would say the pewter or slate gray(if you are a blue person)Of course since I love red…I did like the reds offered oh my! Good luck!

  23. If corrugated metal isn’t an option I would totally vote for nickel gray. I like when a house is "nestled" in its surroundings…unless it’s a cottage and then I want it to pop out and surprise me with bold color! Lovely house.

  24. Patti says:

    Definately the Maple Red or Evergreen. Either would look just fabulous set against the backdrop of all those trees and sky! The Red would make your house pop out more and would look so stunning in the Fall. Happy roofing!!

  25. Shery says:

    I vote for ‘evergreen’. It fits the era and the general vintage feel…in my humble opinion.

    We’re re-siding our house…barn red with white trim…so that all the buildings and barn match. I too am going with an evergreen shade for roofing.


  26. JoEllyn says:

    I vote for slate grey. I love the variation. You have a beautiful house.

  27. Pamela says:


  28. Pam says:

    My vote would be for a light grey color like the cinnamon frost, mint frost or coral frost…a lighter color will reflect heat, but you will still get a contrast to the white house…my opinion for whatever it’s worth.

  29. Sheryl Adams says:

    I would definitely pick the maple red blend. It reminds me so much of the changing fall leaves. And in winter will give some color and cheer. Whatever you choose your home will be beautiful!! Be blessed!!

  30. Julie Melbourne says:

    I vote for one of the reds (I prefer the maple red blend) or pewter. Even before I saw the color options my mind immediately thought red as I was reading the description of your house. Good luck.

  31. Shawna says:

    Hear me out. I see Mint Frost on the roof, and deep brown shutters and trim. Do you see it too? Mint Frost is my vote.

  32. rosanne says:

    Red was my answer before seeing the choices.

    I’m a mobile home farmgirl !

  33. Alison says:

    It has to be green. There is nothing as charming as a white farmhouse with a green roof. THINK GREEN!

  34. Amy Elaine says:

    Slate Grey!!!

  35. Elizabeth says:

    I love the look of the carriage house shingle. I live in a historical district in Texas where many of the houses look like your house. I like the slate first, pewter second and then black. I love this sample:
    Good luck 🙂

  36. Diane Van Horn says:

    I vote for RED! Second choice is black. I have a black roof and I love it!

  37. Louella says:

    I like the evergreen It would look so pretty with the backdrop of the mountains behind it.

  38. Diane says:

    I have to say that I think the red would be stunning. Your house is in the perfect setting for a color like red. Do it! Put red shutters and a red front door. I think it would be a car-stopper. Don’t forget to plant a red maple out front. Oo-la-la! 

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