Let Freedom Ring

Do you know who that is? On top of our United States Capitol Building?

It’s “Freedom.”

And “Freedom” is depicted as a chick. How cool is that? I learned that just the other day…..

I can’t believe that I haven’t mentioned it before. That I forgot to tell you this bit of interesting news! I won a sweepstakes! Whoopie! An all-expense-paid trip for me and my family to Washington D.C.
Man, was it awesome.
We just got back and it was such a great adventure. I can tell you this. I’ve always been patriotic and proud to be a citizen of the United States. Lee Greenwood and everything…
But I’m feeling even MORE patriotic since that trip. Just so proud!
I hadn’t been to WDC since I went in high school on a band trip. That’s been a few years ago….quite a few. And my focus at that time was not so much the history of our nation. It was on other things, like make-up and clothes and shoes and…well, you know, boys.
This last trip was great. My daughter is the perfect age for this, 9. Her focus was TOTALLY on the history.
The thing that struck me this trip was how our country has had such a difficult history. But you know what? The USA always comes through. Always.

We were lucky to snag a tour of The White House.

But I wasn’t allowed to take my camera inside. Just know this. It was gorgeous! And very secure. There were guys on the roof.
Actually, the whole city is VERY secure. There was a police officer on every corner. 
You know what else we got to see? The Presidential Motorcade. I didn’t have my camera for that either. It was amazin’. I couldn’t believe how many vehicles and people were involved. Police cars, motorcycles, several limos, SUV’s, SWAT teams and even an ambulance bringing up the rear. Wow. I waved and waved and waved and finally one of the guys waved back. Awesome.


Here’s the Supreme Court building.

They called, but I told them no, I really don’t have time in my schedule….

Here is the sculpture outside of the Supreme Court building: “Contemplation of Justice.”

“Justice” is also a woman, which I think is cool.

We took an evening tour of the Monuments. The Washington Monument was beautiful all lit up.

Day or night, the Lincoln Memorial was breath-taking. Night…..

My Daddy knows Lincoln’s “Four Score and Seven Years Ago” speech, I believe, in its entirety. That speech is engraved on one of the walls of the Lincoln Memorial. I took a picture of my daughter standing there in front of the giant words, reading every single word. She’s heard Daddy recite it many times. (the picture was too blurry—-).

We went on a tour that went through Arlington Cemetery at night. Wow, that was moving.

We visited the War Memorials.
The WWII Memorial knocked my socks off. I didn’t remember it from my high school visit for a very good reason. It wasn’t there. It opened in 2004.
We visited it during the day and it just so happened that as we arrived, so did a WWII veteran. He was being pushed in a wheelchair to go to the Memorial. He got to the middle area, where there is a grand fountain, and he sat there in his wheelchair and cried. I couldn’t take it; I was so moved by the scene. We saw other veterans as well. They proudly wore hats and shirts identifying them as WWII veterans.
Later, we visted it at night under the light of a crescent moon.

Here’s Hubby and Daughter, standing in awe and silence. That’s the Lincoln Memorial shining through in the distance.

So this trip to WDC is what I’ve got that on my mind this upcoming Memorial Day.
I’ve written about it before, the way some of our meaningful holidays get buried in fluff. I can’t figure out why that is. We are smarter than ever, with access to more information. It seems like things would become MORE meaningful. 
But no—Memorial Day has become simply a day to celebrate the beginning of summer. The true meaning is hard to find. I did a quick Google search to see if I could locate some meaningful Memorial Day activities. Few and far between around here.
Memorial Day is a day to honor the soldiers who died in service of our country. It began as a day to honor the Union soldiers who died in the Civil War. It was first called Decoration Day because folks went out to decorate the graves of the soldiers who had died in the Civil War. Now, it honors soldiers who died in all the U.S. wars.
We honor too those soldiers who served in the wars.
And those soldiers who served any where at any time to protect our Freedom.
Let’s take the time to recognize Memorial Day for what it is. It’s not a celebration of the coming of summer. A grill-out is great, but take some time to think about all the Freedoms we enjoy. Freedoms that are often taken for granted. We don’t consider what it took to get them or what it takes to keep them.
President Clinton established a moment of remembrance on Memorial Days at 3 pm. We should all take time to think about the veterans who served FOR US. And those who died serving FOR US. And those who are currently serving FOR US.
Wear a red poppy. Decorate a veteran’s grave. Send cookies or socks or a letter to a soldier.
Talk to your kids about what an honor it is to live in the USA. Land of the Free. Home of the Brave.
God Bless the United States of America. Today and Every Day.
Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!
Lots of love, The City Farmgirl, Rebekah

  1. Cindy Chesna says:


  2. carol Branum says:

    Good Morning Rebecca,Lucky you!I have always wanted to do that.Yes,I agree totally with you about remembering memorial day for what it is,other than just going to the lake.Last year,Daddy and I got up really early coz I wanted to go with my girlfriends,we went to visit the graves together,I felt so guilty then leaving him to run with my girlfriends,because it was so hard on him.I was so thankful that I took the time to go with him.I found out about a couple of graves that I didn,t know about.This year we are planning to go to Branson to visit the graves of ancestors who owned land one mile from Silver Dollor City,and are buried there.I am very excited about that,I have been there many times before,but,I can honestly say that I have never decorated their graves,I plan to visit the Branson historical society while there to do more research on my great grandfather the doctor in the book THE SHEPARD OF THE HILLS".Have a great day,blessed be,Carol Branum,Lamar MO.,themofarmersdaughter@blogspot.com

  3. Cindy says:

    Thank you!! That really touched my heart.


  4. Heather Hansen says:

    What an awesome story. The only time I was in Washington D.C. was in the airport. I was waiting to catch a connecting flight to Europe, where I was going to study for a year.

    I really enjoyed seeing all the sights. It’s really nice to see them from someone else’s personal perspective. It makes it more real and enjoyable.

    I’m so grateful to live in this country. I lived in Europe for a few years and it is a beautiful place. However, we have so many more freedoms here. Freedoms that I’m so priviledged to enjoy. I hope I never take my freedom for granted.

    Our military works so hard for us. We just can’t thank them enough in my opinion 🙂 🙂 This was a great article. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  5. Larelle says:

    Wow, what an amazing trip. On my list of things to do in my lifetime is a trip to WDC. History has always been one of my favorite subjects and seeing up close the places where so much history has been made would be amazing.
    At the top of my list of places to see is Arlington and the memorials… What a testament to the many many brave men and women that have served our country so that we can be free.

  6. Brenda J. Doran says:

    Rebecca, I am so happy you had a great visit to DC. I moved to Virginia almost six years ago and have visited DC (90 miles north of us) numerous times. My heart still skips a beat when I get that first view of the Washington Monument. In the past six years I truly cannot count the number of visits we have made there; yet numerous Virginia native have claimed to never made the trip. I encourage all to go. The best bonus: ALL of the museums are FREE! Pack a lunch, park in the Metro free lot; take the train for $9 and it’s a day of fun!

  7. Carol in NC says:

    My son was also in DC last week on his senior trip with his class. Of all the things they saw I was surprised to hear that his favorite thing was Arlington Cemetery. Huh? He responded that it was very touching seeing all the markers lined up and knowing what they represented. I think you just articulated what he was feeling.

  8. DianeB says:

    What a post! I say Amen too. These are words that America needs to hear.

    Congratulations on your trip. It sounds like your family had fun and learned alot. I wish I could win a trip to Washington or anywhere! I guess you have to enter to win and I never enter. Maybe I’ll change that.


  9. Cheri says:

    So we DO celebrate the DAY- there is alot around our town square and the flea market etc, but it is truly ABOUT the parade and the marching band and the kids and mostly the Veteran’s. We belong to an amazing 4H club. One of the advisors leads us in some awe inspiring activites to pay homage to our local veterans. Last Veteran’s Day our members identified markers at a local cemetary- placed flags on the grave-sites and read about each veteran. We will be doing this again on 5/28 to start off the weekend. We will be paying homage to Civil War veterans at a different cemetary and hosting a pot luck for our local Veterans to come and share with us. We have also payed homage to those of the War of 1812, ok those markers are HARD to identify. Our local high school also has an appointed bugelist to play for such occassions and funerals in town. We are very blessed to have a real understanding of how to celebrate Memorial and Veteran’s Day. I have even planted poppies under my own flag pole at home. We get it, thanks for reminding others

  10. Reba says:

    Thanks for reminding me; I have a brother that served several tours in Viet Nam. Thankfully, I can still tell him how much I appreciate him. The pictures were great!

  11. Carla says:

    I have to share an experience I had years ago. It was May of 1993, my husband was stationed at a US Air Force Base in the south. My youngest son had came home with the school calendar for May, and while looking it over I noticed that there was school scheduled for Memorial Day. I called the school office and was informed that "yes, there would be school that last Monday in May" I questioned her by saying it is a Federal Holiday, a National Holiday. She informed that "No, It is a Yankee Holiday and my child would be expected to be in school that day" Wow, what a surprise. Later in the local paper there was the notice of helpers needed to place flags on veterans graves the Saturday before Memorial Day. So that is what my sons and I did that weekend. Yes, I did send them off to school that day, with lots of apprehension. As my older sons became high school students, they took matters into their own hands and skipped school on the last Monday in May; frequently with other children of active duty military members.

    I will say, that this event did cause me to realize that these United States are still very divided on many issues. I also learned the history of Memorial Day that May of 1993.

  12. Leila says:

    Was looking this morning for thoughts on God’s use of ordinary people. I appreciated yours.

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