Christmas In The Making ~ Part One

Dear Sisters,

Happy December! Have you started your holiday preparation’s yet? We aren’t tree puter- uppers on Thanksgiving weekend are you? Many New Englander’s start decking the halls before the turkey leftovers are all gone! Not this girl! I like to eaaaaase into Christmas for a few reasons. One. I don’t like to over-spend and I’m not a fan of crowds, especially at 3 in the morning. To say I’m NOT a Black Friday shopper is an understatement. To each her own! Two. I like to feel some spark of inspiration in my decorating and gift giving before I jump into Christmas. And three, I don’t always know right away what KIND of Christmas I want to make. I have to have the right craftitude before I can get my holiday craft on! This year I’m in the spirit for some creative recycling! I’m decking the halls at Burlap and Bling for the annual OPEN HOUSE at the Antique Marketplace this weekend and I’ve got a huge mess on my kitchen island where I’ve been getting my Christmas craft on!

Come on in for PART ONE of my Christmas In The Making…

I’ve been eying mason jar projects on Pinterest for a while now and finally decided to try my hand at hand painting some to add a festive flair to my booth and for gifts! This project is super easy so go ahead and invite your crafty kids to help make Christmas at your house!

I picked up some used jars ( sans lids) at my local thrift store for 99 cents a piece! BARGAIN!!!

I chose Christmas colors for my holiday jars. Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Emperor’s Silk and Old White.

I removed the sticky tags, washed and dried each jar and started painting. You only little paint and a light hand for this project. I didn’t go for complete coverage because I distressed each jar so you can still read the embossed word Ball and see through some of the painted surface just as if it had aged that way!

After distressing each jar with a gentle rub with fine grade sand paper I vacuumed up the dust and gave each one a coat of clear wax. Any clear wax over a matte or eggshell paint finish would work, but I chose the Annie Sloan Clear Wax and applied it with a soft piece of an old white t-shirt.

The real fun began once I started to gussy up each jar! Oh the possibilities for designs and uses are endless! Vases, candle holders and potpourri were a few that came to mind as I created with some things I had in my stash! I tried a few ideas out and here’s what I came up with!

A simple bow tied with twine is understated and leaves the possibilities open more embellishing. I picture this one with a simple, natural arrangement with evergreens and holly berries.

I call this one Farmgirl Romance because of the cotton lace ribbon tied around the top.

This one is more primitive looking and is filled with spicy cinnamon and apple slices, scented pine cones, and other finding’s from nature. It might even be fun to make your own potpourri minus the dies and fake smells the store-bought kind has. The burlap topper is cut from a roll I bought at our local Tractor Supply. The loose weave allows the scent to escape from the jar filling your room with the aroma of Christmas!

I love black, red and white together but add a little BLING and I love it even more! It never goes out of style and besides they are the colors that Santa’s suit are made of! Black, red and white qualify as Christmas colors in my book!  Imagine this jar as your centerpiece with the glow of candle light flickering during a romantic Christmas Eve dinner just for two!

I happened to have some pretty vintage lace which looked very Christmassy to me with the metallic gold thread on the tips. Just perfect to add a little bling to my booth!

Truly, the sky is the limit for decorating mason jars. Pinterest is loaded with more inspiring ideas for every occasion, from rustic, romantic weddings, to baby showers, backyard BBQ’s and everything in between! Savvy Etsy sellers offer a gazillion mason jars in various themes as well!

I love the pop of red the mason jars make with this ASCP Florence ( turquoise) color don’t you? I wish you could all come enjoy the OPEN HOUSE at Main Street Antiques with me this Saturday!

I’ve shared ASCP many times here and I’m doin’ it again cuz I just love it! I’m encouraging all of my crafty farmgirl sisters to check out the link and get to know Annie Sloan ( creator of the best paint in the world) better!

Time for this farmgirl to sign off! I’ve got cookies to bake for this weekend PLUS two more projects I’m working on with chicken wire that I’ll share with you in PART TWO of Christmas In The Making~

How’s YOUR craftitude this year?

Until our next shoreline visit~ Wishing you all the joys of preparing for the season!


Sister Deb # 1199

P.S. On another note: I just wanted to say the outpouring of love and support you all shared with Shery Jespersen the Ranch Farmgirl on her farewell blog was very moving. She’s one -of- a- kind and the round table of farmgirl bloggers just won’t be the same without her. We are blessed we had her as long as we did!  We will ALL miss Shery’s beautiful and inspiring blogs! She’s a sparkler, that one!

  1. Debbie says:

    Love your blog and crafts here. I too do not do any Christmas stuff until after Thanksgiving. The perception is that I am "behind" because I am not decorated yet, I do not have gifts yet, etc. BUT this is all part of the plan; I like one holiday at a time and am now focusing on Christmas. I pulled out craft stuff yesterday and went to the craft store to buy more. Not sure where it is headed, but I am certain that being inside because of the weather all weekend will produce some fun stuff! Love these ball jars. I have not tried the Anne Sloan paint but your posts continue to remind me that I must! Thanks for sharing your beautiful jars!

    Hi Debbie, We are of the same mind when it comes to holidays. I like mine one at a time as well! I hope you’ll share on your Farmgirl Unleashed blog what you make this weekend. It’s all about the process and getting lost in the creative flow, right?  As always, love hearing from you here on the shorelines!

    Happy Creating,


  2. Adrienne says:

    Fortunately, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah (Thanksgivukkah) arrived on the same day and my holidays are done. Now I can appreciate all the holiday decorations by creative and talented folks like you. I have tons of Mason jars in various sizes but they are all holding food. Maybe I can make some candle holders from the smaller ones. They will certainly brighten up the room! Thanks for the ideas.

    Good for you Adrienne! Time to enjoy! Thanks for the note! xo Deb

  3. Joan says:

    Love your jars – thanks for all the great ideas and the directions on doing them. Also LOVE the pic’s from your ‘shop’, wish I could be there in person but with the winter weather we are having and the distance, will enjoy your postings. I too am ‘one holiday at a time’ person, I think, in our pushy-push world of today, we need to regenerate the Holidays as each should be. I live amongst many Military families and they of course celebrate as they can and I don’t discount that, so I do enjoy Holidays at different times of the year. Yes, my heart is also aching for the loss of Sherry’s blogs, she lives the life that I once did and I so loved her elongating my farm/ranch life. And talk about a Sweet Sweet Spirit – she is one of the best. But that said I wish her all the best in whatever her new adventure is and happily will keep on her face book list. God Bless Merry Christmas

    Hi Joan! It is a pushy- pushy world sometimes. It’s great to go at our own pace and make the holidays our own what ever that may be.

    Blessings to you! Deb

  4. Rebecca says:

    I have to agree with you….I don’t want to celebrate Christmas until after Thanksgiving is over. I sometimes feel that Thanksgiving is just a pit-stop on the way to the shopping frenzy of Christmas and it makes me sad. Thanksgiving is a very special holiday in its own right, and Christmas should not be about buying but about caring and family. I love the crafty side of Christmas. Last weekend my 15 year old granddaughter and I spent some time doing just that. We both started with the same basic supplies but ended up with entirely different end products. Both very nice, I might add. And we had such fun working together.

    I so agree Rebecca! Merry Christmas! xo Deb

  5. DianaHenretty says:

    What beautiful ideas you shared on this snowy day in the Ozarks.
    Just 6 inches so far, but we are snowed in on our mountainside, a welcoming
    situation since it gives me time to putter around the house.
    I love the way snow makes our lives slow down long enough to hear the Christmas carols and soak up the season.
    Got 3 house cats on my holiday rug around the wood stove, and my cookstove chugging along in my kitchen, ready to rise some bread.
    Loved your canning jars idea, they also make beautiful candle holders, stuffed with anything inside the jar such as potpourri, sea shells, etc, then a small candle holder set inside, what a glow they make.
    We’ve lined our sidewalk with them on Christmas eve, they are very welcoming and country.
    Warm Hugs from Noel Mo, Diana

    Hi Diana! What a cozy day you are having… We’ve got rain and gray skies today. Perfect for those last few projects I need to finish up. We’ve used the mason jars as candles at the beach as well… with sand and candles inside. Lovely for summer and winter glow! Merry Christmas and warm hugs back!


  6. I love another Sister playing with mason jars. Thanks so much for sharing. I want some of that paint you used. Love what you did with the lace, especially the gold.
    I can picture these jars lit up. How beautiful and romantic.

    Thank you Sylvia, Glad you enjoyed… I’ll have to pop over and see your blog! It sounds intriguing! Merry Christmas!


  7. Beth says:

    Love the mason jars, have for years. Here in central mo, have no snow, just cold. One holiday at a time, that’s me. With four bdays in November and four in December, including my darling second daughters Christmas Day bday (her due date no less), it all flies by too quickly. So take time to enjoy, cause this moment won’t happen again!

    Hi Beth! We share the multiple Birthdays in November as well. We have four inside of three days! That kicks off our celebrating for the whole season! Thanks for your note and en JOY! Deb

  8. rose brown says:

    I wish it were only an island in the kitchen.The items for my space in a shop are all over my 4 room home. And I’m planning a birthday party for the 15th!
    Lovely hutch you have with your wares. You have inspired me.

    P.S. A walk on the beach on Christmas Day is wonderful!

    Hi Rose! It’s so true isn’t it? A walk on the beach Christmas Day IS wonderful!
    Merry Christmas!

  9. Deb, these jars are gorgeous. I really am going to have to give them a try. I love ASP beyond measure. And honestly I think that Emperors Silk red is my favorite. I’ve used that in most of my vintage signs. It just “works”. Does the paint stay on the jars well when you wash them? Hugs – Dori –

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Dori,
      OH yeah! Emperors Silk rocks!!! I also waxed each jar with the AS Clear Wax… and that seals the paint! Let me know how yours turn out! Email me! Hugs! xo Deb

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