WANTED: Mom’s for Hire. Apply Within

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Dear Sisters,

Do you ever wonder how many of us would become mother’s if we had to apply for the job like we do other kinds of work? The job description might go something like this:

WANTED: Mom’s for Hire. Apply Within

Must be 25 – 40 ( give or take a few years ) and healthy. NO DRUGS, BOOZE OR TOBACCO

Woman wanted for the high-ranking position of Motherhood. Must be ambitious, smart, sensitive, funny, compassionate, flexible, domestic, career minded, spiritual, diplomatic, tenacious, creative, discerning, intuitive, energetic, a good cook, handy with a butter knife, able to operate on disturbed sleep ( for the rest of your life ), have a strong stomach, and willing to work long hours.

No retirement. Guaranteed moments of sheer ecstasy and pride, joy and terror, heart-break and confusion, laughter, comfort, amusement, and, and, and…

Come on in and help me add to this list of ” reasonable, eh ehem,  Mom  requirements ”


Must be able to keep a straight face when the cops show up.

( Yes, it’s happened. For the record, they were both innocent. THANK GOD! )

Be able to count to 10 ( higher if needed ) and the ability to bite your tongue at a moments notice.

Stay calm in an emergency.

Work with other people ( your husband, partner, significant other, family members and lead a team of people through the ups and downs of life.

Children are some of the best teachers on Gods green earth. If you’re willing to forget everything you ever knew and be willing to learn something new every day then you just might be the hire we’re looking for!

Please answer these questions as honestly as possible.

1) Can you say NO and mean it?

2) Can you show love ( even when you don’t feel it )

3) Can you be understanding ( even when you don’t understand)

4) Can you see more good than bad ( even when it seems like it’s all bad )

5) Can you be patient ( even when you don’t want to be )

6) Can you control your anger and frustration ( when you are boiling over )

7) Can you take a few punches, bites and scratches without hitting back?

7) Can you play make-believe?

8) Can you imagine what it’s like to be small and new?

9) Can you accept that life as you knew it will never, ever be the same ever, ever again?

10) Can you believe in miracles again?

11) Can you stretch a dime and save a nickel?

12) Can you lead by example? ( and follow too )

13) Can you be grateful? ( and gracious )

14) Can you live with being hated once in a while and being told so to your face?

15) Can you work under pressure and do it with a smile ( most of the time )?

16) Can you share? ( all the time )

17) Can you sew? ( a little )

18) Can you cook? ( a lot )

19) Can you drive? ( VERY IMPORTANT )

( a car, truck, tractor, horse, dog sled, boat, jet ski, moped, riding lawnmower, quad, wagon, horse and buggy, motorcycle)

20) Can you nurture? ( and be nurtured )

21) Can you give? ( and receive )

22) Can you touch? ( and be touched )

23) Can you clean? ( a little every day will do )

24) Can you plan? ( and then throw it out the window without a second thought )

25) Can you trust? ( and be trusted )

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As my years as a mother begin to tally up ( going on 19 ) I am often amazed ( when I stop long enough to really think about it) at how becoming a mom has shaped and stretched me (  literally and figuratively ) as a woman and as a person. Don’t tell my kids this, but I’ll be darned if they didn’t whip me into shape in a hurry when I found out it wasn’t just going to be me and my handsome Yankee till death do us part. Once I learned I got ” the job ” of Mom, mama, mommy, mother I was on board for the long haul. I know I’ll never truly ” retire ” from being a mother but I’ll always be richer because of it.

I wouldn’t trade my hard earned title ( mom ) for any other ( most of the time ).

Let’s get real… Sometimes they make you want to ‘ jump ship ‘ and  run for the nearest  ………………..YOU fill in the blank!


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Until our next shoreline visit~

BEACH BLESSINGS and a VERY Happy Mother’s Day to all!

Much love,

Deb # 1199

( who’s off to nurse my 6’3″ baby boy ( 18 ) after having all four of his wisdom teeth extracted today and decide whether to let my baby girl ( 16 ) go to the after prom party Friday night!

Could someone PLEASE pass the chocolate?

Had to add this video Alex ( Rural farmgirl blogger and NEW mom ) shared!

Watch it and see if you’d work there!










  1. Adrienne says:

    Happy Mother’s Day! You and your family are truly blessed and I wish you all a lovely weekend together. I’m sure you have ice cream for the wisdom teeth removal, right, Mom?

  2. Joan says:

    Happy Mother’s Day!!! from my stand point I see a very loving, kind Mother and that is what it takes, as you know. Hope the wisdom teeth removal isn’t too bad, oh the ice cream will totally help.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Howdy Joan! Happy Mother’s Day!!! The ice cream is helping… he’s taken up residence on the couch with movies! Enjoy the weekend! xo Deb

  3. Susie Wantulok says:

    What a wonderful article! I’m a mom of four and have been a stay at home for most of the 30 years. Your fun comments made me realize once again how blessed I am! It also helped me realize that we have way too much experience to put on a resume! I also decided to cut and paste your article into emails to my kids so they can be impressed!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi there Susie!
      So happy you enjoyed the article… 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day to you! You said it about the resueme’!
      xo Deb

  4. Alexandra Wilson says:

    Hey Deb! Love your Mom post. It reminds me of this fun video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB3xM93rXbY

    Thanks for your support of moms everywhere! It’s definitely one of the most important jobs out there. Good luck with the wisdom teeth. Black tea bags were my Godsend when I had them removed. Best,
    Alex, your Rural Sistah in AK

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hey Alex! Glad you enjoyed… I kept thinking of you being at the starting gate as a new mom and how wonderful it is. Black tea bags? I’ll give that a try.. Oh, I forgot to include that the dentist recommended that our son eat an entire whole pineapple the day before surgery. Apparently there’s something in pineapple that helps with swelling? So, of course.. I bought the pineapple! 🙂 Happy FIRST Mother’s Day to you Alex!
      Deb, your beachy sistah in MA.

  5. Hi Deb.
    I love how you phrased the whole Mom job! I’ve raised two, then two grandkids. Been a lot freer with the grandkids. They lived with me for 6 years. Despite having my freedom cut off when they arrived, I truly enjoyed having another crack at being a Mom. I relish the moments spent with both my kids and the little ones. This weekend is both my daughter’s birthday and Mom’s Day. We will celebrate and I will be thanking God for such a blessing.
    I like the chocolate ice cream soother.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Syliva,
      Wow, you’ve been busy with your mom job haven’t you? I think all of us who are granted the honor of motherhood ( by what ever means it happens) are blessed…I really do believe children are the best teachers. Happy birthday and Mother’s Day to you and your daughter… Just enjoy! Thanks for reading… xo Deb

  6. Mary Pitman says:

    You are such a beautiful lady. and you have such a wonderful way to ‘talk’ to us women. The ‘world’ needs more women like you to share your wisdom, and expertise in all areas.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      We ” girls” have to stick together. It’s not easy solving all the worlds problems AND raising kids at the same time 🙂 Tee He…

      Thank you for the kind words…You are a dear! xo Deb

  7. bonnie ellis says:

    Great list. I’ve been a mom for 47 years and mostly it’s great. Especially when they’re. great kids

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      ” mostly “… and I agree… when the kids are great it certainly makes our job easier and more rewarding. Thanks for reading Bonnie! xo Deb

  8. Sandi says:

    Happy Mother’s Day Deb, great pics! xoxoxo

  9. Country Gal says:

    Happy Mothers Day to you all !
    I have two boy’s 25 and 18 both great kids and as my oldest will admit to anyone he is a mama’s boy lol all though I have know idea how cause I am a tomboy mum lol ! Wonderful post and photos . Being a mum has never been a job or a chore to me it is a blessing ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  10. Marcia Aurand says:

    Dear Deb,
    Thank you so much for your words, they were uplifting. I was upset only having one wonderful daughter(I wanted 6+ kids), but through this wonderful daughter I have three of her long time friends who call me mom as well as numerous others that I have acquired over the years and I and continue to enjoy them all as well as learn from them!
    Thank you again,

    P.S. my lovely daughter is 32 years old and she my son-in-law and two of my “other” daughters spent time with me yesterday…:-)

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