Launching a new year…my Farmgirl Five!

Slipping into winter has been gradual…there have been days teasing Spring with temperatures nearly 60° F, only to wake up and find mornings of 7° F with a wind that was breathtakingly cold.

Today I’m greeted by a wisp of chilly wind and an icy cold rain, as well as the sound of chain saws in the distance. A few nights ago I heard that unmistakable sound…have you ever heard it? The deep, echoing, “crack” that a limb makes as it breaks free from a tree. The wind gusts were strong enough to send a cascade of limbs to the ground from an old maple tree, reminding me that it’s January, and snow and ice storms will be coming my way.

I think anyone who has lived in an old house might agree that whenever there are strong winter winds, they whistle through any opening to be found. This farmhouse will creak and the old windows will rattle, making it feel as if the entire house might set sail. Days like this find extra wood stacked near the door and a spare quilt at the foot of each bed. These days also give me quiet time to settle in by a warm fire and prepare for a new year.

Here we are, welcoming 2025! How did you spend the first day of a brand new year? Are you like us, enjoying traditional foods that are served each New Year’s Day? If you stopped by here, we’d seat you at at the table for stuffed pork chops and sauerkraut, both foods that folk customs “guarantee” will bring good health and happiness for the new year – although I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who actually likes sauerkraut, everyone else takes just a bite to make me happy! (My grandmother’s secret…cook it in bacon drippings with a sprinkle of sugar.) And whether or not we make the savory one-pot dish of Hoppin’ John for luck, or eat 12 grapes at midnight for good fortune, I think most of us find time to pause, take a look backward, and wonder what the coming year will bring. 

Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? I do; however, some years are better than others as to how successful I am. This year I decided to try something new: I sat down and wrote out my list, then began to brainstorm ways to help make that list stick. I thought I’d share my plan, just in case you find yourself making a Resolution wish list as well. Will it work? I hope so! It’s so much better than what I normally do, which is make an impossibly long list of “things” and then wonder why I can’t accomplish them all!

1 – Keep it Simple:

Here’s the number one change for me: keep the goals simple. Why? Because I know full well that when I list a huge project such as Clean The Basement, that truly means rearranging my clutter rather than actually deep cleaning. So I tweaked the goal: okay, time to tackle that basement, however; I’ll begin sorting what to donate vs what’s sentimental and I want to keep. For example, to donate: why do I have 3 blenders? I have no idea, so off 2 of them go to donate! Baby clothes? Well, those get tucked away somewhere special. Okay, that’s a start…donate vs keep.

What about the basement shelves of food storage? I remind myself I need to keep it simple…check expiration dates, plan meals for foods that are about to expire, restock any empty shelves, then clean out the freezers. I can do this! Tweaking the goal just a bit seems better than vowing to take on “Clean The Basement” which feels like an overwhelming task. So let’s shorten our lists a smidge, and then rework them. Success!

2 – Get Started Now:

Let’s make that list, trim where we can so it’s doable, and then jump in with both feet. If we procrastinate, we have less time to, as the farmers around me say, “Have a crack at it!”

These dark, winter evenings give me plenty of time to plan reworking my summer garden, even though there’s nothing I can do outside right now. When the soil thaws and the weather is warm, I’ll be ready to “dig” in. And no, I can’t work to repair the chicken run while it’s snowing, but I can sketch out plans and make a supply list so when springtime comes, I’m ready to start.

3 – Partner up with a Friend!

Work side-by-side, join forces, team up, whatever we choose to call it, working with a friend makes the job so much easier! The same friend who keeps me motivated when Spring Cleaning time comes along, is the one I know I can count on help me stay on track with my Resolutions.

What we do is share our lists, then check in with each other as we make progress. Some days are better than others, but this will really help keep us both on track. She always has terrific ideas that inspire me, and so we plot and plan what works best! We both have painting projects on our lists, and we can work together on goals…I can lend a hand as she spruces up her kitchen with a fresh coat of paint, and she can join me when it’s time to repaint the floor of the milk house. It’s just a new perspective…it’s not Misery Loves Company, it’s the right kind of company helps speed things along!

4 – Fun Resolutions!

Not all Resolutions need to feel like tireless work. Let’s add some FUN to that list! I’m inspired by a gal who is always out in nature, exploring, visiting lovely historic sites, making memories. That’s a goal I can accomplish…hikes, day trips, seeing what new adventures are waiting down a country road.

What else interests me that’s fun? I’ve always wanted to learn to spin wool, so it’s about time I put that old Great Wheel I rescued to use. There’s a living history village not far away, and a spinner there offered to teach me…I think it’s time to take her up on those lessons. It’s also time to dust off my 1890 violin/fiddle (found for a song) that I’ve always wanted to learn to play well. Just three fun goals…not twenty goals; only three. I can do three!

5 – Give Ourselves Grace:

We do it when interacting with others, but not so much with ourselves. We need to remember to be forgiving if we don’t hit all our Resolution goals. Are you like me…I have a list that no human could possibly accomplish because I write down EVERYTHING that needs doing? Let’s scratch that idea this year…we need to be realistic about what we can do, and it doesn’t have to be perfect. We can be kind to ourselves instead of being frustrated at year’s end with what we didn’t accomplish. Every step forward is a step in the right direction…if I tackle small parts of Clean The Basement, in time, it will be clean!

And so, what goals do you have for the new year? Please share what’s worked for you and any tips you have; they’re sure to help all of us keep on track and make those Resolutions stick throughout the year.

It’s day’s end here, and the forecast is for a high of 14°F, low of 4°F tomorrow. Brrr, well, since I’m not committed to cleaning the entire basement, I think I’ll put my feet up by the fire and tune my old fiddle. I can hear the bittersweet melody of “Ashokan Farewell” calling me. 

2025 is just waiting to be filled with whatever we dream of.

As I once heard someone say:

Don’t follow your dreams.
Chase them!

May we all have a new year filled with blessings, good health, and love.   

Happy New Year friends!

  1. Dan Gruber says:

    Beautifully written, and excellent advice. Thank you. My goal simply is to have each year be better in some way than the one before – in spite of my advancing age!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you Dan – what a great idea that each year should simply be better than the one before! And with “advancing age” certainly comes wisdom…your short & to the point goal is one we can all learn from, thanks for sharing!

  2. Kay Tilton says:

    New Year’s
    Be kind!

    • Mary says:

      Hi Kay…I love it! Simply being nice, kind, thoughtful…what a wonderful outlook on life and way to live. So glad you shared your idea!

  3. Lori Lipke says:

    Last year I made a PACT with myself, hoping to meet each of four goals each day. The four bullet points are easily a part of everyday life, but I found that I was missing important and fulfilling pieces of my life if I did not mindfully hit each point. When I could mark a letter on my calendar (or in a journal) for each bullet point, the day was a success, regardless of any chaos or physical setbacks. I didn’t hit all four each day, but after a year of focusing on the PACT points, I got much better at it. I think 2025 will have 365 days of success! My PACT goals:

    P – Productive (could be anything…cleaning, gardening, bill paying, caregiving)
    A – Active (could be walking, stretching my achy 70-yr-old body, even vacuuming)
    C – Creative (needlework, crafts, repurposing old stuff, creatively organizing something)
    T – Touch (touch base…call/write/meet up with friends, family, community groups)

    • Mary says:

      Lori, this is a terrific plan for the new year and I think something we all can do! Thank you so much for jotting it all down for us…and putting a mark on the calendar or in a journal really does help. I’m a list-maker/calendar marker and your idea is one that’s just perfect for me…it let’s me see my progress (or lack of so I can pick up the pace before the day is over!) And I really appreciate that each letter can be “anything” that fits…that’s such a good idea, than’s for inspiring us to make a PACT!

  4. Carol Slater says:

    Such a well written post and amazing advice. I will certainly be doing part of your pact goals as well. I need to be more productive, and I need to be more active. I want to finish some scrapbooks, and I want to clean some more of my craft supplies up. Keeping in touch with friends has always been a part of my plans for the new year.

    • Mary says:

      Good morning Carol, thanks for stopping by…it sounds like you’re ready to jump in! I agree with so many of your plans…scrapbooks are falling behind here and keeping up with friends needs to happen more. Thanks for the gentle reminder – it keeps me on the right track!

  5. Dori Troutman says:

    Mary! I love all your tips and advice! I love to make lists… I’m one of those people that write things down to check them off! HaHa! So I love the thought of breaking things down to manageable (and more boxes to check on my list! ha ha!). AND I love your photos!

    • Mary says:

      Hi Dori – oh yes, list-making can be addictive for me, it absolutely have to do it to keep myself on track! And you’re so right, checking things off makes me smile…but I’m also guilty of moving thing to the next day! Glad you like the photos…it’s a very frosty day here today -1, brrr! Keep warm and take care, Mary

  6. Jules says:

    Another lovely post, Mary. Although I don’t often make resolutions, I like the idea of intentions. And I especially like the thought of chasing my dreams. Xx

    • Mary says:

      Awww, thanks Jules, so glad you think so. What a wonderful way of thinking of the new year…Intentions. That’s a great plan and it feels like less pressure and added stress. You’re right on track…and inspiring me, you are the one I was writing about when I said I needed to get out and explore more…thank you!

  7. TheCrankyCrow says:

    I have never been one to make new year resolutions but I do like your perspectives – especially the one about giving ourselves grace. Sometimes I feel as though I am in the never-never land of either not giving myself enough grace and giving myself too much grace, if that makes sense. Living by oneself lifts the yolk of expectation and that can be a slippery slope. I love that you plan on learning to spin and play the violin. I took violin lessons for a brief time as a child. It is still something I wish I could have stuck with and I often wonder what happened with my grandfather’s old fiddle that I used. ~Robin~

    • Mary says:

      Hi Robin, hope all is warm & cozy in Nod! And yes, giving ourselves Grace can be difficult, at least for me. I have that endless list in front of me, and you know what, I do move somethings to tomorrow’s list…who needs all that stress? I don’t think you can give yourself too much Grace…you know YOU best…what works for you, how you’re feeling a particular day, what is happening around you. Oh violin lessons…yay, another kindred spirit (so jealous, this learning at an “older” age is not easy.) Maybe you can connect with family and find that old fiddle…wouldn’t that be amazing?! Keep me posted, and keep warm!

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