Christmas Eve…

Christmas Eve…here we are deep in December. The night is comforting with a crackling fire, whispers of secret surprises, and the gentle melodies of familiar Christmas carols. There is laughter while watching favorite movies, ooey-gooey s’mores made in the kitchen fireplace, and yes, even a patient and understanding dog wearing holiday pajamas!

Animals have been tucked in for the night with extra treats…goats get apple slices, chickens warm mash, and barn cats find a little tuna alongside their dinner. There’s an old legend that says all of the animals can talk on Christmas Eve. And you know what, no matter how many years pass, tonight I’m a child again…filled with wonder as I sit, and wait, and listen. 

If you took at look at our Christmas tree, I’m guessing that it’s like everyone else’s  –  covered with a patchwork of ornaments!  No, it doesn’t look as if it belongs in a store window, and that’s just fine…it’s perfectly imperfect. 

Each year unboxing the ornaments is like releasing a flood of memories…every single one brings sweet reminders of a special person or place.  

A handmade ornament gifted from a friend,

trees created by little hands,

and vintage baubles that have been handed-down through the years.

This one holds a repeated wish; yes, please Bless This Farm.

All month we’ve enjoyed favorite recipes that have stood the test of time,

all the while using the pastry mat that belonged to my grandmother. 

And like so many of you, a visit to my (messy!) kitchen and you’d see that I’ve been baking

and wrapping up sweet treats.

I’ve also been watching the days pass, trying to hold onto each one and somehow slow them down.

Because it seems now, more-so than any other month, our hearts and homes are warmed by the season, and it’s a feeling I want for as long as possible.


My goal was to keep this month simple, to find an unhurried, steady pace, and maintain perspective. The world often spins too fast, making it easy to forget what this time is all about. 

For me, the crunch of snow underfoot, the sound of church bells coming from the town square, and even the flutter of colorful wings at the bird feeder, all seem to slow things down just a bit, and remind me that it’s a time for all that is good. 

As I settled in to write this post, I knew from the beginning that I couldn’t share a Christmas Eve message without telling you about one of my very favorite quotes, and this one dates from nearly 80 years ago.

As a fan of old radio shows, this was read at the end of a Christmas episode of The Great Gildersleeve. It’s been several years since then, but when I first heard it, I had to stop and listen to it a second time, and then once again slowly. Finally, a fourth time so I could write it down. 

To me, the words seemed so perfect, that I didn’t want to ever forget them. And honestly, nothing I can write tonight that you will read, at least in my mind, would be nearly as touching and from the heart.

“Children all over the world are eagerly awaiting midnight
and the arrival of Santa Claus.

In a few hours from now, many of you will attend midnight services
in the church of your faith.

It is the Silent Night, the Holy Night, 
it is the solemn, thought provoking night 
that precedes the dawn of another joyful Christmas.

Of the many gifts men cherish most
 this Christmas Eve,
surely the one all spirits yearn for,
is the illusive gift of peace.

Peace on Earth, good will toward men, so it was eloquently phrased in ages past.

May each and every one of you find that abiding peace
in your own hearts this Christmas Eve.

And if enough of us, in enough places, 
earnestly and bravely seek out such peace,
the world cannot help but heed this growing desire for lasting good.

So amid all your holiday rejoicing,
pause for just a moment, won’t you?
To add your silent prayer

to the fulfillment of that great promise:

Peace on Earth, good will toward men.”

-Harold Peary
The Great Gildersleeve radio show, 1940-1954

And as the hands on the clock move toward midnight, I wish you a very Merry Christmas! While some of you are just across town, others are across many, many miles…it’s been a blessing to feel as if we’re friends & neighbors.

May you be blessed with all the best on this Christmas Eve…peace, plenty, love, and laughter.

Heartfelt wishes, Mary

  1. Ladybugloveslilacs says:

    Merry Christmas Mary! Thank you for sharing these lovely thoughts.

    • Mary says:

      Oh you’re more than welcome, thank you for stopping by on your Christmas Eve…I hope you had a lovely Christmas, and now, on to a new year! Have a happy, happy 2025!

  2. Deanna says:

    Thanks for this beautiful message to us. Your tree sounds like mine…full of precious memories. When our 8 grandchildren were little, every year I had a tree decorating party when they would all come and put on the ornaments. We listened to Christmas music and had hot cocoa and candy cane cookies after as they sat and admired their work. Again, it was perfectly imperfect. Most of them are all grown up by now, but my 9th and last granddaughter and I keep up the tradition. Merry Christmas!

    • Mary says:

      Hi Deanna! I think our memory-filled trees are the best! I just love looking at each ornament, I’m betting just like you, it takes me back to something or someone that’s dear to me. So glad you keep up the tradition…those are just the absolute best and sweetest ways to spend time, Happy New Year!

  3. Kathy Stein says:

    Thank you for such an uplifting read. I particularly needed it because this is my first Christmas without my husband. He passed away in April, and it’s been a difficult time since then, especially now!
    Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!



    • Mary says:

      Thanks for taking the time to visit on Christmas Eve, Kathy. Sending my heartfelt wishes to you…I’m sure this season will have it’s share of bittersweet moments. I hope you find time for quiet reflection and also time with family and friends to help ease into a new year. May it be filled with blessings for you. Mary

  4. Laurie A says:

    What a beautiful post. The quote from The Great Gildersleeve is perfect, especially in these times. I plan to share it, with a link back to this post. Many wishes for a peaceful Christmas and New Year!

    • Mary says:

      Oh thank you Laurie for sharing the quote…I really do think, even 80 years later, it’s still perfect for our day. Sending you wishes for a happy and peaceful 2025!

  5. Beth says:

    As a long-time lover of old-time radio prorams (our dad was the one who shared so many of these with us) I love your quote from the Great Guildersleeve. I can just hear him now.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours from western Oregon.

    • Mary says:

      Yay, another radio fan! I have my favorites, and can definitely get lost in those timeless episodes. I usually put on my headphones when it’s cleaning time…chasing dust bunnies is just so much easier with Fibber McGee or Our Miss Brooks! Hope all is well in Oregon, Happy New Year!

  6. TheCrankyCrow says:

    Merry Christmas dear Mary. Thank you so very much for the gift of this beautiful post. The quote from Harold Peary is timelessly wonderful. I will keep a copy of this and hope to revisit it often. Sending wishes across the miles that your Christmas be filled with simple joys, small blessings and a touch of Christmas magic. ~Robin~

    • Mary says:

      Hi Robin, I’m always so glad to see your name pop up! For me, the quote is one that is ageless…he was certainly inspired when writing those words. Thank you for the sweet wishes, and here’s to 2025…may it be filled with a bit of magic as well!

  7. ArtistKimV says:

    Beautiful post…thank you for sharing it with us! Merry Christmas and blessings to you & everyone reading!!

    • Mary says:

      I appreciate you taking the time to come by here on Christmas Day, Kim…thank you for dropping me a note. Happy New Year to you, sending best wishes!

  8. Maureen says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. It is a truly wonderful post. It’s Christmas day and I’ve had so many blessings this year. Thank you for reminding me.

    • Mary says:

      Hi Maureen, you’re more than welcome…so glad you stopped by. Sometimes I need a little nudge to remember all my blessings…it’s easy to get caught up in the harder moments of our days. Hope it’s a wonderful 2025…look forward to hearing from you again!

  9. daisy says:

    What a heartfelt post. The quote is marvelous and its sentiment is one I often echo. I continue to pray for peace across the world. I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday. May God bless us, everyone.

    • Mary says:

      Daisy you’re always so nice with your encouraging comments…I’m very glad you found something in this post to enjoy; the quote, to me, will always be timeless. I hope all is well, Happy New Year in The Piedmont!

  10. Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage says:

    What a beautiful post!
    Happy new year from Harvest Lane Cottage!

  11. Tami B. says:

    Your inspiring words are a gift to many. Merry Christmas & Happiest of New Years!

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