It’s Fall! Appreciate all the beauty.

It’s Fall…brisk mornings, the crunch of leaves underfoot, and a warm glow from the season’s first bonfire. This is my favorite time of the year!

I must confess though, autumn does have me stirring around a bit like a busy squirrel…while she’s digging to find just the right hiding spot for winter food storage, I’m digging to uncover where I’ve packed things away. Just where are those beeswax candles and pumpkin carving tools?  Somewhere I know I have a wool black cat that’s perfect for October. What about the felted pumpkin that always hangs from the dry sink; where’s he hiding? 

Read more: It’s Fall! Appreciate all the beauty.

Ahhh yes, they’re stored in an old trunk. And as I begin my search, soon the trunk’s contents are scattered on the floor around me. Well, no time like the present, so I decide to take a few minutes and get everything back in order. You see where this is going? Of course it takes more than a few minutes, and soon I’m scurrying again.

I quickly tuck golden yarrow and broom corn into baskets and fill wooden bowls with dried orange slices and cinnamon sticks. Soon mini pumpkins are lined up on the fireplace mantel, and then I’m off to decorate outside with pumpkins and cheery calico corn.

This gorgeous weather always seems to stir in me the need to get things done. As I see the days shorten and feel the temperatures drop, I want to move faster. With the oppressive heat of summer over, I’m restless to do more. An example: today’s To-Do List has 18 things on it…18

When I counted them this morning, I felt defeated before I’d even begun. I took a deep breath and paused…yes, there are things that need doing, but if this is my favorite season, why is it I can’t help but feel that I’m missing it?

And as I reflected on blog posts I’ve recently read, as well as chats with friends & neighbors, it seems many of us are feeling the exact same thing: that we’re missing it. These days will fly by and before we know it, we’re in the holiday season. 

Some of the wisest words I’ve ever heard are so true:
“Why yes, you can do it all…just not all at the same time.” 

Oh, I do my best, and that list of 18 To-Do’s is a perfect example…I have tried, and I have failed. Hmmm, just maybe, I’m not supposed to do it all at once.

Now, what I’m striving to remember is that there is wisdom in the words, ”There are seasons to our lives”.

What season are you in? 

Right now life might find you in an office digging through piles of paperwork, while you dream of digging in your own garden. Maybe you’re living with roommates in a too small, noisy city apartment, but someday you may find yourself on a homestead where there’s nothing but wide open spaces surrounding you. And just because you’re running bathwater for little ones, doesn’t mean the day won’t come when you’re running a marathon. A time for everything.

I suddenly felt the need to just stop.

I looked at my list again, and with zeal I began to cross off the unnecessary items from that ridiculous list of 18.

Now, armed with a much more manageable To-Do List, I rolled up my sleeves, jumped in, and got to work. However; I promised myself that throughout this favorite month, I would do something I loved…something simple. Nothing that required even more work…no elaborate get-togethers, no football tailgating extravaganzas, no visiting fall festivals that meant hours of driving, only to get home late, exhausted, and most-likely grouchy.

To enjoy this glorious time and all the beauty that comes with it, everything needed to stay easy and undemanding. 

So, just in case you find yourself a bit like me, staring down a To-Do List that’s impossibly long, and one that truly, no human being could accomplish in a single day, I’m sharing some ideas…enjoying these beautiful autumn months will be plain-sailing from here on!

A Fall Picnic:

The weather is ideal, the skies are blue…who says picnics are only for summer? A thermos of soup, cheese, crackers, and warm apple cider make for a perfect picnic. Bring along a blanket to stretch out on, and soon, you may be snoozing in the October sun!

Apple Picking:

Trees are filled with the juiciest, sweetest apples right now…grab a basket, find a nearby orchard, and load up. If you want, whip up some homemade applesauce or pie filling. If not, just keep the apples stored in the fridge for a cold, crisp snack anytime.

Carve a Plump Pumpkin:

I love the creativity that comes out when carving pumpkins, but if you don’t want the mess that comes with it (and as much fun as it is, it is a bit messy), use acrylic paint to add faces on your pumpkins. Even easier, just top them off with a jaunty hat or sparkly crown. 

An Old-fashioned Sunday Drive:

It seems Sunday drives have become a thing of the past…I say it’s time to bring them back. Simple, old-fashioned, and we don’t need any particular place to go. Just go. This isn’t the time for hectic interstates or crowded freeways. Take the time to appreciate all that can be found on a winding country road.

And by the way, you never know what you may find!

Take a Walk:

Comfy shoes, maybe a sweater, and call a girlfriend to tag along. Are you an early riser who loves seeing the sun’s first rays, or maybe you’d rather chase the shadows of twilight? Afterward take time for catching up; a little Girl Gab is always terrific no matter the season.

A Soup Supper:

Keep this get-together EASY. Ask friends to bring their favorite soup to share…it could be a slow cooker of chili, a thermos of veggie soup, or a Dutch oven of corn chowder. Set out lots of bowls and spoons (even more fun if they’re mis-matched) and you’re all set. 

Not a fan of soup? What about pies instead?

Just like the Soup Supper, this should be almost effortless on your part. Friends and neighbors bring along their best pie to share (how about the recipe, too?), you simply set out plates & forks…oh yes, and ice cream!

Board Games:

A friend turned an old, chippy table into a terrific porch spot for tic-tac-toe. Take a peek in your basement…I’m guessing there’s a box of favorite board games tucked away just waiting for an afternoon of laughs. 

A Hay Ride:

Simple, old-fashioned fun…nothing more I can say!

Barn Sales:

For me, this is the best time of year for barn sales. I love to pull on a sturdy pair of boots, slip on a sweatshirt, and wander through barns and corn cribs. Each one dressed will be up with swags of bittersweet and garlands of twinkle lights, they’re filled with home-baked goodies, retro finds, and vintage treasures just waiting for a new home.

Feet Up, Favorite Book:

Pull a favorite book off the shelf. It can be a classic book you’ve read a dozen times, or a brand new adventure to get lost in – unwind and enjoy. Curl up by the fire or light a sweet cinnamon candle, kick your shoes off, and curl up under a cozy blanket.

Porch Sitting:

Simply watch the world go by. Whether it’s a rocking chair on a wide country porch, or a bistro chair on an urban balcony, it doesn’t matter. Take in the colors, golden light, birdsong, or patter of rain drops. Just take quiet time for yourself.

This afternoon finds me with gorgeous weather in my corner of the world…and I plan to enjoy it. The sound of crows can be heard in the distant woods and I’m surrounded by the aroma of smoke-tinged air from a crackling bonfire. The mood is set…and yes, I’ll be enjoying an ooey, gooey s’more – or most likely, two! 

Tell me how you’re spending your autumn days…it’s always great to get some new ideas and inspiration!

What’s on my To-Do List for today?

Sitting right here soaking up every minute of this golden autumn day. And, quite possibly, staying in this same spot until the afternoon fades into twilight. 

Happy Fall, friends!

  1. Dori Troutman says:

    Oh Mary…. I love the idea of a Pie Potluck!!! I think I’ll invite my favorite gal friends and do that!!!! Pie is my very, very, very favorite dessert ever. I’d rather have pie over birthday cake!

    Also; I have a trunk just like yours pictured and I love the idea of storing seasonal decorations in there. Mine if just stuffed with extra blankets etc…

    Happy Fall Mary!!!

    • Mary Murray says:

      Hi Dori! Let me know how your Pie Potluck goes…what a fun way to get some new recipes before the Thanksgiving Pie Season. And always a little Girl Gab fun before the holidays! Let me know how it goes…and yes, pie over cake for me, too! A blanket trunk is great for these chilly days, just grab one and curl up. I just found I had so many ornaments, I might as well keep them close to where the tree will be, and the trunk is so roomy, it’s ideal. Hope all is well…enjoy these lovely fall days!

  2. Jules says:

    Another wonderful post, and a perfectly timed reminder to enjoy this beautiful season and everything it has to offer.
    The pumpkins are carved and there are bats flying in the porch, in hope that we’ll receive some spooky visitors later this evening. Xx

    • Mary Murray says:

      Thanks so much Jules, I appreciate you taking the time to stop by. It sounds like you were absolutely set for Halloween…I just love seeing all the littles in costume! Here there’s always a big pot of chili simmering and some silly “mummy dogs” (hot dogs wrapped in strips of dough and then baked) – and I love the roasted pumpkin seeds. It flies by…yes, let’s enjoy all it has to offer.

  3. TheCrankyCrow says:

    I couldn’t love this post more Mary… It’s filled with great ideas, wise words and, of course, drop-dead gorgeous photography. I, too, find that time is just swirling by and I can’t keep up or catch my breath. I’m trying to come to terms with the fact that I am in the late autumn season of my life and I just don’t move as quickly as I once did. Our weather has turned…no fall picnics or porch sitting here anymore. And the soup/pie potluck is a great idea. My family did that one year, but with a twist. We’d get together one night each week and one family would bring their favorite soup (and the recipe of course) and the rest of us would bring breads/rolls/dessert, etc. And we’d spend the rest of the evening playing board games. That seems like a lifetime ago. Happy November to you! ~Robin~

    • Mary Murray says:

      Robin you always say the kindest things…thank you so much! I’m right there with you…swirling by is a perfect description, some days I’m floored as to where the day’s hours have gone. Oh I really love the idea of a family soup potluck…it’s perfect for these chilly nights, and one person doesn’t have to do all the prep work. And board games need to be brought back (in my humble opinion) a simple, fun way to pass an evening with family & friends. Always appreciate you visiting, Robin…so glad to have “met” you. Settle in and keep cozy!

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