Going 'Round that Ole Mulberry Bush

One thing’s for sure. I’m not going to use the CV-19 word in this post. No way, no how.

Or how’s this: C for Colorful. V for very. And guess what? My Baby turned 19 yesterday. So, Colorful Very 19.

So what are we to do about Colorful Very 19? I think the answer is, “enjoy life even more.” Leave our worries behind. Focus on today. And just go ’round and ’round that ole mulberry bush with a smile on your face.

Because, My Friends, spring is here. And that is happy news for us all. If spring hasn’t reached you yet, just wait. It’s headed your way…

This spring has knocked my socks off. Quit literally. No socks. Or shoes. Just feet, running around in green pastures.

IMG_5963My feet had forgotten the massage offered by the new, soft, cool spring grass beneath them. I used to date a guy who would plop down in the grass, take off his socks and shoes, and massage his feet across the grass. That’s how I discovered this particular gift of nature.

My nose had forgotten the orchestra of the sweet fragrances of spring coming together in an “ah….” Especially early in the morning.

My sinuses had forgotten the yellow dust of the south’s pollen. When you recognize a car in a parking lot, you can write joyful notes or drawings with your finger in the yellow pollen. (Or you could before Colorful Very 19.)

My hands had forgotten the cool, grainy feel of gloveless work in the garden soil.

My ears forgot the constant birdsong that arrives in spring. And at dusk, the song of the peepers in the still waters.

My eyes had forgotten the colors of bright green trees set against a cloudless blue sky.

My everything had forgotten the quick profusion of weeds emerging. With weeds, you snooze, you lose. Truth be told you’ll ultimately lose the battle with the weeds. But keep the hope alive for now. Early spring is the time for hope. Pull the weeds. Reality will kick in soon enough.

My heart keeps hope close at hand. Deep in there, planted with deep roots to the left of the aorta, is a big pile of hope that never wilts or wavers.

But. My mind never forgot any of it. Grass, flowers, dirt, songs, trees, weeds. “Spring is coming,” it would whisper to me at just the right moments.

Since we are going to go around it today, I should update you on my mulberry bush. The mulberry bush in my yard is a mulberry tree. Its stately, curvy branches have leafed out already. It will become a messy tree once the fruit begins to form. In my tree, the small fruit to too high. I can’t harvest any, so most hit the ground. But my tree is ready for our happy, circular spring dance beneath it.

Here is Georgia, I am paying close attention to the gifts of spring’s arrival.

My first emerging flowers are woodland. You’ll miss them if you’re not careful.

Wood Violets are the earliest to pop up out of the earth and bloom.



Next for me is the Yellow Trout Lily. I have a hillside down by the creek that is covered with these. They are named “Trout” Lily because of the spotting on the leaves.




And then, right as those are about to die out, the Rue Anemone or Windflower blooms to cover another hillside by the creek.




Then, boy oh boy, my all-time favorite, the Trillium comes out to delight me.

Here’s a patch.



IMG_5805 (that’s my cat, Jude, in the background.)


And these tiny unidentified woodland flowers are in bloom.




Wild Columbines are in bloom for a bit.

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Wild azaleas and dogwood appear in unison. This is the wild azalea. I only have one Dogwood tree in all of my woods, and I couldn’t get a good photo, so we must imagine the graceful beauty of a Dogwood.



The domestic azaleas explode in flowers.

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In fact, my domestic Azaleas are almost finished blooming.

And the wistful wisteria, a longtime favorite of southern landscapes. It grows naturally here now, spreading through-out tall pine trees. The sweet-smelling, purple flowers drape down gracefully from the branches. You’re lucky if you find one growing close enough to the ground that you can reach up and grab it and inhale deeply.

No need to pick a branch, though you’ll be tempted. It’ll wilt within hours in your vase.



And check out this oddball in the woods.

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I got closer and found that it is a Clematis Vine. I guess a bird or squirrel planted it a while back.


And it’s not a flower, but I’m pretty sure that this is a huge Morel mushroom. Definitely noteworthy.



Here’s a Wild Strawberry plant. Little tiny strawberries will be here soon.


The Carolina Sweet Shrubs are in full, cinnamony bloom.


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It’s not wild; I planted it last year. But looky here. Lavender! I can’t believe it is still alive and profusely blooming. I was never able to grow Lavender the last time I lived in Georgia.

This aroma takes me back to the Lavender fields of Provence, France. What a marvelous journey that was.



It’s baaaaaack! And just when we needed it most!

May it help us put a little SPRING in our steps.

Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!

Lots of Love, Rebekah, The City Farmgirl





  1. Ramona Puckett says:

    Thank you for the lovely flowers! ❤️

  2. Mary Rauch says:

    This post is exactly what I need, and I suppose it will be a blessing to lots of your other pals. We are trying hard to “Stay Home”, and I’m finding it a bit difficult. However, on the bright side, there is so much housework that I have been able to avoid over a period of time that I am sorting and pitching like a fiend. This is a very good thing. I have been doing some mending and button sewing that has been calling out to me. I have taken care of some correspondence that is behind….so this time is a good thing for some items. It’s VERY good to hear from you! The trillium is a thrill to this West Virginia girl now transplanted to Ohio where I seldom see one.

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      So good to hear from you, Mary! Sounds like you are making your time productive. Yay, for you.
      You can’t imagine how excited I was to find the Trillium this year in the woods. I fell in love with it at my Christmas Tree farm, and I wasn’t sure there was any “in these parts.” I appreciated them enough for both you and me. Take special care, My Friend.

  3. Rhonda says:

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I so enjoyed your post. No mention of world events. Let me breathe if only for a few moments. Love the pictures.

  4. Pat Gstalder says:

    This post transported me to your spring time which we here in Ohio are just now getting a glimpse of and are seriously looking forward to! Right now we have thunder grumbling across the sky and the lightening lighting its path! Nice to curl up and read a book and your post by. We had a mulberry tree and in the spring we’d put a sheet of plastic under the branches and catch those wonderful berries for our breakfast! YUM………… Thanks so much for the uplifting post………..

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      how brilliant, Pat! that’s what I’ll do this year!

      • Pat Gstalder says:

        Oh, good. Enjoy!! Even though it’s been a few years since I’ve been able to do that I can almost taste that wonderful flavor. Of course they go well with ice cream, too…….
        I really enjoy your posts and I’m happy you can live your dream…….

  5. Melva Vick says:

    THANKS for all the beautiful flower pictures!! We should never be too busy to stop and enjoy the flowers around us! They are a gift from heaven.

  6. Marlene C says:

    Thank you. The flowers made me smile.

  7. Samantha Roberts says:

    Thank you for the beautiful pictures, woodland flowers are so magical. I always enjoy reading your posts.

    P.s. your comments about the weeds gave me a chuckle!

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      Have you ever won the war against weeds? I lose early because I won’t use chemicals. I’ve had several folks stop by to tell me about the sprays I can use for my fence line at the road. Lol. They don’t know that nature girl bought the farm. LOL. “Woodland flowers are so magical.” I wish I had said that!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your pictures. It is still so grey and colorless here in the northeast, and would you believe a prediction of snow showers? I know spring will get here but this year it’s worse for obvious reasons. It’s good to know spring is actually somewhere and headed our way.

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      I hadn’t thought about that, Barbara. It would make things seem worse indeed. I’ve been envying you who have snow right now, but color and growth and outside is perky for sure.
      So, hope your spring arrives soon!

  9. Rosie Brock says:

    Thank you for the wonderful spring flowers! Spring is indeed something to celebrate, more this year than ever!

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      Rosie, you are right. More this year than ever! That’s a tall order tho. I’m doing my best! My farm is my savior during this time. Happy place.

  10. Bonnie N. says:

    Thank you so much , Rebekah, for all the beauty in your story. Just what we needed at this time.
    ❤️You are blessed with so many spring flowers!!

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      You know, I never used to pay attention to wild flowers. Now I’m obsessed. I walk a path through the woods every day, and every day I am surprised with new flowers and greenery. Does indeed make me happy.

  11. Sandy says:

    Thanks for the flower pictures! Sure could use some flowers and greenery here in Minnesota where it is snowing. Ugh. The crocus have been in bloom this week, so that is a little color to our brown world. We have trillium in the summer and they are one of my favorites too. Come on summer!

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      Snow in April? Sounds magical. I guess our spring comes a month or two earlier? Summer will be here soon in Ga. Too soon. I’m enjoying every moment of spring before the heatwave sets in.

  12. Charlene Gravely says:

    Love this❤️❤️Especially the part about the weeds , so true!

  13. Lorrie MacKenzie says:

    A perfect post for this time. Thank you.

  14. Bernadine Graham says:

    Rebekah: Have been following you for a long time and have so enjoyed everything you have posted. I am a retired Court Administrator and liked the “legal” link! But did I miss something? You left the Christmas Tree Farm? It was such a special place!

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      A kindred spirit! Criminal law is my career passion. I’m teaching it this semester. FUN! I did leave, Bernadine, but not by choice. It was one of those sad things that life throws you. But. I can’t believe that I found a farm I like as much (as the tree farm and its dreamy 1892 farmhouse.) But, Sister, I have! Life is good. I am back in the city I grew up in, close to family and old friends. It’s a blessing to be here during this virus.

      • Bernadine Graham says:

        I certainly understand your passion for the law. I never worked in any other field – 50 years! Thank you so much for your response. Hope you find every happiness in your new venture. A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour!

  15. Elaine C says:

    Thank you for the beautiful post Rebekah. You are right the pollen here in the GA is so awful. The flowers are gorgeous and I love seeing the sweet shrub. My mom had it at our home when I was growing us…brought from her childhood home in Tiger. I loved that bush and wish I could find one. We need to enjoy the beauty of spring before summer arrives. Have a wonderful day.

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      Elaine, If I can find a way to get one to you, I will! I bet there are some little babies growing around the Sweet Shrubs I have. Email me at rebekah@maryjanesfarm.com. I’ll try to do that when this virus passes, and I can get to the PO again. 🙂

  16. Judy says:

    Thank you for that! Like everybody else said, “I NEEDed That!!”
    I can’t believe all the gorgeous flowers that are just growing wild,
    and you get to see for FREE! Lucky Gal! Here in N.W. Ohio, we
    plant and struggle alongside those beauties and whine if they don’t
    make it. We had mid 60’s yesterday and high 40’s today.
    And guess what I saw today? SNOW!! YES I DID! aaaccckkk!!!
    Make it a Great day girlie and Be Safe!
    Love ya!

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      You saw SNOW? I think that’s fabulous. I’d hold off on spring if I could trade it for snow. Summer comes to quickly here, with its humdity and hot hot hot days. You’re still in fire weather then. “Hugs&Squeezles” back at you! “Squeezles” sounds like a word Snoop Dogg would use! lol.

  17. Donna Kozak says:

    Thank you for the beautiful spring pick-me-up ! I’m now on my way out back to visit my chickens and check out the new growth. It’s always amazing to see the new shoots of something planted years ago, ready to grow again. – life goes on !!

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      Hi Donna, you’re right! What a great point. New things are popping up everyday. Here, on my new farm, I didn’t plant them, but I enjoy them! Going to plant two fig bushes this year for sure. Life does go on…

  18. Debra Hoek says:

    I love the woods in Spring. I always looked forward to Trillums. That Moral mushroom would be picked and eaten in short order. Where there is one there is more. Thanks for sharing your Woodland spring.

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      So that is a Morel? It was larger than any I’d ever seen. I only saw one, so I left it to hopefully propagate!

  19. Diane Van Horn says:

    Thank you for a little spring! It is snowing in Wisconsin but my rhubarb is coming up so I have hope!

  20. Mary Rauch says:

    I cannot wait for my pal Sallie to read your post and find the part where you commented about the lavender fields of Provence France. That should put her into “memory mode” and probably I will get a call saying, “Did you see what Rebekah said?”…and then we will go down memory lane about our years childhood in West Virginia…and we will laugh and include in our sisterhood of memories!…thank you again.

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      Hi Mary! I’m glad you have a Sallie. I have a few long time friends whom I treasure more than I have words for!

  21. Marilyn says:

    Your flowers are beautiful. Staying home and reading and doing things needing attention in the house. Have a happy Easter.

  22. Sherry King, RN says:

    Spring is here is indeed happy news! Even though I have wild violets and strawberries growing in my yard, it is always good to see pics of them! Thank you for the happy and grateful post!

  23. Nicole says:

    LOVELY! Thank you for sharing the joys of spring in your little spot on Earth. Here in suburban Salt Lake valley we have daffodils in profusion and the trees are starting to bud, I’m hoping the chilly nights don’t ruin our peach tree. It’s a resilient tree. After we moved here 8 years ago we nursed it along and though it gave *the best peaches* the rotten core and earwig infestation were too much. The branches broke off under the weight of the hold-with-two-hands, juicy fruit. We had to cut it down. Only the person cutting it left quite a bit of stump. We moved away for 3 years and my son & his wife (who were staying in our home) reported they got the best peaches last summer. This week we moved back in and I examined the peach tree, looking more like a bush with branches sprouting from all over that stub of a trunk. Deep pink blossoms are getting ready to pop. Fortunately it’s still small. Maybe I can cover it and protect it from the predicted frosty nights. After all, it has the hope, gumption, and strength to grow and bloom in very adverse conditions the least I can do is provide it a little shelter and help it weather one more winter storm.

    • Rebekah Teal says:

      Beautiful story, Nicole. I’ve never grown a fruit tree besides apple and now, this mulberry. I’d like to plant more. Peach sounds good, esp since I do live in the “Peach State” now.

  24. Deborah Young says:

    Lovely pics! Thanks for showing us what spring looks like in GA. Here in the PNW, Forthisia (sp?) is beautifully vibrant in yellow, purple iris are soon to follow! The tulip fields up north (Sgagit county) are doing their thing. But this year it’s only online .

  25. Deb Bosworth says:

    Howdy Rebekah!
    Wow…. Just loved your woodsy tour and all the different flowers in bloom right now. What a blessing to have that right out your back door. Thank you for the tour!
    Stay well my friend.

  26. Brenda Caster says:

    I don’t know where else to comment about your magazine column and I wanted to tell you that for me, you hit the nail on the head. I have never had much passion over hybrid tea roses. As a gift in a bouquet from my hubby, it’s one thing. But I don’t bother taking up garden space for one. My favorite rose is a pink cup shaped David Austin that has been transplanted far too many times for anyone and it still bounces back every time. I have also bought a few from the Antique Rose Emporium in Texas, close to where one of my daughters lives; but I need to find a local nursery. Thanks for sharing your loves each month. Yours is the first column I read every time; and I’ve never been a city girl!

  27. I love seeing all the “wild” flowers and a strawberry plant too…wonderful! And oh, morel mushrooms…we always went “mushroom hunting” when I was young…they’re quite tasty! Thanks for the dose of springtime cheer…much appreciated and we all need it!

  28. Audene says:

    So happy to find you! Pictures are
    Beautiful. I would love to catch up with you…

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