I Am A Maker {And There's A Giveaway!}


mak·er / mākər
1. a person or thing that makes or produces something

Someone recently referred to me on my Instagram account as a Maker.  I’ve heard the word used to describe people that I feel are professionals in the creative community but never have I thought of myself in this term.  It got me thinking quite seriously about the creative side of my brain that makes me a Maker and what it takes to keep the creativity alive.  This is what I’ve learned the last little while as I’ve pondered these thoughts.



Hand quilting and embellishing little sewing projects with hand work is one of my favorite things to do.


Find Your Passion

I feel that we all have (or at least we should have) something that we are passionate about. I happen to be one of those people that has many interests and enjoys learning new things, working in my gardens, cooking, and even cleaning house.  But recently I’ve become aware that time in my sewing room is my passion.  Even if all I’m doing is sewing up some quick potholders for a birthday gift for a friend, it is completely enjoyable to me.  Everytime I am with my elderly parents – who still ranch full time – I am aware that what keeps them active and happy is their passion for what they do.  We all need something that drives us.



My vintage locker basket full of my favorite inspirational project books!


Make Time For It

In the book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, the Author talks about how necessary it is to make time to develop that creative thing in our life that we are passionate about.  For me it doesn’t mean that it has to be all consuming, but I do recognize that it helps me in so many areas of my life if I make time for that creative passion.  Recently I read a comment that a friend had written about her love of creating.  She said, “I make time to sit at my sewing table and do something every day.  Even if it is only 15 minutes to pull some fabric for a new design, sew a few hand stitches on a quilt, or look at a new pattern.  I am happier, my family is happier, my day goes smoother.”   And I would agree completely.  Sometimes all I have time for is a few minutes to look at one of the fun creative books that I own.  It’s enough to get the energy flowing again!



The quilt that was not my thing!


Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

I recently was asked by a friend if she could pay me to make a specific lap quilt for her sister in law.  She showed me a picture of what she wanted and I told my friend that yes, I could make it.  But then the trouble started.  The fabric colors required for the project were not my favorites, the pattern itself was not something that was enjoyable for me (it was weener dogs for goodness sakes!) and all of a sudden what I love doing became drudgery.  Because I’m a finisher, is wasn’t hard for me to stick it out and finish it but I felt that it was not my best work and I was disappointed in it.  But it taught me a lot; I learned some techniques I had never done before, I learned that even though it didn’t make me happy it certainly made someone else happy.  I also learned that stepping out of my comfort zone was good for me and that I need to do it more often.  And the final lesson was one I’m sure you’re waiting for:  when the quilt was finished I loved it and the few things that I felt I could’ve done better will certainly not be noticed by anyone else!



The gorgeous bundle of fabric I have for twin size quilts… and I can’t bring myself to cut into it.


Put The Fears Aside

Why, in doing something I love, would there be fears?  I ask myself this all the time.   I have had a plan to make quilts for my guest room beds for three years now.  Twice I’ve put the project out of my mind.  Last year, after a tremendous amount of deliberation, I purchased the fabric for the quilts.  I looked at hundreds of patterns until I finally settled on my two favorites.  And so how far have I come in the process?  Not one single step.  The beautiful fabric is still sitting on my sewing room work area.   But I cannot seem to cut into the fabric.  Strange as it seems I am having some real fears of failure here.  I’m not afraid that I can’t do it; because I can.  I’m not afraid that I won’t love them; I’m quite sure I will.  I’m not afraid of the time involved; I’m prepared in my mind for how long it will take. But somehow I’ve got some fears of taking that plunge and cutting the fabric! I’ve finally figured out that I love projects that give me instant gratification and a quilt, especially one that I intend to quilt by hand, is a very long process that could take me a year to complete.  Somehow soon I will put those fears aside and get started.  I’m asking you to hold me accountable!


“So this, I believe, is the central question upon which all creative living hinges: Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?”
― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

A quote from one of my favorite books I’ve read about creative living.


Take A Deep Breath… And Have Courage

Do you all remember this post I wrote in January about my plans to teach a summer quilting camp to four sweet girls?   To some people it may not seem like a big deal to plan something so simple as a summer quilting camp for young sewists, but for me it has been a really big deal and took a lot of courage to commit to it.  But just writing about it helped me to make it real and after I shared my blog post on my IG feed I could not believe the support that I received from people in the quilting community.   I feel so much more confident now and recognize that even if the camp doesn’t go exactly as I picture it in my mind; if the girls go home with a feeling of success for themselves then it is absolutely perfect!  I’m thankful I had the courage to just simply get started with the ideas.  I think there is treasure hidden there and I’m eager to see what it is!



One little area on my fabric shelves… continual inspiration!


Surround Yourself With Creativity

Numerous times I’ve shared the picture of my craft room – especially my sewing table with my wall filled with mini-quilts that I’ve sewn and many that have been gifted to me.  So I’m not going to share that picture again.  But the picture above is just a little vignette of what the top of my  fabric storage shelf looks like.  I try always to have little areas like this with beautiful fabric displayed because it  makes me happy and also makes me creative!  Incidentally that bundle of fabric there on the left that is tied with a ribbon?  That fabric is called Caravan Roundup and is designed by our very own MaryJane!  It is sitting there reminding me of my summer quilting camp coming up because one of the girls will be using that fabric!  (Just one of the little things of MaryJane’s that always inspires creativity in me.)


IMG_7981One of the sweetest gifts I’ve received from a Maker friend – a Maker bag that holds everything I need for any little hand project I’m working on.  I can grab it and go – it’s always at the ready! 


Do Not Compare Yourself To Others

Living in the world we live in now where we Makers share our projects on all sorts of different social media platforms, we are opening ourselves wide up to comparison.  I have found myself in this place a few times and all it does is feed insecurities. However, the flip side of “comparison” is that we can use it to help us fan the flame of creativity, to give us more ideas and to strive to perfect our skills.  Something I’ve found in the Maker community is this desire to encourage and inspire others.  The sharing of ideas is amazing.  And the sharing of kindnesses.  I’ve received so many beautiful little things in the mail from other Makers that I know only through social media and it is amazing the kindness.  I have found in myself that sharing is always better than comparing.



Passing on my love of fabric and quilt blocks to my grand-girls encourages me.


Always Thank Those That Encourage You

Thank you dear readers for listening to me ramble today about my musings on being a Maker.  And for always, always being an encouragement in your comments.  So…. to thank you (smile!) I’ve got a  GIVE-AWAY!  A great little special home-made item to send to one lucky winner.  It is a complete surprise…. custom made for you, by me!  I AM a Maker after all!  All you have to do is leave a comment below telling me what it is that you are passionate about and do you find time for it daily?


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.



  1. Diana says:

    I am passionate about each day & what the Lord will bring my way. As I have been a re-purposer for many years, making small businesses as my children grew. We survived with a lot of creativity and the joys of being a “maker”. I am presently taking care of mother & brother & work & find time very limited for my creative juices to flow. My joy right now is to see the creativity of my Lord bring a new idea, joy or way of delighting those who cannot do for themselves & along with this He has thrown in the idea of a new business which I pray direction on. He is a maker which keeps me a maker!

  2. Katherine says:

    Right now I love making things for my grandchildren… Olivia 2 and Oliver 1month. I made them both quilts although I don’t think of myself as a quilter. I have painted water color art for their rooms and make things like felt food, bunting, etc. as I find the time. I love to make embroidered gifts too…I am working on pillow cases for my son and his bride to be. SO I AM A MAKER OF GIFTS!! Your comment about your parents still pursuing their creative passions keeps them going…I see this as so true in my parents. Thanks for your inspiration!

  3. janet says:

    dori…what an inspiring post….i am a quilter,…it brings peace to my life which is currently in a state of upheaval. thank you for post … it spoke to my heart today…

    oh and as an aside….i could move into your daughters very beautiful home in a blink of an eye…their years of restoration were nothing short of stunning.

    thank you again for starting my day with joy. janet

  4. Tracy Snyder says:

    I, too, am a maker, I think I was born a maker. I remember comments when I was very young that, “she’s always making something” and it was true. Since I was 12 I realized my passion lies in quilting, which is something I try to do every single day, but I also love other fiber arts, general sewing, knitting, crochet, spinning and so on. I also love making and decorating dollhouses, the little things are so much fun! Thanks for the giveaway, maybe one of these years I will be a winner too!! Thanks again and keep on making!!

  5. Judy says:

    Thank you for sharing your stories. My passion is sewing as well, my biggest problem with my passion is choosing one thing at a time to work on. I love to quilt, smock children’s clothing and sew everything. I enjoy your photos of your sewing room, which are so inspirational. Thank you

  6. Nancy Mosley says:

    I envy those of you that can sew well. I have a few of my grandmothers quilts and sit there looking at the pieces wondering if they were from a dress my Mawmaw wore or perhaps a shirt that PawPaw wore. It’s fun to think about them and makes me want to try a quilt but never get that going. It’s always nice to be inspired. Thanks!

  7. Cindy Parker says:

    I am a librarian. My passion is sharing books with children and inspiring a love of reading in young children. In my Storytime programs I allow them to explore a topic through books, music and movement and artistic endeavors with paper, paint, clay, etc. In creating each program, I allow them to develop their creative abilities.

  8. I love making greeting cards and get so much pleasure by surprising people with a card for no apparent reason other than putting a smile on their face. So many have said that they don’t throw them away, but collect them. I have a tendency to compare myself and my card to so many that have beautiful blogs, but then realize that each of us have our own style. Your work is lovely!!!!

  9. Irene says:

    I am passionate about writing in my journal all the cute things our grandchildren have said and done, and writing my thoughts. Also knitting, reading and finding new ideas for our home.

  10. Tomi Mathew says:

    I loved this. Yes, I too have a stack of things I want to do but have not started yet. I quilt, lampwork, jewelry design. I find that I buy or find parts for my designs and they are so precious I hate to use them. They are perfect on their own. Crazy circle!

  11. Margaret says:

    Dori, I love this post! Thank you for your comments and encouragement to all Makers! I Guess I am a Maker, as well. I have been an avid stitcher most of my life and grew up surrounded by talented women that loved needle and thread. I embraced hand embroidery early in life and try to incorporate it into all my projects…doll making, quilting, garment/household sewing! Please continue to spread the word on the creativity within us all. Everyone has a starting spot. Be it with fabric, food, paint, gardening…all we need to do is slow down and listen to ourselves. Find the area that speaks to us and let go! Who knows what we will find within ourselves. Thanks again for hyper encouragement!

  12. Beth says:

    Thank you for this post. I know it must take up time that you would rather spend “making”. You summer camp project is inspired. I’d love to do something similar with my grand kids, but distance prevents that from happening. Instead I’ll try to help them raise the funding for a mission trip they are excited about. I’m sure whomever wins your gift will enjoy it for years to come. Blessing to you.

  13. Diva Odete Kreszl says:

    What a lovely generous thing to do! I am passionate about creating art whether it be painting, drawing, cooking, decorating. It is how I share myself with family and friends and bringing some joy to their lives.

  14. Rosanne Mulhern says:

    Loved this post, Dori! I do consider myself a Maker also. I am most passionate about papercrafts, especially handmade cards. I try to work on a project everyday. It truly gives me so much joy and is a giant stress reliever. I also try to send a card to someone almost everyday…even for no reason. I am in the process of teaching myself to crochet (I remember that you did this and made lovely dish cloths). My goal is to make a crocheted baby afghan by June when our first grandchild is expected. You are certainly a Maker and a wonderful inspiration!

  15. Dot Drobney says:

    Great post! I am a passionate photographer! I love doing nature/macro photos of every living creature around my gardens, when we’re not buried in 20+ inches of snow! I also do portraits in my small studio – I do photos of everyone from toddlers to seniors, but I really love doing dog sessions. They’re so much fun! I’m a recently retired primary school reading specialist, and the time to do photos alone is a new luxury for me. We’ll see where it goes!

  16. deb rowley says:

    I am passionate about knitting, crocheting and needlework. I try to do a little or a lot each day. I don’t feel it’s a complete day unless I’ve worked a few stitches or rows and have at least 3 projects going at one time!

  17. Jena says:

    I am passionate about writing. In the past three years I have been making space each morning for writing.

    It has been a marvelous adventure.

  18. Julie Pruett says:

    Everyone should have a “passion”. I think that’s what makes the world go round… I’m always amazed by all the different, wonderful things that others create or just DO… Sometimes, I admit, I have felt inadequate compared to others seemingly, perfect work. It’s OK, just to enjoy what you’re doing, perfect or NOT…

  19. MarciD says:

    My passion used to be scrapbooking and tea parties. In this season it is my strawberry patch, canning peaches from my peach tree and raising chickens. I enjoy knitting too. One day I want to try quilting. I have some fabric already saved. Your posts are always so cherry and inspirational. I love to read so thank you for the book recommendation. I didn’t used to think of myself as a creative person but I realize this is a gift we all have, it just needs to be cultivated.

  20. Now, after reading your blog, I know what I am – – I, too, am a Maker. I love creating things from fabric. I do not stick to one thing, however. I am currently creating mini-aprons for swaps I am hosting on the MJF chatroom. I also make kitchen and gift items and lots of recycled Jeans aprons that I sell in a country gift shop. I make scrappy quilts and am trying (unsuccessfully) to use up all of my fabric collectionn (it’s not my stash, it’s my collection). I love your blog, and your creativity.

  21. Marie says:

    Thank you for sharing, I needed that. Sometimes the fear or lack of self confidence sets in.

  22. Bridge says:

    I love many crafts, but the closest to my heart is counted cross stitch.
    I do try to make time daily to enjoy.
    This year I have been keeping a tracker in my journal to mark each day that I stitch. I enjoy seeing the progress.

  23. Terri Doria says:

    What WONDERFUL rambling. Love it. Great way to start my day.


  24. Michaela says:

    My passion changes with the seasons – in the winter I love to knit, sew, anything that makes me content being cooped up. Come spring, I get a bad case of cabin fever and as soon as the garden catalogs arrive in the mail, I start dreaming of my next garden. That keeps me going until I can actually plant those seeds. The late summer/fall keeps me busy canning, drying, etc., followed by trying to think of Christmas presents to make. I’m not a master at any of these but they give me pleasure and I look forward to every season.

  25. Dianna says:

    First of all Dori your article is incredibly uplifting and inspiring!! I am trying to instill many ‘old fashioned’ qualities and skills to my grand daughter as well and people come to me all the time telling me how ‘rare’ it is to find kids “doing these things”! Makes me feel as if I am truly leaving some ‘good’ in this world through her. 🙂 I too have enjoyed the community of makers and feel a genuine blessing via through them! I am so passionate and love the bees and butterflies that I go overboard planting and making places for the bees and butterflies to safely enjoy and flourish! Every day I do spend some special ‘me’ time creating something special for someone! It keeps me grounded! Just love your artistic quilting!

  26. Diane Van Horn says:

    This is exactly what I needed today. I am suffering from cabin fever. I always get it in the go-between season of Brown. Between winter and spring it seems that everything is brown. Brown mud, brown grass, brown tree trunks, etc… I have never been a fan of brown. My creativity seems to be a little muddy and brown also. Your post has renewed my spirits! My passion is painting and up-cycling. I have started a dresser with hand painted sunflowers all over it but just can’t seem to finish. It is a big project and like you, I am more of a small project, instant gratification kind of gal. I am going to take your advice and just do something creative every day and make time for my passions! Thanks for all the inspiration! By the way, even though it is brown, I love the Weiner dog quilt!

  27. Debbie says:

    Thank You! You have inspired me to get back to doing what I Love. I grew up on my grandparents’ dairy farm. My grandma was a daily maker. She sewed everything from full body aprons to quilts. She knitted, crocheted, canned, baked, and cooked for the families of her two boys all the years I was growing up. I helped her cut strips, squares, and tie off quilts with the church missionary ladies at her house. She taught me so much! She always had a smile and food for everyone who entered her home. She also played piano by ear. I haven’t sewn, crocheted, or crafted anything for years; I don’t even have a sewing machine any more, but have had the desire to do so for quite some time. Lately, I have felt the tug stronger. Your pictures and your words have fanned the spark into a flame, instilling within me the need to take action and get back to doing what I Love, though I always felt that I am in no way a professional maker, in years past I did sew clothing I was proud to wear, even an Easter dress. Most of my sewing was done when I was in Jr. High; I am now 56 (lol). I did sew a little for my daughter when she was a toddler (she is now almost 33). Yes, time to bring some joy back into my life and share it with other! Thank You and God Bless 🙂

  28. Christine says:

    Loved reading this!!

  29. Marlene Capelle says:

    As we speak I am finishing up a couple of table toppers that I will be taking, along with some pillows and aprons, to a craft show this Saturday. After retiring at the first of the year I finally get to follow my passion full time.

  30. Such wonderful advice/encouragement… to venture out into creative fields… to try, even if we discover it’s not our passion,,, to not be limited by others in what we want to do, to not get discouraged or feel we have to be perfect on others eyes,,,
    and, as I like to say,,, “Show No Fear”… one might discover that creative little girl inside of themselves…
    and most importantly,,,, Have Fun!

  31. Elizabeth says:

    My passion is teaching and doing my very best to make what I teach (law and ethics to high school students) applicable to their daily lives. Some of the best work we do together is experiential- out in the field, making meals for the poor out of food waste (perfectly good food that would have been thrown away), or challenging our own assumptions about people different from ourselves. I guess I try to “make” thoughtful and kind adults 🙂

  32. Susan Haney says:

    Thanks! I needed this to get me going again!

  33. Lori Moore says:

    I LOVE your posts; uplifting and inspirational!! Thank you! I’m a wife, mother of four college graduates (still can’t believe that the years have gone by so quickly), have two horses, a woolly Angus, Bossy (who just calved, “Sparkle”), a German Shepherd and I’m a Quilter (piecing and longarming). Since my kids are grown and don’t need me how they once did; I’m trying to find my niche! I’d like to get my feet wet in a new (to me) quilting venture and take an acupuncture class in the fall!

  34. Gail says:

    I’m in the process of doing quilts for all my grandchildren. Such fun we are having!
    I pray they treasure this time as much as I am! Even grandson’s need to know how to thread a needle. ❤
    God’s blessings

  35. Jill Yelland-DeMooy says:

    Thank you for your inspirational thoughts. I too endeavour to do something each day. My passion is Fiber Arts of all types. I’m spending a lot of time spinning right now. I also love gardening and cooking.

  36. Janet Jones says:

    I have been a Maker and a Doer and a Fixer for so long. I have six children and nine grandchildren (so far), and I dearly love to make things for them. When my oldest was a baby, she needed new clothes and rather than buy them, I decided to use my rusty sewing skills learned from my mother, so I put Baby in a stroller and we walked the mile to a store where I could purchase a simple pattern and fabric. And that was the start! I made pretty much everything I could for the next 25 years, and now my sewing projects are more leisurely, except for the wedding gown I’ve promised to a daughter-in-law-to-be. (Making wedding dresses still scares me, and I’ve made three so far.) Sewing is a part of my heritage as well; I’m not sure how far back it goes in my ancestry, but the sewing school for children I hope to have when I retire will be named for my great-grandmother Matilda. I don’t have time now to sew every day, but try to at least one night a week and on weekends. I’m still learning about sewing too; I’m taking a class this Saturday on quilting with my own machine! I guess I could say sewing is more than a passion for me; it defines a part of who I am. I’ve also read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, and it had an effect on my self-awareness of the artist I am. Thank you for your lovely blog.

  37. Dee Johnson says:

    I am passionate about writing and journaling. I carve out an hour or two daily to keep writing.

  38. Greeta Mills says:

    I just picked up a small embroidery project for the first time in several years. I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed it. Now I have a project bag ready to go…even 10 minutes a day is well worth it!

  39. Jodel Guerrero says:

    Beautiful things you made love the quilts

  40. Susabelle says:

    This might be a little long, but I hope you’ll read it anyway. I have separated from my husband, to his complete surprise, and my relief. But when we talked a few months after the separation, I brought up to him that he has no passion. He has nothing he is passionate about, unless it is sitting in the house watching television. I asked him what his passion was, had I somehow missed it? He looked at me like I was speaking Swahili. But I was able to easily rattle off my passions: writing of all kinds (blogs and novels mostly), sewing (clothes, quilts, bags, home decor, you name it), and music. Yes, music. I buy digital music almost daily, and I always have music playing no matter where I am. I was easily able to name at least three things that get me excited, in a positive way. I feel so sad for him, so sad for anyone that doesn’t have anything that gets them excited and wants to make them do things or make things. I have those things in my life, and I am the healthier for them. I cannot imagine not being in my sewing room every few days (I work full time so daily is not going to happen), not writing blog posts or working on my latest novel, not hearing and getting excited by beautiful music that makes my heart soar. These are the things that save me when the world is dark and people around me are angry or out of sorts. I retreat to the sewing room, to my office to write, turning the music up loud. What a wonderful blog post!

  41. Love your maker products. Do you have any patterns??

  42. Bonalee says:

    Photography is my lifelong passion. Not a day goes by that doesn’t include my taking a picture. I do it entirely because it gives me joy.
    Great blog post, by the way…thank you!

  43. Bonnie ellis says:

    Dori…you are the perfect person to teach those little girls! You love what you are doing and your enthusiasm is catching. They will learn and love what they are doing. And once you learn that teaching is just sharing what you love, you will do much more. Keep inspiring us Farmgirl friend!

  44. Vivian Monroe says:

    Dori, you are so very creative, and being a finisher is a reward in itself. I love to create, and I need to spend more time in my sewing room. I am not a seamstress by any means, but I love to create things with my little machine. However I also like refinishing old furniture and giving it new life, and then I sell it twice a year at my friends Farm sale here in NC. So my sewing room has gotten so crammed up with other stuff, that I cant seem to create because of the clutter. But hopefully soon I can move some things out and straighten it up once again and get back to my favorite spot in front of the window sewing and looking out at my birdfeeders. 🙂 You do inspire me. thanks Neta.

  45. Myrna says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to read your blog. I would love to know if the little girl on the bicycle is she a print with embroidery? Can she be purchased? So cute. I am part of a group that meets weekly with 5 or so friends the number changes. We all have projects we work on and share. Reading your story has helped to inspire me to get going again with a different project. I am blessed to have a stash of fabric I always think big but with your input I am now going to think tiny and it will have the same impact just smaller.

  46. Laurel Pries says:

    First, I absolutely love crafting, always have and always well. Therefore Mary Janes Farm Magazine is right up my alley. I am older and thru my lifetime I have crafted everything from tole painting, ceramics, painting, quilting, but my life long love is crochet. As I am retired, I do have more time now…and there is always a new stitch or pattern to learn…I love your quilting and am envious, but I must stick to my “hooking”.
    Best wishes in all your creative endeavors, Laurel

  47. Donna Pinkerton says:

    i am passionate about drawing and painting on old scraps of wood I love quirky stuff and repurposing one thing into something else

  48. Connie Graham says:

    You are definitely an inspiration (and so are your parents!) I am passionate about many things; Reading, Photography and crafting of any kind. I try to make time for at least something every day, but I’m surprised to say that it seemed like I had more time to find time for me when my children were all small and at home. Maybe it’s because I was doing those things with my kids; now it’s a much busier time in my life it seems.
    Thanks for the new boost of “I’m going to make time – today!”

  49. Judy Aldrihc says:

    I am passionate about quilting, nature photography, converting my favorite recipes to gluten free, cooking new meals and recipes, spending time with a few very special friends on a “get out of Dodge ” day where we just take off, meander and do anything that strikes our fancy with love and laughter brimming from start to finish! Gardening, attempting new crafts, teaching others, and my annual birthday challenge to myself. It has to be something I have always wanted to do or something that takes me out of my comfort zone. I live a life chuck full of possibilities!

  50. Karen Sanford says:

    I have recently retired and have rediscovered my passion for sewing, I had forgotten how much I love taking fabric and making a garment and have gotten into the upcycle craze remaking shirts into dress tops for leggings or taking a top way to small and adding fabric to make it fit! Love the different fabrics that mix and match. Quilting is the project I have dreamed of learning though, I have a quilt top my great grandmother made (flower garden hexes)and I want to hand quilt it myself.

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