It's The Little Things



The continual thought in the back of mind for some time now has been, Simplify.  I have this painted door in my guest bedroom with that word on it, and the thought has become more and more important to me.

I think as I get older, I recognize that the things that bring me the greatest joy are the little things.  Today I’m sharing a few of my favorites, in no particular order!




My beautiful girls.




My precious and darling grand-daughters that love their Gramps and I so much and bring tremendous joy to our lives!




My kitchen.




Our baby calves.  Oh how they make us smile and laugh.


Tomato Cover 2-001


And vegetables from my garden.  Oh my goodness.




Clean, freshly ironed sheets.




My favorite cookbooks.




.Feet in the sand on the sea shore!




New quilting fabric.




The first bouquet of the season from my flower garden.




Our town, with the charming old buildings and antique stores.




Home-made cake pops.




My deep farmhouse kitchen sink with the chipped enamelware bowl that acts as a basin.




Home made cards.




A craft project.  Any kind of craft project.




Sewing for my grand-girls.




Hosting a ladies lunch at my house.


And I’ll stop now, because I realize this could go on forever!  Which is good, because it reminds me that it is the little everyday things that bring the greatest joy after all.  And I have a bottomless list of little favorite things in my life!


It’s your turn!  I’d love to hear what some of your favorite things are.


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.



  1. denise says:

    enjoyed your simpler joys in life! I’m always looking for new antique places to visit in TN, what area were you referring to for your home town, if you don’t mind me asking. I’m in the middle TN area. thanks!

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hi Denise,

      The town nearest to us is Fayetteville. We have the greatest town square. Numerous Antique stores. If you visit, be sure to go to His and Hers… it’s my favorite store! Right off the square, you can’t miss it. It is small but they have the greatest selection and prices. I never leave there without something!

      Where in Middle Tennessee do you live?

      – Dori –

      • denise says:

        thank you for the information I’ll have to go there and check them out some Saturday. I live in the Smyrna area north of Murfreesboro. Have you been to Woodbury, TN? they have a nice selection of antique stores too. I just found them a couple of months ago and want to go back later on. also, if you ever get to Dickson, TN they have some good ones too and one more to tell you about is in Clarksville, TN called Miss Lucille’s. thanks again!

        • Dori Troutman says:

          I’ve never been to Woodbury, but the funny thing is that someone else mentioned it to me recently. So I think it is worth a trip! 🙂 I had actually looked it up on my GPS to see how far it was. So someday I will do that! Our square in Fayetteville is so nice because it is really an active, happening place. Great places to eat and lots of shops. You can easily spend a day.

  2. Nicole Christensen says:

    Oh Dori, love this post! I was giggling the whole way through, thinking “me too”, “me too”…LOVE THE KITCHEN!

    And you and ‘your girls’? Beautiful…those are your sisters, right? Three beauties! And the precious grandbabies? You are so blessed.

    If we lived closer…can you imagine the trouble we could stir up? Crafting, sewing…

    Someday we all have to meet up! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

    • Dori Troutman says:


      What a sweet compliment – my sisters! 🙂 Love those girls of mine.

      Oh, wouldn’t we have fun? I’m working (in my mind anyway) on a way to have a meet-up!

      – Dori –

  3. Colleen says:

    Hi Dori,
    Not much to say but a heartfelt echo of all you just shared. Your posts make me smile every time.
    Happy summer!

  4. Meredith Williams says:

    Beautiful baby calf! We raise Herefords too! Always enjoy your posts and your photos- I especially loved your kitchen.

    • Dori Troutman says:


      Yes, I pretty much love my kitchen. It’s a toss up between the kitchen and my craft room on where I spend the most time! 🙂 Likely the kitchen.

      Thanks for writing!

      – Dori –

  5. Karen(old cowgirl) Montoya says:

    Hi Dori,
    My fav’s are: Sunrise over a hay or wheat field in the Summer, Sunsets at the Ocean and New Mexico, the red rock in Bryce cannon. The smell of new mown hay or grass, homemade bread just out of the oven, books that not only hold my attention but also make me laugh out loud, fresh juicy Tomato, peony’s in bloom, roses that still smell wonderful, my dog Sophie giving me her “I love you” soft eyes, the smell of puppies, the smell of horses that have been running free and come in for grain, and friends like you.
    Hugs and blessings

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Hello Kay, Good to hear from you!

      I love all those things too. And I got a sudden feeling of “homesickness” when you mentioned the red rock of Bryce Canyon. Where we lived in Utah was only 20 or so miles (as the crow flies, not on any roads!) from Bryce Canyon. You could see some of the red hoodoos not far from our house. Sometimes I miss it. Mostly I’m happy to be away from the hot, dry climate… but sometimes I DO miss it.

      Happy Fourth to you and your sweet Sophie!

      Hugs, dear friend.

      – Dori –

  6. Joan says:

    Oh my what a fun time I had today – you tweaked my thinking of ‘Simplifying’ – I have tried twice now in the last 10 years, once when I moved from my home of 42 years and just last month in my home of 10 years. I LOVE crafting, antique-ing well just all that you wrote about and I too have to stop because there are so many other wonderful things that God has provided me. Thanks for bringing on the thinking. There is a new group of ‘country girl crafters’ starting to get together so maybe a new Mary Jane’s country girl group – oh so fun to LIVE!!! the country life. God bless

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Dear Joan,

      Thank for your sweet comment. Simplifying is so difficult to do. I’ve noticed how much easier it makes life when I keep the clutter down! But every now and then I have to go through my “stuff” again and de-clutter!

      A country girl crafters group would be so much fun. There are so many neat things to do together.

      Thanks again,

      – Dori –

  7. Kate Manning says:

    Thanks for the email today! I used to paint furniture and fun signs like yours, but in 12/13 I was with my 91 year old Mom….she was very active …she tripped on a curb and fractured her skull and died 12 days later. I suddenly had three extra homes plus 4 more vehicles and a lot of responsibilities . I was overwhelmed…,put away my knitting and my art toys and gave myself to shock, grief and responsibility . The first year was hell and I missed my craft, but the inspirations were gone. Now after a year and a half, I am starting to “come back’….,life is hectic, but we are in a new home, a new lifestyle ( living in the country and growing grapes for wineries) and still trying to part with several houses’ worth of treasures ( you will not see me on hoarders).
    I have been reading your blogs and it is as if I am hanging out with a good friend. The signs and your favorite things today…I feel as if I have turned a corner and creativity was awaken. Now making plans for a studio !!!
    Thank you for inspiring me.
    I’m baaaaack
    Love to you

    • Dori Troutman says:

      Dear Kate,

      Your comment really meant a lot to me.

      Life can give us some really tough things to deal with and losing your mother so quickly and so tragically would be very shattering. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through.

      Thank you for reading my posts and I’m so thankful they make you feel like you’ve got a good friend – I’m thankful continually for the friends I’ve met here.

      Make a sign for your “studio-in-the-plans”!!! And then email me a picture!

      Tight hugs,

      – Dori –

  8. Marilyn says:


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