Sweetest Needlebooks Ever {And a Giveaway!!}



Hello to my sewing farmgirls!

Do you own a needle book for all your little hand sewing projects?  If you don’t, then YAY!  This blog post is for you!  I love little needle books and I have many of them scattered around my house… anywhere that I might sit and do a little sewing; there’s a needle book!


Years ago (like back in 2011) when I first came across a blog post by Amy Sinibaldi about making needle books, I had never even heard of them!  She wrote the funnest tutorial on how to make them.  Since then there are MANY tutorials and patterns (just search needle books on Pinterest and you’ll see what I’m talking about!).   I’ve tried numerous different patterns through the years and I always come back to Amy’s.  Hers are simple and sweet; my favorite combination!






I thought I’d step you through a tutorial to make your own; you can also go to Amy’s website here and follow her tutorial as well.  (Be sure to read to the end of the post as I have an awesome surprise for you today!!!)



  • Fabric Scraps
  • Felt Scraps
  • Fusible Fleece
  • Needle and Thread
  • Scissors
  • Pinking or Scallop Scissors (optional)
  • Embellishments (ribbons, buttons, etc…)
  • Wonder Clips
  • Rotary Cutter
  • Pins







Step One:  From fabric scraps cut the following:

For book interior (same fabric):  cut one 4.5 inch by 5 inch and one 4.5 inch by 3 inch

For book exterior (different fabrics):  cut one 1.5 inches by 4.5 inches (for book spine), four 1.5 inches by 3.5 inches (for book back), one 3.5 inches by 4.5 inches (for book front)

Fusible fleece: cut one 5 inches by 8 inches

Felt: cut one 3.5 inches by 6.5 inches





Step Two:

Sew the four strips for book back together on the long edges, using a 1/4 inch seam.  Press seams in one direction.


Step Three:  Sew the back to the spine and then sew the book front to the spine, using a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Press seams.  Iron the fusible fleece to the back of your book exterior.




Step Four:  Take your two interior pieces and sew them together, leaving an opening in the middle of the seam.  (This is where we will turn the book right side out.)  Press the seam to one side.  Set aside for now.




Step Five: Hand quilt any way you like on the back and spine of the book.  I used Perl Cotton thread for the hand quilting; but you could use embroidery thread or just regular sewing thread.  You could also do this with the sewing machine if you prefer!




Step Six: Embellish the front cover of your book.  Use ribbon, selvedge, buttons.. anything you would like!  Do not place buttons too close to the edges… remember you will lose 1/4 inch along the raw edges.   Have fun with this step and get as creative as you’d like.  OR leave it plain!  It’s all up to you.




Step Seven:  Trim the fusible fleece and book exterior to exactly 4.5 inches by 7.5 inches.  Place your book interior on top of the book exterior, right sides together and sew a 1/4 inch seam all the way around, you will want to use wonder clips to keep it from slipping as you sew.  Clip corners, being careful not to cut into the seam.




Step Eight: Turn your book right side out through the opening in the lining.  Push the corners out and press the entire book, especially around the edges.


IMG_6952 2


Step Nine: Use a needle and regular sewing thread to close up the opening in the lining.




Step Ten:  Now let’s make our felt pages for the interior!  This is so fun!  Before I got started, I folded my felt in half (like a book) and carefully pressed a crease.  That way you can embellish each side separately from the other.   Keep in mind that we will be trimming the side edges of the felt when we have it completely sewn in so leave those edges free of embellishments.  You can go all the way to the middle fold, however.




Step Eleven: Lay your felt page on the interior of the book, carefully centering it exactly.  Use pins as a guide for the center if you need it; it helps me.  Sew a straight seam, attaching the page to the book.  When you finish your seam on the exterior of the book should be right down the middle of the book spine.




Step Twelve:  Use pinking or scallop scissors to cut the edge of the felt.  This is optional, but it gives a really pretty finish.




And your needle book is finished!!!!  I hope you’ll make one.. or ten!






And now… the good news!!!


I love to have giveaways on my blog and I think it’s been awhile since I’ve had one.  So!!  Here we go.  Leave a comment telling me what your favorite hand sewing project is!  Next month I’ll draw a winner for one of my needle books!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long!


  1. Colleen says:

    My favorite hand-sewing project is making folk-artsy looking dolls, with long skinny legs, embroidered faces, and calico dresses on them. Each one is “dorky” in it’s own look, but they’re so much fun to make.

  2. Maxine says:

    These are just so cute!!
    My favorite hand sewing project is really having a quilt that I’m working on just handy so I can sit down to it any time. One of my hand quilting projects is a hexie quilt that I use for a traveling project. It’s been overseas with me twice and will be going again in a few days.

  3. I have always sewed but lately started hand sewing again. Felt, wool table runners, crewel embroidery, counted cross stitch…I need to make an adorable book for my needles. Love your prints. Would love having one of yours

  4. Joanna Ziolkowski says:

    My favorite hand sewing right now is working with small wool applique stitching, but I plan to try something new because of an earlier article you wrote. I just shopped for some sashiko supplies, and I have signed up for some classes to learn this craft. I just have to say, your needlebooks are too sweet! I will have to try these, too! Thank you for always inspiring with your handiwork!

  5. Kathy Barnett says:

    I love to embroider, do EPP quilting, and needlepoint. Your needlebooks are adorable.

  6. Ginger Louden says:

    I embroider on dish towels. I was taught how to do this from my grandma and mother. I always have a towel, needles, and thread handy. I use them for gifts, and I donate a lot of them to shelters or local places that need them.

  7. Denise says:

    I love to do embroidery. It’s my favorite handwork. I’m not very good at it but I am practicing! Thanks for the chance at such a lovely giveaway. Love reading your blog

  8. Sandra Johnson says:

    My favorite hand sewing projects are creative clothing repairs to extend the life of my wardrobe.

  9. Laurel Anne Pries says:

    Although I’m “getting up there” I still love to make little things and give as gifts to friends and family. This little needle book definitely is on my to do list….how cute!! Thank you Dori!

  10. Lori says:

    These are so cute, Dori! Right now I am making that cute little fall swag that you gave a tutorial on last year. I had them all cut out last year but was not able to finish them. Hope to get it hung up this week! Other than that, I have some embroidery projects for winter I am doing. I figure if I work on the next season to come, I may get it finished to enjoy, lol

  11. Carol says:

    Hi Dori! I love these little needle books! I’m always looking for something special to make for friends. I think this will be this year’s project. Thank you. My favorite hand-sewing project is any small item that I have quilted. The last thing I made was a cheery table runner for the summer season. I like making big hand stitches on something like this. Gives it a homey look.Happy Sewing! Carol

  12. Denise says:

    I have a yo-yo quilt top that has been in the works for years but I love to shop or sew on it when I have time. I’ve taken quite a few quilt classes but it’s all done on a machine & I like that the yo-yo is all by hand.

  13. MS Barb says:

    I enjoy hand embroidery & embellished hand embroidery (I’ve taken classes to learn how to do different stitches for embellishments!

  14. Sabrena Orr says:

    My favorite hand sewing is doing for others – whether it is sewing a hem up for my daughter, fixing a button for our grands, or helping my mom with something she needs. It always feels good to give and help other. :0)

  15. mary pitman says:

    These little Needle keepers are so cute!! I made several last year for Christmas gifts. My hubby likes his really well! He uses the needle when he gets a sticker in his finger. I got the pattern from a quilt show my friend and I attended. I LOVE your posts or blogs, and just LOVE reading about your flower stands and your family helping you with it.

  16. Jane Jordan says:

    Hi Dori – what a sweet blog post. Were expecting Hurricane Lee to hit us here on the coast of Maine tomorrow so after battening down the hatches this afternoon, I know what I’ll be doing to morrow to ride out the storm…making a needle book!
    I’m working on a US map quilt these days. It’s appliqued and I’m hand quilting around the outside of the map. Doing small random running stitches. I’m finding it to be really relaxing. So, for now, I’ll say that it’s my favorite project. But who knows? May e after tomorrow, making needle books will be my new favorite :-).

  17. Toni Hauge says:

    My favorite needlework is counted cross-stitch.
    I have stitched many things as gifts and they are in homes all over the world.
    My favorite is the Nativity ornaments I made for my Mom. They are glass beads, double sided and stitched on perforated paper. A lady admitted them and asked me to make a set for her. I did.
    I have since inherited the set I made for my Mom.
    I enjoy reading your blogs. Thank you

  18. Judy Garden says:

    My favorite hand sewing project is visible mending on old jeans!

  19. Hannah W says:

    Thanks for the inspiring post. Most of my hand sewing is hand quilting and finishing the binding. My favorite part of the process.

  20. Susan Owen says:

    My favorite handwork is going to sound a little unusual. I like mending. It is such a great feeling to mend something and know that it will last a little longer or bring new life to something that would have been tossed away. Recently I bought two items at big discounts because they just needed a little mending and TLC. One was a cute set of fabric ghosts that the seams had come apart and the other was a snowman whose spool thread and buttton legs had been sewn on backwards.

  21. Carla J says:

    Right now I’m working thru a series of snowman hand embroidery blocks that will end up in a quilt, hopefully next year. I enjoy hand quilting smaller items.
    My bag was heavy enough after walking thru the quilt show yesterday I would have been tempted to purchase more embellishments if I had seen this first. I treated myself to a new silver thimble and a book on using some of the tatted and crochet pieces from estate sales.

  22. Whitney Hedren says:

    I like Christmas cross stitches

  23. Susan Owen says:

    My favorite handwork is going to sound a little unusual. I like mending. It is such a great feeling to mend something and know that it will last a little longer or bring new life to something that would have been tossed away. Recently I bought two items at big discounts because they just needed a little mending and TLC. One was a cute set of fabric ghosts that the seams had come apart and the other was a snowman whose spool thread and buttton legs had been sewn on backwards. It’s fun to be able to mend things that have sentimental value as well.

  24. Dori Umphreys says:

    I love hand sewing little doll quilts and ornaments for my tiny Christmas tree.

  25. De says:

    I Love to make little critters or little dolls out of felt!

  26. Lorna Wooldridge says:

    I am eyeing a felted mail box pattern with handmade felted snail for the cards I make. Thank you for this super cute giveaway.

  27. Lisa Albert says:

    I love anything handmade especially with embroidery on it and appliqués. Your books are delightful and practical! I’m just beginning to learn hand work now that my boys are grown and I have down time to create. I would love to win one of your books to have in my home for upcoming embroidered tea towel projects I want to do for Christmas presents❤️

  28. Jodi LeBrun-Boyer says:

    I just started to hand sew, so every project is my favorite right now. I love these little books, I can’t wait to try it out.

  29. Mary Bryan says:

    At the moment, my favorite needlework is counted cross-stitch. But, that could change. I also do embroidery and EPP.

  30. Fonda L says:

    Those are sooooooooooo cute!!!
    My favorite project might be counted cross-stitch picture.
    They have so many to choose from or you can make your own.

  31. Cristy Marxsen says:

    My favorite handwork is applique. I can’t wait to get started on a needlebook though. Thank you sew much for the inspiration!!!!

  32. Cheri Sander says:

    I love this idea! Will definitely try to make one. I love to make little projects to give away. Right now I am making quilted tree shirts to give to my kids.

  33. Carole Nelsen says:

    I’m trying to finish cross stitching a pillowcase, but do enjoy trying small sewing projects.

  34. Terry Wingate says:

    I just started quilting in January of this year. I want to hand-quilt my next project, instead of machine quilting on a long-arm. In the past, I’ve done counted cross stitch and a little needlepoint. These needlebooks are just adorable! Now that I’m retired, I have more time to enjoy my hobbies!

  35. Christine Puruleski says:

    I know it’s kind of plain for others, but I love to make different dishcloth patterns!!!
    I have done hot pads and coasters and just thoroughly enjoy giving them as stocking stuffers or just a surprise gift!
    I do think my favorite may become these needle books!!! I am always searching for what I need to mend or alter something and these are the cutest and most sensible sewing extras I have seen in a long time!
    Thank you, thank you, Dori!,


  36. Sylvia Bengisoy says:

    I enjoy cross stitch. I would like to try Brazilian Embroidery. I have made a dolly out of saved items/fabrics. It turned out real cute.

  37. Debbie McDonald says:

    My favorite hand sewing project has been learning to darn wool socks.

  38. shawna says:

    I love embroidery! I enjoy hand stitching receiving blanket edges. I always have a knit or crochet project going. I know that isn’t hand sewing, but it keeps my hands busy.

  39. Connie Bruss says:

    I make replica wedding and bridesmaids dresses and other outfits of family and friends for American dolls.

  40. Jennifer Thayer says:

    I love hand-stitching seasonal decor with felt and penny rugs.

  41. Patricia Colbaugh says:

    I love hand sewing embellished items for military shadowboxes for family members. Love seeing handmade hearts, flags & etc made from their families past lace, leather & quilt cottons.

  42. Myra says:

    Sweet little book and so useful too! Love it.

  43. Dena Martin says:

    My hand projects are usually stitching binding to a newly made quilt. But, my favorite and most memorable hand project is a little pieced I hand-embroidered when I was about eleven years old. I taped the embroidery design to a window in the dining room and taped a piece of muslin over it before beginning to trace the embroidery designs on the muslin. It took me forever to trace and my arms were so tired reaching up to trace the designs. The piece has a poem in the middle, under a young boy and girl walking up the staircase. And, it’s framed by embroidered children’s toys. Good memories. I still have the piece which was completed over 50 years ago.

  44. Carol Lou Ontto says:

    My favorite hand sewing project is mending. I am laid up from surgery and have been catching up on.

  45. Gayle Baskin says:

    I love the sewing needle book pattern and idea.
    I love using scraps for small pouches for my embroidery floss or scissors or small gift bags.
    Thank you…

  46. Sherry says:

    You’ve inspired me to get out my needles and scissors and start crafting again! I’m 74 y/o and I know I have another quilt in me

  47. Rhonda Bowdy says:

    I love to make Christmas ornaments. I’ve made many little ginger bread men. I give them all away.

  48. Joan Piercy says:

    Dori, I love your blog! My favorite needlework is embroidery which is perfect for the Crazy Quilt I am finishing. My Aunt Mary Witte was unable to finish it and gave it to me. Crazy quilts have always been my favorite quilts. I am also finishing up one the Dresden Plate table toppers you had in a recent blog. Thank you, Dori, for sharing your world with all of us! Joan

  49. Nita says:

    Currently into little things, having finally finished 52Tags from 2020…! Now working on a Tiny Tannenbaum wallhanging with lots of shiny bits added. Besides embroidery, mostly my favorite handsewing project is finishing the binding on a quilt–such a soothing, nearly mindless activity, suited to TV watching if that’s your jam, and satisfying at the end of the flurry of creating a quilt!

  50. Joy says:

    I love to do counted cross stitch. I get so much enjoyment from looking at all your projects. Makes me wish I could quilt.

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