No Sew Flag Bunting {Tutorial}


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Hello Friends!

Its almost July and I had on my mind to make a super easy new bunting to hang.  Most of you know me well enough to know that I absolutely adore buntings!  I decided to just use up some fabric scraps and make a “no sew” bunting that ANYONE can make!  Dig through your red/white/blue fabric scraps and let make one together!


  • Cutting mat
  • Plastic ruler
  • Rotary cutter with a sharp blade
  • Scissors
  • Twine
  • Fabric scraps





First of all lets talk about your fabric strips: the size and how many you’ll need!  This bunting is 8 feet long with 2 feet of twine on each side of the fabric strips.  SO your strips will be hung on the middle four feet.  They are one inch wide so you will need 48 strips to cover that space.  I chose to use 12 different fabrics and so I cut four strips from each piece of fabric.  If you don’t use that many fabrics (or you use more) you can calculate how many you’ll need to cut.  But for this tutorial, we’ll just assume you have 12 different fabrics.  (I made several buntings.  Each of them were from different shades of red/white/blue fabric.)


Iron your fabric pieces to make them easier to cut and hang!


Lay your fabric on the cutting mat and cut four steps one inch wide by 18 inches long.  (If you plan to make more than one bunting, you can double this amount.)  Continue cutting until you have 4 strips from each of the 12 fabrics with a total of 48 strips.




Cut your twine to 8 feet in length.  Fold it in half and mark the half way point by using a wonder clip or clothes pin at that spot.  I also marked the half way point on each side of the mid section.  Really you only need one in the middle; but I liked knowing where my beginning and end was on the entire piece of twine.




Find a place to tie and hang your twine so that it’s easy to work with.  I chose the landing at the top of my stairs and tied each end to the stair rails.  You’ll want to tie it firmly because as you add the fabric strips it’ll sag.  (I just noticed the mess in my kitchen down below in this picture!!!  It was my sour dough bread making day and I was working on this in between the stretch and folds in my dough!  That’s for another blog post I guess!)




Get comfortable!  I sat on a little stool with all my fabric strips laid out next to me on a little trunk.  (Picture below was after I had finished a bunting but my little stool was tucked in there between fabric strips and the hanging twine.)


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You can lay your strips out according to how you intend to hang them, or you can just do it randomly.  Starting at the middle point of your twine, where you have your wonder clip or clothes pin, you’ll tie your first fabric strip.  (Either to the right or the left of that, it doesn’t matter.)  Using the picture below, hang each fabric strip.  It goes really fast as you aren’t actually tying a knot, just creating a loop and putting the fabric through, and pulling it snug.  Super easy and very fast.


MJF Flag Bunting


Continue attaching fabric strips until you have 24 of them on the twine; right or left side of the center.


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 At that point you will then start on the other side of the twine and attach the remaining 24.




Now it’s time to hang your bunting!  You have two feet of twine on each side of the fabric strips so it gives you plenty to attach it wherever you chose to hang it.


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My favorite bunting might be the one I made out of colors that created more of an Americana theme versus a Flag color.  It matched my home-made laundry sign perfectly!


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This project is so fast and so very rewarding.  It’s also a great project to do with young children.  You can do the cutting and they can help with the tying!




I hope you have a wonderful Fourth of July!  It is one of my favorite holidays and decorating in patriotic colors is always special for me.  I’d love to hear if you make a no sew bunting and where you hang it!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.




  1. Bonnie Iscrupe says:

    Loved the idea, great for children to help with.

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