Flowers, Furniture and FUN

Dear Sisters,

What a whirl wind spring can be. There’s always so much to do to get a new season off the ground and let’s not forget that revolving TO-DO list we all have with the carry overs from the previous season. This year has been particularly busy here at our little homestead. It’s a good thing I caught a case of Farmgirlitus .Contrary to other ailments that might keep a girl down for a few days, Farmgirlitus has the opposite effect. There’s no mistaking it once you are infected but here’s a list of some of the more common symptoms just in case you think you might have it too:

1) your mind will race with ideas for projects inside and out

2) you’ll have the urge to dig up huge sections of your yard and replace it with food and flowers.

3) your heart will race at the sight of backyard blueberry shrubs at your local nursury and vivid paint colors.

4) you have an insatiable desire to get up early on the weekends to go junk’n and haunt your favorite thrift stores.

5) you drag home anything and everything so you can repurpose it.

6) you buy your first goat/s

7) you get your first batch of chickens

8) you build a chicken coop

9) you build a greenhouse

10) you glam up your very own vintage trailer and hit the open road with Farmgirls on the Loose

11) you have a hard time falling asleep at night due to feeling just a tad over excited about EVERYTHING… but, once you do drift off you dream in happy colors.

12). you are having WAY MORE FUN compared to those who do not suffer from Farmgirlitus.

Symptoms WILL vary depending on the farmgirl: Add yours to the list at the bottom of this post!

Really and truly, the list for possible symptoms of Farmgirlitus is endless. So I’ll just go ahead and show you what’s been ailing me in all the right ways while you get your list of symptoms together!

Let’s start with Flowers shall we?  I’m still that same flower- crazed farmgirl from last year and the pressure to get all of my annual seeds and cut flower bulbs planted before June 1st was on hot and heavy but I got r done! I planted zinnias, dahlia’s, gladiolus, snap peas, morning glories, sunflowers, straw flowers, money plant, tomatoes, chives, cucumbers, zucchini, rainbow Swiss chard, mixed lettuce, and lord knows what else! It’s a good feeling to have that done and to see things already popping up is so exciting!


Newly planted raised beds soaking up the sun.

We’ll be shoulder high in more blooms than we can shake a watering can at before we know it sisters!

My sweet mother in law standing near the zinnia beds late last summer.

New sunflower sprouts!

I made my own trellis for the snap peas with bamboo stakes and garden twine ( Jute ). I simply tied the strands horizontally from stake to stake leaving about 8 inches in-between rows. Then I tied vertical strand to the top and wrapped it around each string as I worked my way to the bottom, tying it to the last strand.

I guess I did it right cuz the peas like it!

Have you noticed how popular Violas ( pansies ) are this season?

They’ve been getting a lot of press in H and G magazines and for good reason. They have such pretty faces, come in a variety of colors and they will grow in part sun/shade with rich organic soil and moderate watering. ( They like to be damp, but not soaked )

I bought several 6 packs for my vintage chicken feeder that I turned into a container garden for my ” girls “!

These small feed holes just call out for a plug of pansies don’t they? Once I had them placed I covered them up with some homemade compost,

watered them well and set them out by the chicken run so the girls can enjoy them.

Max likes them too.

As if playing in the dirt isn’t enough to treat my farmgirlitus, I’ve been dippin’ in the paint can again too! Annie Sloan Chalk Paint to be exact! Remember way back in another post when I said I was gonna paint that china cabinet for my booth Burlap and Bling? Well, I got that done TOO! I know some of you have seen this already on my blog and Facebook so please pardon what might seem to be excessive ” farmgirl braggin” .

Here’s my blurry, blecky basement before pic:

Allow me to introduce you to the NEW AND RE-LOVED Miss Duck Egg~

Wait for it…..

She’s showing a little leg…

Here she is with her door off… Woops! Well, um, I wanted you to see how purty she is on the inside…

As you can see, there is no cure for farmgirlitus. And even if there were a cure, I wouldn’t go with in 10 feet of it! However, it CAN be treated with a few simple steps.

If you feel a spark of inspiration, light it, if it makes you happy, do it. If there’s something you want to try, try it.

You’ll  know the ” cure ” is working if you fall in to bed at night exhausted, tired and sore, but happy. Rest assured your farmgirlitus is under control!

Until our next shoreline visit~ Happy Farmgirl’n

Much Love,

Sister Deb # 1199

P.S. I’ve started a new group on Facebook for folks who love all things vintage, time worn and re-loved! Here’s the link…

Come share and join the fun!

  1. Louise Marie says:

    Your post is great, but the greatest of all is Max! His smile is incredible. i want a Corgi so bad. One of these days!

    Oh, you will love having a Corgi Louise Marie…They have so much personality, and love to give, and those smiles …. well…let’s just say I love my love-bug Maxi-do!

    Thanks for the note! xo Deb

  2. Joan Marie says:

    Farmgirlitis struck years ago and there IS no cure, so this Wednesday in sunny Cape May, NJ – I was up at dawn, used my 2012 Christmas present, a long-handled hedge trimmer, to lop off two feet of excess upwardly mobile growth. Lugged the trimmings to the curb. Weeded the "crabby" crabgrass from my raised flower beds, planted 6 more perennials, lopped off dozens of spent iris stems, raked out the mulch and took a breakfast break. Noticed my wooden kitchen floor needed repair – whipped out the electric drill and screws to fix it up. Changed all the sheets and hung ’em out and discovered the lawn mower shot a pebble through the back storm door window — Wow, sparkling diamonds of safety glass spread across the sidewalk! Cleaned up the mess and headed for the veggie garden. Planted new rows of Swiss Chard and spinich, harvested some rhubarb and headed indoors to make a rhubarb/strawberry pie. I don’t even want to tell you what this farmgirl accomplished after lunchtime — I’m tired just thinking about it. But we did get 2 hours at the sunny beach! You’re right – we are EXCITED ABOUT EVERYTHING. Blessings from Joan Marie, Cape May, NJ

    That’s what I’m talking about Joan!!! So good to hear I’m not alone.. I knew I couldn’t be! What time’s pie? We’ll be right over!  🙂 Blessings, Deb xo

  3. carolj says:

    You should be a diagnostician. I definitely have farmgirlitis. Sooo many ideas I can’t focus or get them done fast enough. Thank you for sharing the beautiful picture of your mother-in-love.


    You can relate?! Glad you enjoyed!

    xo Deb

  4. patti says:

    I also love to read your blog. I am a farmgirl too. I grew up on a small farm in Santa Rosa, California. I remember the warm summer days, fresh produce from our garden, the chickens, duck, pigs, cows, goats, pigeons, dogs etc. Those were the days.


    Oh, thanks so much Patti. Those sound like wonderful farmgirl memories. Thanks so much for sharing! xo Deb  

  5. Diana Henretty says:

    Good Morning from the Ozarks,
    Every year we say we have enough raised beds, then I see yet another patch of
    sunshine to make into another garden, and there it is! We have found that
    the soil under a pile of wood makes the best gardens ever!
    There’s enough gardens now to raise vegies enough to can for us every winter
    and to share with whoever cannot garden, what a blessing to share!
    Diana, Noel, MO.

    Hello there Diana! So true… Yet, another infliction of Farmgirlitus… Is EVERY BARE PATCH OF GROUND A  POSSIBLE FUTURE GARDEN? Um, YES!!! So great you can grow and share your homegrown veggies… That soil under a pile of wood, where the earthworms gather would be perfect for garden beds…Makes perfect sense! Thanks so much for reading and sharing your " symptoms" too  xo Deb

  6. Ellen says:

    Hi Deb,
    It s wonderful. been around since forever. MS has slowed me down a bit. This AM I hit the garden, shook the rain off the Peonies, and cut some, but the main reason for the venture out was to cut some lavender for the hens laying boxes, and some others. basil, clover mint,tarragon, and noticed the strawberries. Picked and ate one (granddaughters were coming later.) Kylie 6 loves to pick them, and ate them all. :). made cupcakes and a cake for My other Grandaughter who is One.Not a lot of planting, but did enjoy what I did. Tommorrow I will pick fresh flowers for My other granddaughter Cyanna for her high school graduation. I have 8 and another grandson due in August. Life is Good.
    Farmgirl since birth


    Hi Ellen,

    Life IS good in your neck of the woods… that sounds like a busy day for any farmgirl! You are blessed with all of those grands to love on… 🙂 Thanks so much for your note and for reading! xo Deb   

  7. Susan Abernethy says:

    Glad to know that I just have farmgirlitus! Every spring, I am wondering what is wrong with me, with my head spinning, and so much to do!!!!!!
    Thank you for the inspirations..I am starting a large flower bed this year, and have my first chickens!
    I will try your chalk paint idea on a bookcase, and maybe more! I always enjoy your blogs!!!


    Awww, thanks so much Susan! Yep, it’s just farmgirlitus, nothing to worry about! It always does my heart good when I hear that someone is starting a new flower bed or casting a few zinnia seeds in a bare patch! Lots of new beginnings at your house this spring… Love it! What are you going to grow? And, what kind of chicks did you get? what color for your bookcase?  Do tell! xo Deb

  8. marcia says:

    LOVE how the china cabinet came out! just beautiful

    Thanks Marcia! 🙂 You know how long I’ve had that one too!  Nice to see you here!


  9. Shery says:

    Oh MY…your old china cabinet went from drabulous to FABULOUS. What a lovely updated look. She’s a fashionista.

    I really like your old chicken feeder – planter idea. Photos of the finished article?? Did you put pansies in it??


    Hi Shery, Love that…. drabulous to FABULOUS!  Max is standing behind my the ‘ finished article’ chicken feeder with pansies! 

     Loved your visit! 🙂 Pat Ribbon for me and tell her she’s a good girl! xo Deb  

  10. Susan Abernethy says:

    Hi, Deb!
    Love it! I planted giant zinnias, and wildflowers, and sunflowers….
    My bookcase is going to be used for storing my jars of dried herbs, and bath salts..I am open for suggestions on color??? Maybe paint the inside a different color than the shelving?? Stencil something??????? Ideas???

    Hi Susan, 

    You will have pretty flowers all summer long!

    As for your paint colors… you could use burlap to back the inside of your bookcase!  I’m doing that today on a hutch that goes on top of a buffet I just painted. Or, a soft blue, green or lavender would be pretty to set off your herbs, and bath salts too! Have fun! xo Deb


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