Self-Care {And A Giveaway}

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Hello Farmgirl Friends!

This is one of those posts where I’ve had this thought on my mind that won’t go away… so like I’ve done many times in the past, I’m going to blog about it!


I love this picture of my sister and I last summer

My sister recently retired after many years of working nights in the hospital, and as the day was getting closer to her retirement I asked her what her plans were.  This was her response; “I intend to learn to practice self-care.  It’s something that you are very good at and I need to learn it.”  I was a little taken aback because frankly the term “self-care” has always seemed like a selfish term to me.   But then as she continued talking about the ways that she wants to practice it in her life, I began to realize that self-care is a very good thing and I started to actually question how I apply it in my life.



  1. the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.
  2. the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.


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This is something that I know I need to spend more time with each day.  It is what helps me the most… but also the thing that I so often push aside for other things.  I love sitting on my porch under a quilt with my Bible… reading, meditating and thinking.  I also work to take the time to write in my journal; my thoughts and feelings as well as Bible verses that are a help to me.




For five years now I’ve really put my fitness as a priority in my life.  This wasn’t so much for weight loss as it was for needing an emotional outlet.  The benefits have been huge and as a result it has become a priority for me.  I attend fitness classes a few times a week and I trail run on our farm a few times a week as well.  Running has turned into a time that I often listen to podcasts about things that are motivating and inspiring.  Things that encourage me to keep putting one foot in front of the other.


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Creating takes on so many forms for me.   All of you that have read this blog know that sewing and quilting are something that I love.  But honestly any time that I spend in my loft studio creating is inspiring to me.  It’s one of the favorite rooms in my house and the place where the creative side of my brain is open and flowing!  I make it a point to do some creative thing every single day… even if it is only 10 minutes!




Seven years ago when my daughter and I plunged into flower farming it was just for fun.  Little did we know that it would turn out to be a definite form of self-care.  During the summer months I spend time every single day in the middle of our flowers.  Whether I’m on my knees weeding, mowing, deadheading old blooms, or cutting and arranging flowers; it feeds my soul.  It is the place I go to cry.  The place I go to laugh and relax.  The place I go to just sit and think.  The place where I can get revived just simply walking through the garden gate.



Gifting Home-made

Sitting at my sewing machine sewing for a friend, or standing in my kitchen baking for a friend… those are two of my favorite things that absolutely give me joy.  Self-care is joy right?  Doing for others is a form of self-care for me… I don’t ever find gifting home-made as something that sucks energy from me.  It feeds me hugely.




I have many friends.  My daughter is one of the most precious friends in my life.  But this is about my two close life-long girlfriends.  They encourage, motivate, and feed my soul in so many ways.  We live thousands of miles from each other but the three of us make getting together on a yearly basis a priority.  A few days with them and I feel completely at peace with everything in my life.  It is one of the most important forms of self-care for me.




Family time is very soothing to me.  It may not exactly be self-care; but yet it is in a way.  Last summer I made spa robes for my daughter, daughter-in law and two grand-girls for our beach vacation.  The very best self-care time as a family and really… isn’t that self-care for the Mom as well?  (I’m ready for another beach vacation for sure!)




One thing I do know very fully is that I am at the stage of life where self-care comes easier. I do not work out of the home, my children are grown, my husband is an easy keeper (smile!) and the demands of life are lighter.  So I know that I do not have to work as hard at self-care as a lot of people do.  But I still feel like it is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves regardless of our age or stage in life.



And we all need a little nurturing don’t we?  How about a very fun self-care giveaway for one lucky reader?  All you have to do is comment on this post and tell me one way you consistently practice self-care in your life.  I’ll announce the winner next month.  It’s going to be a fun giveaway that I plan to spend the next few weeks putting together!  (You did read the “gifting home-made” paragraph above right?!!!)  I absolutely LOVE giveaways!!!


Thank you to all of you wonderful friends and readers of my blog post each month.  You motivate and encourage me to keep writing.  And sitting here at my computer and writing out my thoughts is also self-care, isn’t it?  Smile!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.


  1. Cathy Holton says:

    I love to read and make time to do so at least a few times a week.

  2. April G. says:

    Combining the self-care goals of meditation, good eating/healthy living and daily gratitude, each day I enjoy a Matcha-latte in a beautiful pottery handle-less mug that my daughter bought me for Christmas. She got me to try matcha in the first place and we share this love, so settling for a few minutes each day to quiet my mind, feeling that warm mug in my hands, and appreciating all that is good in my life is a ritual of self-care that I look forward to each day!

  3. Sandra Johnson says:

    I love the positivity in your blog posts!
    A self-care focus that is a priority for me is getting enough sleep–consistently 7 hours. No devices or screens in the bedroom, nightly routine (including gratitude) and bedtime reading and devotions. Being well-rested is essential for physical and mental health for me!

  4. Carol says:

    Hi Dori … I agree with you that self-care is so important. If you don’t take care of yourself and practice self-love, how can you give to the others in your life? I love creating much like you do but right now I am undergoing monthly treatments for lymphoma. I have HAD to give myself permission to rest (nap) when my body says to do it. Thanks for this inspiring post. I’m sure your sister will be following your lead! Hugs, Carol

  5. Paulajean says:

    A fun and educational kind of self care that I do is work out my genealogy. I plan to give this to family members as a gift- something to have and increase their knowledge of themselves!

  6. Cyndie Gray says:

    My dear friend~thank you for this blog post! I so
    appreciate your thoughts here on self-care. And a
    quick “high five” to your sis for this very needful
    retirement goal; I am in my 4th year of retirement &
    finding my way with self-care has been a bit of a
    struggle for me. I am working at it tho’. For me the
    thought of “finding joy” in all the aspects of self-care
    you mention here is my goal. I love seeing the joy just
    radiate from your smile in the photos above!
    Now after all that “rattling on”…one of the things I do
    for self-care is the spiritual aspect. If I spend time
    reading my Bible, meditating & praying early on in the
    day, it infuses my whole day with an essence of joy.
    Finding joy is probably the best form of self-care for
    me. Thank you for your way with words 🙂

  7. Kimberly Morales says:

    I make time each day to create something…. either some paper beads for jewelry making, a square for a granny square blanket, a couple of rows on a baby blanket or whatever other crochet project I have going on. This time always relaxes me after the stress of the work day. And makes a great time for prayer, either for the person I am working on the project for or for various members of my family.

  8. Julie A says:

    After school drop offs I do deep water aerobics with other women in my community. The women weren’t quite sure about me at first because I am 30-40 years younger than they are, but now we are friends. My favorite ritual is taking a few laps with someone after the class. The time in the water is rejuvenating, healing, and a great workout.

  9. Lori Maxham says:

    Our yoga instructor texts us everyday to remind us to do a few minutes of sun salutations. It makes me feel so much better each day and takes only a few minutes.

  10. Barb Houser says:

    Painting in my studio
    Having coffee or tea on my patio
    Watching the birds.

  11. Karen says:

    Every morning, I sit in a sunny spot and write down what I hear, see, feel, around me. I avoid writing about cares, responsibilities, or concerns. It is so cleansing to just observe and record.

  12. Paula K says:

    Since I retired, I spend most of my time quilting memory quilts and pillows for ppl. The spiritual element really touches my heart. There’s also my Bichon, Oliver, who is right by my side every minute of every day. He’s a happy frequent flyer at Joann’s and my local quilt shop❣️

  13. Donna says:

    I like to go outside early morning with my dogs and listen to the silence

  14. T. Burke says:

    Hi Dori! Your post really struck a chord with me. My Mom and I recently committed to a mindfulness meditation practice after watching a documentary on self care. The daily meditations have already had a positive impact on our overall well being. We both look forward to your blog posts. Your projects always inspire us to keep crafting. Thank you for sharing happiness!

  15. Stephi Johnson says:

    I use meditation to help calm any anxiety and keep me grounded. Also daily exercise helps to keep out the cobwebs!

  16. Sherri Marshall says:

    Good morning! I think we would be great friends! As I read through this it struck me that all these things are the same things that calm, comfort, and revive me. Thanks for the reminder of their importance. I don’t need to feel selfish about doing them! Have a great day!

  17. Denise says:

    Your blog is so inspiring! I love the photo of you and your sister. A precious relationship!
    I practice self care by spending quiet time each morning in my bible, taking a walk or spending time quilting, reading cross stitching or writing letters.
    Enjoy your day!

  18. edee says:

    Love this message, right now it’s a very busy time in my life, so I run away with my hubby for self care <3

  19. Lori says:

    Such an inspiring post! Thank you so much! Raising 6 children, I did do some “self-care along that journey…a sewing class here and there, lunch with a friend, time alone to just think. But when my sweet husband had a massive hemorrhagic stroke almost 5 years ago and I became his full-time caregiver, I never stopped. I was so driven to help him get back what he had lost. In doing so, my own health suffered and I was forced to start taking care of this body God had given me! Even though my husband still can’t be left alone, I find longer moments when I can just journal or read or take a walk by myself (with someone staying in the house with my husband.) We both have great faith that God will restore everything lost in that horrific moment 5 years ago! Now that my husband has been forced into retirement, life goes at a much slower pace and I love that! We take more time to garden, which has been great “ therapy” for both of us!
    Thank you again for the post, quite refreshing!

  20. Sandi King says:

    Hi Dori,
    The Captcha above always seems to be timed out when I try to post, and I lose all I said. Self care to me is reading my Bible daily, writing verses that have special meanings for me, watching the birds, plant’s in my garden growing, daffodils blooming in the Spring, and working on Family History and helping others.

  21. Eileen says:

    Hi Dori!
    I so look forward to your blog each month! Your messages are really inspiring and motivating! Dori, you should consider writing a book, perhaps sharing your words of wisdom, craft ideas and recipes! I know it would be a best seller!

    How I consistently practice self-care involves teaching my daughter skills which my mother taught me, such as: reading, cooking, baking, quilting, sewing, crocheting, knitting, and all mediums of creative art. I also tell my daughter stories of her grandparents; how kind, generous and showing by their example, we were taught how to live with God in our lives daily.

    This is my idea of self-care, not preserving physical beauty but to preserve and pass on timeless learning and nurturing practical life skills, knowing a solid foundation of who we are and preserving and sharing these gifts from God with others!

    I look forward to next month’s blog and hopefully win your give-away!!!

    Take care,

  22. Dorothy says:

    I recently retired after 52 years of working at the same job. I loved my job. I am now having to learn how to spend my days. I never thought of doing self care. Now is the time to put that in action. Thank you so very much for your blog but especially for this one.

  23. Kelly D says:

    I take time every day to sit on my deck and just enjoy the flowers and watch the birds instead of thinking the gardens need weeded or the chicken coop needs cleaned out.

  24. Shari Dunlap-Sindelar says:

    I wake up, make my coffee, then give my tabby cat some attention. He is only able to get attention in the early mornings, as our female cat is an attention hog. After the tabby has his attention time, then I read or did needlepoint work during the winter. Now that it is spring, I will start the garden prepping. I like to do crafts and hike when possible.

  25. Ak says:

    As a nurse often say we are great care givers not takers so really feel your sisters per suit of self care. Women need other women in there lives, a creative outlet, and a time to enjoy life.

  26. Clare says:

    We are empty nesters. I also work outside of the home. My new love is learning how to speak French! I work learning online daily AND have ordered a workbook/text book which is due to arrive tomorrow. Keeping our mind nimble is key! Au revoir!

  27. Kimberlee S. says:

    My self-care routine is full of the things that bless my soul – devotion/prayer time, family gatherings, church, girlfriend outings, and taking time to admire God’s creation wherever I am. (Living out here in the country makes me wonder if blue and green are His favorite colors…)

  28. Jean says:

    I love to read, cross-stitch, garden and bake for my family. Also the care of 9 grandkids keeps me going all the time. But it’s a life I love and I wouldn’t trade it!!

  29. Debbie Fischer says:

    A nice bath with Lavender Bath salts. I feel like I am at a Spa. All I need then is a massage.
    Have a Beautiful weekend.

  30. Faith B says:

    As a “pleaser” and problem solver, I have gradually been getting used to the notion that “no” is a spiritual word, too, and setting up boundaries for myself without feeling guilt. It’s empowering and nice to not feel so drained all the time.

    Also, I make it a point to visit with and dote on my friend’s dog Bruno almost daily- he’s a lovebug and no matter what kind of day I may be having, he always manages to bring me down a few notches and get me out of my funk. It’s not exactly a “self-care routine” but the simple act of making time to give and receive love can do wonders. Time with animals is a blessing! 🙂

  31. Sarah Philpy says:

    Affirmations! Whether out loud or silent thoughts…I thrive on reminding myself what a marvelous creation I am! Grateful for my God, my family, my blessings and talents, and how beautifully created I am…how the body is perfectly designed to heal and to function to make me who I am and able to contribute to my family and community.

  32. Holly Bracy says:

    My favorite form of self care is crafting and I very frequently gift the items I make. I am working on something for myself right now and that feels special because I don’t do it that often.

  33. I always enjoy these posts. I practice self-care by taking time to read with quiet music.

  34. Carol says:

    I attend church regularly and try my best to get a good night sleep.

  35. Brittany McCloud says:

    Thank you so very much my sweet friend for your inspiring, encouraging and uplifting blog! It blesses me so very much! I do many things for self care, but some of the ones that are most meaningful to me is the time I spend reading my Bible, praying, journaling; including drawing and writing scriptures in it and just growing closer to God. Family! My family is so very important to me and I love to show my love, gratitude and kindness to them in many ways but my baking, cooking and homemade gifts are the biggest part of it. I love to teach my 3 year old grandson how to garden, bake, cook, paint, draw, sew and so much more…this helps both of us and I love the precious time we get to be together one on one. Generosity/Hospitality! I absolutely love to be hospitable at home or at our business and everywhere to our family, friends and community. I love to be generous…I do not make a New Year’s Resolution ever…instead I make a commitment to a word, phrase or task to help others. For example, I have actually been using the same word for several years because it brings so much joy to me…it is “intentional”! Being intentional in all that I do, especially intentional generosity is so gratifying, joyful, a way to show your love, kindness, compassion and so much more! Thank you so much Dori! YOU always bring joy and light to my day when I read your blogs. May God bless you abundantly for all that you do and give. Lots of love, hugs and blessings, Brittany

  36. Debbie Larrimore says:

    I sit and drink my coffee in my “special place” in the house ,and give myself a few extra minutes to wake up and reflect on the day before it starts. This sets the tone for the rest of the day. Even if things go haywire during my day …I have had some minutes of “self-care” first thing in the morning .

  37. TJ says:

    I walk my dogs, paint ceramics, and propagate my uncommon houseplants.

  38. Patricia Miller says:

    My self care is a daily cup of herbal tea and a good book. Twenty to thirty minutes of getting lost in someone else’s story or learning something new leaves me inspired and refreshed!

  39. Lori Vidal says:

    Hi, Dori! As a homeschooling mom to 6 (down to the last one!) and full-time caregiver to my beloved husband who had a massive stroke almost 5 years ago, I definitely understand the importance of “self-care!” It was actually forced on me when my health became impacted by trying to “do it all” and not just stopping to BREATHE and take some moments out of the day. Bless you for the chance to win a fun and thoughtful gift!

  40. Ann Sawyer says:

    Taking even a few minutes every day in my tiny sunroom. It is filled with plants and my own special objects, trip mementos and nature gifts from my kids and grandkids. A morning coffee “by the river”. So simple!

  41. Cindy Burman says:

    I find self-care in generosity. Expecally in the form of “random acts of kindness”. It’s in giving a helping hand, creating something special or just listening I find personal joy.

  42. Regina says:

    Journaling is one of my “self care”s. When I can’t sleep I pick up my journal and dump…the good, the bad, the ugly; and then also my Bible..sometimes when I’m almost too tired to read, just simply holding my Bible in my lap relaxes me, and I soon drop off to sleep

  43. Shanon says:

    Walking in nature is part of my self care routine

  44. MS Barb says:

    I read my Bible daily & my day is “complete” when I can read, sew, practice music on the piano, and do a crossword puzzle! Thanks for an opportunity to win!

  45. Tammie Novak says:

    Self-care for me as I age is not so much about being self-focused as it is about caring the best I can for the self God has blessed me with! In light of this I try to grow my faith, spend time with loved ones, encourage others, take daily health supplements, eat balanced meals, get proper sleep, enjoy the great outdoors and stay active, find new adventures to enjoy with my husband, and pursue creative outlets that help me recharge.

  46. Marilyn says:

    I do the Rosary every day. I also read a few pages or more in the book I am reading. Thank you for the giveaway.

  47. Lesa Shoutz says:

    I practice self care daily by getting outside to get fresh air and exercise, relaxing with a cup of tea, and by practicing meditation.

  48. Regan Dykes says:

    One way I practice self care is to grab a cup of coffee and a great book and cuddle in for a story! It is a way of relaxing and letting my mind wander to another place!

  49. Emily says:

    Good Morning, Dori;

    I like to begin my day early. As I drink my first cup of coffee, I prepare for the day. When the dawn breaks, I can see that each day has its own beauty and each day has its own blessings. I remember and I am simply thankful.

  50. Amy says:

    Hi Dori,
    I always enjoy your blog posts and have the ironing board cover on my to do list. Thank you for sharing your self care ideas. I have to agree with you on the flower farming! I started a small cut flower patch and it has been one of my greatest joys. It begins with picking out the seeds in early winter and ends with digging the last dahlia tuber in the fall. The beauty between those two events makes me smile all spring and summer.

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