Self-Care {And A Giveaway}

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Hello Farmgirl Friends!

This is one of those posts where I’ve had this thought on my mind that won’t go away… so like I’ve done many times in the past, I’m going to blog about it!


I love this picture of my sister and I last summer

My sister recently retired after many years of working nights in the hospital, and as the day was getting closer to her retirement I asked her what her plans were.  This was her response; “I intend to learn to practice self-care.  It’s something that you are very good at and I need to learn it.”  I was a little taken aback because frankly the term “self-care” has always seemed like a selfish term to me.   But then as she continued talking about the ways that she wants to practice it in her life, I began to realize that self-care is a very good thing and I started to actually question how I apply it in my life.



  1. the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.
  2. the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.


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This is something that I know I need to spend more time with each day.  It is what helps me the most… but also the thing that I so often push aside for other things.  I love sitting on my porch under a quilt with my Bible… reading, meditating and thinking.  I also work to take the time to write in my journal; my thoughts and feelings as well as Bible verses that are a help to me.




For five years now I’ve really put my fitness as a priority in my life.  This wasn’t so much for weight loss as it was for needing an emotional outlet.  The benefits have been huge and as a result it has become a priority for me.  I attend fitness classes a few times a week and I trail run on our farm a few times a week as well.  Running has turned into a time that I often listen to podcasts about things that are motivating and inspiring.  Things that encourage me to keep putting one foot in front of the other.


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Creating takes on so many forms for me.   All of you that have read this blog know that sewing and quilting are something that I love.  But honestly any time that I spend in my loft studio creating is inspiring to me.  It’s one of the favorite rooms in my house and the place where the creative side of my brain is open and flowing!  I make it a point to do some creative thing every single day… even if it is only 10 minutes!




Seven years ago when my daughter and I plunged into flower farming it was just for fun.  Little did we know that it would turn out to be a definite form of self-care.  During the summer months I spend time every single day in the middle of our flowers.  Whether I’m on my knees weeding, mowing, deadheading old blooms, or cutting and arranging flowers; it feeds my soul.  It is the place I go to cry.  The place I go to laugh and relax.  The place I go to just sit and think.  The place where I can get revived just simply walking through the garden gate.



Gifting Home-made

Sitting at my sewing machine sewing for a friend, or standing in my kitchen baking for a friend… those are two of my favorite things that absolutely give me joy.  Self-care is joy right?  Doing for others is a form of self-care for me… I don’t ever find gifting home-made as something that sucks energy from me.  It feeds me hugely.




I have many friends.  My daughter is one of the most precious friends in my life.  But this is about my two close life-long girlfriends.  They encourage, motivate, and feed my soul in so many ways.  We live thousands of miles from each other but the three of us make getting together on a yearly basis a priority.  A few days with them and I feel completely at peace with everything in my life.  It is one of the most important forms of self-care for me.




Family time is very soothing to me.  It may not exactly be self-care; but yet it is in a way.  Last summer I made spa robes for my daughter, daughter-in law and two grand-girls for our beach vacation.  The very best self-care time as a family and really… isn’t that self-care for the Mom as well?  (I’m ready for another beach vacation for sure!)




One thing I do know very fully is that I am at the stage of life where self-care comes easier. I do not work out of the home, my children are grown, my husband is an easy keeper (smile!) and the demands of life are lighter.  So I know that I do not have to work as hard at self-care as a lot of people do.  But I still feel like it is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves regardless of our age or stage in life.



And we all need a little nurturing don’t we?  How about a very fun self-care giveaway for one lucky reader?  All you have to do is comment on this post and tell me one way you consistently practice self-care in your life.  I’ll announce the winner next month.  It’s going to be a fun giveaway that I plan to spend the next few weeks putting together!  (You did read the “gifting home-made” paragraph above right?!!!)  I absolutely LOVE giveaways!!!


Thank you to all of you wonderful friends and readers of my blog post each month.  You motivate and encourage me to keep writing.  And sitting here at my computer and writing out my thoughts is also self-care, isn’t it?  Smile!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.


  1. debbie kuklies says:

    I spent so many years taking care of my kids that now that they are grown I spend as much time as I want to ready and do NOT feel the least bit guilty 🙂

  2. Connie Tharp says:

    Having a routine is good self care, getting up at the same time, bible reading and a good cup of coffee, getting ready for work (I am a home hospice nurse), a great dinner with my husband. Being with friends, family, and church fellowship helps keep me grounded.

  3. Pamela Caldwell says:

    One way I self-cars is by spending time with my great-grandchildren, and grandchildren. Seventeen in all, their ages range from 8 months to 28. Each one is a unique blessing and fills me with joy whatever we decide to do at any given moment. I really appreciated this blog. Thank you.

  4. Janice Brinson says:

    My husband has been very ill for three years – he is now on hospice care. During this time I have had to retire from my job. Needing “me” and “self-care” time has been hard to come by until I discovered the wonderful world of papercrafting. Now I disappear into my craft room during the early morning hours before he wakes and cut up paper and glue it into notebooks – collages, as it is known. I also keep a journal that incorporates collages. It helps to ground me and center me for the day.

  5. Rylee Jo Kiddoo says:

    I love to garden, but living at 7000 feet in Colorado winters long so I am working on meditation to quiet my mind like the feeling I get when playing in the dirt. I have yet to master it, but I am getting better.

  6. Jessie Melochick says:

    I spent much of my life taking care of everything and everyone else before myself and it caught up to me in the form of health issues. Now, I practice mindfulness and make sure to do at least 10 minutes of yoga in the morning before my daughter and dogs are up and moving about. During my breathing, I set an intention for the day (one word or phrase), to remind myself whenever I feel overwhelmed, to take a moment and recenter. This helps me to focus and find more moments for myself to take a bath or read a few pages of something that I am interested in (rather than assigned work), etc.

  7. Deborah Powell says:

    I run and do Pilates to keep my body limber and moving. It’s the best thing I can do for my health.

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